Eleventh Sunday of the Year – Year B

Ordination of Patrick Harrigan

A group of nearly 30 parishioners travelled to Rome last week with Deacon Peter and myself for the Ordination of Patrick Harrigan. We had a great trip and I am happy to be able to inform you that Patrick was duly (and validly!) ordained to the Diaconate on Wednesday. We then had a very happy celebration on Wednesday evening and were able to present Patrick with a very generous gift on behalf of the parish. Patrick asked me to thank you all not only for your very kind gift but for all the prayers and spiritual support given to him over the years by the parish. We look forward to his ordination to the priesthood next year.

Farewell to Sr. Mary Cora

After only a year here in Scotland Sr. Mary Cora has, as you know, sadly been recalled to America. Sister has been a wonderful presence here over the last year and we will miss her very much – but we wish her well and promise her our prayers and good wishes in the next chapter of her service to the Church. Sister is flying back to the Sates on Monday morning and will be replaced by Sr. Mary Simone in mid-July. We will be making a presentation to Sister Mary Cora at Ravelston on Sunday morning.

Amalgamation of the Parishes of St. Mary’s Cathedral and St. Andrews, Ravelston

Last week I forwarded to the Archbishop the opinions of the parishioners who attended both parish meetings called to discuss his proposals for the future of the parishes. Having considered these opinions and having consulted now with both the Deanery and the Council of Priests, the Archbishop has decided to amalgamate the Cathedral Parish of St. Mary’s and the Parish of St. Andrew’s in Ravelston. He has issued a Decree to this effect, which has been posted on the noticeboard in the porch. Both Churches will remain open, both Churches will retain their dedication, and the assets and debts of both parishes will be maintained separately. This is a moderate and sensible decision made after years of patient consultation and consideration and I am happy to accept this decision of the Archbishop and to proceed accordingly.

St Vincent de Paul Society Summer Outing

Many thanks to all those who organised the SSVP summer outing yesterday. It was a great success and was enjoyed by all those who attended.

Rosary Beads Wanted

The Apostleship of the Sea, the Church's maritime welfare agency, is often asked for Rosary beads by the sailors they meet. Do you have a spare set of beads? Please will you consider donating them to the sailors. You can donate them after Masses on Sunday 17th June (including Vigil Mass). Why not look out those many sets of Rosary beads you have at home and donate them to a worthy cause?

Read the newsletter for Sunday, 17th June 2018 (doc)

Tenth Sunday of the Year- Year B

Ordination of Patrick Harrigan

As you know a group of 25 parishioners will be travelling to Rome this week to attend the ordination to the Diaconate of our Parishioner Patrick Harrigan on Wednesday. Please keep Patrick in your prayers as he prepares to make this important step in his life and say a prayer for us that we will travel then and back safely. We will remember the parish in our prayers at the Holy Places in Rome.

Rosary Beads Wanted

The Apostleship of the Sea, the Church's maritime welfare agency, is often asked for Rosary beads by the sailors they meet. Do you have a spare set of beads? So why not look them out and donate them to a worthy cause?

God bless you all, Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie and Deacon Peter. 

Newsletter for 10 June 2018 (doc)

Newsletter for 10 June 2018 (pdf)

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ - Year B

Comings and Goings…
Fr Nick did the First Holy Communions here at the Cathedral yesterday (which were really lovely) and has now definitively relocated to Galashiels. Today, therefore, we welcome our new assistant priest, Fr Jamie McMorrin. Fr Jamie will introduce himself at most of the Masses this weekend and I know that you will make him feel very welcome.

Sadly, this week I also learned that Sr Mary Cora has been recalled by her Superiors to a new assignment in America. She will leave Edinburgh to become the Registrar at St Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia and will be replaced here by Sr Mary Simone. We will miss Sr Mary Cora very much. We will have a chance to say goodbye to her on the weekend of 16th/17th June.

Click here to download the newsletter for 3 June 2018 (doc)

Click here to download the newsletter for 3 June 2018 (pdf)


Solemnity of Pentecost - Year B

And so, farewell…

Sadly, for us, I have to let you know that the Archbishop this week appointed Fr. Nick to be the next Parish Priest of Galashiels in the Borders. This appointment will take effect during the week beginning 28th May and so next weekend will be Fr. Nick’s last weekend with us. He has had a good innings here at the Cathedral – having been here for nearly four years – and he has been a wonderful presence in this community building up many aspects of the life of the Cathedral and carrying the burden of the parish for much of his time here. I know that you will want to express you thanks to Fr. Nick and so I propose that we organise a Parish Social after a few weeks when we will invite him back and make a presentation. Fr. Nick is not here this weekend because he is supplying in Stirling (following the death of Fr. Began) but will be here next week to bid farewell. In his place the Archbishop has appointed Fr. Jaimie McMorrin – who is an excellent young priest only two years ordained and who has been working in Falkirk since his ordination. Fr. Jaimie’s first weekend will be the 2nd/3rd June.

Parish Restructuring

There is an important letter from the Archbishop to be read out at the end of all Masses today. In this letter the Archbishop proposes that the Cathedral Parish of St. Mary’s should be merged with St. Andrew’s Parish in Ravelston. As we already cover St. Andrews (and have done for some years) this is more or less a formalization of what is actually the present situation. Copies of the letter are available at the back of the Church, and there are also copies of a note concerning the financial organisation of the amalgamated parish – according to which the finances of both parishes will be merged in the future while each parish will maintain its own bank balances and debts from the past. This is a technical reorganisation which is sensible, and which will slightly simplify things for us. It will also encourage and enable us to work more closely together but, apart from that, (in my opinion)will have little discernible effect.

May Procession – Next Saturday – 2.30pm

The lovely Annual May Procession, organised by the Missionaries of Charity, will take place next Saturday, 26th May. It will begin at the Convent at 18 Hopetoun Crescent at 2:30pm and will process to the Cathedral. This is a beautiful and traditional devotion. Why not join in next Saturday?

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick and Deacon Peter

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Click here to download this week's newsletter [pdf]

Seventh Sunday of Easter - Year B

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The SVDP at the Cathedral is one of the oldest and most active groups in our Parish. It runs a series of events throughout the year for the elderly and it also reaches out to those who are in any kind of need. A number of new members have recently joined but we still need more new members to expand the scope of the Society. Please prayerfully consider if you might be able to help. Would you join the SVDP? There will be members in the Octagon after each Mass this Sunday. Please – speak to them if you might be able to help at all.

New Organist

I am delighted to inform you that we have appointed a new Organist. We had a very strong short-list of candidates but in the end the panel appointed Simon Leach – currently Organist at the Holy Name in Manchester. Simon is an outstanding organist with an international reputation and we are delighted that he has accepted the post. Simon will take up his duties on the weekend of 8/9 September. In the meantime, our excellent stand in organist John Reilly will continue to play for us – for which we are extremely grateful.

Faith Summertime Youth Camp

Forms are now available for the annual Summer Camp at Ampleforth Abbey from 16-19 July for our 9 to 15 year olds. It promises to be a great few days of fun as well as learning more about the faith. The price of £160 includes transport to Ampleforth, full board, all activities and entrance to Flamingo Land Theme Park. See Fr Patrick or Fr Nick for more details.

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick and Deacon Peter.

Click here to download this week's newsletter [doc]

Click here to download this week's newsletter [pdf]

Sixth Sunday of Easter - Year B

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The SVDP at the Cathedral is one of the oldest and most active groups in our Parish. It runs a series of events throughout the year for the elderly and it also reaches out to those who are in any kind of need. A number of new members have recently joined but we still need more new members to expand the scope of the Society. Please prayerfully consider if you might be able to help. Would you join the SVDP? There will be members in the Octagon after each Mass this Sunday. Please – speak to them if you might be able to help at all.

New Organist

I am delighted to inform you that we have appointed a new Organist. We had a very strong short-list of candidates but in the end the panel appointed Simon Leach – currently Organist at the Holy Name in Manchester. Simon is an outstanding organist with an international reputation and we are delighted that he has accepted the post. Simon will take up his duties on the weekend of 8/9 September. In the meantime, our excellent stand in organist John Reilly will continue to play for us – for which we are extremely grateful.

May Procession – Saturday 26th May – 2.30pm

The Annual May Procession will begin at 18 Hopetoun Crescent at 2:30pm, and will process to the Cathedral.

Cathedral Italian Evening

There will be an Italian evening at the Cathedral on Friday 25th May 2018 at 7-7:30pm. Monica Toll and her opera friends will be providing an evening of entertainment, including a lovely Italian meal and complementary drinks on arrival. This event is incredibly popular, if you would like a ticket please contact Kate 07540973365.

Wishing you all a good week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick and Deacon Peter

Click here to download this week's newsletter [doc]

Click here to download this week's newsletter [pdf]

Fifth Sunday of Easter - Year B

Faith Summertime Youth Camp

Forms are now available for the annual Summer Camp at Ampleforth Abbey from 16-19 July for our 9 to 15 year olds. It promises to be a great few days of fun as well as learning more about the faith. The price of £160 includes transport to Ampleforth, full board, all activities and entrance to Flamingo Land Theme Park. See Fr Patrick or Fr Nick for more details.

Justice and Peace Group

The Cathedral’s Justice and Peace Group are looking for more members. Our group exists to raise awareness and promote initiatives related to social justice, international peace and human rights. Previous priorities and achievements of the Group include progress on reducing homelessness, accessibility to the Cathedral, actions on people trafficking and a statement on our role toward refugees. The group meets every 2 months and the next meeting will be on Wednesday 23 May in the evening. If you would like to be involved please contact Paul Henderson (paul.henderson95@yahoo.co.uk) or via the Cathedral office.

Society of St Vincent de Paul

The Cathedral’s branch of the Society of St Vincent de Paul is one of the great assets of this parish which does so much to help those in need. But the society itself is in need of your help! In order to maintain and grow the program of events and other work which the society does, like visiting the elderly in their homes and providing financial assistance to those in need, it needs new members. If you would be interested, please speak to the members who are in the porch waiting to answer your questions, alternatively, email: ssvpedinburgh@gmail.com

Cathedral Building Update

Having finally sorted out the flat roofs at the side of the cathedral, we are now in the position to repair and re-plaster the ceiling in the Sacristy and this work will be done this week. Then, next week work will be done on the Confessionals to sound proof them – something that has needed attention for a long time.

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick and Deacon Peter!

Faith Summertime Youth Camp

Forms are now available for the annual Summer Camp at Ampleforth Abbey from 16-19 July for our 9 to 15 year olds. It promises to be a great few days of fun as well as learning more about the faith. The price of £160 includes transport to Ampleforth, full board, all activities and entrance to Flamingo Land Theme Park. See Fr Patrick or Fr Nick for more details.

Justice and Peace Group

The Cathedral’s Justice and Peace Group are looking for more members. Our group exists to raise awareness and promote initiatives related to social justice, international peace and human rights. Previous priorities and achievements of the Group include progress on reducing homelessness, accessibility to the Cathedral, actions on people trafficking and a statement on our role toward refugees. The group meets every 2 months and the next meeting will be on Wednesday 23 May in the evening. If you would like to be involved please contact Paul Henderson (paul.henderson95@yahoo.co.uk) or via the Cathedral office.

Society of St Vincent de Paul

The Cathedral’s branch of the Society of St Vincent de Paul is one of the great assets of this parish which does so much to help those in need. But the society itself is in need of your help! In order to maintain and grow the program of events and other work which the society does, like visiting the elderly in their homes and providing financial assistance to those in need, it needs new members. If you would be interested, please speak to the members who are in the porch waiting to answer your questions, alternatively, email: ssvpedinburgh@gmail.com

Cathedral Building Update

Having finally sorted out the flat roofs at the side of the cathedral, we are now in the position to repair and re-plaster the ceiling in the Sacristy and this work will be done this week. Then, next week work will be done on the Confessionals to sound proof them – something that has needed attention for a long time.

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick and Deacon Peter.

Click here to download this week's newsletter [doc]

Click here to download this week's newsletter [pdf]

Fourth Sunday of Easter - Year B

Annual Pro-Life Chain – 28th April

Organised by SPUC Scotland, the annual pro-life chain will take place on Saturday 28th April along Lothian Road from 11:00am to 1:00pm. And for those interested, the Rosary with Archbishop Cushley will be held separately beforehand at Sacred Heart Church on Lauriston Street from 10:00am. All are warmly invited to attend!

Society of St Vincent de Paul

The Cathedral’s branch of the Society of St Vincent de Paul is one of the great assets of this parish which does so much to help those in need. But the society itself is in need of your help! In order to maintain and grow the program of events and other work which the society does, like visiting the elderly in their homes and providing financial assistance to those in need, it needs new members. If you would be interested, please speak to the members who are in the porch waiting to answer your questions, alternatively, email: ssvpedinburgh@gmail.com

Cathedral Building Update

Having finally sorted out the flat roofs at the side of the cathedral, we are now in the position to repair and re-plaster the ceiling in the Sacristy and this work will be done this week. Then, next week work will be done on the Confessionals to sound proof them – something that has needed attention for a long time.


Just to let you know that we have had a very good response to our advertisements for a new Organist. We have whittled them down to a short-list of 4 and we will be interviewing and auditioning for our new Organist on Friday – so do please say a prayer that we make the right choice.

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick and Deacon Peter

Click here to download this week's newsletter [doc]

Click here to download this week's newsletter [pdf]

Third Sunday of Easter - Year B

White Flower Appeal at All Masses

Today we welcome in a special way John Deighan, who will be making the annual White Flower Appeal at all the Masses. John was for many years the Parliamentary Officer of the Bishops Conference of Scotland and has recently taken over as the Director of SPUC Scotland. He will be updating us on important new challenges facing the pro-life movement in this country and will be appealing for your help spiritually and practically. I know you will make him very welcome.

Bishop Robert Barron coming to Edinburgh

A night not to be missed! The popular author, speaker and theologian Bishop Barren will be speaking in Scotland for the first time on Thursday 6 September at the Usher Hall on Lothian Road. His Word on Fire ministry reaches millions around the world. His presentation will begin at 7:30pm and will address the issue of “Proclaiming Christ in our Culture”.  There will be a parish group going to hear Bishop Barron – if you would like to come along please sign up on the list at the back of the Church and we will then order the tickets priced £10 (£6 concessions).

Month’s Mind Mass for Cardinal O’Brien this Thursday at 12.45

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate Mass for the repose of the soul of the late Cardinal O’Brien. All are welcome.

Rosary on the Coast

Catholics of the British Isles are organizing a massive prayer circle which they hope will stretch the length of the British coast. The Rosary on the Coast initiative will pray for Our Lady to arouse a renewal of the Christian faith in Britain, for an end to abortion, and to bring peace to all nations. For more information see www.rosaryonthecoast.co.uk/copy-of-resources-1

First Confessions – this Thursday at 7pm

Please pray for our P3 children who, this week, will make their first confessions here at the Cathedral.

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick, and Deacon Peter

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Click here to download this week's newsletter [pdf]

Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy) - Year B

Celebrating the Feast of Divine Mercy

Today at 3pm we celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy in the Cathedral with a beautiful service of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, music and meditations from the writings of St Faustina. Confessions will be available throughout the service, so if you didn’t manage to get along before Easter, perhaps this might be your opportunity.

Society of St Vincent de Paul

The Cathedral’s branch of the Society of St Vincent de Paul is one of the great assets of this parish which does so much to help those in need. But the society itself is in need of your help! In order to maintain and grow the program of events and other work which the society does, like visiting the elderly in their homes and providing financial assistance to those in need, it needs new members. If you would be interested in living out your baptismal calling in this way, please speak to the members of the society who are in the porch waiting to answer your questions, alternatively, email: ssvpedinburgh@gmail.com

Month’s Mind Mass for Cardinal O’Brien

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate a Month’s Mind Mass for the repose of the soul of the late Cardinal O’Brien on Thursday 19 April at 12.45pm. All are welcome.

God bless you all this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick, Deacon Peter

Click here to download this week's newsletter [doc]

Click here to download this week's newsletter [pdf]