First Sunday Of Advent – Year C

Restoration of Sunday Obligation

In March 2020, as a result of the restrictions on public worship which followed the outbreak of Covid-19, the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays was suspended by the Bishops of Scotland. Now that our churches are fully open once more and, thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, have been shown to be safe places, the Bishops of Scotland have decided that the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy days of Obligation can now be resumed. This will take effect on Sunday 2 January 2022. In accordance with the common teaching of the Church this obligation does not bind those in ill health or those otherwise impeded from attending Mass. Nor, in the context of Covid, does it bind those showing symptoms of the virus or with underlying health conditions, or those with responsibilities for people in need of special care. You can read their full pastoral letter ‘On the Season of Christmas and the Restoration of the Mass Obligation in the Dioceses of Scotland’ at

The 40 Hours Devotion, 28th-30th November, Watching with the Lord: An Invitation from the Lord!

On the night before he died, Jesus asked his disciples, ‘Will you not watch one hour with me?’ Over these days of Forty Hours, he extends the same invitation to us. Please be generous in coming to spend time with our Eucharistic Lord, who desires our company! Please take a moment to look at the lists in the back of the Church and prayerfully consider signing up to pray for an hour before Jesus.

Votive Candles for 40 Hours

As in previous years, we are offering three-day candles that can be dedicated to a specific prayer intention. These candles will burn continuously before the Blessed Sacrament during the three days of prayer. If you would like to dedicate a candle, they can be purchased at the back of the Church for £3 each.

40 Hours Devotion Schedule

Sunday, 28th November

12noon Solemn Mass of Exposition with Archbishop Cushley

1pm-4pm Eucharistic Adoration

4pm-5pm, guided Holy Hour with Fr. Scott Deeley

Monday, 29th November

10:30am – 7pm Eucharistic Adoration

7pm-8pm, guided Holy Hour with Msgr. Andrew McFadden

Tuesday, 30th November – Solemnity of St. Andrew

10:30am – 7pm Eucharistic Adoration

7pm-8pm, guided Holy Hour with Archbishop Cushley

Please note that the Masses on 29th-30th will be 9am (Polish), 10:00am and 12:45pm. From November 2021 to November 2022 the 40 Hours Devotion will be celebrated at parishes throughout the Archdiocese.

Rorate Mass by Candlelight at the Cathedral: Thursdays 9th, 16th, 23rd December

Next week we will begin our beautiful and popular candlelit Advent Masses at the Cathedral on Thursday nights at 7pm. The Rorate Mass is originally the name for a votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin in Advent, named by the first word of its introit (entrance antiphon): “Rorate, caeli, desuper, et nubes pluant iustum,” or “Drop down dew, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down righteousness.” It is celebrated accompanied by flickering candlelight in an otherwise dark church with beautiful music to help us lift up our hearts to God. These are lovely occasions – do bring your children and come along to prepare well for Christmas.

Kathedral Knits Christmas Gifts to Support the Cathedral

On Sunday morning, knitted goods for Christmas will be available for sale in the Octagon until after Noon Mass by our own wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska. The items are also available at

All the profits from these sales are generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. These will make wonderful stocking fillers for that special someone in your life! (Especially when combined with a Cathedral diary – still available for purchase!)

Nativity Blessing & Carol Service 3pm Today in St. Andrew’s Square

Archbishop Cushley, together with other Christian leaders, will bless the Nativity Scene at the Nativity Blessing & Carol Service in St Andrew Square, Edinburgh at 3pm today (Sunday). All are welcome to attend and sing carols with St Columba’s Choir and the Salvation Army Brass Band.

Parish Synod Meeting – Thursday, 2nd December

Parishes are being encouraged to host 'spiritual conversations' so people can contribute their voice to the Synod 2021-2023. The meeting for our parish will be on Thursday, 2nd December, 7pm in 63 York Place.

Just Say ‘No’ Legalizing Assisted Suicide

A public consultation has been launched on a bill proposed by Liam McArthur MSP to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland. The consultation is running until Wednesday 22 December 2021. Please complete the questionnaire as soon as you can and encourage others to do the same. You can find a link to the consultation form and resources to help at

Mary’s Meals Boxes

I know that many of you collected a Mary’s Meals donation box when the charity visited us earlier this month. Any donations that you collect in these boxes can be sent directly to Mary’s Meals, along with your Gift Aid declaration (if applicable) by following the instructions on the side of the box. Some of you have passed your boxes to us and while we are able to collate the monies and submit them on your behalf, may we kindly request that you leave your box with us no later than 30th November 2021. After this date, please could you send any donations for Mary’s Meals directly to the charity. Thank you!

First Saturday Devotions

Next Saturday, 4th December, 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

No Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 10am Mass on Saturday, 4th December

There no exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 10:00am Mass on Saturday, 4th December due to a number of events scheduled at the Cathedral that day.

Volunteers Needed for All Cathedral Weekend Masses

Volunteers are needed to assist at each weekend Mass at the Cathedral to help with welcoming, handing out newsletters, signposting to toilet facilities, arranging people to help with the collection, special collections and arranging people to bring up the offertory gifts. We need three volunteers to serve at each Mass. To volunteer, please e-mail Elizabeth Andrews, who will be in contact with you to provide further details and answer any questions. Thank you!

Rosary for Life on Zoom – Tuesday, 30 November, 7:45pm

Join Fr Kevin Douglas this Tuesday, 30 November, 7.45pm to pray for unborn children, their mothers and all Pro-Life intentions. Event on Zoom, register here: (scroll down to events).

Marriage Preparation Course

Congratulations to the fourteen couples from our parish who took part in our Marriage Preparation course in the parish rooms at Ravelston yesterday. Many, many thanks to the parishioners who gave their powerful testimonies of the joys of married life and practical tips for those setting out! If you’re planning to get married next year, please contact Fr Jamie as soon as possible to book onto our upcoming courses in January and June. Email Fr. Jamie to sign up

Rorate Mass by Candlelight at Ravelston: Mondays 6th, 13th, 20th December

Next week we will begin our beautiful and popular candlelit Advent Masses on Mondays at 7pm at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. The Rorate Mass originated during the course of the Middle Ages as one of the various popular Advent devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Hope. It is celebrated accompanied by flickering candlelight in an otherwise dark church with beautiful music to help us lift up our hearts to God. Do come along and bring your children to these beautiful liturgies of Advent.

Children Invited to Help Assemble Parish Manger – Saturday, 11th December

On Saturday, 11 December 9:00am-10:00am, children are invited to help set up the St Andrew’s, Ravelston, parish manger for our garden Nativity Scene. The manger is constructed from flat-pack and will be great fun to assemble as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus! All helpers can enjoy a hot chocolate drink!

Blessing of the Manger Before 10:30am Mass – Sunday, 12th December

Our parish will celebrate the blessing of the parish Nativity Scene on Sunday, 12 December at approximately 10:15am, immediately after catechism class and before 10:30am Mass. All children and parishioners are invited!

Jesus, the Coming King: Mid-Teens Advent Weekend, 3rd–5th December

A weekend retreat for mid teens in S2, S3 & S4 will be held at Craig Lodge with an Advent theme from Friday, 3rd December to Sunday, 5th December. This will be a weekend of teaching, prayer, Mass and some fun activities, all with the aim of bringing about new encounters with Jesus, the Coming King! To book, please email For more information visit,

Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR, T: +44(0)1838 200216.

Free Online Courses at International Catholic University

Catholic Thinkers has started making International Catholic University courses available for free and have been adding one course per week for much of the year. To date, 29 of ICU's 55 courses are freely available on the Catholic Thinkers website:

Read the newsletter for 28 November (pdf)