Thirty Second Sunday of the Year - Year A

Hand on the Faith to Others! - Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics

One-Year Online Course in 2021

From the comfort of your couch, join people across the Archdiocese on Zoom each week to learn about our Catholic faith and earn an Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics to prepare you to hand on our Catholic faith to others! The Archdiocese is offering a new one-year course via Zoom taught in weekly 45-minute lectures (Thursday evenings at 7:30pm) beginning January 2021.

Lectures will be given by a variety of religious and diocesan priests, lay people and religious sisters. The Diploma in Catechetics is especially for anyone involved in the catechetical work of the Church (children’s liturgists, RCIA team members, teachers, youth group leaders etc.), but is open to anyone who wants to learn more about our faith! Find out more here

The perfect Christmas Present…2021 Cathedral Diary

This year we have solved all your Christmas present problems. The Parish Council have produced a gorgeous Cathedral Desk Diary for 2021. The Diary is beautifully produced with prints and meditations for throughout the year. Attractively priced at only £10 per copy it is the perfect gift for Christmas. By giving this lovely gift you will not only bring joy to your relatives and friends but will also be supporting the Cathedral. On sale at the end of Mass and on-line through the Cathedral website – please have a look and get your copies while stocks last!

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:00pm on Zoom

Many of you have already joined our new Parish Bible Study on Zoom on Thursdays at 7:00pm, but there is still room for more! If you would like to join, please email This is a great way to come to know Jesus better through the Gospels, as we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together, so why not give it a try? When you sign up to join you will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel in preparation for our meeting. Do join us!

Advent Talks on Prayer

Advance notice that during Advent Fr. Patrick will give four short talks on Prayer as a way of preparing for Christmas. The talks will be at 7pm every Monday in Advent on zoom. Please put the dates in your diaries and think about making this an Advent commitment for all the family.

Many Thanks…

To all 87 of you who managed to attend our online meeting last Monday. It was wonderful to see so many of you at the meeting and it was a great parish experience. Special thanks go to Darlene for managing us so perfectly technologically. The feedback from our discussions will be processed and published as soon as we can do it.

Remember to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass -- Online or by Phone

Due to the Government’s restrictions no more than 50 people may attend any one Mass and we need to keep a record of contact details of all who attend. Please reserve a seat for either the Saturday Vigil or Sunday Mass in the Cathedral or Ravelston. Simply choose the Mass you would like to attend and reserve seats Monday, 8am – Saturday, 5pm.

If you have any problems, or do not have access to the internet, please phone the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798 and we will be happy to help you. Please note: After 3pm on Friday, the parish office is not able to make any changes to Mass reservations for the weekend.

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children - Nov. 14-15 and Nov. 21-22

Beginning next weekend, Nov. 14-15, we will be collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh Prison. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years onwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box in the back of the church both next weekend and 21st-22nd November.

Music for the 12 noon Mass

Let all mortal flesh keep silence

Noctis recolitur cena novisima (Remember we the last supper)

Organ voluntary: Allegro maestoso (from Sonata 3) - Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

St Andrew’s Ravelston Fabric Report

There have been essential changes made to the lighting of footpaths around the Church and House for the health and safety of all on site, especially with our beautiful evening Masses. Quotes are now being gathered for the most urgent items on the Property Health check –

• Replacement of the inefficient 30+ year old gas boiler in the House

• Permanent fix to the regular leaks in the roof of the rear extension in the House

• Unblocking the neglected drains and downpipes around the church

• Addressing the area of aged roof tiles over the sacristy

Friday Morning Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration with the Religious Sisters of Mercy

The Religious Sisters of Mercy have begun praying their Friday morning prayer in the church at St Andrews and invite you to join them. They begin with the Liturgy of the Hours at 5:45 am. An hour for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins around 6:30 am. Stop in for five minutes, or for longer. For details, contact Sr Miriam Fidelis, RSM at the Cathedral office.

Support for Rosmini Seminary, Bangalore -- Parish Project Top-up Opportunity

In December, all Parish Project monies will be transferred to the Rosmini Seminary in Bangalore, where Fr Binu is the Superior. In these few remaining weeks, please be generous! You may make electronic transfers to the St Andrews account with a payment reference of 'Parish Project' or contact Caroline via

"Reading Scripture with Benedict and Francis: An Adventure with Two Popes’

Online Lecture Tuesday, November 10th, 6:30pm

The Thomistic Institute at the University of Edinburgh will present an online lecture by Prof. Lewis Ayres of Durham University titled "Reading Scripture with Benedict and Francis: An Adventure with Two Popes." The lecture begins on Zoom at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, November 10th. Register online at

‘Ask Me Anything’ Shows Premier During Scottish Interfaith Week -- November 9-13, 2020

In ‘Ask Me Anything’ shows, young people from eight different faiths answer questions about their faith sent in from across Scotland. The shows will be premiered during Scottish Interfaith Week. The shows will be available to view from 9am on each of the days below and will remain on the channel to watch any time:

9th November - Jewish and Sikh, 10th November - Buddhist and Hindu, 11th November - Baha'i and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 12th November – Muslim, 13th November - Catholic and Protestant

St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull, Redemptorist Centre for Christian Spirituality

St. Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull is open for retreat bookings! Visit for a full listing of upcoming retreats or call 01738 624075 for more information.

Read the newsletter for 8th November (pdf)