Sixth Sunday of Easter - Year B

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The SVDP at the Cathedral is one of the oldest and most active groups in our Parish. It runs a series of events throughout the year for the elderly and it also reaches out to those who are in any kind of need. A number of new members have recently joined but we still need more new members to expand the scope of the Society. Please prayerfully consider if you might be able to help. Would you join the SVDP? There will be members in the Octagon after each Mass this Sunday. Please – speak to them if you might be able to help at all.

New Organist

I am delighted to inform you that we have appointed a new Organist. We had a very strong short-list of candidates but in the end the panel appointed Simon Leach – currently Organist at the Holy Name in Manchester. Simon is an outstanding organist with an international reputation and we are delighted that he has accepted the post. Simon will take up his duties on the weekend of 8/9 September. In the meantime, our excellent stand in organist John Reilly will continue to play for us – for which we are extremely grateful.

May Procession – Saturday 26th May – 2.30pm

The Annual May Procession will begin at 18 Hopetoun Crescent at 2:30pm, and will process to the Cathedral.

Cathedral Italian Evening

There will be an Italian evening at the Cathedral on Friday 25th May 2018 at 7-7:30pm. Monica Toll and her opera friends will be providing an evening of entertainment, including a lovely Italian meal and complementary drinks on arrival. This event is incredibly popular, if you would like a ticket please contact Kate 07540973365.

Wishing you all a good week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick and Deacon Peter

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