First Sunday Of Advent – Year C

Restoration of Sunday Obligation

In March 2020, as a result of the restrictions on public worship which followed the outbreak of Covid-19, the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays was suspended by the Bishops of Scotland. Now that our churches are fully open once more and, thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, have been shown to be safe places, the Bishops of Scotland have decided that the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy days of Obligation can now be resumed. This will take effect on Sunday 2 January 2022. In accordance with the common teaching of the Church this obligation does not bind those in ill health or those otherwise impeded from attending Mass. Nor, in the context of Covid, does it bind those showing symptoms of the virus or with underlying health conditions, or those with responsibilities for people in need of special care. You can read their full pastoral letter ‘On the Season of Christmas and the Restoration of the Mass Obligation in the Dioceses of Scotland’ at

The 40 Hours Devotion, 28th-30th November, Watching with the Lord: An Invitation from the Lord!

On the night before he died, Jesus asked his disciples, ‘Will you not watch one hour with me?’ Over these days of Forty Hours, he extends the same invitation to us. Please be generous in coming to spend time with our Eucharistic Lord, who desires our company! Please take a moment to look at the lists in the back of the Church and prayerfully consider signing up to pray for an hour before Jesus.

Votive Candles for 40 Hours

As in previous years, we are offering three-day candles that can be dedicated to a specific prayer intention. These candles will burn continuously before the Blessed Sacrament during the three days of prayer. If you would like to dedicate a candle, they can be purchased at the back of the Church for £3 each.

40 Hours Devotion Schedule

Sunday, 28th November

12noon Solemn Mass of Exposition with Archbishop Cushley

1pm-4pm Eucharistic Adoration

4pm-5pm, guided Holy Hour with Fr. Scott Deeley

Monday, 29th November

10:30am – 7pm Eucharistic Adoration

7pm-8pm, guided Holy Hour with Msgr. Andrew McFadden

Tuesday, 30th November – Solemnity of St. Andrew

10:30am – 7pm Eucharistic Adoration

7pm-8pm, guided Holy Hour with Archbishop Cushley

Please note that the Masses on 29th-30th will be 9am (Polish), 10:00am and 12:45pm. From November 2021 to November 2022 the 40 Hours Devotion will be celebrated at parishes throughout the Archdiocese.

Rorate Mass by Candlelight at the Cathedral: Thursdays 9th, 16th, 23rd December

Next week we will begin our beautiful and popular candlelit Advent Masses at the Cathedral on Thursday nights at 7pm. The Rorate Mass is originally the name for a votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin in Advent, named by the first word of its introit (entrance antiphon): “Rorate, caeli, desuper, et nubes pluant iustum,” or “Drop down dew, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down righteousness.” It is celebrated accompanied by flickering candlelight in an otherwise dark church with beautiful music to help us lift up our hearts to God. These are lovely occasions – do bring your children and come along to prepare well for Christmas.

Kathedral Knits Christmas Gifts to Support the Cathedral

On Sunday morning, knitted goods for Christmas will be available for sale in the Octagon until after Noon Mass by our own wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. The items are also available at

All the profits from these sales are generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. These will make wonderful stocking fillers for that special someone in your life! (Especially when combined with a Cathedral diary – still available for purchase!)

Nativity Blessing & Carol Service 3pm Today in St. Andrew’s Square

Archbishop Cushley, together with other Christian leaders, will bless the Nativity Scene at the Nativity Blessing & Carol Service in St Andrew Square, Edinburgh at 3pm today (Sunday). All are welcome to attend and sing carols with St Columba’s Choir and the Salvation Army Brass Band.

Parish Synod Meeting – Thursday, 2nd December

Parishes are being encouraged to host 'spiritual conversations' so people can contribute their voice to the Synod 2021-2023. The meeting for our parish will be on Thursday, 2nd December, 7pm in 63 York Place.

Just Say ‘No’ Legalizing Assisted Suicide

A public consultation has been launched on a bill proposed by Liam McArthur MSP to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland. The consultation is running until Wednesday 22 December 2021. Please complete the questionnaire as soon as you can and encourage others to do the same. You can find a link to the consultation form and resources to help at

Mary’s Meals Boxes

I know that many of you collected a Mary’s Meals donation box when the charity visited us earlier this month. Any donations that you collect in these boxes can be sent directly to Mary’s Meals, along with your Gift Aid declaration (if applicable) by following the instructions on the side of the box. Some of you have passed your boxes to us and while we are able to collate the monies and submit them on your behalf, may we kindly request that you leave your box with us no later than 30th November 2021. After this date, please could you send any donations for Mary’s Meals directly to the charity. Thank you!

First Saturday Devotions

Next Saturday, 4th December, 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

No Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 10am Mass on Saturday, 4th December

There no exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 10:00am Mass on Saturday, 4th December due to a number of events scheduled at the Cathedral that day.

Volunteers Needed for All Cathedral Weekend Masses

Volunteers are needed to assist at each weekend Mass at the Cathedral to help with welcoming, handing out newsletters, signposting to toilet facilities, arranging people to help with the collection, special collections and arranging people to bring up the offertory gifts. We need three volunteers to serve at each Mass. To volunteer, please e-mail Elizabeth Andrews, who will be in contact with you to provide further details and answer any questions. Thank you!

Rosary for Life on Zoom – Tuesday, 30 November, 7:45pm

Join Fr Kevin Douglas this Tuesday, 30 November, 7.45pm to pray for unborn children, their mothers and all Pro-Life intentions. Event on Zoom, register here: (scroll down to events).

Marriage Preparation Course

Congratulations to the fourteen couples from our parish who took part in our Marriage Preparation course in the parish rooms at Ravelston yesterday. Many, many thanks to the parishioners who gave their powerful testimonies of the joys of married life and practical tips for those setting out! If you’re planning to get married next year, please contact Fr Jamie as soon as possible to book onto our upcoming courses in January and June. Email Fr. Jamie to sign up

Rorate Mass by Candlelight at Ravelston: Mondays 6th, 13th, 20th December

Next week we will begin our beautiful and popular candlelit Advent Masses on Mondays at 7pm at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. The Rorate Mass originated during the course of the Middle Ages as one of the various popular Advent devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Hope. It is celebrated accompanied by flickering candlelight in an otherwise dark church with beautiful music to help us lift up our hearts to God. Do come along and bring your children to these beautiful liturgies of Advent.

Children Invited to Help Assemble Parish Manger – Saturday, 11th December

On Saturday, 11 December 9:00am-10:00am, children are invited to help set up the St Andrew’s, Ravelston, parish manger for our garden Nativity Scene. The manger is constructed from flat-pack and will be great fun to assemble as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus! All helpers can enjoy a hot chocolate drink!

Blessing of the Manger Before 10:30am Mass – Sunday, 12th December

Our parish will celebrate the blessing of the parish Nativity Scene on Sunday, 12 December at approximately 10:15am, immediately after catechism class and before 10:30am Mass. All children and parishioners are invited!

Jesus, the Coming King: Mid-Teens Advent Weekend, 3rd–5th December

A weekend retreat for mid teens in S2, S3 & S4 will be held at Craig Lodge with an Advent theme from Friday, 3rd December to Sunday, 5th December. This will be a weekend of teaching, prayer, Mass and some fun activities, all with the aim of bringing about new encounters with Jesus, the Coming King! To book, please email For more information visit,

Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR, T: +44(0)1838 200216.

Free Online Courses at International Catholic University

Catholic Thinkers has started making International Catholic University courses available for free and have been adding one course per week for much of the year. To date, 29 of ICU's 55 courses are freely available on the Catholic Thinkers website:

Read the newsletter for 28 November (pdf)

Solemnity Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King Of The Universe

The 40 Hours Devotion, 28th-30th November, Watching with the Lord

We need at least 2 people per hour to be present before the Blessed Sacrament throughout the celebration of 40 Hours. Please take a moment to look at the lists in the back of the Church and prayerfully consider signing up to pray for an hour before Jesus.

Votive Candles for 40 Hours

As in previous years, we are offering three-day candles that can be dedicated to a specific prayer intention. These candles will burn continuously before the Blessed Sacrament during the three days of prayer. If you would like to dedicate a candle, they can be purchased at the back of the Church for £3 each.

Video: ‘Jesus in the Eucharist and You’– Monday, 21st November

Watch the third Archdiocesan video in the series titled ‘Jesus in the Eucharist and You’ on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel on Monday, 21st November at 7:30pm.

40 Hours Devotion Schedule

Sunday, 28th November

1pm-4pm Eucharistic Adoration

4pm-5pm, guided Holy Hour with Fr. Scott Deeley

Monday, 29th November

10:30am – 7pm Eucharistic Adoration

7pm-8pm, guided Holy Hour with Msgr. Andrew McFadden

Tuesday, 30th November – Solemnity of St. Andrew

10:30am – 7pm Eucharistic Adoration

7pm-8pm, guided Holy Hour with Archbishop Cushley

Please note that the Masses on 29th-30th will be 9am (Polish), 10:00am and 12:45pm. From November 2021 to November 2022 the 40 Hours Devotion will be celebrated at parishes throughout the Archdiocese.

Next Sunday: Kathedral Knits Christmas Gifts to Support the Cathedral

Beginning next Sunday morning, 28th November, knitted goods for Christmas will be available for sale in the Octagon until after Noon Mass by our own wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. The items are also available at All the profits from these sales are generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral.

Nativity Blessing & Carol Service – Sunday, 28th November

Archbishop Cushley will bless the Nativity Scene at the Nativity Blessing & Carol Service, which takes place in St Andrew Square, Edinburgh at 3pm on Sunday 28 November. All welcome to attend and sing carols with St Columba’s Choir and the Salvation Army Brass Band.

Prisoners’ Week Prayer Service with Archbishop Cushley – Monday, 22nd November

A prayer service with Archbishop Cushley for the launch of Prisoners’ Week 2021 will take place at 7pm on Monday 22 November at the Cathedral, followed by refreshments in the Coffee Saints café. The goal of Prisoners’ Week is to encourage support for the over 7,000 incarcerated persons in Scotland. Booking is needed for this event, so please register at

Please note there will be no 6:00pm Polish Mass that evening; Polish Mass will be at 9:00am that day instead.

Young Adults Group with Archbishop Cushley – Tuesday, 23rd November, 7pm

Don't forget that this Tuesday at 7pm, the Young Adults Group are honoured to have a visit from the Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh, Archbishop Leo Cushley. The Archbishop is looking forward to meeting the group and will speak on the title 'St Andrew: Disciple, Apostle, Patron.' As always, there will be a chance to chat over tea and coffee before the talk and to enjoy some stronger refreshments afterwards! It would be great to see you all there!

Fire Safety Training for Cathedral Volunteers – Saturday, 27th November

Fire safety training is now scheduled for 10:00 on Saturday 27th of November for all passkeeping volunteers. Please contact the parish office at or 0131 556 1798 to confirm you will attend. Thank you!

Parish Synod Meeting – Thursday, 2nd December

Parishes are being encouraged to host 'spiritual conversations' so people can contribute their voice to the Synod 2021-2023. Herewith advance notice that the meeting for our parish will be on Thursday, 2nd December, 7pm in 63 York Place.

Volunteers Needed for All Cathedral Weekend Masses

Volunteers are needed to assist at each weekend Mass at the Cathedral to help with welcoming, handing out newsletters, signposting to toilet facilities, arranging people to help with the collection, special collections and arranging people to bring up the offertory gifts. We need three volunteers to serve at each Mass. To volunteer, please e-mail Elizabeth Andrews, who will be in contact with you to provide further details and answer any questions. Thank you!

Rosary for Life on Zoom – Every Tuesday in Advent, 7:45pm

Join Priests of the Archdiocese online to pray the Rosary for pro-life intentions. Every Tuesday in Advent. 7.45pm on Zoom. Register at (scroll down to events).

Marriage Preparation Course

Are you planning to get married next year? Please contact Fr Jamie as soon as possible to make arrangements for Marriage Preparation. While the Cathedral’s Marriage Preparation course for November is already fully booked, places are still available for the course to be held on Saturday, 29th January. Email Fr. Jamie to sign up,

Legion of Mary – Tuesdays at 11am

The parish Legion of Mary group meets on Tuesdays at 11:00am in 63 York Place. Please come along and join us! The Legion of Mary seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady.

Cathedral Chandelier Project

As you will recall, unforeseen difficulties were encountered when the chandelier repair works were undertaken earlier this year. As the works commenced, it soon became apparent that installation of the proposed winch system was going to be more complex than the contractors had envisaged and so work stopped to review the best way forward. Our then Complex Manager, Andy Hilton, was deeply involved in the project, having taken charge of it from the outset, but as you know, he died tragically and very suddenly at the beginning of August. Consequently, this project had to be temporarily put on hold while Cathedral staff and clergy endeavoured to manage all of the day-to-day maintenance and repair issues that Andy had managed so capably up to that point. We appreciate that a few months have passed since the initial works commenced but thank you for your patience and understanding. We hope that we will soon be in a position to take this project forward once more.

Children Invited to Help Assemble Parish Manger in St Andrew’s, Ravelston – 11th December

On Saturday, 11 December 9:00am-10:00am, children are invited to help set up our parish manger for the St Andrew’s, Ravelston garden Nativity Scene. The manger is constructed from flat-pack and will be great fun to assemble as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus! All helpers can enjoy a hot chocolate drink!

Blessing of the Manger Before 10:30am Mass – 12th December

St Andrew’s will celebrate the blessing of the parish Nativity Scene on Sunday, 12 December at approximately 10:15am, immediately after catechism class and before 10:30am Mass. All children and parishioners are invited!

Webinar for Red Wednesday: Stop Persecution of Christians, 24th November

Watch the Red Wednesday Webinar on 24th November 7:30pm for the people of Scotland to stand together and shine a spotlight on the persecution of Christians and other faith minorities. The event will be livestreamed from Scottish Parliament and hosted by John Mason MSP. Aid to the Church in Need’s John Newton will present the ‘Hear Her Cries’ report, highlighting exploitation of Christian and other faith minority women and girls. Sign up for the webinar at

Jesus, the Coming King: Mid-Teens Advent Weekend, 3rd–5th December

A weekend retreat for mid teens in S2, S3 & S4 will be held at Craig Lodge with an Advent theme from Friday, 3rd December to Sunday, 5th December. This will be a weekend of teaching, prayer, Mass and some fun activities, all with the aim of bringing about new encounters with Jesus, the Coming King! To book, please email

For more information visit, Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR, T: +44(0)1838 200216.

Annual Mass Attendance Census

The Archdiocese’s Annual Mass Attendance Census will be taken next weekend Saturday, 27th November and Sunday, 28th November.

Funeral of Daisy Sanderson

The funeral of the late Daisy Sanderson, who used to read at the 12.45pm Mass, will take place at St Margaret Mary's Church, Granton, on Wednesday 24th November at 10am. May she rest in peace!

Special Collection this Weekend for Catholic Education

I’m afraid there is (yet) another special collection this week for Scottish Catholic Education Service. Thank you!

The 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Thank You from Mary’s Meals

Edinburgh representative of Mary's Meals, Shelagh McGhee, who spoke on behalf of Mary’s Meals at Masses last weekend, sent her thanks for the generous response to the appeal:

A heartfelt thank you to the parishioners of St Mary’s Cathedral and St Andrew’s, Ravelston, who so generously donated a total of over £2,300 at Sunday Masses last weekend. This will be doubled by the Mary’s Meals Double the Love campaign which amounts to more than £4,600 much-needed cash for the Charity. Thank you also to those of you who have undertaken to set up direct debits for Mary’s Meals and others who plan to support Mary’s Meals work in other ways. We are most grateful for the opportunity given to us to make the appeal and for your splendid response to it.

Sign-up to ‘Watch with the Lord’ for 40 Hours Devotion 28th-30th November – Watching with the Blessed Sacrament

Please sign up on the lists at the back of the Church for an hour to “watch with the Lord” during 40 Hours Devotion, beginning after the 12noon Mass on Sunday, 28th November. We will need at least 2 people per hour to be present in the Cathedral in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament throughout the celebration of 40 Hours.

40 Hours Devotion Schedule

Sunday, 28th November

1pm-4pm Eucharistic Adoration

4pm-5pm, guided Holy Hour with Fr. Scott Deeley

Monday, 29th November

10:30am – 7pm Eucharistic Adoration

7pm-8pm, guided Holy Hour with Msgr. Andrew McFadden

Tuesday, 30th November – Solemnity of St. Andrew

10:30am – 7pm Eucharistic Adoration

7pm-8pm, guided Holy Hour with Archbishop Cushley

Please note that the Masses on 29th-30th will be 9am (Polish), 10:00am and 12:45pm. From November 2021 to November 2022 the 40 Hours Devotion will be celebrated at parishes throughout the Archdiocese, with a full schedule available on the Archdiocesan website’s at

‘Jesus in the Eucharist and You’ Video for 40 Hours – Monday, 15th November

The Archdiocese has put together a series of three videos titled ‘Jesus in the Eucharist and You’ in order to help us prepare for the launch of the 40 Hours’ Devotion. Watch the second video 15th November at 7:30pm on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel

Young Adults Group - 23rd November 7pm

This week our Young Adults Group is taking a break so there will be no Tuesday meeting. However, next Tuesday 23rd November we welcome a very special guest speaker, the Archbishop, who will conclude our series on discipleship and help us to get ready for the Feast of St Andrew with a talk titled 'St Andrew: Disciple, Apostle, Patron.' The Archbishop is keen to meet the young people of the Archdiocese and is extremely generous in fitting our group into his busy schedule - so do come along! As usual, we'll begin with teas and coffees at 7pm and conclude with Compline and a trip to the pub.

Weekly Bible Study on Zoom – Mondays at 7pm

The Scripture readings for the forthcoming Sunday are our topic of discussion at our weekly Bible study on Zoom. This is always an excellent way to prepare for Sunday Mass! Come along each Monday at 7pm and ask questions about anything that is unclear in the readings. To register, please email

November Lists

November is the month of the Holy Souls when we pray in a particular way for our deceased relatives, friends and fellow parishioners. You’ll find purple sheets at the back of the church on which you can write the names of anyone whom you would like to be remembered in this way. Hand in your ‘November Lists’ to 61 York Place, pass them to the priest at the end of Mass or use the online form

Catholic Education Week: Message from Headteacher at St. Mary’s Primary School

Catholic Education Week takes place each year from the Feast of St Margaret of Scotland (16th November) until the Feast of St Andrew (30th November) and schools and parishes are encouraged to work closely together in order to celebrate the successes of Catholic education. This year the theme of Catholic Education Week is, 'Celebrating & Worshipping'. While St. Mary’s Primary School cannot currently take part in Masses as we are used to doing and we are deeply missing that experience of being with the St Mary's Cathedral community, you are still very much in our minds. Monsignor Patrick and Fr Jamie are our connection to you and we are grateful, as always, to them for their service to our school. We still feel very much part of the community and thank you for your support for our children preparing to receive their sacraments this year. We ask you to remember us in your prayers and we sincerely hope that we are able to celebrate as a whole school and community in the very near future. Very recently we have registered as a Laudato Si' School following Pope Francis' call to be stewards of the earth. All children have been making promises about what they can do to improve the environment or thinking how they can encourage others to make a change, however small. With thanks as always, - Nicola Kehoe, Headteacher

A Beautiful Christmas Gift: 2022 Cathedral Diary

Give the gift of a 2022 Cathedral Diary for Christmas, with all proceeds supporting the Cathedral! It’s spiritual and practical with all the holy days marked, and prayers and quotes from saints included in each month! The diary is thoughtful and meaningful present which anyone would be pleased to receive. Priced at a very reasonable £10 each. Hurry while stocks last!

Enjoy Our Coffee Saints Café 7 Days a Week 8:30am-5:00pm

Our beautiful and friendly Coffee Saints café is open every day 8:30am-5:00pm and serves delicious food and excellent coffee! As you know the café is a partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project, a charity which supports Edinburgh’s most vulnerable citizens. All profits go to charity. To see the full menu, visit

Soup Kitchen for the Homeless at Coffee Saints and £5 Pay it Forward Vouchers

A Soup Kitchen for the homeless is held every Tuesday 5:00pm-6:30pm at Coffee Saints and we need parishioners to help to run it! Volunteers do not need to commit to every week but will need to complete basic training before going on the rota. Anyone interested should contact Another way to help is by purchasing a Pay it Forward voucher for £5 – you can choose to give the voucher to someone in need to redeem at the café or to turn in the voucher to Coffee Saints to go towards the Soup Kitchen. Just visit Coffee Saints to find out more or email

Second Collection for World Day of the Poor –14th November

For World Day of the Poor on Sunday 14 November, Caritas, Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese will use the Special Collection to support two projects of the Society of St Vincent de Paul: The Furniture Project based in Kingseat and the Caravan Project in Port Seton.


As always, we will be collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison over the next few weeks. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years upwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box at the back of both churches before all Masses for the depositing of gifts over the weekends of Saturday 13th/Sunday 14th and Saturday 20th /Sunday 21st November. Please be as generous as you have been in past years. Many thanks in advance!

Prisoners’ Week Launch Service – 22nd November

A prayer service with Archbishop Cushley for the launch of Prisoners’ Week 2021 will take place at 7pm on Monday 22 November at the Cathedral, followed by refreshments in the Coffee Saints café. The goal of Prisoners’ Week is to encourage support for the over 7,000 incarcerated persons in Scotland. Booking is needed for this event, so please register at

Fire Safety Training for Cathedral Volunteers – 27th November

Fire safety training is now scheduled for 10:00 on Saturday 27th of November for all passkeeping volunteers. Please contact the parish office at or 0131 556 1798 to confirm you will attend. Thank you!

Parish Synod Meeting – 2nd December

Parishes are being encouraged to host 'spiritual conversations' so people can contribute their voice to the Synod 2021-2023. Herewith advance notice that the meeting for our parish will be on Thursday, 2nd December, 7pm in 63 York Place.

Current Parish Volunteers: Update Your Record with Safeguarding Officer

The Parish Safeguarding Officer, Chris McCabe, has emailed all volunteers to check whether they are still active and to confirm their volunteer role(s). If you have not had an email and you volunteer then can you please email Chris at and let her know what you are doing?

More Parish Volunteers Needed!

We really need new volunteers to help in the parish! If you are interested in volunteering, please drop an email to our Safeguarding Officer, Chris McCabe, at and she will explain what you can do and what each role involves.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? RCIA Meetings Tuesdays 7pm – Join Us!

The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) has begun meeting each week on Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To register to attend, please email

Marriage Preparation Course

Are you planning to get married next year? Please contact Fr Jamie as soon as possible to make arrangements for Marriage Preparation. While the Cathedral’s Marriage Preparation course for November is already fully booked, places are still available for the course to be held on Saturday, 29th January. Email Fr. Jamie to sign up:

Stay in Touch! Weekly Cathedral E-Newsletter, Monthly Archdiocesan Updates

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of this site or bookmark the this page in your browser.

To receive a monthly e-mail update from the Archdiocese, subscribe at

Read the newsletter for 14th November (pdf)

The 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Appeal for Mary’s Meals this week 

A volunteer from the charity Mary’s Meals will be speaking at all Masses in the Cathedral this weekend, giving an update on their work providing school meals to children living in poverty around the world. There will be a collection following Mass if you would like to make a donation to this important cause. For more information, visit 

Society of St. Vincent de Paul 

Would you like to learn more about the works of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in our parish?  Stop by the table in the Octagon after 9am and 12pm Masses this weekend to learn how the St. Vincent de Paul Society serves the poorest and most vulnerable in our community, showing God’s care and love with those in need. For more information, email

November Lists 

As you know November is the month of the Holy Souls when we pray in a particular way for our deceased relatives, friends and fellow parishioners. You’ll find purple sheets at the back of the church on which you can write the names of anyone whom you would like to be remembered in this way. Hand in your ‘November Lists’ to 61 York Place, pass them to the priest at the end of Mass or use the online form at

Rite of the Signing with the Cross 

Today we celebrate the Rite of the Signing with the Cross of those children preparing to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation in February. Please keep them in your prayers throughout these coming months!

The 40 Hours Devotion, 28th-30th November 

You will probably be aware that the Archbishop has decided to re-institute the beautiful and much loved tradition of the 40 Hours Devotion. Through the coming year each parish will be allotted a time to hold the 40 Hours. The time allotted for our parish is Sunday 28th – Tuesday 30th November. The 40 hours will be held at the Cathedral. It will begin after the 12noon Mass on Sunday 28th and end in the evening of Tuesday 30th. Each day the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration throughout the day. And each day will end with a Holy Hour and Benediction. On Sunday at 5pm Fr. Scott Deeley will lead the Holy Hour. On Monday at 7pm Msgr McFadden and on Tuesday at 7pm the Archbishop will lead the Holy Hour. This is a beautiful devotion – please put the date in your diaries and try to save the evenings so that you can participate in the Holy Hours. 

40 Hours – Watching with the Blessed Sacrament  

Throughout the 40 hours we will need at least 2 people per hour to be present in the Cathedral. There will be lists at the back of the Church from next week onwards and we will ask people to sign up for an hour when they can “watch with the Lord.” Again, please look in your diaries and give it some thought.  

Jesus in the Eucharist and You – Monday, 8th November 

The Archdiocese has put together a series of three videos titled ‘Jesus in the Eucharist and You’ in order to  help us prepare for the launch of the 40 Hours’ Devotion. Watch the first one from 7:30pm this Monday 8 November on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children – 13th-14th and 21st-22nd November 

As always, we will be collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison over the next few weeks. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years upwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box at the back of both churches before all Masses for the depositing of gifts over the weekends of Saturday 13th/Sunday 14th and Saturday 20th /Sunday 21st November. Please be as generous as you have been in past years. Many thanks in advance!

 2022 Cathedral Diary Only £10 —a Must Gift for this Christmas! 

And talking of Christmas - the solution to all your gift problems is the 2022 Cathedral Diary with all proceeds supporting the Cathedral! It’s spiritual and practical with all the holy days marked, and prayers and quotes from saints included in each month! With lovely artwork and meditations the diary is thoughtful and meaningful present which anyone would be pleased to receive. Priced at a very reasonable £10 each. Hurry while stocks last!  

Prisoners’ Week Launch Service – 22nd November

A prayer service with Archbishop Cushley for the launch of Prisoners’ Week 2021 will take place at 7pm on Monday 22 November at the Cathedral, followed by refreshments in the Coffee Saints café. The goal of Prisoners’ Week is to encourage support for the over 7,000 incarcerated persons in Scotland. Booking is needed for this event, so please register at  

Fire Safety Training for Cathedral Volunteers – 27th November 

Fire safety training is now scheduled for 10:00 on Saturday 27th of November for all passkeeping volunteers. Please contact the parish office at or 0131 556 1798 to confirm you will attend. Thank you! 

Parish Synod Meeting – 2nd December

Parishes are being encouraged to host 'spiritual conversations' so people can contribute their voice to the Synod 2021-2023. Herewith advance notice that the meeting for our parish will be on Thursday, 2nd December, 7pm in 63 York Place.

Bible Study on Zoom – Every Monday at 7pm

Join us for our weekly online parish Bible Study on Monday at 7pm! We’ll look at the readings for the coming Sunday – a great way to prepare for Sunday Mass! This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions about anything that is unclear in the readings. A word of encouragement from Hugh of St. Victor (10th century): “All divine Scripture is one book, and this one book is Christ, speaks of Christ and finds its fulfilment in Christ.” To register, please email

Current Parish Volunteers: Update Your Record with Safeguarding Officer 

The Parish Safeguarding Officer, Chris McCabe, has emailed all volunteers to check whether they are still active and to confirm their volunteer role(s).  If you have not had an email and you volunteer then can you please email Chris at and let her know what you are doing?  

More Parish Volunteers Needed! 

We really need new volunteers to help in the parish!  If you are interested in volunteering, please drop an email to our Safeguarding Officer, Chris McCabe, at and she will explain what you can do and what each role involves. 

Thank You to Our Volunteers 

Thanks to so many of you who attended our Thursday 4th of November meeting for Communion Ministers, Readers and Passkeepers / Stewards. We also welcomed a few new volunteers. It was a great evening of discussing our service to the parish, ways to improve and sharing ideas.

 Teas and Coffees After 10:30am Mass 

Thankfully our regular teas and coffees after Sunday Mass have resumed. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat in the parish rooms, with some delicious teas & coffees! And of course, delicious cake…

 Friday Morning Cafe at 10am 

And on Fridays we have our regular Café at 10am – with tea coffee and good company. Come along and join us!

C.S. Lewis Film ‘The Most Reluctant Convert’ Sunday, 7th November Only!

Fourteen UK cinemas are trying out a new feature about C.S. Lewis for one showing only this coming Sunday 7th Nov., including the Vue Edinburgh Omni Centre! The film is about “C.S. Lewis' incredible, true journey from hard-boiled atheist to the most beloved Christian writer of the century.” For more details and to book tickets, visit

8th November 6:30pm Vocations Mass at St Albert’s Chaplaincy

Is God calling you to serve the Church as a Priest, Deacon, religious Sister or Brother? Come to the Vocations Mass, 8th November, 6:30pm at St Albert's Chaplaincy at 23-24 George Square in Edinburgh. Access the chapel from George Square Lane. Fr. Andrew Garden, Vocations Director, will celebrate the Mass. For information, email Priesthood and Permanent Diaconate information is at For women discerning religious life, contact Sr. Mirjam Hugens, FSO at or to learn more about religious life visit

Thomistic Institute: ‘We Don’t Do Truth’ (Professor John Rist): 9 November  

The Thomistic Institute at the University of Edinburgh have invited Professor John Rist, Professor Emeritus from the University of Toronto, to speak on the title ‘We Don’t Do Truth’, addressing the issues of truth and relativism in the modern world. The lecture will take place at the Gillis centre and will begin at 6pm. To attend, register online:    

Second Collection for World Day of the Poor – 13th/14th November 

For World Day of the Poor on Sunday 14 November, Caritas, Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese will use the Special Collection that weekend to support two projects of the Society of St Vincent de Paul: The Furniture Project based in Kingseat and the Caravan Project in Port Seton. 


I am sorry that there have been so many second collections recently. I’m afraid there is another next week for the World Day of the Poor – which is at least for a good cause. Also, just to let you know that I was made a Canon last week and will be installed (!) in the Cathedral in December. God Bless. Fr. Pat

The 31st Sunday of the Year - Year B

November Lists

Although we remember the faithful departed at every Mass, during the month of November, following the feast of All Souls on the 2nd November, we have a tradition of praying in a particular way for our deceased relatives, friends and fellow parishioners. You’ll find purple sheets at the back of the church on which you can write the names of anyone whom you would like to be remembered in this way. These will be compiled into a book of remembrance which will be placed before the altar throughout the coming month. Hand in your ‘November Lists’ to 61 York Place, pass them to the priest at the end of Mass or fill in a form online:

A Huge Thank You Our Volunteer Stewards!

Sincere thanks to our wonderful stewards who over these past 18 months of the Covid pandemic have given so much of their time to allow the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s to remain open and safe places for people to come together for prayer. Thanks for your dedicated service!

All Souls Day Mass at Mount Vernon Cemetery – 2nd November

Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year, especially those buried at Mount Vernon Cemetery. This will take place on All Souls’ Day, Tuesday 2 November, at 10am in the Cemetery Chapel. All welcome!

A Cathedral Diary for 2022 – Give the Perfect Gift and Support the Cathedral!

Need the perfect Christmas gift that also supports the Cathedral? The solution to all your shopping problems is the 2022 Cathedral Diary! Last year’s diary sold out in one week (!) and we have produced another beautiful Cathedral Diary for this coming year. It features lovely artwork and meditations for the various seasons of the year. The diary is thoughtful and meaningful present which anyone would be pleased to receive. Priced at a very reasonable £10 each, we are offering two diaries – in a pre-Christmas exclusive offer -- for only £20. Hurry while stocks last! All proceeds support the Cathedral.

Soup Kitchen for the Homeless at Coffee Saints – Sign-up to Volunteer

In cooperation with Grassmarket Community Project we have a soup kitchen for the homeless every Tuesday 5:00pm-6:30pm at Coffee Saints. This is a fantastic new initiative in the Cathedral parish. Can you help? Volunteers do not need to commit to every week, but will need to complete basic training before going on the rota. Anyone interested should contact

Rite of the Signing with the Cross – Sunday, 7th November

Next Sunday, 7th November we celebrate the Rite of the Signing with the Cross of those children preparing to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation in February. Please keep them in your prayers throughout these coming months!

Young Adults’ Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

‘Bringing Others to the Lord’

This week is the final Young Adults Group talk in our series on the basics of the Christian life. Our guest speaker is our very own Sr. Anna Marie McGuan, RSM, the Archdiocese's Catechetics Advisor. She will talk about ‘Bringing Others to the Lord’ and how we can become missionary disciples in our every day lives. The talk begins at 7.30pm at 63 York Place (teas and coffees available from 7pm) and will be followed by group discussion, night prayer and then the pub. Future events are already in the pipeline – watch this space!

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children – 13/14 and 20/21 November

We will be collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years upwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box at the back of both churches before all Masses for the depositing of gifts over the weekends of Saturday 13th/Sunday 14th and Saturday 20th /Sunday 21st November. Please be as generous as you have been in past years. Many thanks in advance!

First Saturday Devotions

Next Saturday, 6th November, 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

Mary’s Meals Speaker at 6-7 November Masses

A volunteer from the charity Mary’s Meals will be speaking at all Masses in the Cathedral next weekend, giving an update on their work providing school meals to children living in poverty around the world. There will be a collection following Mass if you would like to make a donation to this important cause.

Prisoners’ Week Launch Service – 22 November

A prayer service with Archbishop Cushley for the Prisoners’ Week 2021 launch takes place at 7pm on Monday 22 November at St Mary’s Cathedral, followed by refreshments in the Coffee Saints café. The goal of Prisoners’ Week is to encourage support for the over 7,000 incarcerated persons in Scotland, for their families and those affected by crime in our nation.

More information at Booking is needed for this event, so please register at A welcome video by Archbishop Cushley is at

Cathedral 40 Hours Devotion Begins 28 November, 12:00pm Mass

The Cathedral parish are the first in the Archdiocese to begin this devotion, following the call of the Archbishop to put the Eucharist back at the very centre of our Catholic lives. The Blessed Sacrament will be solemnly exposed after the noon Mass and, over the next three days, there will be opportunities for private prayer, as well as Holy Hours with hymns and meditations. There will also be a stall with the opportunity to buy votive candles, prayer books and catechetical materials. We’ll be looking for extra volunteers to help organise all of this, as well as people to commit to spending time ‘watching’ with the Lord in prayer. More details to follow!

Date for Your Diary – St. Andrew’s Volunteer Training – 4th November

On Thursday 4th of November at 7pm we will meet in the parish rooms with those who currently serving as Communion Ministers, Readers and Passkeepers / Stewards. We will reflect together on the importance of these ministries and to give some refresher training as we return to normal parish life, as well as welcoming new volunteers. If you’re interested, please speak to Fergus or to Fr Jamie after Mass.

Sunday Café in Parish Rooms After 10:30am Mass

Please join us for a cuppa and a chat after Sunday Mass in the parish rooms, with some delicious teas & coffees!

Join us for the Friday Morning Cafe at St. Andrew’s

Our Friday café continues this coming Friday from 10am until 12noon. Come along and join us!

Dementia: Hope on a Difficult Journey – Saturday, 6th November

An event for those supporting friends or family with dementia will be held at the Gillis Centre, Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, from 2-4pm on Saturday 6 November. A talk will be led by Dr Adrian Treloar, and there will be a chance to share experiences before a time of prayer in St Margaret’s Chapel, onsite. Light refreshments will be served. The event is organised by the Archdiocesan Marriage & Families Commission. Register at

COP26 – Mass in Glasgow 7th November

The Bishops of Scotland will celebrate Mass during COP26 at St Aloysius’ Church, Rose Street, Glasgow, on Sunday 7 November at 1pm. The Mass is for delegates, visitors to Glasgow and all the Faithful of Scotland. Register to attend at

8th November 6:30pm Vocations Mass at St Albert’s Chaplaincy

Is God calling you to serve the Church as a Priest, Deacon, religious Sister or Brother? Come to the Vocations Mass, 8th November, 6:30pm at St. Albert’s Chaplaincy, University of Edinburgh. Fr. Andrew Garden, Vocations Director, will celebrate the Mass. For information, email

Priesthood and Permanent Diaconate information is at For women discerning religious life, contact Sr. Mirjam Hugens, FSO at or to learn more about religious life visit

Thomistic Institute: ‘We Don’t Do Truth’ (Professor John Rist): 9 November

The Thomistic Institute at the University of Edinburgh have invited Professor John Rist, Professor Emeritus from the University of Toronto, to speak on the title ‘We Don’t Do Truth’, addressing the issues of truth and relativism in the modern world. The lecture will take place at the Gillis centre and will begin at 6pm. To attend, register online:

World Day of the Poor – 14th November

Sunday 14 November is World Day of the Poor, initiated by Pope Francis in 2017 with the theme “let us love, not with words but with deeds.” In our Archdiocese the Society of St Vincent de Paul has been carrying out this mission since 1845. This year the Caritas, Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese wish to use the Special Collection to be taken that weekend to support two SSVP projects; The Furniture Project based in Dunfermline and the Caravan Project based in Port Seton.

The Scottish Catholic Magazine’s Second Edition

The Scottish Catholic magazine’s second edition has arrived. For just £2 pick up your copy on the table in the Octagon while supplies last! Please put monies in the box at the pillar after you enter the Cathedral. You may also wish to subscribe at (due to postage costs this is a little more expensive than getting it in the parish!)

‘Beautifully Told’ – New Podcast by Catholic Truth Society

Listen to the new Catholic Truth Society podcast ‘Beautifully Told’, during your morning commute, as you cook dinner, or while out for a walk. ‘Beautifully Told’ is an honest conversation between two Catholic friends about the important issues of life and faith. Listen to Episode 1 “How to Pray the Rosary Every Day” at Episode 2 to be released 1st November!

Read the newsletter for 31st October (pdf)

The 30th Sunday of the Year - Year B

Welcome to 15 Candidates Preparing for Full Communion with the Catholic Church

At the 12 noon Mass this week we will receive 15 people into the order of Catechumens! Please pray for these friends as they journey towards full communion with the Church. Over the coming months they will continue their religious instruction, preparing to receive Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation at Easter 2022. May God bless our new Catechumens!

The Perfect Christmas Present…A Cathedral Diary for 2022

In an exclusive pre-Christmas offer – the Cathedral is offering you the opportunity to solve all your Christmas Present Problems in one fell-swoop! After the amazing success of last year’s diary, (which sold out in one week!) we have produced another Cathedral Diary for this coming year. It is a beautiful desk diary with lovely artwork and meditations for the various seasons of the year. It is a thoughtful and meaningful present which anyone would be pleased to receive, and which also supports the Cathedral. The Diaries are a very reasonable £10 each, but this week - in a special pre-season exclusive - we are offering two diaries for only £20 (the old ones are always the best – Ed!). Hurry while stocks last!

November Lists

November is traditionally known as the month of the Holy Souls, in which we pray in a special way for our deceased loved ones. Together with your newsletter, you will have received a 'November List' on which you can make a note of all those people you wish to pray for. These lists will be placed before the altar and remembered at every Mass during this month ahead. Please hand in completed lists to the stewards at the end of Mass or hand into the Cathedral Office.

Young Adults’ Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

‘Finding God Through Study’

Our next meeting of the Young Adults Group (age 18-35) will discuss ‘Finding God Through Study’. Our guest speaker is Fr. Samuel Burke, OP, chaplain to the University of Edinburgh. Fr. Samuel will speak about the Dominican approach to study as a preparation for mission, and encourage all of us (students or not) to continue to grow in our knowledge of God throughout our lives. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7 for 7.30pm followed by group discussion, night prayer and then the pub. Come along!

Bible Study on Zoom – Every Monday at 7pm

A great way to prepare for Sunday Mass is to attend our online parish Bible Study! Join us to read and discuss Sacred Scripture! We meet Monday at 7pm to study the upcoming Sunday’s reading and it’s a great opportunity to ask questions about anything that is unclear. The Catechism encourages us to study Scripture: “Different as the books which compose it may be, Scripture is a unity by reason of the unity of God's plan, of which Christ Jesus is the centre and heart.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 112). To register, please email

All Souls Day Mass at Mount Vernon Cemetery – 2nd November

Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year, especially those buried at Mount Vernon Cemetery. This will take place on All Souls’ Day, Tuesday 2 November, at 10am in the Cemetery Chapel. Although the Chapel is small and fills up quickly, everyone who wishes to attend is most welcome.

Mary’s Meals Speaker at 6-7 November Masses

A volunteer from the charity Mary’s Meals will be speaking at all Masses in the Cathedral during the weekend of 6 and 7 November, giving an update on their work providing school meals to children living in poverty around the world. There will be a collection following Mass if you would like to make a donation to this important cause.

Prisoners’ Week Launch Service – 22 November

Prisoners’ Week 2021 launch takes place at 7pm on Monday 22 November at St Mary’s Cathedral, followed by refreshments in the Coffee Saints café. The goal of Prisoners’ Week is to “to encourage action and support, particularly among communities of faith, for all those affected by imprisonment including families and the victims of the crime”. More information at

Booking is needed for this event, so please register at

Cathedral 40 Hours Devotion Begins 28 November, 12:00pm Mass

Beginning on the First Sunday of Advent 2021, 28th November, 12:00pm Archbishop Cushley is to relaunch the simple and beautiful tradition of 40 hours' Devotion, which recalls the period of 40 hours from the time of our Lord’s death on the cross until His Resurrection. This time of solemn adoration will see each parish in the Archdiocese have 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. A video on 40 Hours is at

Diocesan Stage of Synod 2021-2023 Launched

The diocesan stage of the Synod 2021-2023 was launched by Archbishop Cushley who celebrated Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral last Sunday, explaining the three themes of the Synod: communion, participation and mission. You can read what the Archbishop had to say about the synod at

Keep up to date on Archdiocesan social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and at Parishes will soon receive details on the steps they can take to contribute to this diocesan stage. Read more about the Synod at

“Coffee-Saints” News

Afternoon Tea at Coffee Saints – Very Civilised!

Coffee Saints are now taking bookings for a delicious afternoon tea! To book your space, please visit and click ‘Book Now’!

Soup Kitchen for the Homeless at Coffee Saints – Sign-up to Volunteer

In cooperation with Grassmarket Community Project we’re starting a soup kitchen for the homeless every Tuesday 5:00pm-6:30pm at Coffee Saints. We can’t do it without a generous response from parishioners to help to run it! Volunteers do not need to commit to every week, but will need to complete basic training before going on the rota. Anyone interested should contact

Monday Morning Coffee Club – Join Us at Coffee Saints!

Have you tried Coffee Saints? Come along and join our Monday Morning Coffee Club! It’s a great way to meet new people and get the week off to a good start. Every cup of coffee is locally roasted and helps support and provide opportunities for Edinburgh’s vulnerable adults. Come along this Monday from 9:30am- 11:30am in the Coffee Saints café. You’ll be extremely welcome! If you’d like to volunteer, contact Catherine (, 07507691155). Spread the word!

Have you been worshipping with us, but never officially become Catholic?

You are invited to find out more through the process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The Cathedral’s RCIA group is a place to ask questions and deepen your journey of faith in preparation for the sacraments of initiation. Meetings are every Tuesday, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To register, email

Sunday Café in Parish Rooms After 10:30am Mass

Teas & coffees will be available after Sunday 10:30am Mass. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat!

Date for Your Diary – St. Andrew’s Volunteer Training – 4th November

On Thursday 4th of November at 7pm we will meet in the parish rooms with those who currently serving as Communion Ministers, Readers and Passkeepers/Stewards. We will reflect together on the importance of these ministries and to give some refresher training as we return to normal parish life, as well as welcoming new volunteers. If you’re interested, please speak to Fergus or to Fr Jamie after Mass.

Praying for Life: 40 Days for Life in Edinburgh

Join other Christians for 40 Days for Life: 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You're invited to peacefully pray during a 40 Day vigil, concluding 31st October, in the public right-of-way outside the Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, Chalmers Street, Edinburgh. For more information please contact or visit

Annual Torchlight Procession, Glasgow – 28th October

SPUC Scotland will hold its Annual Torchlight Procession to remember the lives lost from abortion over the last 54 years on Thursday 28 October 2021. Gathering at George Square, Glasgow, Rosary will commence at 6.30pm followed by a procession at 7pm to St Andrew's Cathedral, where Mass will begin at 7.30pm. All are welcome. For more information contact SPUC Scotland on 0141 221 2094.

Dementia: Hope on a Difficult Journey – Saturday, 6th November

An event for those supporting friends or family with dementia will be held at the Gillis Centre, Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, from 2-4pm on Saturday 6 November. A talk will be led by Dr Adrian Treloar, and there will be a chance to share experiences before a time of prayer in St Margaret’s Chapel, onsite. Light refreshments will be served. The event is organised by the Archdiocesan Marriage & Families Commission. Register at

Mary’s Meals 15km Run to Raise Funds to Feed Poor Children – 7th November

Up for a running challenge for a great cause? Sign up for a 15km run to support the work of Mary’s Meals in feeding over 2 million children around the world. The run around Edinburgh will take place on Sunday, 7th November leaving from the Meadows to Portobello and back, heading to Pear Tree after for a well-deserved pint. For more information, visit

There will be a second collection after all Masses this week for Missio.

Read the newsletter for 24th October (pdf)

The 29th Sunday of the Year - Year B

Second Collection Today for Fr. Binu’s Seminarians

This weekend we welcome back Fr. Binu Palakapally who is preaching at most of the Masses and will make an appeal for help to support the Seminary of the Rosminians in Bangalore, India where he works. The Rosminians provide much-needed priestly support throughout the world and face challenges of funding a seminary in a developing country. A second collection will be taken to support the seminarians. Thank you for your generosity!

Prayers in Gratitude for Healthcare Workers – Noon Mass

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate the 12noon Mass especially in thanksgiving for the healthcare workers in Scotland for their service throughout the COVID pandemic. The White Mass, which is so named from the colour traditionally worn by those in the healthcare profession, is always celebrated on or near the Feast of St. Luke (18th October), the patron saint of doctors. All are welcome!

Opening of the Synodal Process - 3pm Mass

Join Archbishop Cushley in prayer at 3pm Mass for the opening of the Synod process which begins on Sunday 17th October in preparation for the 2023 Synod of Bishops. Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM is the Archdiocese’s lead delegate in the national synodal process and Fr John Deighan is assisting her in this role.

A 5-minute video about the Synod is available at: and resources at

Volunteers Needed for Soup Kitchen for the Homeless at Coffee Saints

An exciting new opportunity for volunteering! In cooperation with Grassmarket Community Project we’re starting a soup kitchen for the homeless every Tuesday 5:00pm-6:30pm at Coffee Saints. We can’t do it without a generous response from parishioners to help to run it! Volunteers do not need to commit to every week, but will need to complete basic training before going on the rota. Anyone interested should contact

Bible Study on Zoom – Every Monday at 7pm

Our parish Bible Study continues this week at 7pm on Monday evening. This takes the form of a guided study of the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. It’s so interesting to hear all of the different perspectives, and is also an opportunity to ask questions about passages which might be unclear. To register, please email

Catholicism and Community - Young Adults’ Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

It’s great to see so many people taking part in our Young Adults’ Group meetings on Tuesday evenings! This week our guest speaker is Professor Stephany Biello, professor of neuroscience and biopsychology at the University of Glasgow. Her title is ‘Whose Feet Do You Wash? Catholicism and Community.’ As usual, we meet at 63 York Place (around the corner from the Cathedral) at 7pm, with the talk beginning at 7.30pm sharp. Afterwards, there will some group discussion, night prayer and then a drink in the pub. Come along and invite your friends!

Start Your Week Off at our Monday Morning Coffee Club!

Enjoy a lovely coffee and a friendly chat at our Monday morning Coffee Club! It’s a great way to meet new people and get the week off to a good start. Come along this Monday from 9:30am- 11:30am in the Coffee Saints café. You’ll be extremely welcome! If you’d like to volunteer, contact Catherine ( 07507691155). Spread the word!

Coming Soon: Afternoon Tea at Coffee Saints

Coffee Saints are now taking bookings for a delicious afternoon tea – very civilised! Visit and click ‘Book Now’!

Second Collection Next Weekend for World Mission Sunday

The Church celebrates World Mission Sunday on 24th October with the theme “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). A second collection will be taken up for Missio Scotland, the Scottish branch of the Pontifical Mission Societies. Visit to learn more!

Cop 26 Interfaith Pilgrimage for Climate Justice – Saturday 23rd October

Fr Jeremy Bath and pilgrims of different faiths and beliefs from across the UK and Europe are joining together to walk for climate justice. They will arrive at the Cathedral at 2pm for a short service and would love to see you all there!

All Souls Day Mass at Mount Vernon Cemetery – 2nd November

Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year, especially those buried at Mount Vernon Cemetery. This will take place on All Souls’ Day, Tuesday 2 November, at 10am in the Cemetery Chapel. Although the Chapel is small and fills up quickly, everyone who wishes to attend is most welcome.

Cathedral 40 Hours Devotion Begins Sunday 28th November, 12:00pm Mass

Beginning on the First Sunday of Advent 2021, 28th November, 12:00pm Archbishop Cushley is to relaunch the simple and beautiful tradition of 40 hours' Devotion, which recalls the period of 40 hours from the time of our Lord’s death on the cross until His Resurrection. This time of solemn adoration will see each parish in the Archdiocese have 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. A video on 40 Hours is at

Free Disabled Parking in St. James Centre Car Park

If you have a disabled badge, drive to Mass and would like to use the St. James’ Car Park in the future, please fill out a form at the back of Church and return it to the Office. For those who have sent in their details, the Car Park will have free disabled parking on Sundays only 8:30am-1:30pm. Outside of those hours, normal parking fees will apply. Questions? Email

New Publication: The Scottish Catholic Magazine

Scotland’s new Catholic magazine, The Scottish Catholic, launched on October 15th. Coming out every two weeks it will be a faithful and fresh look at what it means to a Catholic in Scotland now. The first edition will be free – look out for copies at the back of the church! Visit to learn more.

Thirsting for God? RCIA Meetings Tuesdays 7pm at Cathedral House

Do you know someone not baptized or baptized in a non-Catholic Christian tradition, who is thirsting for what it means to become Catholic? Do you know someone already Catholic who hasn’t received Confirmation? The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group is a place to ask questions and deepen your journey of faith in preparation for the sacraments of initiation. Meetings are every Tuesday, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To register, email

Sunday Café in Parish Rooms Restarts Today!

After quite a long time, our Sunday Café with teas and coffees will restart after the 10:30am Mass today! Many thanks to the volunteers who have been working hard to make this possible. Do stop in the parish rooms after Mass for a cuppa and a chat!

Friday Morning Coffee Club at St. Andrew’s

Join us every week for our Friday morning café from 10am until 12noon. Enjoy a chat with other members of the parish and delicious teas, coffees and cakes!

Date for Your Diary – St. Andrew’s Volunteer Training – 4th November

On Thursday 4th of November at 7pm we will meet in the parish rooms with those who currently serving as Communion Ministers, Readers and Passkeepers/Stewards. We will reflect together on the importance of these ministries and to give some refresher training as we return to normal parish life, as well as welcoming new volunteers. If you’re interested, please speak to Fergus or to Fr Jamie after Mass

Dementia: Hope on a Difficult Journey – Saturday, 6 November

An event for those supporting friends or family with dementia will be held at the Gillis Centre, Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, from 2-4pm on Saturday 6 November. A talk will be led by Dr Adrian Treloar, and there will be a chance to share experiences before a time of prayer in St Margaret’s Chapel, onsite. Light refreshments will be served. The event is organised by the Archdiocesan Marriage & Families Commission. Register at

Married Couples: Grow in Catholic Faith with Teams of Our Lady

Want to enrich your married spirituality with Jesus Christ and meet others to build friendships? Join the Teams of Our Lady, an international lay movement to enrich married spirituality and make good marriages better. A group of five couples and a priest began meeting in Edinburgh in 2019. New couples are welcome to join this group or a future new group. Couple meet up to 10 times a year, share a meal, prayer time and discussions on living out their sacramental marriage. For more information on how to join, contact Fr Jeremy Milne,, 0131 623 8900 or visit

Craig Lodge House of Prayer Retreats

A variety of retreats are now available at Craig Lodge! Find one right for you and make a retreat to draw nearer to God: Be Transformed Weekend (29-31 October); By His Wounds We Are Healed (12-14 November) led by Fr Gladson Dabre, OSA; By His Wounds We Are Healed (19-21 November) Led by Canon William Fraser & Living Water Ministries; Kingdom Come (3-5 December) - An Advent Weekend for mid-teens those in S2, S3 & S4. More information at

Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR, T: +44(0)1838 200216,

Job Opening: SPUC Fundraising and Major Gift Administrator

Society for the Protection of Unborn Children has an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated candidate to join its team as full-time Fundraising and Major Gift Administrator. Candidates should fully support SPUC’s aims and objectives, and have exemplary communication skills and the ability to assist with smooth and successful operation of SPUC’s fundraising programmes. Learn more at

For details on how to apply, please email

Read the newsletter for 17th October (pdf)

The 28th Sunday of the Year - Year B

Next Weekend - Second Collection for Fr. Binu’s Seminarians

We’re really looking forward to welcoming back to the Cathedral Fr. Binu Palakapally next weekend. Fr Binu will preach at all Masses and will make an appeal for help to support the seminary where he currently works and which is facing grave challenges at the moment. There will be a second collection at the end of each Mass to support this excellent cause – thank you in advance for your generosity!

Coffee Saints: Monday Morning Coffee Club

Our new coffee club, hosted each week at Coffee Saints, got off to a good start last Monday. It would be great to see even more Cathedral parishioners getting involved. This is a great way to meet new friends and to reach out to those who might be feeling a bit isolated at this time. If you’d to volunteer, contact Catherine ( 07507691155) and if you, or someone you know, might like to get involved, then come along this Monday from 9:30am- 11:30am in the Coffee Saints café! You’ll be extremely welcome.

Concert at the Cathedral – Saturday, 9th October 7.30pm

Don’t forget that after the Vigil Mass this evening, Cassandra Humble and Lisa Johnston (from the Cathedral Schola Cantorum) will perform a free concert of Baroque duets including pieces by Vivaldi, Monteverdi, Pergolesi and Handel. The concert begins at 7.30pm and is open to everyone. There will be an opportunity to make a donation to support the wonderful work being done by our music team. It would be great to see a ‘full house’!

New Contactless Giving Devices Installed

After a long wait due to supplier delays and, we understand, technical improvements, I am very pleased to tell you that we now have TWO new contactless-giving devices installed in the Cathedral: one just inside the entrance and another just inside the exit doors. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we waited for these to arrive, and for your continued generosity to the Cathedral in these difficult times.

Bible Study on Zoom – Every Monday at 7pm

Would you like to have a better understanding of the Scripture readings we hear at Mass each Sunday? Then join our parish Bible Study – you’ll receive a copy of the Sunday readings, with some pointers for interpretation, as well as an invite to take part in a Zoom meeting to pray and reflect on them together. To register, please email

How to Make a Good Confession - Young Adults’ Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

You will probably remember Fr Martin Eckersley from his time in the Cathedral as a deacon last summer. This Tuesday, Fr Martin is returning to us to speak to the Young Adults Group (age 18-35) about how to go to confession. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place (around the corner from the Cathedral) at 7pm, with the talk beginning at 7.30pm sharp (!). Afterwards, there will be a chance to pray together in the Cathedral before we head over to a local pub for a ‘refreshment’!

Job Opening - Cathedral Complex Manager

A self-motivated manager is sought for the role of Cathedral Complex Manger. Facilities management experience and a flexible, hands-on approach to working in this unique environment are required. For a full job description visit

Mass for the Opening of the Synodal Process: Sunday 17th October 3pm

The diocesan phase of preparation for the 2023 Synod of Bishops begins next Sunday and will run until April 2022. At 3pm, the Archbishop will celebrate a Mass in the Cathedral to invoke the help of the Holy Spirit in this process.

Cathedral 40 Hours Devotion Begins Sunday 28th November, 12:00pm Mass

Beginning on the First Sunday of Advent 2021, 28th November, 12:00pm Archbishop Cushley is to relaunch the simple and beautiful tradition of 40 hours' Devotion, which recalls the period of 40 hours from the time of our Lord’s death on the cross until His Resurrection. This time of solemn adoration will see each parish in the Archdiocese have 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. A video on 40 Hours is at

Want to Become Catholic? Meetings Tuesdays 7pm at Cathedral House

The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) has begun meeting each week on Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To register to attend, please email

Cop 26 Interfaith Pilgrimage for Climate Justice – Saturday 23rd October

Fr Jeremy Bath and pilgrims of different faiths and beliefs from across the UK and Europe are joining together to walk for climate justice. They will arrive at the Cathedral at 2pm for a short service and would love to see you all there!

New Publication: Scottish Catholic Magazine

Scotland’s new Catholic magazine, ‘The Scottish Catholic’, will launch on October 15th. Coming out every two weeks it will be a faithful and fresh look at what it means to a Catholic in Scotland now. The first edition will be free – look out for copies at the back of the church!

Date for Your Diary – Volunteer Training – 4th November

We’re extremely fortunate to have so many committed volunteers who serve the parish in all sorts of ways. On Thursday 4th of November at 7pm we will have a meeting in the parish rooms for all those who currently serve as Communion Ministers, Readers and Passkeepers / Stewards. This will be an opportunity to reflect together on the importance of these ministries and to give some refresher training as we return to normal parish life. This would also be an opportunity for anyone – especially new parishioners! – who would like to know more about volunteering in these roles. For more details, please speak to Fergus or to Fr Jamie after Mass.

Sunday Café in Parish Rooms Restarts 17th October

After quite a long time, our Sunday Café with teas and coffees will restart after the 10:30am Mass on 17th October! We welcome all to join us for a time to visit with one another after Mass in the parish rooms.

Friday Morning Coffee Club at St. Andrew’s

It was lovely to see so many people returning to the parish rooms for the Friday morning café! The café will continue this coming Friday from 10am until 12noon. Thanks to all those who helped to organise these opportunities to build and strengthen our parish community!

Trams to Newhaven Project Construction Begins Monday, 11th October

Please be aware that construction work begins Monday 11th October around Picardy Place, York Road, London Road for the Trams to Newhaven project. To sign up for email updates, click on the green box ‘Join our mailing list’ on this page: The work will go on through Spring 2022! Questions? Contact 0131 322 1122,

White Mass – 12pm, Sunday 17th October

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate the 12noon Mass on Sunday, 17th October especially for healthcare workers in Scotland in gratitude for their service throughout the COVID pandemic. The White Mass is traditionally celebrated on or near the Feast of St. Luke (18th October), the patron saint of physicians and surgeons. If you are a healthcare worker, please RSVP by Sunday, 10th October

Help the City’s Hungry and Homeless: Bethany Care Van Volunteers Needed

Can you help deliver food to the hungry at lunchtime or in the evenings? The Bethany Care Van in Edinburgh needs volunteer drivers and food collectors.

Email call 0131 454 3120. Watch a 5-minute video about Bethany’s life-changing services at

Post-Covid Pilgrimage Challenge! The Way of St. Andrews

Support the revival of the ancient Scottish Pilgrimage to the town of St Andrews! The pilgrimage walk offers beautiful scenery from coastal to moorland. Start off with a mini-pilgrimage to Rosslyn Chapel. All details and contact information on

Dementia: Hope on a Difficult Journey

An event for those supporting friends or family with dementia will be held at the Gillis Centre, Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, from 2-4pm on Saturday 6 November. A talk will be led by Dr Adrian Treloar, and there will be a chance to share experiences before a time of prayer in St Margaret’s Chapel, onsite. Light refreshments will be served. The event is organised by the Archdiocesan Marriage & Families Commission. Register at

Shakespeare: A Catholic Perspective

Explore the Bard's plays in this weekly webinar series titled Shakespeare: A Catholic Perspective. The sessions look at six of his best known works, with insights on human nature from St Thomas Aquinas. The series is organised by the Archdiocesan Catechetics Commission and the final session is this Monday11 October at 7:30pm on Romeo and Juliet: Original sin; love and its true meaning. Register at


The Catholic Church in Scotland is creating a new safeguarding agency. The Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (SCSSA) will operate entirely independently of the Church. Find out more at

Read the newsletter for 10th October (pdf)

27th Sunday of the Year - Year B

Monday Morning Coffee Club – Starts This Week!

Thanks for the fantastic response to our new Monday morning coffee club! There’s still room for a few more volunteers to help out (get in touch if you’re interested:, 07507691155). Please also spread the word to anyone you know from the parish and beyond who is looking to meet new people, spend time with Cathedral friends and enjoy our wonderful new café! The coffee club will start this Monday, 4th October from 9:30am- 11:30am in the Coffee Saints café! Do come along – everyone is most welcome!

Enrolment for First Confession – This Sunday at Mass

Congratulations to the children of our parish being enrolled today for preparations to make their First Confession later this year. This year, we have 17 children from St Mary’s Primary School and 19 children in our parish Catechism Class (thanks to Mary, Michael and Roberto for their hard work getting everything organised). Please keep these children and their families in your prayers during these important months of preparation.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Table in Octagon Today!

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul do so much good work in our parish helping those in need of help. They’re always in need of new volunteers. If you might be interested and would like to meet the team, make sure to stop by the table in the Octagon after 9am and 12pm Masses at the Cathedral this Sunday. For more information or to get involved introduce yourself this Sunday or email

Bible Study on Zoom – This Monday at 8pm

It’s been great to see so many returning members of our parish Bible Study, as well as a few new faces, coming together to read God’s word together. To register, please email When you sign up, you’ll receive a printable copy of next Sunday’s readings as well as an accessible commentary. You’ll also receive an invite to a Monday evening Zoom meeting to discuss what you’ve read and share reflections. This Monday we’re meeting at the slightly later time of 8pm (because of a wedding rehearsal in the Cathedral – sorry!). Hope to see you there!

Get More From the Mass - Young Adults’ Group – Tuesday at 7pm

The Young Adults Group continues to meet on Tuesday evenings at 63 York Place. The speaker this week is a popular returning guest, Fr Scott Deeley, who will speak on ‘How to Get More from the Mass’! Fr Deeley is parish priest of St Margaret’s in South Queensferry. He’ll give us some tips on how to prepare well for Mass, how to avoid distractions and how to bring the fruits of the Mass into our everyday lives. Should be good!

Concert at the Cathedral – Saturday, 9th October 7.30pm

Those of you who come to the 12noon Mass know how wonderful our Schola Cantorum are. If you’d like to hear more from them, on Saturday 9 October at 7:30pm sopranos Cassandra Humble and Lisa Johnston will perform a 30-minute programme of Baroque duets including pieces by Vivaldi, Monteverdi, Pergolesi and Handel. While entry is free, donations towards the music at St Mary's Cathedral are very welcome! To meet Cassy and Lisa and to get know what motivates them to sing each week, watch this short interview here:

Cathedral 40 Hours Devotion Begins Sunday 28th November, 12:00pm Mass

Mark your diary! Beginning on the First Sunday of Advent 2021, 28th November, 12:00pm Archbishop Cushley is to relaunch the simple and beautiful tradition of 40 hours' Devotion, which recalls the period of 40 hours from the time of our Lord’s death on the cross until His Resurrection. This time of solemn adoration will see each parish in the Archdiocese have 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. A video on 40 Hours is at

Second Collection for Fr. Binu’s Seminarians 16th-17th October

Fr. Binu Palakapally (who helped at the Cathedral parish while doing further studies at the University of Edinburgh) is now a seminary rector in Bangalore, India where 9 seminarians are studying for the priesthood. He’s been in touch to let us know some of the grave difficulties faced by Catholics in India - I think we can help! Fr Binu will preach at all Masses on the weekend of 16th/17th October in the Cathedral and St Andrew's, Ravelston, and share some of the challenge they’re facing over there. A second collection will be taken at the end of each Mass to support this vital work! Please be as generous as you can!

New Contactless Devices Arriving Next Week

As you may have noticed, we have unfortunately been experiencing problems with our two contactless donation devices for several weeks. Although we’ve had a long wait due to supplier delays, I am pleased to tell you that our new devices will arrive next week. Please bear with us, and if you would like to make a donation but have been unable to do so, you may wish to visit our website

Job Opening - Cathedral Complex Manager

A self-motivated manager is sought for the role of Cathedral Complex Manger. Facilities management experience and a flexible, hands-on approach to working in this unique environment are required. For a full job description visit

Want to Become Catholic? Meetings Tuesdays 7pm at Cathedral House

The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) has begun meeting each week on Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To register to attend, please email

For many resources about becoming Catholic, visit The Coming Home Network whose members come from a variety of religious backgrounds and walks of life.

Friday Morning Coffee Club at St. Andrew’s

We are very pleased to announce the Friday morning Coffee Club at St. Andrew’s parish hall 10:00am-12Noon is back! All are welcome to come every Friday morning! This is a great chance to meet new friends and old. Our beloved Mairi-Angela will be bringing along her special baked treats to share too – best coffee and cakes in Edinburgh!

Vocations Mass at St Columba's - 6:30pm, Monday 4th October

Is God calling you to serve the Church as a Priest, Deacon, religious Sister or Brother? Come to the First Monday Vocations Mass, 4th October, 6:30pm at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St. Fr. Andrew Garden, Vocations Director, will celebrate the Mass. Questions? Contact

Priesthood and Permanent Diaconate information is at

For women discerning religious life, contact Sr. Mirjam Hugens, FSO at or to learn more about religious life visit

Webinar, 5th October: Quality Palliative Care is the Alternative to Assisted Suicide

On Tuesday, 5th October, the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office presents 'Dying Well: How quality palliative care is the alternative to assisted suicide'. With Dr Gillian Wright. 7:45pm, Tue 5 October on Zoom. Register here:

Trams to Newhaven Project Construction Begins Monday, 11th October

Please be aware that construction work begins Monday 11th October around Picardy Place, York Road, London Road for the Trams to Newhaven project. To sign up for email updates, click on the green box ‘Join our mailing list’ on this page: The work will go on through Spring 2022! Questions? Contact 0131 322 1122,

White Mass – 12pm, Sunday 17th October

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate the 12noon Mass on Sunday, 17th October especially for healthcare workers in Scotland in gratitude for their service throughout the COVID pandemic. The White Mass is traditionally celebrated on or near the Feast of St. Luke (18th October), the patron saint of physicians and surgeons. If you are a healthcare worker, please RSVP by Sunday, 10th October

Help the City’s Hungry and Homeless: Bethany Care Van Volunteers Needed

Can you help deliver food to the hungry at lunchtime or in the evenings? The Bethany Care Van in Edinburgh needs volunteer drivers and food collectors. Email call 0131 454 3120. Watch a 5-minute video about Bethany’s life-changing services at

Post-Covid Pilgrimage Challenge! The Way of St. Andrews

Support the revival of the ancient Scottish Pilgrimage to the town of St Andrews! The pilgrimage walk offers beautiful scenery from coastal to moorland. Start off with a mini-pilgrimage to Rosslyn Chapel. All details and contact information on

Dementia: Hope on a Difficult Journey

An event for those supporting friends or family with dementia will be held at the Gillis Centre, Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, from 2-4pm on Saturday 6 November. A talk will be led by Dr Adrian Treloar, and there will be a chance to share experiences before a time of prayer in St Margaret’s Chapel, onsite. Light refreshments will be served. The event is organised by the Archdiocesan Marriage & Families Commission. Register at

Shakespeare: A Catholic Perspective

Explore the Bard's plays in this weekly webinar series titled Shakespeare: A Catholic Perspective. The sessions look at six of his best known works, with insights on human nature from St Thomas Aquinas. The series is organised by the Archdiocesan Catechetics Commission and continues this Monday 4 October at 7:30pm. Register at

Read the newsletter for 3rd October (pdf)

26th Sunday of the Year - Year B

Volunteers for Seniors’ Monday Coffee Club

Together with the Grassmarket Project we are hoping to launch a Coffee Club for our older parishioners soon. This will take place in Coffee Saints every Monday from 9:30am- 11:30am for anyone who has lost touch with friends during lockdown, become isolated or is just looking to make new friends and have a good old natter! To do this we need volunteers to help! If you would like to volunteer to help facilitate our Monday Morning Meet-up please get in touch with Catherine at 07507 691 155.

Parents’ Meeting for First Reconciliation- Monday at 6pm

A parents’ meeting will be held on Zoom Monday 27th September at 6.00pm (Cathedral), 6.30pm (Ravelston) for children preparing for First Reconciliation (P3 and above). To attend please register here. If you have already registered, you will receive the Zoom link by email. For more information, please email

Bible Study on Zoom - Monday 7pm

Our parish Bible study group meets regularly to discuss the coming Sunday’s Mass readings. Each week a brief commentary on each reading is provided in preparation for a guided group discussion on Monday evening at 7pm. To register, please email

Young Adults’ Group - Tuesday at 7pm

It was great to see such a great turnout for our first Young Adults' Group meeting last week. The series will continue this Tuesday, same time (7pm), same place (63 York Place) when we will welcome Fr Philip Cunnah to speak on 'Prayer: The Heart of Discipleship.' Fr Phil is a priest of the Diocese of Middlesbrough and a great speaker. As always, we'll conclude with night prayer and a trip to the pub. Look forward to seeing you there!

First Saturday Devotions – Saturday at 9.30am

Next Saturday, 2nd October, 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Table in Octagon Sunday 3rd October

Would you like to learn more about the works of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in our parish? Stop by the table in the Octagon after 9am and 12pm Masses on Sunday 3rd October. The St. Vincent de Paul Society serves the poorest and most vulnerable in our community, showing God’s care and love with those in need. For more information, email

Cathedral 40 Hours Devotion Begins Sunday 28th November, 12:00pm Mass

Mark your diary! Beginning on the First Sunday of Advent 2021, 28th November, 12:00pm Archbishop Cushley is to relaunch the simple and beautiful tradition of 40 hours' Devotion, which recalls the period of 40 hours from the time of our Lord’s death on the cross until His Resurrection. This time of solemn adoration will see each parish in the Archdiocese have 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. A video on 40 Hours is at

Stay in Touch! Weekly Cathedral E-Newsletter

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of this website.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? RCIA Meetings Tuesdays 7pm – Join Us!

The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) has begun meeting each week on Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To register to attend, please email

Cathedral Complex Manager

An experienced and self-motivated manager is sought for the role of Cathedral Complex Manger for the operational running of the Cathedral Complex. The role holder will have experience of facilities management and have a flexible and hands-on approach to working in this unique environment. For a full job description, please visit here

Say ‘No’ to Assisted Suicide

The Scottish Catholic Parliamentary Office has set up a webpage to keep you informed about the latest campaign to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland. Visit to find out when the new Bill is published and when the public consultation on the Bill is open for submissions. You can also visit Care Not Killing at

Bethany Care Van Volunteers Needed

The Bethany Care Van needs your help to serve the hungry and homeless in Edinburgh! Volunteer drivers and food collectors are needed. Can you help at lunchtime or in the evenings? Email You can make a difference! Thank you! Visit

Tramline Construction Begins Monday, 11th October

Just for your information, construction work is due to begin on Monday 11th October around Picardy Place, York Road, London Road for the tram infrastructure project. The work will go on through Spring 2022! This will affect people coming to Mass here. Find out more and sign up for updates at

White Mass – Sunday 17th October

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate the 12noon Mass on Sunday, 17th October especially for healthcare workers in Scotland in gratitude for their service throughout the COVID pandemic. The White Mass is traditionally celebrated on or near the Feast of St. Luke (18th October), the patron saint of physicians and surgeons. If you are a healthcare worker, please RSVP by Sunday, 10th October

5-Minute Video ‘Synod Basics’ on the Forthcoming Synod of the Church

Find out more about the forthcoming Synod of the Church in this short video by Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM and Fr John Deighan: What is a Synod? When does it start? How will it work in our Archdiocese? Watch at

Additional resources include the Synod Handbook Synod Preparatory Document ( and the Synod website

October First Monday Vocations Mass at St Columba's at 6:30pm

Is God calling you to serve the Church as a Priest or religious Sister or Brother? Come to the First Monday Vocations Mass, 4th October, 6:30pm at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh and pray with others praying for vocations in our Archdiocese. Fr. Andrew Garden, Vocations Director, will celebrate the Mass and will be available after Mass or reached at

For more resources, visit

For women discerning religious life, contact Sr. Mirjam Hughes, FSO at

Praying to End Abortion — 40 Days for Life in Edinburgh: 22 Sept to 31 October

Join other Christians for 40 Days for Life: 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You're invited to peacefully pray during a 40 Day vigil in the public right-of-way outside the Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, Chalmers Street, Edinburgh. Visit to sign up for vigil hours or to volunteer to help contact

And finally…

Don’t forget to Visit Coffee Saints Café Today!

Read the newsletter for 26th September (pdf)