From the Holy Father’s Message for the Jubilee Year of Hope
“Signs of hope should also be shown to the sick, at home or in hospital. Their sufferings can be allayed by the closeness and affection of those who visit them.”
(Bull of Indiction of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025, Spes Non Confundit, 11)
The Jubilee Cross is at the National Shrine of St Andrew here at the Cathedral. The Holy See has granted permission for the Jubilee Cross to carry a plenary indulgence. Prayer cards are available at the cross.
Holy Week and Easter MASS TIMES
Mass and Confession times for the Cathedral and St Andrew’s Ravelston can be found here.
Easter Postcards: Invite Others to Good Friday and Easter
Reach out to your neighbours, family and coworkers to come back to church this Holy Week and Easter. Take along some postcards from the back of church and give them to anyone you think might be interested in or just put them into the letter boxes of any people who may appreciate an invitation. At this most important time of the Church year, we can all do more to reach out to people who have perhaps, for one reason or another, stopped coming to Mass and to invite them to return. Consider who you might be able to reach out to this year, pray for them and invite them!
Friday Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross
Every Friday during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross.
Holy Week Volunteers Needed
If you are a current registered volunteer and would like to assist with Holy Week Masses, please let us know about your availability. If you can help with any of the following Ministries - Passkeeping, Welcoming, Reading or Money Collecting and attending any of the Masses during Holy Week, including the Easter Vigil, please sign up on the sheets at the back of the Cathedral if you are willing to help in any of the aforementioned ministries. Alternatively, e-mail with a note of your availability.
Young Adults Group: The Teachings of St. Paul with Fr. Jamie
The Young Adults Group meet up again on Tuesday, 1st April with Fr. Jamie McMorrin, who will speak about “Ephesians.” All those aged 18+ are welcome to the weekly meetings. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for teas/coffees and for the talk at 7.30pm, followed by a short group discussion. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to meet up at a local pub. Email Fr. Robert, for more details.
Thursday, 3 April: Edinburgh’s Housing Emergency Awareness Event
The parish council has invited Cyrenians to speak about homelessness in Edinburgh and how we can help. They write "There is a huge shortage of suitable housing for people in crisis, and even emergency accommodation struggles to keep up with demand. Cyrenians has been supporting people experiencing homelessness in Edinburgh since it was founded by Christian students in 1968. Join us at 63 York Place on Thursday, 3 April, 7:00pm to learn more about Edinburgh’s Housing Emergency and how you can get involved with Cyrenians work to tackle the causes and consequences of homelessness."
Edinburgh Seven Hills Pilgrimage This Saturday – Join Us!
Thank you to the more than 80 people who have signed up for our Edinburgh Seven Hills Pilgrimage on Saturday 5th April! Come along and join us as we take in the summits of Castle Rock, Corstorphine Hill, Criaglockhart, Braid Hills, Blackford, Arthur’s Seat, and Calton Hill. The full route is around 27km (16.8 miles) starting and finishing at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral. Walk whole route or meet the group along the way. This is a perfect opportunity to offer Lenten penance, pray for the city of Edinburgh and conclude at the Cathedral with the 6pm Vigil Mass and prayers at the Jubilee Cross. Register your interest at Meet at 9.45am at the Cathedral steps for a prompt 10.00am start. Any items you don't want to carry on the walk can be left at No. 63 York Place from 9.30am.
2025/26 Gift Aid Envelopes
Weekly Gift Aid envelope sets for all current users are now available for collection at the back of the church. If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider registering for Gift Aid with the Parish if you have not already done so. Gift Aid is a simple and effective way to maximise your donations to the church, at no additional cost to you. Please see the enclosed flyer for details or contact our Finance Officer, Caroline Reid, at
Next Sunday, 6 April: Solo Song Recital by Emily Zehetmayr of the Schola Cantorum
Next Sunday 6 April at 1:30pm, soprano Emily Zehetmayr will perform a solo recital in the Cathedral, accompanied on the piano by Stuart Hope. The 30-minute concert will include pieces by Mozart, Fauré, Purcell, Howells, and others. Many of you will know Emily as one of our two Schola Cantorum sopranos, and the recital is a good opportunity to hear Emily's beautiful solo singing in a concert performance. Entry will be free with optional retiring donation to support the Schola Cantorum's Rome fundraising campaign.
Easter Knitted Goods to Support the Cathedral on Sale Today
Easter-themed knitted gift item will be on sale today in the Octagon before and after the 9am and Noon Masses. All the profits from sales are generously donated to the parish by Joanna Kopystynska. Knitted items are also available online at
Icons on Ammo Boxes: Transforming Death into Life
A charity art exhibition by Ukrainian artists Oleksandr Klymenko and his wife Sofia Atlantova of icons hand-painted on ammo boxes is on display in the Octagon from Saturday 29 March to Sunday 6 April. The ammo boxes are from the front line in Ukraine. This project is a collaboration between Sunflower Scotland, a charity which provides food and other assistance in Ukraine, and Spiders 4 Ukraine, a group of international volunteers who make camouflage nets to help protect Ukrainians in the most endangered zones. To purchase an icon or to make a donation, please email A free showing of a 2024 documentary film “The Saints Are Watching” which follows Oleksandr and volunteers as they accompany paramedics and officers, and observe the conditions in Ukraine, is on Wednesday, 2 April, 2pm-4:30pm at Old College, University of Edinburgh. Reserve a seat on Eventbrite at Watch a trailer at
Parish Programme to Introduce Charities for Homeless
This is to thank all those who have kindly responded to the request for help to contribute to a future event by providing information about charities which deal with homelessness. If you have any further ideas or suggestions, these are most welcome and can be sent to Louise Gardiner at
Volunteers Needed for Playground Project at St. Mary’s Catholic School
Volunteers are needed at St Mary’s RC Primary School, 63 East London Street, EH7 4BW to build a playground castle in the small playground. Sign up to help during mornings or afternoons Friday, 2 May to Tuesday, 6 May at fort-volunteering or scan the QR code. Feel free to attend multiple sessions!
Special Collection This Weekend for Papal & Episcopal Charities
This weekend there will be a special collection for Papal & Episcopal Charities, including SCIAF, Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund: 75 per cent of the collection goes to SCIAF and 25 per cent to the Archdiocesan Care Fund. Thank you for your generosity in almsgiving this Lent.
St. Andrew's Talk Tomorrow: Lenten Devotions
Join us tomorrow, Monday 31 March, for our St. Andrew's Talk with our own Deacon Peter Traynor on Lenten Devotions. The talk will begin after 6:00pm Mass, with a time for discussion and refreshments.
Wednesday Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross
Draw closer to Christ in Lent! At St. Andrew’s on Wednesdays during Lent, we will have Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions 5:00pm-6:00pm, followed by 6:00pm Mass and then Stations of the Cross. You are also welcome to pray the outdoor Stations of the Cross in our lovely garden on the parish grounds.
Youth Group Returns Next Sunday
The Youth Group (P3-P7) returns next Sunday, 6th April from 2:30pm-4:00pm, St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, and thereafter on 4th May. Join us for fun activities and learn about our faith! Register at Fee: £1.00.
St Andrew’s Fundraising Run/Walk for Parish Project Today!
We have now completed 3 weeks of our parish Lent Fundraising Run/Walk. Join in after the 10:30am Mass — even for a short walk to the Cathedral and back (5k). It's good exercise, fresh air and makes you feel great. WHY NOT walk for a part of the route? — just start walking and the runners will meet up with you. All funds go to the Parish Project, SCIAF. Donate by cash or cheque (payable to ‘St Andrew’s Parish’) using the box at the back of the church. For bank transfers, please use your surname and the word ‘RUN’ in the payment reference. For bank details, email Caroline Reid at
Save the Date! Steak Pie Night
We will have a Steak Pie Night at St Andrew’s Rooms on Friday, 25 April. Tickets on sale from Sunday, 6th April. Join us for this fundraiser for our Parish Project, SCIAF. Save the date!
Easter Knitted Goods on Sale at Ravelston Next Sunday
Before and after 10:30am Mass next Sunday, 6 April, Easter-themed knitted gift item will be on sale! All the profits from sales are generously donated to the parish by Joanna Kopystynska.
Holy Week Events for Young Adults and Youth
A Young Adults (18+) event to prepare for Holy Week is on Saturday 12 April, 11:30am-3:00pm at The Gillis Centre, Edinburgh, with talks including from Fr David Stewart SJ and Mass with Archbishop Cushley. Email to register. Also from 11:00am-3:00pm there will be an event for primary school pupils (8+) and sessions for high school pupils. Youth event registration: