26th Sunday of the Year - Year B

Volunteers for Seniors’ Monday Coffee Club

Together with the Grassmarket Project we are hoping to launch a Coffee Club for our older parishioners soon. This will take place in Coffee Saints every Monday from 9:30am- 11:30am for anyone who has lost touch with friends during lockdown, become isolated or is just looking to make new friends and have a good old natter! To do this we need volunteers to help! If you would like to volunteer to help facilitate our Monday Morning Meet-up please get in touch with Catherine at catherine@grassmarket.org 07507 691 155.

Parents’ Meeting for First Reconciliation- Monday at 6pm

A parents’ meeting will be held on Zoom Monday 27th September at 6.00pm (Cathedral), 6.30pm (Ravelston) for children preparing for First Reconciliation (P3 and above). To attend please register here. If you have already registered, you will receive the Zoom link by email. For more information, please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Bible Study on Zoom - Monday 7pm

Our parish Bible study group meets regularly to discuss the coming Sunday’s Mass readings. Each week a brief commentary on each reading is provided in preparation for a guided group discussion on Monday evening at 7pm. To register, please email frjamie@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Young Adults’ Group - Tuesday at 7pm

It was great to see such a great turnout for our first Young Adults' Group meeting last week. The series will continue this Tuesday, same time (7pm), same place (63 York Place) when we will welcome Fr Philip Cunnah to speak on 'Prayer: The Heart of Discipleship.' Fr Phil is a priest of the Diocese of Middlesbrough and a great speaker. As always, we'll conclude with night prayer and a trip to the pub. Look forward to seeing you there!

First Saturday Devotions – Saturday at 9.30am

Next Saturday, 2nd October, 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Table in Octagon Sunday 3rd October

Would you like to learn more about the works of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in our parish? Stop by the table in the Octagon after 9am and 12pm Masses on Sunday 3rd October. The St. Vincent de Paul Society serves the poorest and most vulnerable in our community, showing God’s care and love with those in need. For more information, email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Cathedral 40 Hours Devotion Begins Sunday 28th November, 12:00pm Mass

Mark your diary! Beginning on the First Sunday of Advent 2021, 28th November, 12:00pm Archbishop Cushley is to relaunch the simple and beautiful tradition of 40 hours' Devotion, which recalls the period of 40 hours from the time of our Lord’s death on the cross until His Resurrection. This time of solemn adoration will see each parish in the Archdiocese have 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. A video on 40 Hours is at bit.ly/ArchYouTube

Stay in Touch! Weekly Cathedral E-Newsletter

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of this website.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? RCIA Meetings Tuesdays 7pm – Join Us!

The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) has begun meeting each week on Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To register to attend, please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Cathedral Complex Manager

An experienced and self-motivated manager is sought for the role of Cathedral Complex Manger for the operational running of the Cathedral Complex. The role holder will have experience of facilities management and have a flexible and hands-on approach to working in this unique environment. For a full job description, please visit here

Say ‘No’ to Assisted Suicide

The Scottish Catholic Parliamentary Office has set up a webpage to keep you informed about the latest campaign to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland. Visit https://rcpolitics.org/assisted-suicide/ to find out when the new Bill is published and when the public consultation on the Bill is open for submissions. You can also visit Care Not Killing at https://carenotkilling.scot/

Bethany Care Van Volunteers Needed

The Bethany Care Van needs your help to serve the hungry and homeless in Edinburgh! Volunteer drivers and food collectors are needed. Can you help at lunchtime or in the evenings? Email carevan@bethanychristiantrust.com You can make a difference! Thank you! Visit https://www.bethanychristiantrust.com/services/crisis-intervention/

Tramline Construction Begins Monday, 11th October

Just for your information, construction work is due to begin on Monday 11th October around Picardy Place, York Road, London Road for the tram infrastructure project. The work will go on through Spring 2022! This will affect people coming to Mass here. Find out more and sign up for updates at https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/tramstonewhaven/construction-information

White Mass – Sunday 17th October

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate the 12noon Mass on Sunday, 17th October especially for healthcare workers in Scotland in gratitude for their service throughout the COVID pandemic. The White Mass is traditionally celebrated on or near the Feast of St. Luke (18th October), the patron saint of physicians and surgeons. If you are a healthcare worker, please RSVP by Sunday, 10th October cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

5-Minute Video ‘Synod Basics’ on the Forthcoming Synod of the Church

Find out more about the forthcoming Synod of the Church in this short video by Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM and Fr John Deighan: What is a Synod? When does it start? How will it work in our Archdiocese? Watch at https://archedinburgh.org/watch-synod-basics-in-5-mins/

Additional resources include the Synod Handbook bit.ly/SynodHandbook Synod Preparatory Document (bit.ly/SynodPrepDocument) and the Synod website www.synod.va/en.html

October First Monday Vocations Mass at St Columba's at 6:30pm

Is God calling you to serve the Church as a Priest or religious Sister or Brother? Come to the First Monday Vocations Mass, 4th October, 6:30pm at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh and pray with others praying for vocations in our Archdiocese. Fr. Andrew Garden, Vocations Director, will celebrate the Mass and will be available after Mass or reached at vocations@staned.org.uk

For more resources, visit https://archedinburgh.org/vocations/

For women discerning religious life, contact Sr. Mirjam Hughes, FSO at religiousvocations@staned.org.uk

Praying to End Abortion — 40 Days for Life in Edinburgh: 22 Sept to 31 October

Join other Christians for 40 Days for Life: 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You're invited to peacefully pray during a 40 Day vigil in the public right-of-way outside the Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, Chalmers Street, Edinburgh. Visit https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/edinburgh to sign up for vigil hours or to volunteer to help contact edinburgh40days@gmail.com.

And finally…

Don’t forget to Visit Coffee Saints Café Today!

Read the newsletter for 26th September (pdf)