Solemnity Of All Saints

November Lists

November is traditionally known as the month of the Holy Souls, in which we pray in a special way for our deceased loved ones. From the table at the back of church, please pick up a 'November List' on which you can make a note of all those people you wish to pray for. These lists will be placed before the altar and remembered at every Mass during November. Please hand in completed lists to the stewards at the end of Mass or hand into the Cathedral Office. You can fill in the form here instead.

Parish Meeting, Monday, 2nd November, 7:00pm – What is God saying to us in these times?

All parishioners of the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s are invited to an important online parish meeting on Monday, 2nd November, 7:00pm as we try to discern the will of God in these strange times. We need to think deeply as a Catholic community of faith about what God is asking us to do in response to the crisis. The meeting is over-subscribed and registration is now closed.

Parish Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:00pm on Zoom

Prepare to hear Christ’s words in the Gospel reading at Sunday Mass! When you sign up to join our new online Parish Bible Study you will receive a short and accessible commentary for the coming Sunday’s Gospel in preparation for our meeting, held Thursday evenings at 7:30pm. Email to sign up. Do join us as we ask questions, share our reflections and pray together.

Be Sure to Reserve Places for Sunday Mass - Online or by Phone

Due to the Government’s restrictions no more than 50 people may attend any one Mass and we need to keep a record of contact details of all who attend. We wish to avoid having people who have not booked queueing outside in wintry weather. Please reserve a seat for either the Saturday Vigil or Sunday Mass in the Cathedral or Ravelston.

Simply choose the Mass you would like to attend and reserve seats Monday, 8am – Saturday, 5pm. If you have any problems, or do not have access to the internet, please phone the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798 and we will be happy to help you. Please note: After 3pm on Friday, the parish office is not able to make any changes to Mass reservations for the weekend.

Music for the 12 noon Mass

Rossini 'O Salutaris hostia' from Petite Messe solennelle
Fauré 'Pie Jesu' from Requiem
Organ voluntary: Marcel Dupré Placare Christie Servulis

Speak Out Against Abortions at Home

The Scottish Government is holding a consultation on whether to continue the practice of sending dangerous abortion pills to women to undergo abortions at home. We need as many pro-life people as possible to complete the Scottish Government’s questionnaire in order to stop dangerous DIY abortions becoming permanent. SPUC has prepared a briefing which gives a step by step guide to completing the questionnaire. Please go to The consultation ends on 5th January 2021.

Christmas Gift Collection for Prisoners’ Children

We will be collecting Christmas gifts for children of prisoners in Edinburgh Prison. We ask that the gifts are new, wrapped in Christmas Gift wrap, and with a label attached stating whether the gift is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age of the child. Gifts for older children from 11 years onwards would be most appreciated. There will be a collection box in the back of the church over the weekends of 14th/15th and 21st/22nd November.

All Saints’ Day Bookmark – Please take one with you after Mass at St Andrew’s Ravelston

In celebration of the Solemnity of All Saints, the Religious Sisters of Mercy have prepared “All Saints Bookmarks” which include images of many of the Church’s beloved saints and the Litany of Saints prayer. You will find the colourful bookmarks as you leave the church today – please take one as a reminder to ask the intercession of the saints today and every day in your pilgrimage of faith!

Support for Rosmini Seminary, Bangalore - Parish Project Top-up Opportunity

Following Fr Binu's recent Mass in St Andrews, we have a great opportunity to donate to the Parish Project in support of the Rosmini Seminary in Bangalore, where Fr Binu is the Superior. In December, all Parish Project monies will be transferred to the Seminary. In these few remaining weeks, please be generous and remember to make any electronic transfers to the St Andrews account with a payment reference of 'Parish Project' or contact Caroline via or via the Parish Office. Many, many thanks!

Read the newsletter for 1 November (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 1 November (doc)