Rosary Beads

Tenth Sunday of the Year- Year B

Ordination of Patrick Harrigan

As you know a group of 25 parishioners will be travelling to Rome this week to attend the ordination to the Diaconate of our Parishioner Patrick Harrigan on Wednesday. Please keep Patrick in your prayers as he prepares to make this important step in his life and say a prayer for us that we will travel then and back safely. We will remember the parish in our prayers at the Holy Places in Rome.

Rosary Beads Wanted

The Apostleship of the Sea, the Church's maritime welfare agency, is often asked for Rosary beads by the sailors they meet. Do you have a spare set of beads? So why not look them out and donate them to a worthy cause?

God bless you all, Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie and Deacon Peter. 

Newsletter for 10 June 2018 (doc)

Newsletter for 10 June 2018 (pdf)