““Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection. Anyone who believes in me, even though he dies, will live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.’””
ARRANGING A funeral at the cathedral OR ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH
Families of parishioners who have died should make contact with an undertaker of their choice. The undertaker will then liaise with the Cathedral office and the cemetery/crematorium to arrange dates and times for the funeral.
The family will then be contacted by the priest or deacon who will celebrate the funeral, who will help you pick hymns and readings.
The normal form for a Catholic funeral is a Requiem Mass. If this would not be appropriate, Catholic funeral services can also be celebrated at the Crematorium or Funeral Parlour by the Parish Deacon.
Funerals at the Cathedral take place during the weekday Mass at 12.45pm. Funerals at St Andrew’s, Ravelston take place at 10am.
Reception of the Body
The body of the deceased may be received into the church the evening before the funeral at either 5pm or 7pm. This is a short service, usually attended only by close family.
Readings at Catholic funerals are taken from the Bible: a first reading (usually taken from the Old Testament), a Responsorial Psalm, an optional second reading (taken from the New Testament) and a Gospel (usually chosen by the priest). Click here to see the various options.
The readings may be read by family and friends of the deceased. Please let us know if you would prefer one of the parishioners to do the readings.
The person who proclaims the first reading generally reads the psalm as well, unless this is sung. The person who does the second reading also reads the Gospel Acclamation, unless this is sung.
If the family wish, a Eulogy may be read by a member of the family or close friend. The place for the Eulogy is at the end of the Mass, after Holy Communion and before the Final Commendation.
There are normally four hymns at a Requiem Mass: an entrance hymn, an offertory hymn, a Communion hymn and a recessional hymn. Some examples of appropriate choices are available here.
We ask that you choose only religious music for the funeral liturgy. Please note that we do not have a PLL License and therefore cannot play any recorded music.
The family may also wish to have the psalm sung but it is by no means a necessity. This does not need to be the psalm of the day but it does need to be a psalm and not a hymn.
Offertory Procession
Two, three or four people can bring forward the gifts in the offertory procession. Please let the Celebrant know how many people you would like in the procession.
Blessing at Communion
Anyone who is not a Catholic or who is unable to receive Holy Communion, is welcome to come forward and receive a blessing from the priest. Please indicate that you would like to receive a blessing by crossing your arms over your chest.
Flowers can be arranged with a florist chosen by the family of the deceased. These can be placed on the coffin or arranged on the sanctuary, as desired.
Church: There is no charge to receive the Sacraments of the Church. However, since the running costs of the Cathedral are borne by our parishioners, we ask for a donation of £100 for the use of the church.
Celebrant: It is also customary to give an offering for the Priest or Deacon, the suggested figure is £100.