Third Sunday of Easter - Year B

White Flower Appeal at All Masses

Today we welcome in a special way John Deighan, who will be making the annual White Flower Appeal at all the Masses. John was for many years the Parliamentary Officer of the Bishops Conference of Scotland and has recently taken over as the Director of SPUC Scotland. He will be updating us on important new challenges facing the pro-life movement in this country and will be appealing for your help spiritually and practically. I know you will make him very welcome.

Bishop Robert Barron coming to Edinburgh

A night not to be missed! The popular author, speaker and theologian Bishop Barren will be speaking in Scotland for the first time on Thursday 6 September at the Usher Hall on Lothian Road. His Word on Fire ministry reaches millions around the world. His presentation will begin at 7:30pm and will address the issue of “Proclaiming Christ in our Culture”.  There will be a parish group going to hear Bishop Barron – if you would like to come along please sign up on the list at the back of the Church and we will then order the tickets priced £10 (£6 concessions).

Month’s Mind Mass for Cardinal O’Brien this Thursday at 12.45

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate Mass for the repose of the soul of the late Cardinal O’Brien. All are welcome.

Rosary on the Coast

Catholics of the British Isles are organizing a massive prayer circle which they hope will stretch the length of the British coast. The Rosary on the Coast initiative will pray for Our Lady to arouse a renewal of the Christian faith in Britain, for an end to abortion, and to bring peace to all nations. For more information see

First Confessions – this Thursday at 7pm

Please pray for our P3 children who, this week, will make their first confessions here at the Cathedral.

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick, and Deacon Peter

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