The 30th Sunday of the Year - Year B

Welcome to 15 Candidates Preparing for Full Communion with the Catholic Church

At the 12 noon Mass this week we will receive 15 people into the order of Catechumens! Please pray for these friends as they journey towards full communion with the Church. Over the coming months they will continue their religious instruction, preparing to receive Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation at Easter 2022. May God bless our new Catechumens!

The Perfect Christmas Present…A Cathedral Diary for 2022

In an exclusive pre-Christmas offer – the Cathedral is offering you the opportunity to solve all your Christmas Present Problems in one fell-swoop! After the amazing success of last year’s diary, (which sold out in one week!) we have produced another Cathedral Diary for this coming year. It is a beautiful desk diary with lovely artwork and meditations for the various seasons of the year. It is a thoughtful and meaningful present which anyone would be pleased to receive, and which also supports the Cathedral. The Diaries are a very reasonable £10 each, but this week - in a special pre-season exclusive - we are offering two diaries for only £20 (the old ones are always the best – Ed!). Hurry while stocks last!

November Lists

November is traditionally known as the month of the Holy Souls, in which we pray in a special way for our deceased loved ones. Together with your newsletter, you will have received a 'November List' on which you can make a note of all those people you wish to pray for. These lists will be placed before the altar and remembered at every Mass during this month ahead. Please hand in completed lists to the stewards at the end of Mass or hand into the Cathedral Office.

Young Adults’ Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

‘Finding God Through Study’

Our next meeting of the Young Adults Group (age 18-35) will discuss ‘Finding God Through Study’. Our guest speaker is Fr. Samuel Burke, OP, chaplain to the University of Edinburgh. Fr. Samuel will speak about the Dominican approach to study as a preparation for mission, and encourage all of us (students or not) to continue to grow in our knowledge of God throughout our lives. As usual, we meet at 63 York Place at 7 for 7.30pm followed by group discussion, night prayer and then the pub. Come along!

Bible Study on Zoom – Every Monday at 7pm

A great way to prepare for Sunday Mass is to attend our online parish Bible Study! Join us to read and discuss Sacred Scripture! We meet Monday at 7pm to study the upcoming Sunday’s reading and it’s a great opportunity to ask questions about anything that is unclear. The Catechism encourages us to study Scripture: “Different as the books which compose it may be, Scripture is a unity by reason of the unity of God's plan, of which Christ Jesus is the centre and heart.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 112). To register, please email

All Souls Day Mass at Mount Vernon Cemetery – 2nd November

Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year, especially those buried at Mount Vernon Cemetery. This will take place on All Souls’ Day, Tuesday 2 November, at 10am in the Cemetery Chapel. Although the Chapel is small and fills up quickly, everyone who wishes to attend is most welcome.

Mary’s Meals Speaker at 6-7 November Masses

A volunteer from the charity Mary’s Meals will be speaking at all Masses in the Cathedral during the weekend of 6 and 7 November, giving an update on their work providing school meals to children living in poverty around the world. There will be a collection following Mass if you would like to make a donation to this important cause.

Prisoners’ Week Launch Service – 22 November

Prisoners’ Week 2021 launch takes place at 7pm on Monday 22 November at St Mary’s Cathedral, followed by refreshments in the Coffee Saints café. The goal of Prisoners’ Week is to “to encourage action and support, particularly among communities of faith, for all those affected by imprisonment including families and the victims of the crime”. More information at

Booking is needed for this event, so please register at

Cathedral 40 Hours Devotion Begins 28 November, 12:00pm Mass

Beginning on the First Sunday of Advent 2021, 28th November, 12:00pm Archbishop Cushley is to relaunch the simple and beautiful tradition of 40 hours' Devotion, which recalls the period of 40 hours from the time of our Lord’s death on the cross until His Resurrection. This time of solemn adoration will see each parish in the Archdiocese have 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. A video on 40 Hours is at

Diocesan Stage of Synod 2021-2023 Launched

The diocesan stage of the Synod 2021-2023 was launched by Archbishop Cushley who celebrated Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral last Sunday, explaining the three themes of the Synod: communion, participation and mission. You can read what the Archbishop had to say about the synod at

Keep up to date on Archdiocesan social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and at Parishes will soon receive details on the steps they can take to contribute to this diocesan stage. Read more about the Synod at

“Coffee-Saints” News

Afternoon Tea at Coffee Saints – Very Civilised!

Coffee Saints are now taking bookings for a delicious afternoon tea! To book your space, please visit and click ‘Book Now’!

Soup Kitchen for the Homeless at Coffee Saints – Sign-up to Volunteer

In cooperation with Grassmarket Community Project we’re starting a soup kitchen for the homeless every Tuesday 5:00pm-6:30pm at Coffee Saints. We can’t do it without a generous response from parishioners to help to run it! Volunteers do not need to commit to every week, but will need to complete basic training before going on the rota. Anyone interested should contact

Monday Morning Coffee Club – Join Us at Coffee Saints!

Have you tried Coffee Saints? Come along and join our Monday Morning Coffee Club! It’s a great way to meet new people and get the week off to a good start. Every cup of coffee is locally roasted and helps support and provide opportunities for Edinburgh’s vulnerable adults. Come along this Monday from 9:30am- 11:30am in the Coffee Saints café. You’ll be extremely welcome! If you’d like to volunteer, contact Catherine (, 07507691155). Spread the word!

Have you been worshipping with us, but never officially become Catholic?

You are invited to find out more through the process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The Cathedral’s RCIA group is a place to ask questions and deepen your journey of faith in preparation for the sacraments of initiation. Meetings are every Tuesday, 7:00pm-8:30pm at Cathedral House until Christmas and then from January to Easter, with a few sessions after Easter. To register, email

Sunday Café in Parish Rooms After 10:30am Mass

Teas & coffees will be available after Sunday 10:30am Mass. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat!

Date for Your Diary – St. Andrew’s Volunteer Training – 4th November

On Thursday 4th of November at 7pm we will meet in the parish rooms with those who currently serving as Communion Ministers, Readers and Passkeepers/Stewards. We will reflect together on the importance of these ministries and to give some refresher training as we return to normal parish life, as well as welcoming new volunteers. If you’re interested, please speak to Fergus or to Fr Jamie after Mass.

Praying for Life: 40 Days for Life in Edinburgh

Join other Christians for 40 Days for Life: 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You're invited to peacefully pray during a 40 Day vigil, concluding 31st October, in the public right-of-way outside the Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, Chalmers Street, Edinburgh. For more information please contact or visit

Annual Torchlight Procession, Glasgow – 28th October

SPUC Scotland will hold its Annual Torchlight Procession to remember the lives lost from abortion over the last 54 years on Thursday 28 October 2021. Gathering at George Square, Glasgow, Rosary will commence at 6.30pm followed by a procession at 7pm to St Andrew's Cathedral, where Mass will begin at 7.30pm. All are welcome. For more information contact SPUC Scotland on 0141 221 2094.

Dementia: Hope on a Difficult Journey – Saturday, 6th November

An event for those supporting friends or family with dementia will be held at the Gillis Centre, Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, from 2-4pm on Saturday 6 November. A talk will be led by Dr Adrian Treloar, and there will be a chance to share experiences before a time of prayer in St Margaret’s Chapel, onsite. Light refreshments will be served. The event is organised by the Archdiocesan Marriage & Families Commission. Register at

Mary’s Meals 15km Run to Raise Funds to Feed Poor Children – 7th November

Up for a running challenge for a great cause? Sign up for a 15km run to support the work of Mary’s Meals in feeding over 2 million children around the world. The run around Edinburgh will take place on Sunday, 7th November leaving from the Meadows to Portobello and back, heading to Pear Tree after for a well-deserved pint. For more information, visit

There will be a second collection after all Masses this week for Missio.

Read the newsletter for 24th October (pdf)