Second Sunday Of Advent – Year B

Short Talks on Prayer by Fr. Patrick – Every Monday at 7pm

It was great to see such a great number tune in online for the first instalment of Fr Patrick’s Advent talks on prayer. But there is always room for a few more. Just email

You can listen to last week’s first talk on the Cathedral podcast page or watch on the website

Advent Candlelit Masses – 7pm Wednesday at Ravelston, 7pm Thursday at Cathedral

Our beautiful, candlelit Rorate Masses booked out last week in record time! If you’d like to come along this coming week, don’t forget to register online here beginning 8:00am on the Monday of each week. Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped to light all the candles (no small task!) and clear them all away at the end of the night, much appreciated!

‘Be Still’: Zoom Talk From Sister Anna-Marie McGuan RSM

How can we cut through the cacophony of consumerism to ensure prayer is the priority in your preparations to celebrate the birth of Christ? Sister Anna-Marie can help. This Zoom event takes place at 7:30pm on Monday 14 December. No registration required - join using this link:


As you know, the government’s requirement of churches keeping a temporary register of all who attend Mass is still in effect at this time, for which reason it is very important that you register for one of the Masses before you arrive. Please use the online booking system on our website or call the parish office. Thank you!

Stewarding Volunteers needed for Christmas Masses and beyond

The Cathedral is in need of more stewarding volunteers, not only for the Christmas Masses, but also to help cover the various shifts throughout the days and weeks going forward. Stewards are on duty to ensure that visitors to the Cathedral are following the Government’s COVID-19 regulations relating to face coverings, hand sanitising, social distancing and cleaning of surfaces as required. If you would like to assist, please sign up on sheets with the volunteers at the back of the church. Alternatively, you can contact Elizabeth directly.

St Andrew’s, Ravelston, also needs more volunteers. Sign up at the back of the church to help.

Join Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office Against DIY Home Abortions - Tuesday, 8th December, 7:30pm

Join Paul Atkin on Tuesday, 8th December, 7:30pm in a Zoom session to learn how to make to make the best response to the Scottish Government’s questionnaire to stop DIY home abortions. Register here. The government’s consultation ends on 5th January 2021.

Annual Mass Attendance Census

The Archdiocese’s Annual Mass Attendance Census will be taken this weekend Sat., 5th Dec. and Sun., 6th Dec.

Christmas CD Sale!

Thanks to everyone who bought ‘With Angels and Archangels’, the newly released CD by our Cathedral choir. If you missed out, you can still buy the CD online here.

Inspired by 800 years of sacred music, it is the perfect Christmas Gift. The CD costs a very reasonable £12.99 and all proceeds from the CD will go directly towards ensuring the future of our Cathedral music!

Warm Christmas Gifts – Knitted Goods to Support the Cathedral

Knitted goods for Christmas made by our own wonderful parishioners Joanna Kopystynska and Anne MacAulay will be available for sale in the Octagon after Masses on Sunday morning. The knitted dolls by Joanna are also available here

Anne will have available hats, headbands, tea cozies, and babywear of various colours and sizes. All the profits from all sales are very generously donated by Joanna and Anne to the Cathedral. Please support the Cathedral by buying some of these beautiful Christmas gifts!

Hand on the Faith to Others! Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics

One-Year Online Course in 2021 – Begins January 14, 2021

Grab your laptop, put the kettle on and join people across the Archdiocese on Zoom each week to learn about our Catholic faith and earn an Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics to prepare you to hand on our Catholic faith to others! The Archdiocese is offering a new one-year course via Zoom taught in weekly 45-minute lectures (Thursday evenings at 7:30pm) beginning January 14, 2021.

Topics will include ‘The Lay Vocation in the Church’, `What is Revelation? How does Scripture fit into Revelation? How do I read and pray with Scripture?’, `The Existence of God’, `The Nature of Man’, `The Dignity of the Human Person, Subsidiarity and Solidarity: The 3 Principles of Catholic Social Doctrine’ and much more!

For more info email: Please take a brochure in the back of church with all the Course Module dates and details.

Wednesday Evening Mass in St Andrew’s Ravelston

During Advent the regular Wednesday evening Mass will be celebrated at 7pm (rather than 6pm) and you must register in advance for it as a candlelit, Rorate Mass. The Thursday evening Masses will be cancelled during Advent.

Catechism Classes for Children

In January 2021, Catechism classes in St Andrew’s, Ravelston, will begin for those children (P4 and above) who have registered for First Holy Communion in 2021, and those children (P7 and above) who have registered for Confirmation in 2021. It’s not too late to register! Please contact the parish office.

Friday Morning Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration with the Religious Sisters of Mercy

The Religious Sisters of Mercy pray their Friday morning prayer in the church at St Andrews and invite you to join them! They begin with the Liturgy of the Hours at 5:45 am. An hour for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins around 6:30 am. Stop in for five minutes, or for longer. Contact Sr Miriam Fidelis, RSM at the Cathedral office for more information.

Conductor Sir James MacMillan: Catholicism and Music, Wed., 9th Dec 2020 6:00pm-7:15pm

Scottish composer and conductor Sir James MacMillan will discuss the relation between Catholicism and music in an online lecture Wed., 9th Dec 2020 6:00pm-7:15pm co-hosted by the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University and The Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts at the University of St Andrews. He will discuss his own music, music from previous centuries which has been employed in liturgy, and the religious traditions and heritage of Catholicism. To register, please visit here.

“From The Holy Land: Faith and Art” – Online Course Wednesdays in Advent

A new online course sponsored by Pilgrimage People will be held on Wednesdays in Advent, 3pm-4pm. The course will look at the history, architecture and art of churches in the Holy Land. All the talks will be recorded. Cost is £60 and all profits go to support Christians in the Holy Land. The course dates are 2nd December: The Basilica of the Annunciation; 9th December: The Church of the Visitation; 16th December: The Shepherds Fields; 23rd December: Church of the Nativity. To register, please email or call 0800 612 3423.

Mary’s Meals, Double the Love

Through Mary’s Meals’ Double The Love campaign, donations will be doubled by the UK government, up to £2 million, until 31 January 2021. For just £15.90, two children in impoverished countries will be fed for a whole school year! To donate, please visit

Read the newsletter for 6th December here (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 6th December here (doc)