Eleventh Sunday of the Year – Year B

Ordination of Patrick Harrigan

A group of nearly 30 parishioners travelled to Rome last week with Deacon Peter and myself for the Ordination of Patrick Harrigan. We had a great trip and I am happy to be able to inform you that Patrick was duly (and validly!) ordained to the Diaconate on Wednesday. We then had a very happy celebration on Wednesday evening and were able to present Patrick with a very generous gift on behalf of the parish. Patrick asked me to thank you all not only for your very kind gift but for all the prayers and spiritual support given to him over the years by the parish. We look forward to his ordination to the priesthood next year.

Farewell to Sr. Mary Cora

After only a year here in Scotland Sr. Mary Cora has, as you know, sadly been recalled to America. Sister has been a wonderful presence here over the last year and we will miss her very much – but we wish her well and promise her our prayers and good wishes in the next chapter of her service to the Church. Sister is flying back to the Sates on Monday morning and will be replaced by Sr. Mary Simone in mid-July. We will be making a presentation to Sister Mary Cora at Ravelston on Sunday morning.

Amalgamation of the Parishes of St. Mary’s Cathedral and St. Andrews, Ravelston

Last week I forwarded to the Archbishop the opinions of the parishioners who attended both parish meetings called to discuss his proposals for the future of the parishes. Having considered these opinions and having consulted now with both the Deanery and the Council of Priests, the Archbishop has decided to amalgamate the Cathedral Parish of St. Mary’s and the Parish of St. Andrew’s in Ravelston. He has issued a Decree to this effect, which has been posted on the noticeboard in the porch. Both Churches will remain open, both Churches will retain their dedication, and the assets and debts of both parishes will be maintained separately. This is a moderate and sensible decision made after years of patient consultation and consideration and I am happy to accept this decision of the Archbishop and to proceed accordingly.

St Vincent de Paul Society Summer Outing

Many thanks to all those who organised the SSVP summer outing yesterday. It was a great success and was enjoyed by all those who attended.

Rosary Beads Wanted

The Apostleship of the Sea, the Church's maritime welfare agency, is often asked for Rosary beads by the sailors they meet. Do you have a spare set of beads? Please will you consider donating them to the sailors. You can donate them after Masses on Sunday 17th June (including Vigil Mass). Why not look out those many sets of Rosary beads you have at home and donate them to a worthy cause?

Read the newsletter for Sunday, 17th June 2018 (doc)