The 28th Sunday of the Year - Year B

Next Weekend - Second Collection for Fr. Binu’s Seminarians

We’re really looking forward to welcoming back to the Cathedral Fr. Binu Palakapally next weekend. Fr Binu will preach at all Masses and will make an appeal for help to support the seminary where he currently works and which is facing grave challenges at the moment. There will be a second collection at the end of each Mass to support this excellent cause – thank you in advance for your generosity!

Coffee Saints: Monday Morning Coffee Club

Our new coffee club, hosted each week at Coffee Saints, got off to a good start last Monday. It would be great to see even more Cathedral parishioners getting involved. This is a great way to meet new friends and to reach out to those who might be feeling a bit isolated at this time. If you’d to volunteer, contact Catherine ( 07507691155) and if you, or someone you know, might like to get involved, then come along this Monday from 9:30am- 11:30am in the Coffee Saints café! You’ll be extremely welcome.

Concert at the Cathedral – Saturday, 9th October 7.30pm

Don’t forget that after the Vigil Mass this evening, Cassandra Humble and Lisa Johnston (from the Cathedral Schola Cantorum) will perform a free concert of Baroque duets including pieces by Vivaldi, Monteverdi, Pergolesi and Handel. The concert begins at 7.30pm and is open to everyone. There will be an opportunity to make a donation to support the wonderful work being done by our music team. It would be great to see a ‘full house’!

New Contactless Giving Devices Installed

After a long wait due to supplier delays and, we understand, technical improvements, I am very pleased to tell you that we now have TWO new contactless-giving devices installed in the Cathedral: one just inside the entrance and another just inside the exit doors. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we waited for these to arrive, and for your continued generosity to the Cathedral in these difficult times.

Bible Study on Zoom – Every Monday at 7pm

Would you like to have a better understanding of the Scripture readings we hear at Mass each Sunday? Then join our parish Bible Study – you’ll receive a copy of the Sunday readings, with some pointers for interpretation, as well as an invite to take part in a Zoom meeting to pray and reflect on them together. To register, please email

How to Make a Good Confession - Young Adults’ Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

You will probably remember Fr Martin Eckersley from his time in the Cathedral as a deacon last summer. This Tuesday, Fr Martin is returning to us to speak to the Young Adults Group (age 18-35) about how to go to confession. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place (around the corner from the Cathedral) at 7pm, with the talk beginning at 7.30pm sharp (!). Afterwards, there will be a chance to pray together in the Cathedral before we head over to a local pub for a ‘refreshment’!

Job Opening - Cathedral Complex Manager

A self-motivated manager is sought for the role of Cathedral Complex Manger. Facilities management experience and a flexible, hands-on approach to working in this unique environment are required. For a full job description visit

Mass for the Opening of the Synodal Process: Sunday 17th October 3pm

The diocesan phase of preparation for the 2023 Synod of Bishops begins next Sunday and will run until April 2022. At 3pm, the Archbishop will celebrate a Mass in the Cathedral to invoke the help of the Holy Spirit in this process.

Cathedral 40 Hours Devotion Begins Sunday 28th November, 12:00pm Mass

Beginning on the First Sunday of Advent 2021, 28th November, 12:00pm Archbishop Cushley is to relaunch the simple and beautiful tradition of 40 hours' Devotion, which recalls the period of 40 hours from the time of our Lord’s death on the cross until His Resurrection. This time of solemn adoration will see each parish in the Archdiocese have 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. A video on 40 Hours is at

Want to Become Catholic? Meetings Tuesdays 7pm at Cathedral House

The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) has begun meeting each week on Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To register to attend, please email

Cop 26 Interfaith Pilgrimage for Climate Justice – Saturday 23rd October

Fr Jeremy Bath and pilgrims of different faiths and beliefs from across the UK and Europe are joining together to walk for climate justice. They will arrive at the Cathedral at 2pm for a short service and would love to see you all there!

New Publication: Scottish Catholic Magazine

Scotland’s new Catholic magazine, ‘The Scottish Catholic’, will launch on October 15th. Coming out every two weeks it will be a faithful and fresh look at what it means to a Catholic in Scotland now. The first edition will be free – look out for copies at the back of the church!

Date for Your Diary – Volunteer Training – 4th November

We’re extremely fortunate to have so many committed volunteers who serve the parish in all sorts of ways. On Thursday 4th of November at 7pm we will have a meeting in the parish rooms for all those who currently serve as Communion Ministers, Readers and Passkeepers / Stewards. This will be an opportunity to reflect together on the importance of these ministries and to give some refresher training as we return to normal parish life. This would also be an opportunity for anyone – especially new parishioners! – who would like to know more about volunteering in these roles. For more details, please speak to Fergus or to Fr Jamie after Mass.

Sunday Café in Parish Rooms Restarts 17th October

After quite a long time, our Sunday Café with teas and coffees will restart after the 10:30am Mass on 17th October! We welcome all to join us for a time to visit with one another after Mass in the parish rooms.

Friday Morning Coffee Club at St. Andrew’s

It was lovely to see so many people returning to the parish rooms for the Friday morning café! The café will continue this coming Friday from 10am until 12noon. Thanks to all those who helped to organise these opportunities to build and strengthen our parish community!

Trams to Newhaven Project Construction Begins Monday, 11th October

Please be aware that construction work begins Monday 11th October around Picardy Place, York Road, London Road for the Trams to Newhaven project. To sign up for email updates, click on the green box ‘Join our mailing list’ on this page: The work will go on through Spring 2022! Questions? Contact 0131 322 1122,

White Mass – 12pm, Sunday 17th October

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate the 12noon Mass on Sunday, 17th October especially for healthcare workers in Scotland in gratitude for their service throughout the COVID pandemic. The White Mass is traditionally celebrated on or near the Feast of St. Luke (18th October), the patron saint of physicians and surgeons. If you are a healthcare worker, please RSVP by Sunday, 10th October

Help the City’s Hungry and Homeless: Bethany Care Van Volunteers Needed

Can you help deliver food to the hungry at lunchtime or in the evenings? The Bethany Care Van in Edinburgh needs volunteer drivers and food collectors.

Email call 0131 454 3120. Watch a 5-minute video about Bethany’s life-changing services at

Post-Covid Pilgrimage Challenge! The Way of St. Andrews

Support the revival of the ancient Scottish Pilgrimage to the town of St Andrews! The pilgrimage walk offers beautiful scenery from coastal to moorland. Start off with a mini-pilgrimage to Rosslyn Chapel. All details and contact information on

Dementia: Hope on a Difficult Journey

An event for those supporting friends or family with dementia will be held at the Gillis Centre, Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, from 2-4pm on Saturday 6 November. A talk will be led by Dr Adrian Treloar, and there will be a chance to share experiences before a time of prayer in St Margaret’s Chapel, onsite. Light refreshments will be served. The event is organised by the Archdiocesan Marriage & Families Commission. Register at

Shakespeare: A Catholic Perspective

Explore the Bard's plays in this weekly webinar series titled Shakespeare: A Catholic Perspective. The sessions look at six of his best known works, with insights on human nature from St Thomas Aquinas. The series is organised by the Archdiocesan Catechetics Commission and the final session is this Monday11 October at 7:30pm on Romeo and Juliet: Original sin; love and its true meaning. Register at


The Catholic Church in Scotland is creating a new safeguarding agency. The Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (SCSSA) will operate entirely independently of the Church. Find out more at

Read the newsletter for 10th October (pdf)