25th Sunday of the Year - Year B

Young Adults’ Group Resumes This Week

After a long summer break, the Cathedral Young Adults’ Group resumes regular, in-person meetings this Tuesday evening at 63 York Place (around the corner from the Cathedral at the end of the tram line). This week, Fr Jamie will begin a new series of talks on ‘The Basics of Discipleship.’ The talk will begin at 7.30pm, with tea and coffee available from 7pm. The evening will conclude with Night Prayer and a trip to the pub. The group is open to all young people aged 18-35. Come along and bring your friends!

Parish Bible Study on Zoom Monday evenings 7pm

Our parish Bible study group meets regularly to discuss the coming Sunday’s Mass readings. Each week a brief commentary on each reading is provided in preparation for a guided group discussion on Monday evening at 7pm. The group will continue to meet online, perhaps with occasional in-person meetings – ad experimentum! To register, please email frjamie@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Monday, 27th Sept: Parents’ Meeting for Children Preparing for First Reconciliation

A parents’ meeting will be held on Zoom Monday 27th September at 6.00pm (Cathedral), 6.30pm (Ravelston) for children preparing for First Reconciliation (P3 and above). To attend please register at https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/first-reconciliation. If you have already registered, you will receive the Zoom link by email.

Visit Coffee Saints café at the Cathedral and Support Edinburgh’s Most Vulnerable

Café Open 7 Days a Week 8:30am-5:00pm

Please continue to spread the word about our new Coffee Saints café, in which all profits go to charity! It is a partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project, which supports Edinburgh’s most vulnerable citizens, including those dealing with homelessness, mental health problems, poverty and more. It is a totally unique café in the St. James’ Quarter where your purchase directly supports those in need! To see the full menu, visit https://www.coffeesaints.co.uk/

Follow on Facebook (Coffee Saints) and Twitter @coffeesaints!

One-off Registration for Weekend Masses!

We continue to maintain a record of those who attend weekend Mass as part of the Trace and Protect scheme. You can register in advance for our new sign-in system! Please note you only need to register once! No need to register each week. By registering online or by using the paper forms at the back of church your details are held securely in the office and your name added to a door-list to be ticked off as you enter for Mass. Register at https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/mass-registration

Holy Communion on the Tongue

While suspended previously due to the pandemic, receiving Holy Communion on the tongue is now permitted. However, as we continue to exercise precautions, we ask that you please approach only a priest or deacon to receive Holy Communion on the tongue. Thank you!

Cathedral Cleaning Volunteers Needed, Wednesdays 2pm-5pm

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 5pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group with a view to easing the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Marriage Preparation Course on Saturday, 27th November

Are you planning to get married next year? Please contact Fr Jamie as soon as possible to make arrangements for Marriage Preparation. We will offer our own, regular parish-based course on Saturday, 27th November.

Saturday Mornings at Cathedral: Silent Prayer Before Jesus Christ

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated in the Cathedral every Saturday after the 10:00am Mass, from 10:30am-12:00pm, concluding with Benediction. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more….for some time of silent prayer before Jesus in Blessed Sacrament. Priests are also available to hear Confessions from 10:30am-12:00pm.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? RCIA Meetings Tuesdays 7pm – Join Us!

Would you like to learn more about the Catholic faith and the process of being received into full communion with the Catholic Church? The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) has begun meeting each week on Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To register to attend, please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

White Mass for Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare Workers: 12pm, Sun., 17th October

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate a White Mass on Sunday, 17th October at 12noon for doctors, nurses and all healthcare workers in Scotland in gratitude for their service throughout the COVID pandemic. The White Mass is traditionally celebrated on or near the Feast of St. Luke (18th October), the patron saint of physicians and surgeons. RSVP by Sunday, 10th October cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Cathedral Complex Manager

An experienced and self-motivated manager is sought for the role of Cathedral Complex Manger for the operational running of the Cathedral Complex. The role holder will have experience of facilities management and have a flexible and hands-on approach to working in this unique environment. For a full job description, please visit https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/complex-manager-job-advertisement

“Shakespeare: A Catholic Perspective” Free Webinar 7:30pm, Mondays

Join the free webinar series titled “Shakespeare: A Catholic Perspective” looking at the Bard’s best-known works coupled with insights on human nature from St Thomas Aquinas:

20 Sep: - King Lear: Blindness.

27 Sep - Twelfth Night: Melancholy and narcissism/vanity.

4 Oct - Richard II: The nature of kingship and honour.

11 Oct - Romeo and Juliet: Original sin; love and its true meaning.

The event is organised by the Archdiocesan Catechetics Commission. Discussions are be led by Dr Anthony Quinn, Sr Anna Marie RSM and Fr Kevin Douglas. Register at bit.ly/ShakespeareWebinar

Dementia: Hope on a Difficult Journey: 2pm-4pm, Sat., 6th November, Gillis Centre

A free event for those supporting friends or family with dementia will be held at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, from 2-4pm, Saturday, 6th November. A talk will be led by Dr Adrian Treloar, a Catholic physician and author who is a consultant and senior lecturer in old-age psychiatry. There will be a chance to share experiences before a time of prayer in St Margaret’s Chapel. Light refreshments will be served.. The event is organised by the Archdiocesan Marriage & Families Commission. To register please visit bit.ly/DementiaEvent2021

Cistercian Nunraw Abbey’s Beautiful New Guesthouse Now Open!

The recently opened Guesthouse at Nunraw Abbey (Haddington EH41 4LW) is now ready to receive guests for a time of peace, quiet or rest. Book your stay in one of the 9 rooms available. The Guesthouse offers full board and every room has an en-suite facility. For more information or to book in, contact 01620 670 096, guesthouse@nunrawabbey.com. The Abbey, run by the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance, is located about 30 minutes form the outskirts of Edinburgh. To see photos, visit http://www.nunrawabbey.com/about-us/guesthouse

Read the newsletter for 19th September (pdf)

24th Sunday of the Year - Year B

Thank You, Deacon Joshua!

As you know, Deacon Joshua Moir departs today concluding his summer placement with us. We thank him for his diaconal service here during the summer and wish him well his studies in Rome! Please keep Deacon Joshua in your prayers in his studies for the priesthood.

Congratulations to Deacon Tom McEvoy and to Douglas Robertson!

On Saturday, 11th September, 2:00pm, Archbishop Cushley ordained Deacon Tom McEvoy as a Permanent Deacon for our Archdiocese! At the same Mass, Douglas Roberston was installed as a Lector, one of the ministries received in the process of becoming a Permanent Deacon. Deacons can baptise, proclaim the Gospel, preach the homily, assist the bishop or priest in the celebration of the Eucharist, assist at and bless marriages, and preside at funerals. To find out more about the Permanent Diaconate, contact Deacon Ronnie Macauley on 01501 740348 or macaulay_ronnie@yahoo.co.uk

Coffee Saints at the Cathedral!

Enjoy Ethical Coffee in a Friendly & Beautiful Café 7 Days a Week 8:30am-5:00pm

Thank you to all who supported our new Coffee Saints café last weekend! Please continue to spread the word! The café is open every day 8:30am-5:00pm! It is beautifully decorated and serves delicious food and excellent coffee! As you know the café is a partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project, a charity which supports Edinburgh’s most vulnerable citizens. All profits go to charity! This is the only café in the St. James’ Quarter where you can get an ethical coffee! To see the full menu, visit https://www.coffeesaints.co.uk/

Cathedral Cleaning Volunteers Needed, Wednesdays 2pm-5pm

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 5pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group with a view to easing the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Sacramental Preparation for Children: Registration Open!

Registration is now open for sacramental preparation for children for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. To register online, simply use your phone to scan the QR code on the poster in the back of church or visit the following links:

First Reconciliation (P3 and above): https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/first-reconciliation

First Holy Communion (P4 and above): https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/first-communion

Confirmation (P7 and above): https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/confirmation

More information about class format and dates will be provided on registration. Please spread the word!

Vocation Awareness Week: Explore the Call!

This week the Church in Scotland highlights vocation awareness. Our vocation or calling from God is rooted in our Baptism. Do you think God may be calling you to serve the Church as a Priest, Permanent Deacon or religious Sister or Brother? Explore the call! Contact: Fr Andrew Garden, 0131 663 4286, vocations@staned.org.uk or Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, 0131 623 8902, religiousvocations@staned.org.uk

Parish Bible Study on Zoom Monday evenings 7pm

Our parish Bible study group meets regularly to discuss the coming Sunday’s Mass readings. Each week a brief commentary on each reading is provided in preparation for a guided group discussion on Monday evening at 7pm. The group will continue to meet online, perhaps with occasional in-person meetings – ad experimentum! To register, please email frjamie@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Young Adults Group - Tuesdays at 7.30pm Beginning 21st September

All young adults aged 18-35 are very welcome to join our Young Adults Group which will begin meeting again on Tuesday evenings from 21st September, 7:30pm at 63 York Place (around the corner from the Cathedral) for a talk on some area of Christian life / theology, followed by some prayer and then a trip to the pub! If you'd like to receive regular updates, please look us up on Facebook (St Mary's Cathedral Young Adults' Group) or watch for news in this Newsletter.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Meetings Start Tuesday, 14th Sept. – Sign Up Now!

The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group will meet each week on Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House from Tuesday, 14th September until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To sign up email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Marriage Preparation Course on Saturday, 27th November

Are you planning to get married next year? Please contact Fr Jamie frjamie@stmaryscathedral.co.uk as soon as possible to make arrangements for Marriage Preparation. We will offer our own, regular parish-based course on Saturday, 27th November.

“Shakespeare: A Catholic Perspective” Free Webinar 7:30pm, Mondays

Now into its second week, join the free 6-week webinar series titled “Shakespeare: A Catholic Perspective”. This week features Measure for Measure! The sessions will look at his best-known works with insights on human nature from St Thomas Aquinas. Don't worry if you haven't read Shakespeare, you’ll be guided along each week! The event is organised by the Archdiocesan Catechetics Commission. For more details and a full schedule, visit https://archedinburgh.org/register-now-for-mini-course-on-shakespeare/

Register at bit.ly/ShakespeareWebinar

Praying for Life: 40 Days for Life in Edinburgh: 22 Sept – 31 October

Join other Christians for 40 Days for Life: 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You're invited to peacefully pray during a 40 Day vigil in the public right-of-way outside the Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, Chalmers Street, Edinburgh. For more information and especially if you'd like to volunteer to help, please contact edinburgh40days@gmail.com or visit www.40daysforlife.com

Craig Lodge House of Prayer: Spirit & Truth Weekend (1-3 October)

Craig Lodge is delighted to be launching a new series of weekend-long worship schools comprised of teaching and extended times of worship, finding their source and summit in the Mass. These are open to all who want to simply grow in greater intimacy with the Lord. Joe Wells and Pippa Baker from One Hope Project will be leading the first school, 1-3 October. For more information visit, https://www.craiglodge.org/ Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, UK, PA33 1AR, T: +44(0)1838 200216, mail@craiglodge.org.

2022 Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play with St. Columba Parish

St. Columba Parish is planning a pilgrimage to Oberammergau for the Passion Play next year, for 8 days departing 23 September, 2022, including Lake Garda, Venice & Verona. For details, please contact Agatha Kai-Kai at agathakaikai@gmail.com

Job Advertisement

Cathedral Complex Manager

Read the newsletter for 12th September (pdf)

23rd Sunday of the Year - Year B

Coffee Saints - Now Open!

7 Days a Week 8:30am-5:00pm

Dear Friends,

As you may know – our new café called Coffee Saints is now open every day 8:30am-5:00pm! The café is beautifully decorated and is serving delicious food and superb coffee all day every day. This new initiative is a partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project, a charity which supports Edinburgh’s most vulnerable citizens. All profits go to charity – and so this is the only café in the St. James’ Quarter where you can get an ethical coffee. The friendly and welcoming staff are serving a wide range of coffees, cold drinks, milkshakes and Frappes, meals and light bites, and cakes! To see the full menu, visit https://www.coffeesaints.co.uk/

Please support this new venture and please spread the news about it. There are many other options for eating and drinking in this neighbourhood – so it is vital that we not only support but also advertise Coffee Saints by word of mouth, Fr. Patrick

Parish Bible Study: Resumes Monday, 6th September

Our parish Bible study group meets regularly to discuss the coming Sunday’s Mass readings. Each week a brief commentary on each reading is provided in preparation for a guided group discussion on Monday evening at 7pm. The group will continue to meet online, perhaps with occasional in-person meetings – ad experimentum! To register, please email frjamie@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Young Adults Group - Tuesdays at 7.30pm Beginning 21st September

All young adults aged 18-35 are very welcome to join our Young Adults Group which will begin meeting again on Tuesday evenings from 21st September, 7:30pm at 63 York Place (around the corner from the Cathedral) for a talk on some area of Christian life / theology, followed by some prayer and then a trip to the pub! The theme for the semester is Christian Discipleship, covering a range of topics relevant to the joys and the challenges of following Jesus in the modern world! If you'd like to receive regular updates, please look us up on Facebook (St Mary's Cathedral Young Adults' Group) or watch for news in this Newsletter.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Meetings Start Tuesday, 14th Sept. – Sign Up Now!

The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group will meet each week on Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House from Tuesday, 14th September until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To sign up email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Cathedral Cleaning Volunteers Needed, Wednesdays 2pm-5pm

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 5pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group with a view to easing the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Marriage Preparation Course on Saturday, 27th November

Are you planning to get married next year? Please contact Fr Jamie as soon as possible to make arrangements for Marriage Preparation. We will offer our own, regular parish-based course on Saturday, 27th November.

Registration For Mass: New System!

Thank you for all who have been registering in advance for our new sign-in system for weekend Masses! We continue to maintain a record of those who Mass as part of the Trace and Protect scheme. Last weekend we had over 60 people register on-line and nearly 50 people completed paper sign-in sheets! By registering online in advance your details are held securely in the office and your surname added to a door-list which will be ticked off as you enter Mass.

Sacramental Preparation for Children: Registration Open!

Registration is now open for sacramental preparation for children for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. To register online, simply use your phone to scan the QR code on the poster in the back of church or visit the following links:

First Reconciliation (P3 and above): https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/first-reconciliation

First Holy Communion (P4 and above): https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/first-communion

Confirmation (P7 and above): https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/confirmation

More information about class format and dates will be provided on registration. Please spread the word!

“Shakespeare: A Catholic Perspective” Webinar 7:30pm, Monday, 6th September

Explore the Bard's plays in a free 6-week webinar series titled “Shakespeare: A Catholic Perspective”. The sessions will look at six of his best-known works (Macbeth, Measure for Measure, King Lear, Twelfth Night, Richard II and Romeo and Juliet) with insights on human nature from St Thomas Aquinas. Don't worry if you haven't read Shakespeare, you’ll be guided along each week! The event is organised by the Archdiocesan Catechetics Commission. For more details, visit https://archedinburgh.org/register-now-for-mini-course-on-shakespeare/ Register at bit.ly/ShakespeareWebinar

Saturday, 11th September: Permanent Diaconate Ordination, Lector Installation

At the Cathedral on Saturday, 11th September, 2:00pm, Archbishop Cushley will ordain Tom McEvoy as a Permanent Deacon for our Archdiocese and Douglas Roberston will be installed as a Lector, one step closer to becoming a Permanent Deacon. Deacons can baptise, proclaim the Gospel, preach the homily, assist the bishop or priest in the celebration of the Eucharist, assist at and bless marriages, and preside at funerals. To find out more about the Permanent Diaconate, contact Deacon Ronnie Macauley on 01501 740348 or macaulay_ronnie@yahoo.co.uk

Justice & Peace Mass 7:30pm on Monday 6 September

The Annual Archdiocesan Justice & Peace Mass takes place at 7:30pm on Monday 6 September at St Columba’s, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh (EH9 1SN). It marks the beginning of the Season of Creation and will be a chance to pray for the success of COP26. Refreshments will served after Mass. Register at bit.ly/JusticeAndPeaceMass2021

Courses at Gillis Centre by St Mary’s University

Applications are now open for a variety of courses run by St Mary’s University at the Gillis Centre Campus in Edinburgh, starting this autumn. Why not improve your knowledge of the Catholic Faith with an MA in Theology? Teachers are invited to register now for MA Education courses as part of their continuing professional development. These are: Catholic School Leadership; Leading Innovation and Change; Pedagogy; Religious Education.

Watch testimonies from students on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel

All details at www.stmarys.ac.uk/edinburgh

Monthly Vocations Mass

The monthly Mass for Vocations will be at 6:30pm on Monday 6 September at St David’s in Dalkeith. Come and pray for vocations!

‘The Human Face of the Climate Emergency: A Call to Action'

During the Season of Creation and in advance of COP26, the Archdiocesan Commission for Caritas, Justice & Peace invite you to a mini-colloquium titled ‘The Human Face of the Climate Emergency: A Call to Action' It takes place at 3-5pm on Sunday 12 September on Zoom. For more details and to register, visit: bit.ly/ACallToAction2021

Sunday, 17th October White Mass for Doctors, Nurses and Healthcare Workers

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate a White Mass on Sunday, 17th October at 12noon, followed by a reception, for doctors, nurses and all healthcare workers in Scotland in gratitude for their service throughout the COVID pandemic. The White Mass is traditionally celebrated on or near the Feast of St. Luke (18th October), the patron saint of physicians and surgeons. To attend, please RSVP by Sunday, 10th October to cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Read the newsletter for 5th September (pdf)

22nd Sunday of the Year – Year B

Registration For Mass: New System!

Apologies for the confusion at some of the Masses last weekend while we try to get used to our new sign-in system, and sincere thanks to our dedicated team of volunteers for their help in keeping us all safe. As you know, as well as asking parishioners to wear a facemask and sanitise their hands, we continue to maintain a record of those who attend each week as part of the Trace and Protect scheme. By registering online in advance at https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/mass-registration your details are held securely in the office and your surname added to a door-list which will be ticked off as you enter Mass. Hopefully this will help to speed up the sign-in process – and one day the necessity of keeping such lists will be a thing of the past!

Comings and Goings…

A big welcome back to Sister Miriam Fidelis, RSM, who returned to us this week after making her final vows. It’s a great joy to have Sister back with us! Deacon Joshua meanwhile will soon complete his summer placement here. He will be in St Andrew’s, Ravelston next weekend in order to say goodbye, before doing the same at the Cathedral on Sunday 12th. He will then return to Rome to continue his studies. Please keep him in your prayers!

Sacramental Preparation for Children: Registration Open!

Registration is now open for sacramental preparation for children for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. To register online, simply use your phone to scan the QR code on the poster in the back of church or visit the following links:

First Reconciliation (P3 and above): https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/first-reconciliation

First Holy Communion (P4 and above): https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/first-communion

Confirmation (P7 and above): https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/confirmation

More information about class format and dates will be provided on registration. Please spread the word!

Offertory Collection

Following the advice of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland that it is safe to do so, we are now restoring the offertory collection to its traditional place in the Mass. We understand that many parishioners now give electronically and, however you do it, we’re extremely grateful for your generous financial support every week!

Parish Bible Study: Resumes Monday, 6th September

Our parish Bible study group meets regularly to discuss the coming Sunday’s Mass readings. Each week a brief commentary on each reading is provided in preparation for a guided group discussion on Monday evening at 7pm. The group will continue to meet online, perhaps with occasional in-person meetings – ad experimentum! To register, please email frjamie@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Teaching in a Catholic School: Online Session 2:30pm to 4:30pm, Wednesday, 1st September

Archbishop Cushley is inviting newly qualified teachers working in the Archdiocese to take part in an online session titled Teaching in a Catholic School. Eileen Rafferty and Margaret Barton, Archdiocesan religious education advisors for primary and secondary schools, respectively will lead the event 2:30pm to 4:30pm on Wednesday 1 September (Zoom). To register please email kay.clarke@staned.org.uk

Hillside Area Parishioner Needs Help Getting to Sunday Mass at the Cathedral

Do you attend 12 noon Mass on Sunday? A parishioner living in the Hillside area of Edinburgh needs help in walking or being driven with their guide dog to the Sunday 12 noon Mass. Free car parking in a disabled space is available in St James Quarter Car Park, as it is for all holders of blue badges who attend Sunday Mass at the Cathedral, please contact the Cathedral office for more information.. If you can assist on a fortnightly or monthly basis, please contact cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk and provide your contact details. Thank you!

Interested in Becoming Catholic? RCIA Meetings Start Tuesday, 14th Sept. – Sign Up Now!

The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group will meet each week on Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House from Tuesday, 14th September until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter, For more information, email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

First Saturday Devotions

Next Saturday, 4th September, 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

Patricia Archutowski R.I.P.

With sadness we announce the death of our much beloved parishioner Patricia Archutowski who passed away this past week. Trish was a generous volunteer and contributed so much to the life of the parish. She is survived by her husband John and their two young children. Please pray for the happy repose of her soul and for the consolation of all those who mourn for her. May she rest in peace and rise in glory!

Read the newsletter for 29th August (pdf)

21st Sunday of the Year - Year B


… to our parish secretary, Sister Miriam Fidelis, RSM, who professed perpetual religious vows as a Sister of Mercy last week. Thank you, Sister, for your dedication to serve Christ and his Church in this way and for all that you and your sisters bring to our parish – we are extremely grateful!

Sacramental Initiation For Children

As our children return to school, we’re now finalising the dates for a new programme of sacramental preparation for children. Registration for these sacraments will open next weekend with catechetical preparation being provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at Ravelston. Watch this space for more details next week!

Parish Bible Study: Resumes 6th September

Our parish Bible study group meets regularly to discuss the coming Sunday’s Mass readings. Each week a brief commentary on each reading is provided in preparation for a guided group discussion on Monday evening at 7pm. The group will continue to meet online, perhaps with occasional in-person meetings – ad experimentum! To register, please email frjamie@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Interested in Becoming Catholic?

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Courses at Gillis Centre

Applications are now open for a variety of courses run by St Mary’s University at the Gillis Centre Campus in Edinburgh, starting this autumn. Why not improve your knowledge of the Catholic Faith with an MA in Theology? Teachers are invited to register now for a of MA Education courses as part of their continuing professional development. All details at www.stmarys.ac.uk/edinburgh


The monthly Mass for Vocations will be at 6:30pm on Monday 6 September at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh (EH9 1SN).

Vacancy - Pastoral Co-ordinator

St Joseph’s in Rosewell, a house of support for those with learning difficulties, has a vacancy for the Pastoral Co-ordinator post. They are looking for an individual who can build positive relationships, has good communication skills, and is committed to the Vincentian Values of St Joseph’s to lead the pastoral team. For more info, see the poster in the Octagon.

Safeguarding webinar

The Bishops of Scotland invite clergy, religious, church employees and volunteers across Scotland to a national safeguarding webinar at 11am on Saturday 2 October. The link to register is: bit.ly/3gQRdPu

Justice & Peace Mass

The Annual Archdiocesan Justice & Peace Mass takes place at 7:30pm on Monday 6 September at St Columba’s, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh (EH9 1SN). Refreshments will served after Mass. Register at bit.ly/JusticeAndPeaceMass2021

Event: A Call to Action

During the Season of Creation and in advance of COP26, the Archdiocesan Commission for Caritas, Justice & Peace invite you to a mini-colloquium titled ‘The Human Face of the Climate Emergency: A Call to Action' It takes place at 3-5pm on Sunday 12 September on Zoom. For more details and to register, visit: bit.ly/ACallToAction2021


A synod of the bishops will take place in Rome in 2023. It will begin with a period of consultation and discernment on Sunday 17 October this year. Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM has been asked to be the Archdiocese’s lead delegate in the national synodal process and will be assisted by Fr John Deighan. An announcement will be made soon on how that process will take shape in our Archdiocese.

Read the newsletter 22nd August (pdf)

Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary – Year B

Happy Feast!

Sunday s the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is the patronal feast of our Cathedral. As a special treat from the Cathedral clergy in honour of the feast, we are giving you the week off from us! Instead, Fr Bobby Taylor, one of our newly ordained priests here in the Archdiocese, will be at the Cathedral to celebrate the Masses. After each Mass, he will be offering his first blessings. The first blessings of newly ordained priests are especially significant, and even have an indulgence attached (with the usual stipulations!).

New Covid Restrictions

As you know, the First Minister substantially relaxed Covid Restrictions last week. This means that there is no longer any social distancing and there is no longer any need to book for Mass. There is also no longer the same need to sanitise the Church after each Mass, and we can again have offertory processions and the traditional collection. There are a few remaining restrictions: still no holy water, no sign of peace and no distribution of the Precious Blood. Also facemasks continue to be encouraged and santiser ought to be used. However, Communion can return to its previous format and those who wish to receive Communion on the tongue should come at the end of the queue.

Sir James MacMillan to become Patron of Music at St Mary’s Cathedral

As you know, our musical life here at the Cathedral has gone from strength to strength in recent years as part of the long tradition of liturgical music-making at St Mary’s Cathedral. And so we are delighted that renowned Scottish composer, Sir James MacMillan, has agreed to become the Cathedral’s patron of music.

Sir James is recognised all over the world as one of the great modern composers, and his music is regularly performed by top international choirs and orchestras. We are really honoured that he has agreed to lend his support at this time, as we emerge from the pandemic and look towards the continued flourishing and strengthening of our musical life in the years to come.

On his recent visit to the Cathedral, Sir James recalled how hearing liturgical music at St Mary’s Cathedral made an important early impression on him:

“There was something about attending Mass here, even as a little boy, that sticks very much in my mind. And the commitment of the Church to music at the core of the liturgy continues: it continues here in Scotland, it continues here in Edinburgh, and it continues here in this wonderful cathedral, where there has been a reinvigorated commitment to all the music makers and music that happens in various liturgies. I am therefore delighted to become the new Patron of Music here at St Mary’s Cathedral.”

Watch this video to hear more from Sir James about becoming patron of our music.

Music for the 12noon Mass at the Cathedral

Mass setting: Victoria Missa O quam gloriosum

Motet: James MacMillan Ave maris stella

Organ voluntary: James MacMillan 'One' from St Andrews Suite

‘With Angels and Archangels’

After the success of the launch of our choir CD, ‘With Angels and Archangels’, last autumn, the album is now available on online music stores and streaming services. Search for the name of the album on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music or Spotify.

Please Pray for Sr. Miriam Fidelis

Sr Miriam Fidelis, our Parish Secretary, makes her Final Vows for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers as she makes this beautiful gift to God. You can participate in the mass via live stream at the following web address: https//www.saginaw.org/cathedral-live

Funeral Arrangements of Andy Hilton

Andy’s family have been in touch regarding his funeral arrangements which will take place on Friday 20th August at 1pm at Mortonhall Crematorium. Anyone wishing to attend is very welcome.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Vacancy - Pastoral Co-ordinator

St Joseph’s in Rosewell, a house of support for those with learning difficulties, has a vacancy for the Pastoral Co-ordinator post. They are looking for an individual who can build positive relationships, has good communication skills, and is committed to the Vincentian Values of St Joseph’s to lead the pastoral team. For more info, see the poster in the Octagon.

Comings and Goings

Fr. Jamie comes back from holiday today refreshed and renewed… And I am going away today for a couple of weeks to (exotic) Carlisle! I know you’ll find it difficult – but try to survive without me….

Final Collection Today

There is a second collection today for the African Missions and Holy Places. This is one collection that is definitely worth supporting!

Read the newsletter for 15th August (pdf)

Nineteenth Sunday Of The Year – Year B

Andy Hilton, RIP.


With deep sadness I have to communicate to you that our Cathedral Complex Manager, Andy Hilton, died suddenly on Wednesday having been involved in a freak mountain biking accident. We do not know many details except that he was involved in a head on collision, suffered massive injuries to his head and died instantly. Andy had been working here at the Cathedral for almost three years and had become “one of the family”. He was not a Catholic – but he seemed to enjoy working here with us and he achieved an enormous amount for the Cathedral in his time here. He leaves a daughter and both his parents are still alive. I know that you will keep them very much in your prayers. I found Andy a deeply good and decent man. He was scrupulously honest and genuinely kind. I respected him and enjoyed working with him. We will all miss him. May he rest in peace.

Welcome to Fr. Jose

After the departure of Fr. Jinse to Coventry, we welcome Fr. Jose, who will continue the ministry to the Syro-Malabar community from the Cathedral House. Fr Jose joins us from his most recent appointment in Liverpool. I’m sure you will all look forward to meeting him soon, and will make him very welcome.

Welcome to Fr. Bobby Taylor

Next weekend will be the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is the patronal feast of this Cathedral. Fr Bobby Taylor, one of our newly ordained priests here in the Archdiocese, will be at the Cathedral to celebrate the Masses.

Sr Miriam Fidelis Reed

Please keep in your prayers Sr Miriam, our Parish Secretary, who takes her Final Vows for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, USA, on 16th August. You can participate via live stream at https//www.saginaw.org/cathedral-live

Grassmarket Project

This week, Jonny from the Grassmarket Project, which will soon be launching the Saints Coffee Bar at the Cathedral, will be at the Polish Mass at 6pm and the English Mass at 7.30pm to let parishioners know about this exciting new venture.

'With Angels and Archangels' choir CD available in music streaming stores soon

From this Wednesday 11th August, our Schola Cantorum CD 'With Angels and Archangels' will be available on online music stores and streaming services. Thank you to the many hundreds of you who have purchased a copy of the disc since last autumn. Soon you can also listen to beautiful choral music from St Mary's Cathedral through iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music and Spotify!

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Applications Open! St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Post-Graduate Part-Time Degrees - Study Flexibly While You Work

Applications open: Apply to study at St Mary’s University’s new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre from this September on postgraduate part-time MA degrees in education or theology.

MA Applied Catholic Theology; MA Catholic School Leadership
MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change
MA Education: Pedagogy
MA Education: Religious Education

To apply, visit https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/edinburgh

Hear more about the courses at bit.ly/OpenEveningReplay. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario, marianne.rozario@stmarys.ac.uk

Second Collection Next Sunday

There will also be a second collection at the end of all Masses next Sunday for the African Mission and Holy Places. This is an ancient and important fund – which goes to help Missionary Orders and also to pay for the upkeep of the Christian Shrines and Pilrimmage Places in the Holy Land.

Read the newsletter for 8th August (pdf)

Eighteenth Sunday of the Year - Year B

Comings and Goings…

This week we say farewell to Fr. Jinse – who has been here for the last two and half years. Fr. Jinse has been a wonderful help to us over the years and we wish him well as he moves to a new appointment in Coventry. He will be replaced, also this week, by Fr. Jose who is joining us from Liverpool. Fr. Jose will be ministering to the Syro-Malabar community and living in the Cathedral. I know you will make him very welcome.

Sr Miriam Fidelis Reed

Please keep in your prayers Sr Miriam, our Parish Secretary, who takes her Final Vows for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, USA, on 16th August. You can participate via live stream at https//wwww.saginaw.org/cathedral-live

Incident in the Cathedral

As most of you will have seen in the media, there was an incident in the Cathedral last Monday. It was a nasty incident and Fr. Jamie only escaped injury because he moved very quickly! The perpetrator has since been arrested and it appears that it was a random and unpremeditated incident. It does, however, raise questions about security in the Cathedral and I have already had very helpful meetings with Police Crime Prevention Officers. The Police have reassured us that we do not need to make any immediate changes to our arrangements – but in due course we will be looking into extra security measures like the installation of a Panic Alarm, a redesign of the Volunteer station and a radio link with the Parish Office. Fr. Jamie was shaken but was unharmed and he has now gone away for 2 weeks (well deserved) holiday. We are very grateful for all the many (many!) messages of support that we received during the week.

Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima

Those keeping the devotion to Our Lady of Fatima meet on the first Saturday of each month. On Saturday 7th August, they will meet at 9:30am, and stay for the 10:00am Mass. All are very warmly invited to join!

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Applications Open! St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Post-Graduate Part-Time Degrees Study Flexibly While You Work

APPLICATIONS OPEN: Apply to study at St Mary’s University’s new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre from this September on postgraduate part-time MA degrees in education or theology.

MA Applied Catholic Theology; MA Catholic School Leadership
MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change
MA Education: Pedagogy
MA Education: Religious Education

To apply, visit https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/edinburgh

Hear more about the courses at bit.ly/OpenEveningReplay

Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario, marianne.rozario@stmarys.ac.uk

Saturday Eucharistic Adoration: Silent Prayer Before Jesus Christ

“I am the living bread which has come down from heaven.” (John 6:51)

Saturdays 10:30am-12:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions

Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more….for some time of silent prayer before the Risen Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm. Come and pray! Priests are also available to hear Confessions from 10:30am-12:00pm. “To celebrate the Eucharist, we need first to recognize our thirst for God, to sense our need for him, to long for his presence and love, to realize that we cannot go it alone, but need the Food and Drink of eternal life to sustain us on our journey... Adoration: that is the attitude we need in the presence of the Eucharist.” Pope Francis, 2021 Corpus Christi homily

Read the newsletter for 1st August (pdf)

Seventeenth Sunday Of The Year – Year B

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Today is the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, in which we are all invited to celebrate and give thanks for the role and contribution of grandparents and older people to their families and our parishes. All are encouraged to make a visit or call an elderly person living alone on Sunday or the week ahead (observing relevant Covid guidelines).

Discount for Parishioners at Coffee Saints

For parishioners of the Cathedral and St Andrew’s, Ravelston, a discount card is available for the new coffee shop opening in the Cathedral Hall in August. For more information, ask one of the Cathedral clergy, who are the givers of all good things.

Covid Restrictions: Level 0

On Monday 19 July, all of Scotland moved into Level 0. This means that we now move to one metre physical distancing inside the church. This means that physical distancing has been reduced to one metre. Singing is also permitted once again, but only from behind facemasks. Maximum attendance at weddings and funerals will rises to 200 people. The other restrictions remain in place: Face coverings must still be worn inside church, unless exempt; Names and telephone numbers of those attending church must still be taken; Sanitiser should still be made available for parishioners.

Safeguarding Webinar

The Bishops of Scotland invite clergy, religious, church employees and volunteers across Scotland to a national safeguarding webinar at 11am on Saturday 2 October. It will be a chance to find out more about the safeguarding document In Gods Image v2 and reflect upon on its implications for your safeguarding role in the Church. The link to register is: bit.ly/3gQRdPu

Assistance Requested

The Parish Office has been informed that there is a parishioner, living in the Hillside area of Edinburgh, who needs help walking or being driven to the Sunday 12 noon Mass, together with a guide dog. This parishioner does have a blue disabled badge, and so free car parking in a disabled space in St James Quarter car park is available for the duration of the Mass. If anyone is able to assist in this on a fortnightly or monthly basis, please could they contact Cathedral House with their details . Many thanks!

Sr Miriam Fidelis Reed

Please keep in your prayers Sr Miriam, our Parish Secretary, who takes her Final Vows for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, USA, on 16th August. You can participate via live stream at https//wwww.saginaw.org/cathedral-live

Applications Open! St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Post-Graduate Part-Time Degrees  Study Flexibly While You Work

APPLICATIONS OPEN: Apply to study at St Mary’s University’s new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre from this September on postgraduate part-time MA degrees in education or theology.

MA Applied Catholic Theology
MA Catholic School Leadership
MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change
MA Education: Pedagogy
MA Education: Religious Education

To apply, visit https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/edinburgh. Hear more about the courses at bit.ly/OpenEveningReplay

Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario, marianne.rozario@stmarys.ac.uk

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Weekly Cathedral and Monthly Archdiocesan Updates By E-Mail

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of of this website. To receive a monthly e-mail update from the Archdiocese, subscribe at https://archedinburgh.org/news-events

Important: New Mass Times from Today at St Andrew's, Ravelston

As announced last week, we move today to a new Mass schedule, with Masses at 9:30 and 10:30, and again at 12 noon in the Extraordinary Form. Please remember to book your seats in advance to avoid queueing or disappointment at these Masses.

Read the newsletter for 25th July (doc)

Sixteenth Sunday of the Year - Year B

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

On 25th July the universal Church celebrates the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly at which we are all invited to celebrate and give thanks for the role and contribution of grandparents and older people to their families and our parishes. All are encouraged to make a visit to the elderly living alone in the community following whatever covid guidelines are in place in your area at that time.

Covid Update

The First Minister announced last week that all of Scotland will move to Level 0 on Monday 19 July. So from that date we can move to one metre of physical distancing instead of two metres. This means that from next Sunday Mass we will be able to sing again (albeit with masks on!). It also means that we will reduce Sunday Masses at Ravelston from 3 Masses to 2 (9.30 and 10.30). Maximum attendance at weddings and funerals will rise also rise to 200. Unfortunately, the other remain:

·      Face coverings must still be worn inside church, unless exempt.

·      Names and telephone numbers of those attending church must still be taken.

·      Sanitiser should still be made available for parishioners.

 Congratulations to Fr. Martin Eckersley!

You will be pleased to know that Fr Martin Eckersley was ordained to the priesthood on Saturday at the Cathedral.  From 4 September, he will be assistant priest at St Francis Xavier’s in Falkirk. Fr Robert Taylor, who as you know was also recently ordained, will return in the autumn to Rome to complete his regular course of studies. 

 Safeguarding Webinar

The Bishops of Scotland invite clergy, religious, church employees and volunteers across Scotland to a national safeguarding webinar at 11am on Saturday 2 October. It will be a chance to find out more about the safeguarding document In Gods Image v2 and reflect upon on its implications for your safeguarding role in the Church. The link to register is: bit.ly/3gQRdPu

Assistance Requested

The Parish Office has been informed that there is a parishioner, living in the Hillside area of Edinburgh, who needs help walking or being driven to the Sunday 12 noon Mass, together with a guide dog. This parishioner does have a blue disabled badge, and so free car parking in a disabled space in St James Quarter car park is available for the duration of the Mass. If anyone is able to assist in this on a fortnightly or monthly basis, please could they contact Cathedral House with their details . Many thanks!

Sr Miriam Fidelis Reed

Please keep in your prayers Sr Miriam, our Parish Secretary, who takes her Final Vows for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, USA, on 16th August. You can participate via live stream at https//wwww.saginaw.org/cathedral-live.

Applications Open! St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Post-Graduate Part-Time Degrees - Study Flexibly While You Work

Apply to study at St Mary’s University’s new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre from this September on postgraduate part-time MA degrees in education or theology. 

MA Applied Catholic Theology

MA Catholic School Leadership

MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change

MA Education: Pedagogy

MA Education: Religious Education

To apply, visit https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/edinburgh. Hear more about the courses at bit.ly/OpenEveningReplayEnjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario, marianne.rozario@stmarys.ac.uk.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you!  The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Music for the 12noon Mass at the Cathedral

Byrd Mass for Three Voices

Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine

Organ voluntary: Vierne Carillon du Longpont

 Weekly Cathedral and Monthly Archdiocesan Updates By E-Mail

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk. To receive a monthly e-mail update from the Archdiocese, subscribe at https://archedinburgh.org/news-events (scroll to bottom of page). 

Grassmarket Project - New Café

Today at all Ravelston Sunday Masses, representatives from the Grassmarket Community Project (GCP) will speak about the new Coffee Saints opening in the Cathedral Hall in late summer. This is an ecumenical project between the Cathedral and Greyfriar’s Kirk – and will be the only social enterprise café of its kind in this otherwise commercial area. The representatives will be available after all Masses next weekend to answer questions about this exciting development in our parish! 

Read the newsletter for 18th July (pdf)