Fourth Sunday of Easter - Year B

Annual Pro-Life Chain – 28th April

Organised by SPUC Scotland, the annual pro-life chain will take place on Saturday 28th April along Lothian Road from 11:00am to 1:00pm. And for those interested, the Rosary with Archbishop Cushley will be held separately beforehand at Sacred Heart Church on Lauriston Street from 10:00am. All are warmly invited to attend!

Society of St Vincent de Paul

The Cathedral’s branch of the Society of St Vincent de Paul is one of the great assets of this parish which does so much to help those in need. But the society itself is in need of your help! In order to maintain and grow the program of events and other work which the society does, like visiting the elderly in their homes and providing financial assistance to those in need, it needs new members. If you would be interested, please speak to the members who are in the porch waiting to answer your questions, alternatively, email:

Cathedral Building Update

Having finally sorted out the flat roofs at the side of the cathedral, we are now in the position to repair and re-plaster the ceiling in the Sacristy and this work will be done this week. Then, next week work will be done on the Confessionals to sound proof them – something that has needed attention for a long time.


Just to let you know that we have had a very good response to our advertisements for a new Organist. We have whittled them down to a short-list of 4 and we will be interviewing and auditioning for our new Organist on Friday – so do please say a prayer that we make the right choice.

God bless you and your families this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick and Deacon Peter

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