Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy) - Year B

Celebrating the Feast of Divine Mercy

Today at 3pm we celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy in the Cathedral with a beautiful service of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, music and meditations from the writings of St Faustina. Confessions will be available throughout the service, so if you didn’t manage to get along before Easter, perhaps this might be your opportunity.

Society of St Vincent de Paul

The Cathedral’s branch of the Society of St Vincent de Paul is one of the great assets of this parish which does so much to help those in need. But the society itself is in need of your help! In order to maintain and grow the program of events and other work which the society does, like visiting the elderly in their homes and providing financial assistance to those in need, it needs new members. If you would be interested in living out your baptismal calling in this way, please speak to the members of the society who are in the porch waiting to answer your questions, alternatively, email:

Month’s Mind Mass for Cardinal O’Brien

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate a Month’s Mind Mass for the repose of the soul of the late Cardinal O’Brien on Thursday 19 April at 12.45pm. All are welcome.

God bless you all this week, Fr Patrick, Fr Nick, Deacon Peter

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