Second Sunday Of Advent – Year B

Short Talks on Prayer by Fr. Patrick – Every Monday at 7pm

It was great to see such a great number tune in online for the first instalment of Fr Patrick’s Advent talks on prayer. But there is always room for a few more. Just email

You can listen to last week’s first talk on the Cathedral podcast page or watch on the website

Advent Candlelit Masses – 7pm Wednesday at Ravelston, 7pm Thursday at Cathedral

Our beautiful, candlelit Rorate Masses booked out last week in record time! If you’d like to come along this coming week, don’t forget to register online here beginning 8:00am on the Monday of each week. Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped to light all the candles (no small task!) and clear them all away at the end of the night, much appreciated!

‘Be Still’: Zoom Talk From Sister Anna-Marie McGuan RSM

How can we cut through the cacophony of consumerism to ensure prayer is the priority in your preparations to celebrate the birth of Christ? Sister Anna-Marie can help. This Zoom event takes place at 7:30pm on Monday 14 December. No registration required - join using this link:


As you know, the government’s requirement of churches keeping a temporary register of all who attend Mass is still in effect at this time, for which reason it is very important that you register for one of the Masses before you arrive. Please use the online booking system on our website or call the parish office. Thank you!

Stewarding Volunteers needed for Christmas Masses and beyond

The Cathedral is in need of more stewarding volunteers, not only for the Christmas Masses, but also to help cover the various shifts throughout the days and weeks going forward. Stewards are on duty to ensure that visitors to the Cathedral are following the Government’s COVID-19 regulations relating to face coverings, hand sanitising, social distancing and cleaning of surfaces as required. If you would like to assist, please sign up on sheets with the volunteers at the back of the church. Alternatively, you can contact Elizabeth directly.

St Andrew’s, Ravelston, also needs more volunteers. Sign up at the back of the church to help.

Join Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office Against DIY Home Abortions - Tuesday, 8th December, 7:30pm

Join Paul Atkin on Tuesday, 8th December, 7:30pm in a Zoom session to learn how to make to make the best response to the Scottish Government’s questionnaire to stop DIY home abortions. Register here. The government’s consultation ends on 5th January 2021.

Annual Mass Attendance Census

The Archdiocese’s Annual Mass Attendance Census will be taken this weekend Sat., 5th Dec. and Sun., 6th Dec.

Christmas CD Sale!

Thanks to everyone who bought ‘With Angels and Archangels’, the newly released CD by our Cathedral choir. If you missed out, you can still buy the CD online here.

Inspired by 800 years of sacred music, it is the perfect Christmas Gift. The CD costs a very reasonable £12.99 and all proceeds from the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our Cathedral music!

Warm Christmas Gifts – Knitted Goods to Support the Cathedral

Knitted goods for Christmas made by our own wonderful parishioners Joanna Kopystynska and Anne MacAulay will be available for sale in the Octagon after Masses on Sunday morning. The knitted dolls by Joanna are also available here

Anne will have available hats, headbands, tea cozies, and babywear of various colours and sizes. All the profits from all sales are very generously donated by Joanna and Anne to the Cathedral. Please support the Cathedral by buying some of these beautiful Christmas gifts!

Hand on the Faith to Others! Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics

One-Year Online Course in 2021 – Begins January 14, 2021

Grab your laptop, put the kettle on and join people across the Archdiocese on Zoom each week to learn about our Catholic faith and earn an Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics to prepare you to hand on our Catholic faith to others! The Archdiocese is offering a new one-year course via Zoom taught in weekly 45-minute lectures (Thursday evenings at 7:30pm) beginning January 14, 2021.

Topics will include ‘The Lay Vocation in the Church’, `What is Revelation? How does Scripture fit into Revelation? How do I read and pray with Scripture?’, `The Existence of God’, `The Nature of Man’, `The Dignity of the Human Person, Subsidiarity and Solidarity: The 3 Principles of Catholic Social Doctrine’ and much more!

For more info email: Please take a brochure in the back of church with all the Course Module dates and details.

Wednesday Evening Mass in St Andrew’s Ravelston

During Advent the regular Wednesday evening Mass will be celebrated at 7pm (rather than 6pm) and you must register in advance for it as a candlelit, Rorate Mass. The Thursday evening Masses will be cancelled during Advent.

Catechism Classes for Children

In January 2021, Catechism classes in St Andrew’s, Ravelston, will begin for those children (P4 and above) who have registered for First Holy Communion in 2021, and those children (P7 and above) who have registered for Confirmation in 2021. It’s not too late to register! Please contact the parish office.

Friday Morning Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration with the Religious Sisters of Mercy

The Religious Sisters of Mercy pray their Friday morning prayer in the church at St Andrews and invite you to join them! They begin with the Liturgy of the Hours at 5:45 am. An hour for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins around 6:30 am. Stop in for five minutes, or for longer. Contact Sr Miriam Fidelis, RSM at the Cathedral office for more information.

Conductor Sir James MacMillan: Catholicism and Music, Wed., 9th Dec 2020 6:00pm-7:15pm

Scottish composer and conductor Sir James MacMillan will discuss the relation between Catholicism and music in an online lecture Wed., 9th Dec 2020 6:00pm-7:15pm co-hosted by the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University and The Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts at the University of St Andrews. He will discuss his own music, music from previous centuries which has been employed in liturgy, and the religious traditions and heritage of Catholicism. To register, please visit here.

“From The Holy Land: Faith and Art” – Online Course Wednesdays in Advent

A new online course sponsored by Pilgrimage People will be held on Wednesdays in Advent, 3pm-4pm. The course will look at the history, architecture and art of churches in the Holy Land. All the talks will be recorded. Cost is £60 and all profits go to support Christians in the Holy Land. The course dates are 2nd December: The Basilica of the Annunciation; 9th December: The Church of the Visitation; 16th December: The Shepherds Fields; 23rd December: Church of the Nativity. To register, please email or call 0800 612 3423.

Mary’s Meals, Double the Love

Through Mary’s Meals’ Double The Love campaign, donations will be doubled by the UK government, up to £2 million, until 31 January 2021. For just £15.90, two children in impoverished countries will be fed for a whole school year! To donate, please visit

Read the newsletter for 6th December here (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 6th December here (doc)

First Sunday Of Advent – Year B


After such a strange and perplexing year, it will be good for us to use the beautiful and peaceful season of Advent to ponder on the last nine months and on our faith as we move into an uncertain future. In order to help us reflect and enter into the spirit of Advent, we have organised a number of special events:

Four Short Talks by Fr. Patrick – Every Monday at 7pm

This year, more than ever, I have felt that God is calling all of us into a deeper and more real life of prayer. In order to help you – I am offering a short series of 10-minute talks on prayer. Each one will be at 7:00pm every Monday in Advent: Nov. 30th, Dec. 7th, 14th, 21st. E-mail to register.

Advent Candlelit Masses

As in previous years, during Advent we will have our special Candlelit Masses at both the Cathedral and at Ravelston. The Masses will be at 7pm on Wednesday in Ravelston and on Thursday at the Cathedral. Seats will be available for online reservation here beginning 8:00am on the Monday of each week. Or phone the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798.

Advent with the Archbishop – Sunday, 29th November at 7pm

Archbishop Leo will give a talk entitled ‘Unwrapping Christmas’ on Zoom on Sunday 29 November at 7pm. The event is open to all. Please register at


As you know, the government’s limit of 50 people per Mass is still in effect at this time for which reason it is very important that you register for one of the Masses before you arrive. Please use the online booking system on our website (on the homepage, scroll down to ‘Reserve a place for Sunday Mass’ or click on the button below) or call the parish office. Thank you!

St. Andrew’s Day

His Grace the Archbishop will celebrate the 12.45pm Mass on Monday in honour of our National Patron.

Stewarding Volunteers needed for Christmas Masses and beyond

The Cathedral is in need of more stewarding volunteers, not only for the Christmas Masses, but also to help cover the various shifts throughout the days and weeks going forward. Stewards are on duty to ensure that visitors to the Cathedral are following the Government’s COVID-19 regulations relating to face coverings, hand sanitising, social distancing and cleaning of surfaces as required. If you would like to assist, please sign up on sheets with the volunteers at the back of the church. Alternatively, you can contact Elizabeth or sign up on the sheet at the back of the church to help out at St Andrew’s, Ravelston.

First Saturday Devotions – Next Saturday

Devotions to Our Lady of Fatima will be held in the Cathedral on Sat 5th December at 9:30am. All welcome.

Advent Rosary for Life – Monday, 30 November, 7:00pm

Join with the unborn Christ and His Mother on the journey to Bethlehem through praying the rosary with others during the weeks of Advent. Each rosary will last about 30 minutes, starting at 7pm. Register here.

Annual Mass Attendance Census

The Archdiocese’s Annual Mass Attendance Census will be taken next weekend Sat., 5th Dec. and Sun., 6th Dec.

Many Thanks for Donated Gifts to Prisoners’ Children!

We received a large quantity of beautifully wrapped Christmas gifts both at the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s for distribution to for the children of prisoners in Edinburgh (Saughton) Prison. Thank you very much to everyone who donated gifts! Your continued kindness and generosity are very much appreciated!

Music for the 12 noon Mass

Hills of the North Rejoice
Creator of the Stars of Nigh
Organ Voluntary: Jean Langlais Incantation pour un jour saint

Black Sunday – Christmas CD Sale!

This Christmas why not give the gift of Sacred Music? Our own wonderful Cathedral Choir will be selling their beautiful CD after all Masses this weekend. Inspired by 800 years of sacred music it is the perfect Christmas Gift. The CD costs a very reasonable £12.99 but as a special Black (Purple!) Sunday Offer we are selling 2 CD’s for only £20. All proceeds from the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our Cathedral music! Purchase at:

Warm Christmas Gifts – Knitted Goods to Support the Cathedral

Knitted goods for Christmas made by our own wonderful parishioners Joanna Kopystynska and Anne MacAulay will be available for sale in the Octagon after Masses on Sunday morning. The knitted dolls by Joanna are also available at Anne will have available hats, headbands, tea cozies, and babywear of various colours and sizes. All the profits from all sales are very generously donated by Joanna and Anne to the Cathedral. Please support the Cathedral by buying some of these beautiful Christmas gifts!

Hand on the Faith to Others! Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics

One-Year Online Course in 2021 – Begins January 14, 2021

Join people across the Archdiocese on Zoom each week to learn about our Catholic faith and earn an Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics to prepare you to hand on our Catholic faith to others! The Archdiocese is offering a new one-year course via Zoom taught in weekly 45-minute lectures (Thursday evenings at 7:30pm) beginning January 14, 2021. Lectures will be given on the Role of the Laity in the Church, Sacraments, Scripture, Christology, Systematic Theology and Moral Theology. For more info email: Please take a brochure in the back of church with all the Course Module dates and details.

“From The Holy Land: Faith and Art” – Online Course Wednesdays in Advent

A new online course sponsored by Pilgrimage People will be held on Wednesdays in Advent, 3pm-4pm. The course will look at the history, architecture and art of churches in the Holy Land. All the talks will be recorded. Cost is £60 and all profits go to support Christians in the Holy Land. The course dates are 2nd December: The Basilica of the Annunciation; 9th December: The Church of the Visitation; 16th December: The Shepherds Fields; 23rd December: Church of the Nativity. To register, please email or call 0800 612 3423.

Pilgrimage Opportunities

Need a Day Out? Explore Scotland on our many great pilgrimage trails! Routes include Rosslyn Chapel Way; Saint Margaret’s Loop, St. Andrew’s Circuit and many more! To learn more, visit here..

Read the newsletter for 29th November (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 29th November (doc)

Solemnity Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King Of The Universe – Year A

Hand on the Faith to Others!

Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics One-Year Online Course in 2021

Join people across the Archdiocese on Zoom each week to learn about our Catholic faith and earn an Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics to prepare you to hand on our Catholic faith to others! The Archdiocese is offering a new one-year course via Zoom taught in weekly 45-minute lectures (Thursday evenings at 7:30pm) beginning January 14, 2021. Lectures will be given on the Role of the Laity in the Church, Sacraments, Scripture, Christology, Systematic Theology and Moral Theology, find out more here. An online introductory session is planned on Zoom on Tuesday, 24th November at 7:30 p.m. for anyone who would like to learn more! This is a great opportunity to increase your knowledge of our Catholic Faith. For more info email:

Please take a brochure in the back of church with all the Course Module dates and details.

‘Life of Faith: Where does Prayer fit in?’

45-minute Talk on Prayer with Sr. Anna Marie, RSM, Monday, 23rd November, 2pm and 7pm

Learn more about how to deepen your prayer life, draw closer to God and ask questions during the Archdiocese’s exciting new Zoom catechesis led by Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM, a Religious Sister of Mercy who holds a licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. The 45-minute talk ‘Life of Faith: Where does Prayer fit in?’ will be held for the Edinburgh Deanery on Monday, 23rd November at 2pm and 7pm. To register please email

Advent Talks with Fr. Patrick

During Advent Fr. Patrick will give four short talks on Prayer as a way of preparing for Christmas. The talks will be at 7:00pm every Monday in Advent on Zoom, beginning on the Solemnity of St. Andrew, Monday, 30th November. Please put the dates in your diaries and consider making these talks an Advent commitment for all the family.

Mass with Archbishop Cushley on the Solemnity of St. Andrew, 30th November

His Grace the Archbishop will celebrate Mass in the Cathedral at 12:45pm to celebrate our National Patron, St. Andrew the Apostle. St. Andrew, pray for us!

A Huge Thank You…

To all who purchased our 2021 Cathedral Diaries—in just one week the entire stock of 250 diaries sold out! All proceeds go to support St. Mary’s Catholic Cathedral. The next thing we will be “promoting” is our wonderful CD – another perfect Christmas present…!

Advent with the Archbishop – Sunday, 29th November at 7pm

Archbishop Leo will give a talk entitled ‘Unwrapping Christmas’ on Zoom on Sunday 29 November at 7pm. The event is open to all. Please register at

Series of Talks with Fr. Patrick Beginning Monday, 30th November, 7pm

As we await Christ’s coming at Christmas, we can deepen our prayer life! Fr. Patrick will give four short talks about Prayer at 7:00pm every Monday in Advent on Zoom: Nov. 30th, Dec. 7th, Dec. 14th and Dec. 21st. If you would like to attend, please e-mail or call the parish office.

Advent Candlelit Masses

As in previous years, during Advent we will have our special Candlelit Masses at both the Cathedral and at Ravelston. The Masses will be at 7pm on Wednesday in Ravelston and on Thursday at the Cathedral. Seats will be available for online reservation here beginning 8:00am on the Monday of each week. Or phone the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798. During the four weeks of Advent, we enter into this ancient expectancy of the Messiah, holding in our hands the candles which remind us of the coming of Christ, the Light of the World!

Times of Christmas Masses 2020

St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral

Christmas Eve:

3pm; 4pm; 5pm; 6pm; 7pm;

8pm; 9pm (Polish); 10pm; 11pm; Midnight

Christmas Day: Friday 25th December

8am; 9am; 10am (Polish);

11am; 12noon; 6pm (Polish);

St Andrew’s Church, Ravelston

Christmas Eve:

5pm; 6pm; 7pm

Midnight (Extraordinary Form)

Christmas Day: Friday 25th December

9am, 10am, 11am,

12noon (Extraordinary Form)

Seats will be available for reservation online beginning 8:00am on Monday, 14th December here or phone the Parish Office.

Stewarding Volunteers needed for Christmas Masses and beyond

In order to keep the Cathedral open, it is a requirement that stewards are on duty throughout the day to ensure that visitors to the Cathedral are following the Government’s COVID-19 regulations relating to face coverings, hand sanitising, social distancing and cleaning of surfaces as required. The Cathedral is in need of more stewarding volunteers, not only for the Christmas Masses, but also to help cover the various shifts throughout the days and weeks going forward. If you would like to assist as a steward, please sign up on sheets with the volunteers at the back of the for you to leave your name and contact details and these will be passed to Elizabeth Andrews, the volunteer co-ordinator, who will contact you with further information. Alternatively, you can contact Elizabeth for the Cathedral Masses or sign-up to help with Masses at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, at the back of the church.

Music for the 12 noon Mass

J.S. Bach 'Quia respexit' from Magnificat

Handel 'How beautiful are the feet' from Messiah

Organ voluntary: Paean - Kenneth Leighton

Buy Christmas Gifts from Kathedral Knits to Support the Cathedral

Knitted goods for Christmas made by our own wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska will be available for sale in the Octagon after Masses on Sunday morning, before the 8am Mass until after 12noon Mass. They are also available at All the profits from this sale are very generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. Please consider supporting Joanna and the Cathedral and buying a doll for a Christmas gift this year!

Remembering Persecuted Christians: National Red Wednesday Event on 25th November 7:30pm

Aid to the Church in Need’s Red Wednesday Event will raise the profile of what is happening to Christians persecuted for their faith and all those persecuted for their beliefs around the world. The report ‘Set Your Captives Free’ will spotlight four high-profile cases of unfair imprisonment: Maira Shahbaz, Patriarch Abune Antonios, Leah Sharibu and Bishop James Su Zhumin. Visit here to view the event and click save my spot.

“From The Holy Land: Faith and Art” – Online Course Wednesdays in Advent

A new online course Wednesday in Advent, 3pm-4pm will look at the history, architecture and art of churches in the Holy Land. All the talks will be recorded. Cost: £60. All profits go to support Christians in the Holy Land. To register, please email or call 0800 612 3423.

Pilgrimage Opportunities

Take a “Day Out” on one of Scotland’s great pilgrimage trails, to Rosslyn Chapel a few miles south of Edinburgh or north along St Margaret’s Way to St Andrews. Find a variety of routes at

Read the newsletter for 22nd November (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 22nd November (doc)

Thirty-Third Sunday Of The Year – Year A

Hand on the Faith to Others!

Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics One-Year Online Course in 2021

Join people across the Archdiocese on Zoom each week to learn about our Catholic faith and earn an Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics to prepare you to hand on our Catholic faith to others! The Archdiocese is offering a new one-year course via Zoom taught in weekly 45-minute lectures (Thursday evenings at 7:30pm) beginning January 14, 2021. Lectures will be given on the Role of the Laity in the Church, Sacraments, Scripture, Christology, Systematic Theology and Moral Theology, find out more here. An online introductory session is planned on Zoom on Tuesday, 24th November at 7:30 p.m. for anyone who would like to learn more! This is a great opportunity to increase your knowledge of our Catholic Faith. For more info email:

Please take a brochure in the back of church with all the Course Module dates and details.

‘Life of Faith: Where does Prayer fit in?’

45-minute Talk on Prayer with Sr. Anna Marie, RSM, Monday, 23rd November, 2pm and 7pm

Learn more about how to deepen your prayer life, draw closer to God and ask questions during the Archdiocese’s exciting new Zoom catechesis led by Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM, a Religious Sister of Mercy who holds a licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. The 45-minute talk ‘Life of Faith: Where does Prayer fit in?’ will be held for the Edinburgh Deanery on Monday, 23rd November at 2pm and 7pm. To register please email

Advent Talks with Fr. Patrick

During Advent Fr. Patrick will give four short talks on Prayer as a way of preparing for Christmas. The talks will be at 7:00pm every Monday in Advent on Zoom, beginning on the Solemnity of St. Andrew, Monday, 30th November. Please put the dates in your diaries and consider making these talks an Advent commitment for all the family.

Mass with Archbishop Cushley on the Solemnity of St. Andrew, 30th November

His Grace the Archbishop will celebrate Mass in the Cathedral at 12:45pm to celebrate our National Patron, St. Andrew the Apostle. St. Andrew, pray for us!

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:00pm on Zoom

Join us for our Parish Bible Study on Zoom on Thursdays at 7:00pm, it’s a great way to come to know Jesus better through the Gospels, as we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together. If you would like to join, please email

When you sign up you will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel in preparation for our meeting. We look forward to seeing you!

Sincere Thanks…

To the small group of benefactors who donated the two exquisite new carpets for the sanctuary of the Cathedral, many thanks to those who donated them and many thanks to all of you for your generous support of our beautiful Cathedral.

Remember to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass -- Online or by Phone

Due to the Government’s restrictions no more than 50 people may attend any one Mass and we need to keep a record of contact details of all who attend. Please reserve a seat for either the Saturday Vigil or Sunday Mass in the Cathedral or Ravelston:

Simply choose the Mass you would like to attend and reserve seats Monday, 8am – Saturday, 5pm. If you have any problems, or do not have access to the internet, please phone the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798 and we will be happy to help you. Please note: after 3pm on Friday, the parish office is not able to make any changes to Mass reservations for the weekend.

Music for the 12 noon Mass

O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (Messiah) - Handel

Just as I am, without one plea - Brown

Organ voluntary: Toccata – Dubois

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children – This weekend and next weekend

We are collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh Prison. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years onwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box in the back of the church both next weekend and 21st-22nd November.

Buy Christmas Gifts from Kathedral Knits to Support the Cathedral

Our wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska has been busy knitting all sorts of original knitted goods for Christmas. Unfortunately, this year, she is not really able to sell them in the Octagon and so she has gone online. All her wonderful knitted works are now on sale at her website.

As ever all the profits from this sale are very generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. Please consider supporting Joanna and the Cathedral by visiting her website and buying a doll for a Christmas gift this year!

Catechism Classes for Children at St Andrew’s, Ravelston

In January 2021, Catechism classes will begin for those children (P4 and above) who have registered for First Holy Communion in 2021, and those children (P7 and above) who have registered for Confirmation in 2021. It’s not too late to register! Please contact the parish office to register.

Friday Morning Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration with the Religious Sisters of Mercy

The Religious Sisters of Mercy have begun praying their Friday morning prayer in the church at St Andrews and invite you to join them. They begin with the Liturgy of the Hours at 5:45 am. An hour for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins around 6:30 am. Stop in for five minutes, or for longer. For details, contact Sr Miriam Fidelis, RSM at the Cathedral office.

Support for Rosmini Seminary, Bangalore -- Parish Project Top-up Opportunity

Please be generous, in these few remaining weeks, before our Parish Project collection is transferred in December to the Rosmini Seminary in Bangalore, where Fr Binu is the Superior. You may make electronic transfers to the St Andrews account with a payment reference of 'Parish Project' or contact Caroline via

“Therese of Lisieux: A Doctor of the Church for Our Times”, Cardinal Winning Lecture 2020

Dr. Rebekah Lamb will present “Therese of Lisieux: A Doctor of the Church for Our Times” in this year’s Cardinal Winning Lecture via Zoom on Saturday, 28th November, 11am-12:15pm. Dr. Lamb is a Lecturer in Theology and the Arts in the School of Divinity at University of St. Andrew’s. The Cardinal Winning Lecture is presented by the Saint Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education, University of Glasgow.

Special Collection for Catholic Education in Scotland Next Sunday

There will be a second collection in aid of Catholic Education Scotland. Please be generous in support of our Catholic schools!

Read the newsletter for 15th November (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 15th November (doc)

Thirty Second Sunday of the Year - Year A

Hand on the Faith to Others! - Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics

One-Year Online Course in 2021

From the comfort of your couch, join people across the Archdiocese on Zoom each week to learn about our Catholic faith and earn an Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics to prepare you to hand on our Catholic faith to others! The Archdiocese is offering a new one-year course via Zoom taught in weekly 45-minute lectures (Thursday evenings at 7:30pm) beginning January 2021.

Lectures will be given by a variety of religious and diocesan priests, lay people and religious sisters. The Diploma in Catechetics is especially for anyone involved in the catechetical work of the Church (children’s liturgists, RCIA team members, teachers, youth group leaders etc.), but is open to anyone who wants to learn more about our faith! Find out more here

The perfect Christmas Present…2021 Cathedral Diary

This year we have solved all your Christmas present problems. The Parish Council have produced a gorgeous Cathedral Desk Diary for 2021. The Diary is beautifully produced with prints and meditations for throughout the year. Attractively priced at only £10 per copy it is the perfect gift for Christmas. By giving this lovely gift you will not only bring joy to your relatives and friends but will also be supporting the Cathedral. On sale at the end of Mass and on-line through the Cathedral website – please have a look and get your copies while stocks last!

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:00pm on Zoom

Many of you have already joined our new Parish Bible Study on Zoom on Thursdays at 7:00pm, but there is still room for more! If you would like to join, please email This is a great way to come to know Jesus better through the Gospels, as we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together, so why not give it a try? When you sign up to join you will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel in preparation for our meeting. Do join us!

Advent Talks on Prayer

Advance notice that during Advent Fr. Patrick will give four short talks on Prayer as a way of preparing for Christmas. The talks will be at 7pm every Monday in Advent on zoom. Please put the dates in your diaries and think about making this an Advent commitment for all the family.

Many Thanks…

To all 87 of you who managed to attend our online meeting last Monday. It was wonderful to see so many of you at the meeting and it was a great parish experience. Special thanks go to Darlene for managing us so perfectly technologically. The feedback from our discussions will be processed and published as soon as we can do it.

Remember to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass -- Online or by Phone

Due to the Government’s restrictions no more than 50 people may attend any one Mass and we need to keep a record of contact details of all who attend. Please reserve a seat for either the Saturday Vigil or Sunday Mass in the Cathedral or Ravelston. Simply choose the Mass you would like to attend and reserve seats Monday, 8am – Saturday, 5pm.

If you have any problems, or do not have access to the internet, please phone the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798 and we will be happy to help you. Please note: After 3pm on Friday, the parish office is not able to make any changes to Mass reservations for the weekend.

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children - Nov. 14-15 and Nov. 21-22

Beginning next weekend, Nov. 14-15, we will be collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh Prison. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years onwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box in the back of the church both next weekend and 21st-22nd November.

Music for the 12 noon Mass

Let all mortal flesh keep silence

Noctis recolitur cena novisima (Remember we the last supper)

Organ voluntary: Allegro maestoso (from Sonata 3) - Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

St Andrew’s Ravelston Fabric Report

There have been essential changes made to the lighting of footpaths around the Church and House for the health and safety of all on site, especially with our beautiful evening Masses. Quotes are now being gathered for the most urgent items on the Property Health check –

• Replacement of the inefficient 30+ year old gas boiler in the House

• Permanent fix to the regular leaks in the roof of the rear extension in the House

• Unblocking the neglected drains and downpipes around the church

• Addressing the area of aged roof tiles over the sacristy

Friday Morning Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration with the Religious Sisters of Mercy

The Religious Sisters of Mercy have begun praying their Friday morning prayer in the church at St Andrews and invite you to join them. They begin with the Liturgy of the Hours at 5:45 am. An hour for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins around 6:30 am. Stop in for five minutes, or for longer. For details, contact Sr Miriam Fidelis, RSM at the Cathedral office.

Support for Rosmini Seminary, Bangalore -- Parish Project Top-up Opportunity

In December, all Parish Project monies will be transferred to the Rosmini Seminary in Bangalore, where Fr Binu is the Superior. In these few remaining weeks, please be generous! You may make electronic transfers to the St Andrews account with a payment reference of 'Parish Project' or contact Caroline via

"Reading Scripture with Benedict and Francis: An Adventure with Two Popes’

Online Lecture Tuesday, November 10th, 6:30pm

The Thomistic Institute at the University of Edinburgh will present an online lecture by Prof. Lewis Ayres of Durham University titled "Reading Scripture with Benedict and Francis: An Adventure with Two Popes." The lecture begins on Zoom at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, November 10th. Register online at

‘Ask Me Anything’ Shows Premier During Scottish Interfaith Week -- November 9-13, 2020

In ‘Ask Me Anything’ shows, young people from eight different faiths answer questions about their faith sent in from across Scotland. The shows will be premiered during Scottish Interfaith Week. The shows will be available to view from 9am on each of the days below and will remain on the channel to watch any time:

9th November - Jewish and Sikh, 10th November - Buddhist and Hindu, 11th November - Baha'i and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 12th November – Muslim, 13th November - Catholic and Protestant

St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull, Redemptorist Centre for Christian Spirituality

St. Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull is open for retreat bookings! Visit for a full listing of upcoming retreats or call 01738 624075 for more information.

Read the newsletter for 8th November (pdf)

Solemnity Of All Saints

November Lists

November is traditionally known as the month of the Holy Souls, in which we pray in a special way for our deceased loved ones. From the table at the back of church, please pick up a 'November List' on which you can make a note of all those people you wish to pray for. These lists will be placed before the altar and remembered at every Mass during November. Please hand in completed lists to the stewards at the end of Mass or hand into the Cathedral Office. You can fill in the form here instead.

Parish Meeting, Monday, 2nd November, 7:00pm – What is God saying to us in these times?

All parishioners of the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s are invited to an important online parish meeting on Monday, 2nd November, 7:00pm as we try to discern the will of God in these strange times. We need to think deeply as a Catholic community of faith about what God is asking us to do in response to the crisis. The meeting is over-subscribed and registration is now closed.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:00pm on Zoom

Prepare to hear Christ’s words in the Gospel reading at Sunday Mass! When you sign up to join our new online Parish Bible Study you will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel in preparation for our meeting, held Thursday evenings at 7:30pm. Email to sign up. Do join us as we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together.

Be Sure to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass - Online or by Phone

Due to the Government’s restrictions no more than 50 people may attend any one Mass and we need to keep a record of contact details of all who attend. We wish to avoid having people who have not booked queueing outside in wintry weather. Please reserve a seat for either the Saturday Vigil or Sunday Mass in the Cathedral or Ravelston.

Simply choose the Mass you would like to attend and reserve seats Monday, 8am – Saturday, 5pm. If you have any problems, or do not have access to the internet, please phone the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798 and we will be happy to help you. Please note: After 3pm on Friday, the parish office is not able to make any changes to Mass reservations for the weekend.

Music for the 12 noon Mass

Rossini 'O Salutaris hostia' from Petite Messe solennelle
Fauré 'Pie Jesu' from Requiem
Organ voluntary: Marcel Dupré Placare Christie Servulis

Speak Out Against Abortions at Home

The Scottish Government is holding a consultation on whether to continue the practice of sending dangerous abortion pills to women to undergo abortions at home. We need as many pro-life people as possible to complete the Scottish Government’s questionnaire in order to stop dangerous DIY abortions becoming permanent. SPUC has prepared a briefing which gives a step by step guide to completing the questionnaire. Please go to The consultation ends on 5th January 2021.

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children

We will be collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh Prison. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years onwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box in the back of the church over the weekends of 14th/15th and 21st/22nd November.

All Saints’ Day Bookmark – Please take one with you after Mass at St Andrew’s Ravelston

In celebration of the Solemnity of All Saints, the Religious Sisters of Mercy have prepared “All Saints Bookmarks” which include images of many of the Church’s beloved saints and the Litany of Saints prayer. You will find the colourful bookmarks as you leave the church today – please take one as a reminder to ask the intercession of the saints today and every day in your pilgrimage of faith!

Support for Rosmini Seminary, Bangalore - Parish Project Top-up Opportunity

Following Fr Binu's recent Mass in St Andrews, we have a great opportunity to donate to the Parish Project in support of the Rosmini Seminary in Bangalore, where Fr Binu is the Superior. In December, all Parish Project monies will be transferred to the Seminary. In these few remaining weeks, please be generous and remember to make any electronic transfers to the St Andrews account with a payment reference of 'Parish Project' or contact Caroline via or via the Parish Office. Many, many thanks!

Read the newsletter for 1 November (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 1 November (doc)

Thirtieth Sunday Of The Year – Year A

Important Parish Meeting

Monday, 2nd November – What is God saying to us in these times?

You will be aware by now that the present restrictions imposed upon us because of the Covid pandemic are, in all likelihood, going to be in force for a long time to come. Faced with this situation – I think we need to begin to think deeply about what God is saying to us at this time and what he is asking us to do in response to the crisis?

To that end – I would like to invite you all to an on-line parish meeting on the evening of 2nd November. With the help of Zoom we are able to meet in fairly large numbers online and so I would ask you to think about participating in this meeting. All you need is a computer and the internet and we will do the rest!! If you would like to participate. Thank you for your interest, the meeting is now full!

November Lists

November is traditionally known as the month of the Holy Souls, in which we pray in a special way for our deceased loved ones. Together with your newsletter, you will have received a 'November List' on which you can make a note of all those people you wish to pray for. These lists will be placed before the altar and remembered at every Mass during this month ahead. Please fill in the form, the name will be printed out by the Parish Office and placed on the altar. You can also download the form and hand it in at the back of the church at Sunday Mass or post it through the letterbox at Cathedral House.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:30pm on Zoom

Our new Parish Bible Study meets online every Thursday evening at 7:30pm. Email to sign up. You will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel in preparation for the Bible study. At the meetings, we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together. Do join us!

Be Sure to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass - Online or by Phone

Due to the Government’s restrictions no more than 50 people may attend any one Mass and we need to keep a record of contact details of all who attend.  We are delighted to report an increasing demand for all Sunday Masses at St Andrews. Therefore, it is increasingly important that everyone uses the booking process to reserve a seat for any of these masses. We wish to avoid having people who have not booked queueing outside in wintry weather or indeed being redirected to a bigger church. Thank you for your understanding. Simply choose the Mass you would like to attend and reserve seats Monday, 8am – Saturday, 5pm. If you have any problems, or do not have access to the internet, please phone the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798 and we will be happy to help you.

Speak Out Against Abortions at Home

The Scottish Government is holding a consultation on whether to continue the practice of sending dangerous abortion pills to women to undergo abortions at home. We need as many pro-life people as possible to complete the Scottish Government’s questionnaire in order to stop dangerous DIY abortions becoming permanent. SPUC has prepared a briefing which gives a step by step guide to completing the questionnaire. Please go to

‘Life of Faith: Where does Prayer fit in?’

Online Catechesis with Sr. Anna Marie – Monday, 23rd November

Learn more about how to deepen your prayer life, draw closer to God and ask questions during the Archdiocese’s exciting new Zoom catechesis events led by Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM, a Religious Sister of Mercy who holds a licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. The 45-minute talk ‘Life of Faith: Where does Prayer fit in?’ will be held for the Edinburgh deanery on Monday, 23rd November at 2pm and 7pm. Registration details will be published on the parish website in the coming weeks. Do join us for this event!

National Rosary Rally for Faith, Life and Peace – Pray with Us Saturday, 31st October

Join with other Catholics across our archdiocese to pray the Rosary for faith, life and peace during the National Rosary Rally. The Religious Sisters of Mercy will lead us in the Joyful Mysteries from St Margaret's Chapel at the Gillis Centre at 1pm on Saturday, 31st October: More information is available at

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children

We will be collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh Prison. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years onwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box in the back of the church over the weekends of 14th/15th and 21st/22nd November.

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

Please consider volunteering as a pass keeper to help the Cathedral comply with all COVID-19 regulations. We are still in need of volunteers. This is an essential capacity, so if you are able to help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews. Many people have been so grateful to be able to pray in our Cathedral during the day—thank you to all passkeepers who help to make this possible!

Most of the installation is now complete. A major improvement as we approach wintry weather!

Most of the installation is now complete. A major improvement as we approach wintry weather!

On-going Renovations to Cathedral House

Having done so much to improve the fabric of Cathedral House in recent years, we were shocked to find that the roof of the house has never actually been insulated. Andy, our ever-resourceful Complex manager, has therefore been installing insulation this week. By doing this, we will, as you know, both reduce heating costs but also eliminate unnecessary waste.

Parish Project Top-up Opportunity

As you may remember, the Rosmini Seminary in Bangalore (where Fr Binu is the Superior) was voted-in as our Parish Project. Following Fr Binu's recent Mass in St Andrews, we have a great opportunity to donate to the Parish Project over the month of November and top-up the existing donations. All parish project monies will be transferred to the Seminary in December. Please make any electronic transfers to St Andrews account with a payment reference of 'Parish Project' or contact Caroline via or via the Parish Office. Many thanks!

Return of Catechism Classes

Welcome back to all children to Catechism Classes this weekend following the mid-term holidays! It’s still not too late to register to take part. These classes are at 10am each Sunday of term for children in Primary 3 (or those who have not yet made their First Confession). In January 2021, classes will begin for those children (P4 and above) who have registered for First Holy Communion in 2021, and those children (P7 and above) who have registered for Confirmation in 2021. More details will be provided nearer the time.

Pilgrimage Challenge

Please help support the revival of the ancient Scottish Pilgrimage to St Andrews. Great scenery from coastal to moorland, with opportunity for reflections. Start off with a mini-pilgrimage to Rosslyn Chapel 13 km south of Edinburgh or pick up the St Margaret’s Way Challenge, all the way in easy stages from here in Edinburgh to St Andrews and the great ruined cathedral, built in the honour of Scotland’s patron saint overlooking the North Sea. All details and contact information on

Read the newsletter for 25th October (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 25th October (doc)

Twenty-Ninth Sunday Of The Year – Year A

Parish Online Meeting, Monday, 2nd November – What is God calling us to do in these times?

To try to discern how God might be calling us as a parish to respond to this changing situation of the pandemic, the Parish Council has decided to call a parish meeting to discuss a way forward. This will take place online on Monday 2nd of November at 7-9pm. This is an important moment in the life of our parish, so please make every effort to participate. Thank you for your interest, the meeting is now full!

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:30pm on Zoom

Our new Parish Bible Study meets online every Thursday evening at 7:30pm. Email to sign up. You will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel in preparation for the Bible study. At the meetings, we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together. Do join us!

Bible Talk: St Mark’s Gospel

Speaking of Bible studies… on the first Sunday of Advent, we will start reading the Gospel of Mark at Sunday Mass. To prepare for this, the Archdiocesan Catechetics has organised a talk by Scripture expert Fr Andrew Garden titled ‘Getting to Know St Mark’ at 7pm on Monday, 19th October. For the link Zoom link to attend, visit here.

Catechesis on Prayer Event Online – Monday, 23rd November

The Archdiocese is also running an exciting new Zoom series of catechesis events for adults, led by Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM: ‘Life of Faith: Where does Prayer fit in?’ The 45-minute talk will give you tips on improving your prayer life to help you draw closer to God, and will be followed by a Q&A. Sister Anna Marie will host a session for parishioners in each deanery. The date for Edinburgh is Monday, 23rd November at 2pm and 7pm. Registration details will be published on the parish website in the coming weeks. Sister Anna Marie is a much sought-after speaker and we’re very lucky to have her in the Archdiocese!

Hospital Chaplaincy

Our own Fr John Peter is the designated chaplain for the Western General Hospital. If you know of anyone who has been admitted to hospital, please call the parish office to request a visit or inform the on-duty nurse. The priests in the parish are more than happy to provide the sacraments to anyone in need of spiritual care – please don’t hesitate to inform us!

In God’s Image

The Bishops in Scotland want to hear from you if you wish to propose any changes to ‘In God’s Image’, the safeguarding policy manual for the Catholic Church in Scotland. To offer comments and suggestions, please visit

National Rosary Rally for Faith, Life and Peace

This national event for praying the rosary takes place in our diocese at 1pm on Saturday, 31st October. Pray the Rosary online with others on the Archdiocese’s Facebook, YouTube or website:

Fratelli Tutti

The Pope’s new encyclical is available to read online now. ‘Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship’ can be found in the encyclicals section of the Vatican’s website:

The Debut CD from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass

Available now for purchase is With Angels and Archangels, the Cathedral Choir’s first CD. You can have a look at the beautiful CD and purchase it online. All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. Thank you for your support of music at St Mary’s through your purchase of the CD and listen to samples until your own copy arrives in the post!

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children

We will be collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh Prison. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years onwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box in the back of the church over the weekends of 14th/15th and 21st/22nd November.

Society of St Vincent de Paul

We are always here to help, supporting individuals and families in need of assistance. If you become aware of ways in which our support would be welcome or needed, please contact the Parish Office. Whilst the presence of our SSVP Conference has not been as visible as usual during these COVID restricted times, we have been able to continue our work through telephone calls and virtual meetings. We remain committed to responding to requests for assistance and/or to give support wherever and to whomever we can. Thank you to all who have made donations to the Conference in recent months.

Daily Confessions in the Cathedral

Confessions are available at the Cathedral Monday – Friday following the 12.45pm Mass and on Saturdays from 10.30am – 12noon and 5pm – 5.45pm. If you do not know where the sacristy is, our volunteers in the back of the Cathedral will be happy to show you. For the sake of providing better ventilation, we are not using the confessionals. Rather, the priests are hearing confessions in the sacristy, but still with a screen to provide anonymity.

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

Please consider volunteering as a passkeeper to help the Cathedral comply with all COVID-19 regulations. We are still in need of volunteers. This is an essential capacity, so if you are able to help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at or on 0131 553 1510. Many people have been so grateful to be able to pray in our Cathedral during the day—thank you to all passkeepers who help to make this possible!

Mass to be Celebrated by Fr Binu – Friday, 23rd October

Fr Binu, who lived in the Cathedral parish while studying for a Masters at the University of Edinburgh, will return to Ravelston on Friday, 23rd October to celebrate Mass in thanksgiving for the generous support given to the seminary where he now works by the parish project fund. If you'd like to say hello to him, do come along to Mass at 6pm!

Return of Catechism Classes

Well done to all the children who participated in the first Catechism class of the new term and the Rite of Enrolment last week. The class takes a holiday this weekend and will resume again next Sunday. It’s still not to late to register to take part. These classes are for children in Primary 3 (or those who have not yet made their First Confession) and take place at 10am each Sunday of term. In January 2021, classes will begin for those children (P4 and above) who have registered for First Holy Communion in 2021, and those children (P7 and above) who have registered for Confirmation in 2021. More details will be provided nearer the time.

Pilgrimage Opportunities

Need to ‘Get Out’? Take a “Day Out” on one of Scotland’s great pilgrimage trails, to Rosslyn Chapel a few miles south of Edinburgh or north along St Margaret’s Way to St Andrews. Check the “Little Camino” on this website.

40 Days for Life: 23rd September – 1st November

Since 2007, 40 Days for Life has been organising pro-life outreach that is prayerful and supportive of future moms. 40 Days for Life is an inter-denominational, faith-based effort made up of three key components: 1) prayer and fasting—inviting people of faith to join together for 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion; 2) a 40-day peaceful prayer vigil outside Chalmers Sexual Health Centre; and 3) community outreach: taking a positive, upbeat pro-life message to as many as possible. To learn more about 40 Days for Life or to register for events, visit this website.

Read the newsletter for the 18th October (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 18th October (doc)

The Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year - Year A

Parish Meeting, Monday 2 November - A date for your diaries

In order to try to discern how we, as a parish community, should respond to the Covid crisis and how we try to listen to the God in this situation, we have decided to hold a parish meeting on the evening of Monday 2 November, 7-9pm. The meeting will be held on Zoom (which is not ideal) but it will be very well moderated and we will have break out rooms for small group discussions. There will be more details about the meeting next week but I just want you put the date in your diaries and encourage you to participate in this initiative.

If you would like to know more about the idea behind the meeting watch the video in this post and register with the form below or send us an email. Please mark the date and please make every effort to participate.

Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Cushley

His Grace the Archbishop has published a Pastoral Letter about the Pandemic. The letter is available here.

SCIAF – Wednesday 14th October at 7pm

The Cathedral is hosting a Zoom meeting with speakers from SCIAF to find out more about the impact of the current pandemic on the poorest societies and links between poverty and climate change. We’ll be joined by Alistair Dutton CEO, Blessings Kachale, Programme Officer, and Thomas Mulvey, Community Engagement Officer, to explore these questions and much more. If you’d like to join us, please email the Cathedral Office to register.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:30pm on Zoom

Fr. Jamie’s Bible Study continues on Thursday evenings. Email to sign up. You will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel in preparation for the Bible study. At the meetings, we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together. Come and join us as we build community and seek to nourish our friendship with God.

Live-streamed Mass from Glasgow for Persecuted Christians, Tuesday, 13 October

“Aid to the Church in Need” will host a live-stream Mass on Tuesday 13th October at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Glasgow, to pray for persecuted Christians. The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Philip Tartaglia and Bishop John Keenan. For further information please see

The Debut CD from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass — For Sale after Mass!

Available now for purchase is With Angels and Archangels, the Cathedral Choir’s first CD. You can have a look at the beautiful CD and buy one after the 9am and 12pm Masses at the Cathedra this weekend. You can also purchase it online. All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. Thank you for your support of music at St Mary’s through your purchase of the CD!

Society of St Vincent de Paul

While the presence of our SSVP Conference has not been as visible as usual during these COVID restricted times, we have been able to continue our work through telephone calls and virtual meetings. Please know we are always here to help, supporting individuals and families. If you become aware of ways in which our support would be welcome or needed, please contact the Parish Office . While we have had to suspend our communal activities and home visits, we remain committed to responding to requests for assistance and/or to give support wherever and to whomever we can. A grateful and heartfelt thank you to all who have made donations to the Conference in recent months.

Daily Confessions in the Cathedral

Confessions are available at the Cathedral Monday – Friday following the 12.45pm Mass and on Saturdays from 10.30am – 12noon and 5pm – 5.45pm. For the sake of providing better ventilation, we are not using the confessionals. Rather, the priests are hearing confessions in the sacristy, but still with a screen to provide anonymity. If you do not know where the sacristy is, our volunteers in the back of the Cathedral will be happy to show you. Also, if you need help remembering how to go to Confession, no worries—the priest will be happy to walk you through it. Do take advantage of this great Sacrament of healing!

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

We are still looking for generous volunteers who can act as passkeepers to help the Cathedral comply with all COVID-19 regulations. This is an essential capacity, so if you are able to help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers. Thank you, one and all, for your help—many people have been so grateful to be able to pray in our Cathedral during the day!

Congratulations and Return of Catechism Classes

Warm congratulations to all of the children who celebrated their First Holy Communion in our churches on Saturday! We now welcome to catechism class those children (P3 and above) who do not attend a Catholic school and have been registered for their First Confession / Reconciliation in 2021. The class meets at 10am in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew's, Ravelston. For those children (P4 and above) who have registered for First Holy Communion in 2021, and those children (P7 and above) who have registered for Confirmation in 2021 - please note that these classes are scheduled to begin in January 2021. More details will be provided nearer the time. Thank you for your patience.

October: Month of the Rosary

October is the month of the Holy Rosary. To mark this special month, the Archdiocesan pro-life office have produced a series of prayer intentions to pray for this intention. Pray the rosary here.

Pilgrimage Opportunities

Need to ‘Get Out’? Take a “Day Out” on one of Scotland’s great pilgrimage trails, to Rosslyn Chapel a few miles south of Edinburgh or north along St Margaret’s Way to St Andrews. Check the “Little Camino” on

40 Days for Life: 23rd September – 1 November

Since 2007, 40 Days for Life has been organising pro-life outreach that is prayerful and supportive of future moms. 40 Days for Life is an inter-denominational, faith-based effort made up of three key components: 1) prayer and fasting—inviting people of faith to join together for 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion; 2) a 40-day peaceful prayer vigil outside Chalmers Sexual Health Centre; and 3) community outreach: taking a positive, upbeat pro-life message to as many as possible. To learn more about 40 Days for Life or to register for events, visit

Conferences from Lauriston Jesuit Centre

The Lauriston Jesuit Centre will offer conferences in October on the “Four Last Things.” Sign up is available through Zoom.

Black History Month

St Andrew's and St George's West is hosting ‘Stories from Scotland and Beyond’ – a panel discussion of speakers sharing their experiences and stories with opportunities to ask questions. This will take place on 15th October.

Read the newsletter for 11 October (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 11 October (doc)

Twenty-Seventh Sunday Of The Year – Year A

The Debut CD from the Schola Cantorum of the 12noon Mass — For Sale after Mass!

With Angels and Archangels, the Cathedral Choir’s first CD, is available to purchase. You can have a look at the beautiful CD and buy one after all Masses this weekend. You can also purchase it online. All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our cathedral music. In these troubling times when we are without our choirs, there is no better way to support the future of music at St Mary’s than by buying a copy.

Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Or do you know someone who is?

The Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) group is for adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, with a view to becoming members of the Church. It gives an opportunity to explore the Catholic faith with others and to meet and talk to Catholics about their beliefs. The group aims at helping to give an understanding of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity and the teaching of the Church. The group also strives to deepen the faith of its members through studying the Holy Scriptures and through prayer. It’s a very supportive place for people to come together on a faith journey. We will start with four virtual meetings between September and December with the hope that we can meet physically as a group in January, providing Covid restrictions are lifted by then. Please contact the Parish Office to register.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7pm on Zoom

Fr Jamie is leading a bible study for the parish on Thursday evenings! If you have not yet signed up, please email In preparation for the meeting, you will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel. Then, at the meetings on Thursday nights we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together. This is a great way to build community and grow together in our friendship with God.

SCIAF – Wednesday 14th October at 7pm

Are you concerned about the impact of the current pandemic on the poorest societies? Or the links between poverty and climate change? The Cathedral is hosting a Zoom meeting with speakers from SCIAF to find out more. We’ll be joined by Alistair Dutton CEO, Blessings Kachale, Programme Officer, and Thomas Mulvey, Community Engagement Officer, to explore these questions and much more. If you’d like to join us, email the Cathedral Office to register.

Society of St Vincent de Paul

Last Sunday, 27th September, saw the feast day of St Vincent de Paul celebrated by communities throughout the world. The presence of our SSVP Conference during these Covid restricted times has not been as visible as usual. In spite of this we have been able to continue our work through telephone calls and by the Conference meeting virtually.

We are always here to help, supporting individuals and families as we would support a friend. Please let us know if you become aware of ways in which our support would be welcome or needed by contacting the Parish Office. Whilst we have had to suspend our communal activities and home visits, we remain committed to responding to requests for assistance and/or to give support wherever and to whomever we can. Donations we have received during recent months have been very welcome, a grateful and heartfelt thank you to all for remembering the Conference.

100 years of Apostleship of the Sea (Stella Maris)

On 4 October 1920, the Apostleship of the Sea was founded in the Jesuit parish in Glasgow. Now it operates in 300 ports and 41 countries. Plans to mark the centenary with a World Congress in Glasgow have had to be cancelled but the everyday work continues. Chaplains have been delivering care packages and phone cards to seafarers in Glasgow unable to get home because of travel restrictions. This is possible because of the generosity of our parish and others. Please pray for the chaplains and seafarers. For more information visit

Message from Sister Mary Simone, RSM

“Thank you so much for all of the beautiful cards and gifts you gave me as I departed for my new assignment in Rome, but thank you even more for the privilege of getting to know all of you over these past two years. I am so deeply grateful for my time in Scotland, and please know of my continued prayers for all of you. I hope I will be able to come back to visit at some point!”


Fabric Update

In the photo to the right you will see vegetation that came out of the gutters after they were cleaned. Clearly a much-needed project! Additionally, in Sacristy One the roof has been repaired and we are looking at redecoration. The inner roof has been re-plastered. We have updated some of our cameras as well for enhanced CCTV. We now have an additional 2 cameras. Thank you for helping us keep the Cathedral safe and orderly!

Daily Confessions in the Cathedral

Confessions are available at the Cathedral Monday – Friday following the 12.45pm Mass and on Saturdays from 10.30am – 12noon and 5pm – 5.45pm. For the sake of providing better ventilation, we are not using the confessionals. Rather, the priests are hearing confessions in the sacristy, but still with a screen to provide anonymity. If you do not know where the sacristy is, our volunteers in the back of the Cathedral will be happy to show you. Also, if you need help remembering how to go to Confession, no worries—the priest will be happy to walk you through it. Do take advantage of this great Sacrament of healing!

Could you help us keep the Cathedral open?

We are still looking for generous volunteers who can act as passkeepers to help the Cathedral comply with all COVID-19 regulations. This is an essential capacity, so if you are able to help, please contact Elizabeth Andrews, who coordinates the volunteers, at or on 0131 553 1510. Thanks, one and all for your help—many people have been so grateful to be able to pray in our Cathedral during the day!

Return of Catechism Classes

The Parish Rooms are now ready for the return of catechism classes for the delayed First Holy Communion class of 2019-20. Families have been informed by email. We look forward to welcoming the children back!

40 Days for Life: 23rd September – 1st November

Since 2007, 40 Days for Life has been organising pro-life outreach that is prayerful and supportive of future moms. 40 Days for Life is an inter-denominational, faith-based effort made up of three key components: 1) prayer and fasting—inviting people of faith to join together for 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion; 2) a 40-day peaceful prayer vigil outside Chalmers Sexual Health Centre; and 3) community outreach: taking a positive, upbeat pro-life message to as many as possible. To learn more about 40 Days for Life or to register for events, visit

Conferences from Lauriston Jesuit Centre

The Lauriston Jesuit Centre will offer conferences in October on the “Four Last Things.” Sign up is available through Zoom.

Read the newsletter for the 4th October (pdf)

Read the newsletter for the 4th October (doc)