The Pastoral Team

Fr Jeremy Milne

Father Jeremy Milne

fr. jeremy milne, VG - Administrator

Fr Jeremy grew up in Kent and came to Edinburgh to study Ecological Science in 1992. After graduating, he worked briefly for Scottish Natural Heritage and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds before returning to Edinburgh University to undertake a PhD in Ecological Science. On completing his doctorate he was taken on as a post-doctoral researcher at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.

During his time at the Botanics, Fr Jeremy sensed a call to the Catholic Church and to the priesthood. He was received into the Catholic Church in 2006 and entered seminary at the Pontifical Beda College in Rome in 2008. He was ordained at St Mary's Cathedral in 2012 and served there as assistant priest until 2014. He then served parishes in the Borders for three and a half years before being appointed as Parish Priest to St John the Baptist & St Kentigern in Edinburgh where he served for seven years before returning to the Cathedral as Administrator in September 2024.

Fr Robert Taylor

Father Robert Taylor

Fr. robert taylor - ASSISTANT PRIEST

Fr Robert was born in Galashiels, where - apart from a brief stint in Northampton - he has spent the majority of his life. Following school he worked in a commercial radio station before making a big career change to study as a deck officer in the Merchant Navy, before finally undertaking studies for the priesthood at the Pontifical Scots College, Rome, in 2014.

He was ordained in 2021 in the parish of Our Lady & St Andrew, Galashiels, before completing his studies in Canon Law. In July 2022, Archbishop Cushley appointed him to St Mary’s Cathedral and St. Andrew's, Ravelston. 

Deacon Peter Traynor

Deacon Peter Traynor

Rev. Peter Traynor - Deacon

Deacon Peter was born in Fife and served in the Royal Navy. On leaving the Navy, Deacon Peter joined the Police, retiring recently from his post as Detective Sergeant. Deacon Peter was ordained a Permanent Deacon in 2016 and was appointed by Archbishop Cushley to serve in the Cathedral parish. Deacon Peter is married with 4 children and 2 grandchildren.

Sister Miriam Fidelis R.S.M.

Sister Miriam Fidelis R.S.M.

Sister Miriam fidelis reed R.S.M - Parish sister

Sister Miriam Fidelis, RSM was born in Dallas, Texas and grew up in Vienna, Virginia. She met the Religious Sisters of Mercy while working as an Administrative Assistant in the Pastoral Centre at the Archdiocese of Washington. She entered the community in 2013 and professed Perpetual Vows in August 2021. Most recently she served as secretary to the Superior General of the community at the Motherhouse in Alma, Michigan. From 2016-2019 worked as secretary to the Rector of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. She has degrees in psychology and journalism. Sister was assigned to the Cathedral in 2020 where she serves as Parish Sister and works in the parish office.