All Cathedrals have Friends!
Friends are people who have a special connection with, or affinity for, our Cathedral.
The Friends of our Cathedral include our faithful parishioners, those who live and work in our neighbourhood, those who grew up in the area and who have moved away, and many others who have at one point or another in their lives lived, studied, or worked in Edinburgh.
There are also people who are connected with the Cathedral as the ‘Mother Church’ of the Archdiocese of St. Andrews and Edinburgh and many others across the world who wish the Cathedral well and who want it to continue as a vital faith community in the very centre of Scotland’s capital city. The Cathedral is a focus not only for Edinburgh’s Catholic community, but it is also a point of outreach - offering a place of refuge and peace for many of the poorest and most needy people in the city. Generations of immigrants have found welcome and sanctuary and support in the Cathedral. If the Cathedral is to continue its vital role however, it needs support. The fabric of the building needs constant maintenance, and the many social projects that are based in the Cathedral are expensive to run.
We need your help and that’s why we’ve launched Friends of St. Mary’s Cathedral. The aim of this initiative is twofold: to create a sense of community and stewardship amongst those who love our beautiful Cathedral, and to raise money to preserve and develop the Cathedral and its many projects.
Become a Friend of the Cathedral and you will be helping to ensure the future of our Cathedral and of our community. It will continue to be a place of peace and serenity in the city centre, a place where God can be encountered and community found; where strangers and the vulnerable can find welcome and from where we can reach out into the heart of modern Scotland.
Become a Friend of the Cathedral today
membership Benefits
As a Friend you will receive our special new magazine, Crux, packed with interesting information and articles about the life of the Cathedral. You will have guaranteed access to our programme of Friends events (lectures, receptions, and socials) and priority booking for the Friends Garden Party and the Friends Christmas reception.
Events of Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral in 2025
11 February 2025: Care Not Killing
29 April 2025: Mary’s Meals
14 June 2025: Garden Party at the Archbishop’s residence
11 August 2025: Sacred Arts concert reception
26 and 27th September: Dana, Martina Purdy, Elaine Kelly: Light the Fire: Stories of Faith, Hope, and Love
Date TBC November 2025: Dr Michael Snape, Catholicism in the Armed Forces
10 December 2025: Christmas Drinks reception
The cost of membership is only £20 per month – which gives the Cathedral a guaranteed income for capital projects and planned developments.
Join here to become a Friend
How to become a Friend of the Cathedral
submit the form above and set up a standing order with your bank online
Bank name: Royal Bank of Scotland, 36 St Andrew’s Square, Edinburgh, EH2 2AD
Account Name: Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh St Marys Cathedral
Account Number: 10402371
Sort code: 83-06-08
Payment Reference: you need to add a payment reference so we know you have paid. Please use your surname followed by FRIENDS so we can identify you.
If you have any questions or wish to pay in another way rather than standing order, please contact the Finance Department, 61 York Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3JD, email: finance@stmaryscathedral. Tel: 0131 523 0101
Your Personal Data
Please notify us if you:
want to cancel this declaration
change your name or home address
no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains
If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
Respecting your personal data
A record of your personal information and donations will be held by the Parish and also stored securely on the Archdiocese’s Gift Aid database.
We comply with data protection and marketing legislation and the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Practice. Your personal data is being processed under Article 6: 1(f ) legitimate interest clause of the UK GDPR. You can opt out of photos being taken for promotional events.
We (the Archdiocese finance office and your Parish) will use your details to administer your gifts. This may include sharing your information with external organisations working on our behalf such as IT support companies, or when required by law ( claim Gift Aid).
We would also occasionally like to send you news by post on the work of the Diocese and give you the opportunity to support future appeals.
You can read our full Privacy Notice at The Statement also contains details on how to opt-out of further communications from the Archdiocese if you change your mind at a later date and how to update your preferences.