Thirteenth Sunday Of The Year – Year C

Wednesday is a Holy Day of Obligation

This Wednesday is the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul and is a holy day of obligation. Masses will be celebrated at the Cathedral at 8:00am, 10am, 12:45pm and 7:30pm. Polish Mass will be at 6:00pm.

Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Hopefully by the time you read this I will be in the Holy Land – along with 47 of our parishioners. Please keep us in your prayers that we will get there and back safely, and be sure that we will be praying for you and for your intentions.

First Saturday Devotions

Next Saturday, 2 July at 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

Eucharistic Adoration on Saturday Mornings

“The bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world” (John 6:51). In this month when the Church especially celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Corpus Christi, come for some time of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament here at the Cathedral. On Saturday mornings, Adoration is celebrated following 10:00am Mass, from 10:30am-12:00pm. It is the perfect time to pray before the Risen Lord, or meditate on the readings for Sunday Mass. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more. Jesus Himself is present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.

New Volunteers Needed for Cathedral Flower Arranging Team

As we hope you have noticed, we always have a beautiful display of flowers in the cathedral… These displays are prepared by wonderful teams of volunteers who take it in turn to meet on a Friday to arrange the flowers in preparation for the weekend Masses. To ease the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences, we are looking to recruit more volunteers to join our teams. There are currently four teams, who meet either mid-morning/early afternoon on a Friday and each team is led by an experienced volunteer, so lack of experience is not a barrier if you are interested in providing this ministry. Can you help? If you would like to join team of flower arrangers, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club: Tuesday Coffee, Wednesday Cinema

Join the Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club for our weekly coffee afternoon on Tuesday from 2.30-4pm. Anyone over 60 years of age is very welcome! The next cinema outing for the over 60’s will be Wednesday 6th July. More information to come.

Over Sixties Information Technology Clinic This Thursday, 30th June

The Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your questions about how to use your mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. Stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints 11.30am - 1pm, this Thursday 30th June. Join us on the last Thursday of each month!

2022 Marriage Preparation Course 27th August

A Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 27th of August, with presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Christian Meditation

Re-discover an ancient tradition that is a part of our Faith. Experience how silent contemplation in a group leads you to the joy of God´s healing. We meditate in person at 63 York Place on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. Afterwards you are welcome for refreshments and to socialize. On Wednesdays at 7 p.m. we meditate online on Zoom. The up-to-date schedule is here: please contact Maciej Zurawski at

6pm Vigil Mass on Wednesday, 28 June for Holy Day of Obligation

A 6pm Vigil Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, 28 June for the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, a Holy Day of Obligation, which is Thursday, 29 June. Please note there will be no Mass at Ravelston on Thursday, 29 June.

No 6pm Ravelston Mass until 11th July

Please note that, other than the Wednesday, 28 June Mass at 6:00pm noted above, while we are away in the Holy Land there will be no evening Mass at Ravelston. I am sorry about this, but it just hasn’t been possible to find supply priests to cover this period. Normal service will be resumed in the week beginning 11th July!

Friday Café Cancelled on 1st July, Sunday Café as Usual after Mass

The Friday café for 1st July is cancelled, but will return on Friday, 8th July. Sunday teas & coffees will be held as usual after 10:30am Mass today. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat!

Volunteers Needed at St. Andrew’s! Many Roles Available!

Help is needed with cash counting, serving Sunday coffees/teas, teaching children’s catechesis, singing in the choir, serving as Eucharistic ministers, readers, passkeepers, sacristans, doing altar linens laundry, or church maintenance. Many of the roles are on a rota basis of every 6 to 8 weeks. Can you help? If interested, contact Please do get in touch!

Outdoor Stations of the Cross – Come and Pray

In these beautiful summer months, the outdoor Stations of the Cross at Ravelston are always available at for you to come and pray and meditate on the Lord’s Way of the Cross. Each Station offers an opportunity to pray in thanksgiving for Christ’s Passion and death for our salvation. Why not cultivate a regular devotion to the Stations of the Cross and make a practice of coming once a week or once a month for this traditional spiritual exercise?

5-Day Icon Painting Workshop at Leith School of Art, Edinburgh

The icon-painter Andrew Paterson will be providing a rare opportunity to learn how to practise the basic traditional techniques of Christian iconography in egg tempera, together with daily slide-talks on the visual language and theological meanings of the icon. No previous experience required. Monday 25th to Friday 29th July 2022. 9.30am to 4.30pm each day. £385 (includes all materials). For further details see the website of Leith School of Art:

Study Theology at Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University!

Register now for September classes at the Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University for the MA in Applied Catholic Theology. Core courses include Aspects of Biblical Interpretation; Human Beings and Human Action; Foundations of Christian Spirituality; Basic Principles and History of Catholic Social Teaching; Spiritual Direction, Psychology and Spiritual Formation; and more. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends! For more information, visit Questions? Contact Susan Longhurst, Course Lead,, 07773 689535. In case you missed it, a 1-hour video is available at of the 17 May Open Evening.

Come and Sing

Would you like to sing Mozart’s Coronation Mass in beautiful St Cuthbert’s Parish Church, Edinburgh? The Soko Fund ( ) is organising an event to raise money for women’s education in Malawi. This event will take place on Saturday 24th September 2022. Singers of every level and experience are welcome. Book your place on

Shalom World  Free Catholic Movies, News, Shows and More

Shalom World is a Catholic, commercial-free, 24/7, HD family entertainment channel. “Change what you watch and watch the world change!”

Mission House 2023: A Year of Formation, Adventure and Fellowship

Craig Lodge's new Mission House offers a nine-month programme, for anyone between the ages of 18-30, that sets out to form spirit-filled evangelizers for the renewal of the Church. Apply online and watch the trailer for Mission House at Living and working together missionaries encourage one another on the path to holiness, and are sent out from the mission house to the streets, high schools, parishes and wherever the Lord calls.

The Way of St. Andrews Scottish Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage in Scotland? Try the “Little Camino”, as Scotland enjoys its long summer. Great trails, great scenery and a great opportunity for reflection. For details please visit

Job Opportunity with Bethany Christian Trust:

‘Passing the Baton Facilitator’

This role supports people who have a history of homelessness, helping to see isolation and loneliness reduced in Edinburgh. Bethany Christian Trust works closely with churches and community groups to help connect people into local activities and build strong healthy relationships and social networks. The position of ‘Passing the Baton Facilitator’ involves working with a teammate and a group of existing and new volunteers to facilitate the delivery of the Passing the Baton (PtB) befriending service with the aim of reducing loneliness for isolated people as they move towards interdependent living. The job is full time (37.5 hours/week) with salary arrange of £24,012 – £26,852. Closing date no later than 10am on Monday 4th July 2022. Please visit for full details and contact information.

National Pilgrimage for Venerable Margaret Sinclair, Sunday 18 September

The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September to pray at her tomb at St. Patrick’s, Cowgate EH1 1NA for her beatification. The pilgrimage opens at 2:00pm at St. Patrick’s, with 4:30pm Holy Mass and refreshments following. For more about this holy Edinburgh woman, who died in 1925 and whose cause for canonization was introduced in 1942, please visit

Free Mobility Services Available from St. James Quarter Car Park

Guest Mobility Services located on Level B2 of the St. James Quarter Car Park offers mobility equipment free of charge with no deposit required. The mobility fleet includes scooters, specialist bariatric scooters, powered wheelchairs, as well as devices for families including single and double push chairs. The equipment can be used at the Cathedral or anywhere around the city centre of Edinburgh. Hours are Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm and Sunday 10am-6pm. Booking is available either online at or by calling 07898 740288. For those attending 9:00am Sunday Mass, with two weeks’ notice arrangements can be made for staffing and mobility equipment by 8:30am on a Sunday morning. They’ll even arrange to meet you at your bus stop with mobility equipment!

Cathedral and Archdiocesan Updates by E-mail

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox by signing up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of this website. To be informed about Archdiocesan news, you may sign up for a monthly e-mail update at (scroll to bottom of page) or email and put ‘subscribe me’ in the subject bar.

Second Collection Today – Peter’s Pence

A second collection will take place today, Sunday 26 June for Peter’s Pence. This annual collection gives the Holy Father the means to provide charity and emergency assistance to those most in need. For more information, please visit

Read the newsletter for 26th June (pdf)

Solemnity Of Most Holy Body & Blood Of Christ – Year C

Young Adults Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

Fr Patrick will finish his series of talks on personal prayer on the 21st of June at 63 York Place. We begin with tea and coffee at 7pm and then the talk itself starts at 7.30pm. Afterwards, we'll pray Compline together and then retire to the pub. Hope to see you all there! All adults, aged 18-35, very welcome!

Join Friends of the Cathedral Today – Special Offer of Joint Membership!

Thank you to our parishioners who have joined Friends of the Cathedral! We have introduced a special offer for a limited time only - joint membership for £30 per month. This gives access to an excellent programme of events, starting with a music event with Sir James MacMillan in August, and you will receive the Friends magazine, Crux, that is specially created for our members.

Joint membership is also available to Friends who joined in the first few weeks of the launch, just change the amount of your monthly payment to £30 per month and email with the name and email address of the person to be added to your membership. Thank you so much for joining early and helping Friends of the Cathedral to get off to a super start!

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. All are welcome to join. Our presidium name is Our Lady Cause of our Joy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD. We are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information: Monika - 07751213612, Atama – 07832903514.

Christian Meditation

Re-discover an ancient tradition that is a part of our Faith. Experience how silent contemplation in a group leads you to the joy of God´s healing. We meditate in person at 63 York Place on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. Afterwards you are welcome for refreshments and to socialize. On Wednesdays at 7 p.m. we meditate online on Zoom. The up-to-date schedule is here: please contact Maciej Zurawski at; 0771 777 2614.

Visit Coffee Saints café and Support Edinburgh’s Most Vulnerable

Café Open 7 Days a Week 9am-4PM

Come and enjoy a coffee, breakfast or lunch at Coffee Saints café, in which all profits go to charity! The café is a partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project, which supports Edinburgh’s most vulnerable citizens, including those dealing with homelessness, mental health problems, poverty and more. It is a totally unique café in the St. James’ Quarter where your purchase directly supports those in need! To see the full menu, visit

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club: Tuesday Coffee, Wednesday Cinema

Join the Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club for our weekly coffee afternoon on Tuesday from 2.30-4pm. Anyone over 60 years of age is very welcome! The next cinema outing for the over 60’s will be Wednesday 22nd June. The film will be ‘Top Gun: Maverick’. Meet upstairs at the Omni at 12.15pm.

Information Technology (IT) Clinic: Thursday, 30th June

The Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your mobile phones and laptops. Stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints 11.30am - 1pm, Thursday 30th June.

Cathedral Cleaning Volunteers Needed

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

2022 Marriage Preparation Course 27th August

A Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 27th of August, with presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Holy Land Pilgrimage

Just to let you know that I will be away with 50 of our parishioners to the Holy Land from this coming Friday. We have been planning this pilgrimage for years now (delayed because of Covid) so please say a prayer that BA deign to fly us there and that we all get back safe and sound on Tuesday 5th July. Please be sure that we will pray for the Parish and all our parishioners at the Holy Places.

No 6pm Mass from 25th June until 11th July

Please note that while we are away in the Holy Land there will be no evening Mass at Ravelston. I am sorry about this, but it just hasn’t been possible to find supply priests to cover this period. Normal service will be resumed in the week beginning 11th July.

A Warm Welcome Awaits You at Our Cafés in the Parish Rooms

Teas & coffees have already returned on Sundays after 10:30am Mass at Ravelston - every Sunday! Additionally, the Friday cafe (10am-Noon) has reopened with delicious home-baking. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat at either or both cafes!

Volunteers Needed at St. Andrew’s! Many Roles Available!

Help is needed with cash counting, serving Sunday coffees/teas, teaching children’s catechesis, singing in the choir, serving as Eucharistic ministers, readers, passkeepers, sacristans, doing altar linens laundry, or church maintenance. Many of the roles are on a rota basis of every 6 to 8 weeks. Can you help? If interested, contact Please do get in touch!

The Scottish Catholic Magazine’s 17th June Issue Now Available!

The Scottish Catholic magazine’s 17th June issue has arrived with news, opinions and features on Catholic life in Scotland. A new edition is printed every two weeks. The Scottish Catholic is the only publication dedicated to Scotland’s 600,000 Catholics. For just £2 pick up your copy on the table in the Octagon while supplies last! Please put monies in the box at the pillar after you enter the Cathedral. Thank you! For more information, visit

Archdiocesan St Vincent de Paul Mass on Friday, 24 June

Renato Lima de Oliveira, International President General of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, will attend the annual Archdiocesan SSVP Mass at St Patrick’s Church in The Cowgate, Edinburgh, at 7pm on Friday 24 June. A buffet will be served after Mass. All welcome.

Justice & Peace Event on Saturday, 25 June

An event titled Caritas, Justice and Peace – a Synodal Way Forward takes place on Saturday 25 June, 10:00am-3:30pm at Ss John Cantius & Nicholas, Main Street, Broxburn, EH52 5RJ. It’s a chance for everyone who sees Caritas, Justice and Peace as integral to their Catholic faith to participate in shaping the agenda of the Archdiocesan Commission for Caritas, Justice & Peace over the next two years. All welcome. Details and registration at

Family Afternoon, Saturday 25 June: ‘The Eucharist: Source of Family Love’

A Family Afternoon at the Gillis Centre will take place on Saturday 25 June, 2.00pm-5.00pmat the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. It will include separate sessions for adults and children, focusing on The Eucharist: Source of Family Love, family prayer time in St Margaret’s Chapel and family games. This event coincides with the 10th World Meeting of Families taking place in Rome. Details and registration at

PVG Volunteers Needed for Family Afternoon

Volunteers with PVG membership are needed for work with children during the Family Afternoon on Sat 25th June, at the Gillis Centre. The children's groups will run for an hour 2.15-3.15pm and will be led by the Servidora Sisters. Volunteers will help support the Sisters in the children’s groups on the day and occupy any under-fives. If you have PVG membership and would like to volunteer, please contact our parish Safeguarding Officer, Chris McCabe,

Study Theology at Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University!

St. Mary’s University’s Edinburgh campus offers a Master’s programme in Applied Catholic Theology that provides a grounding in key aspects of Catholic theology while enabling students to apply that theology to the challenges and opportunities of the contemporary world. Classes start in September! Studies include Scripture, Doctrine, Christian Spirituality, Catholic Social Teaching, and Ethics. In case you missed it, a 1-hour video is available at of the 17 May Open Evening for the programme. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends! For more information, visit Questions? Contact Susan Longhurst, Course Lead, 07773 689535.

Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 8 July – 15 July 2022

The Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage will take place 8-15 July and will be led by Archbishop Cushley. Take a booking form in the Octagon or visit:

Craig Lodge Retreat House

Originally a Hunting Lodge, Craig Lodge is now a family house of prayer that seeks to welcome those who are 'hunting' for the Lord, thirsty and hungry to know him better. The grounds, nestled in Glen Orchy and surrounded by beautiful hills and mountains, provide a number of beautiful 'rooms,' both indoor and outdoor, in which to discover God's presence. Design a custom retreat, or take part in one of the many retreat events offered. For more information visit Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, PA33 1AR, 01838 200216,

Mission House 2023: A Year of Formation, Adventure and Fellowship

Craig Lodge's new Mission House offers a nine-month programme, for anyone between the ages of 18-30, that sets out to form spirit-filled evangelizers for the renewal of the Church. Apply online and watch the trailer for Mission House at Living and working together missionaries encourage one another on the path to holiness, and are sent out from the mission house to the streets, high schools, parishes and wherever the Lord calls.

Relics of St. Bernadette to Visit Carfin Grotto

Carfin Grotto will host the relics of St Bernadette from 24th September until 2nd October 2022, the only Scottish venue to receive the relics. This will coincide with the centenary of the Grotto on 2nd October. For more information or to plan a visit to the grotto this summer, visit Carfin Grotto, situated in the Parish of St Francis Xavier's in the village of Carfin, near Motherwell in North Lanarkshire, is Scotland's National Shrine to Our Lady of Lourdes. The grotto is open 365 day a year, with Daily Masses, Confession, and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

Come and Sing

Would you like to sing Mozart’s Coronation Mass in beautiful St Cuthbert’s Parish Church, Edinburgh? The Soko Fund is organising an event to raise money for women’s education in Malawi. This event will take place on Saturday 24th September 2022. Singers of every level and experience are welcome. Book your place on To find out more about the Soko Fund visit

Safeguarding in the Parish

Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of any member/visitor to our Parish is important to us. If you have any safeguarding concerns or need support as you were a victim of abuse, you can get help by visiting To discuss in confidence any concerns, contact: Emma Boothroyd, Safeguarding Advisor, 0131 623 8949 / 07903 619 342 or write to: The Safeguarding Advisor, Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.

Cathedral and Archdiocesan Updates by E-mail

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox by signing up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of this website. To be informed about Archdiocesan news, you may sign up for a monthly e-mail update at (scroll to bottom of page) or email and put ‘subscribe me’ in the subject bar.

Read the newsletter for 19th June (pdf)

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – Year C

Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa

Sr. Ann McAllister, who made the appeal last week for the Franciscan Sisters for Africa, writes:

Dear Parishioners,

Sincere gratitude to each one of you for your wonderful generosity and kindness to me and my Congregation when I came for the Mission Appeal. Your generosity is really overwhelming and I can assure you that it will be put to good use for the benefit of vulnerable families and needy children. Your very warm welcome made my task so much easier and much pleasanter than usual, and for this I am grateful. I feel I made new friends. Assuring you of our prayers and please remember me also. May our Loving God bless each one of you and your families.

Yours in Christ and St. Francis, Sr. Ann

Welcome to New Complex Manager!

I am delighted to let you know that, after the tragic death of Andy Hilton, we have finally managed to recruit a new Complex Manager, Alice Harrison. Alice has a wealth of experience in administration and comes to us after years of working in Schools. I know that you will welcome her and I am very confident that we will now be able to press ahead with some of the important fabric issues which have been on hold for some time.

Young Adults Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

Last Tuesday, Fr Patrick delivered the first of three in a series of talks on personal prayer, giving some ideas on how we can go deeper in our spiritual lives. The next two talks will be on the 14th and 21st of June and will take place, as usual, at 63 York Place, with tea and coffee at 7pm and the talk itself beginning at 7.30pm. Afterwards, we'll pray Compline together and then retire to the pub. Hope to see you all there! All adults, aged 18-35, very welcome!

Join Friends of the Cathedral Today – Special Offer of Joint Membership!

Thank you to our parishioners who have joined Friends of the Cathedral! We have introduced a special offer for a limited time only - joint membership for £30 per month. This gives access to an excellent programme of events, starting with a music event with Sir James MacMillan in August, and you will receive the Friends magazine, Crux, that is specially created for our members. You can join Friends of the Cathedral here:

Joint membership is also available to Friends who joined in the first few weeks of the launch, just change the amount of your monthly payment to £30 per month and email with the name and email address of the person to be added to your membership. Thank you so much for joining early and helping Friends of the Cathedral to get off to a super start!

Christian Meditation

Re-discover an ancient tradition that is a part of our Faith. Experience how silent contemplation in a group leads you to the joy of God´s healing. We meditate in person at 63 York Place on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. Afterwards you are welcome for refreshments and to socialize. On Wednesdays at 7 p.m. we meditate online on Zoom. The up-to-date schedule is here: please contact Maciej Zurawski at

Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration

As we prepare for the Archdiocese’s Corpus Christi procession on Saturday 19 June, take some time for quiet, peaceful prayer before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist here at the Cathedral. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm in the Cathedral. It is the perfect time to pray the Rosary or read the Scriptures, mediating on the readings for Sunday Mass. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more. Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm. “Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life. Night and day, He is there. If you really want to grow in love, come back to the Eucharist, come back to that Adoration.” (St. Teresa of Calcutta)

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club: Tuesday Coffee, Wednesday Cinema

Join the Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club for our weekly coffee afternoon on Tuesday from 2.30-4pm. Anyone over 60 years of age is very welcome! The next cinema outing for the over 60’s will be Wednesday 22nd June. More information to come.

Information Technology (IT) Clinic: Thursday, 30th June

The Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your mobile phones and laptops. Stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints 11.30am - 1pm, Thursday 30th June.

Cathedral Cleaning Volunteers Needed

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

2022 Marriage Preparation Course 27th August

A Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 27th of August, with presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Sacred Heart Novena after 6pm Masses this Month

During the month of June, join us after 6pm Masses Monday-Friday to pray the Novena to the Sacred Heart! June is traditionally dedicated to devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday, 17 June this year.

Friday Coffee for Alzheimer’s Society Rescheduled for 17th June

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we unfortunately had to cancel last Friday’s coffee for the Alzheimer’s Society. It has been rescheduled for Friday, 17th June 10am-Noon. Please come along and contribute to raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Society. It is a wonderful way to support those affected by Alzheimer’s. Come out to support this wonderful cause and enjoy some delicious cakes!

Next Sunday: Corpus Christi Procession in Falkirk

You are invited next Sunday, 19th June at 3:00pm to join in the Archdiocese’s Corpus Christi procession, led by Archbishop Cushley, at St Francis Xavier’s in Falkirk. Gather at the Bandstand in High Street (FK1 1YD) before processing to St Francis Xavier’s Parish (around 20 min walk). This is a major event for the Archdiocese and should be a beautiful and prayerful experience, as well as a chance to be a witness to the Eucharistic Christ in public.

Archdiocesan St Vincent de Paul Mass on Friday, 24 June

Renato Lima de Oliveira, International President General of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, will attend the annual Archdiocesan SSVP Mass at St Patrick’s Church in The Cowgate, Edinburgh, at 7pm on Friday 24 June. A buffet will be served after Mass. All welcome.

Justice & Peace Event on Saturday, 25 June

An event titled Caritas, Justice and Peace – a Synodal Way Forward takes place on Saturday 25 June, 10:00am-3:30pm at Ss John Cantius & Nicholas, Main Street, Broxburn, EH52 5RJ. It’s a chance for everyone who sees Caritas, Justice and Peace as integral to their Catholic faith to participate in shaping the agenda of the Archdiocesan Commission for Caritas, Justice & Peace over the next two years. All welcome. Details and registration at

Family Afternoon, Saturday 25 June: ‘The Eucharist: Source of Family Love’

A Family Afternoon at the Gillis Centre will take place on Saturday 25 June, 2.00pm-5.00pmat the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. It will include separate sessions for adults and children, focusing on The Eucharist: Source of Family Love, family prayer time in St Margaret’s Chapel and family games. This event coincides with the 10th World Meeting of Families taking place in Rome. Details and registration at

PVG Volunteers Needed for Family Afternoon

Volunteers with PVG membership are needed for work with children during the Family Afternoon on Sat 25th June, at the Gillis Centre. The children's groups will run for an hour 2.15-3.15pm and will be led by the Servidora Sisters. Volunteers will help support the Sisters in the children’s groups on the day and occupy any under-fives. If you have PVG membership and would like to volunteer, please contact our parish Safeguarding Officer, Chris McCabe,

Special Collection Today - Day for Life

Today, Sunday 12th June, we will have a special collection for the Day for Life which will be used to help protect and care for our families and friends as they near the end of life. The collection supports quality palliative care to provide dignity to the dying while valuing life to its natural end, as well as organisations working to protect the disabled from changes in the law.

Come and Sing

Would you like to sing Mozart’s Coronation Mass in beautiful St Cuthbert’s Parish Church, Edinburgh? The Soko Fund is organising an event to raise money for women’s education in Malawi. This event will take place on Saturday 24th September 2022. Singers of every level and experience are welcome. Book your place on

Study Theology at Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University!

In case you missed it, a 1-hour video is available at of the 17 May Open Evening for the Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University, featuring Q&A with course leaders and student testimonials on the MA courses in Theology. Core courses include Aspects of Biblical Interpretation; Human Beings and Human Action; Foundations of Christian Spirituality; Basic Principles and History of Catholic Social Teaching; Spiritual Direction, Psychology and Spiritual Formation; and more. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends! Classes start in September! For more information, visit

Questions? Contact Susan Longhurst, Course Lead, 07773 689535.

Summer Retreat at Pluscarden Abbey

This summer, why not plan a time of prayerful retreat at beautiful, historic Pluscarden Abbey? Reservations available for individuals or groups. The normal monastic day provides an excellent framework, with the 8 services of praying the Office and the daily Mass open to all. All of the services at Pluscarden Abbey are sung in Latin using Gregorian Chant. The monastery is surrounded by forest, hills, moors and fields, and enjoys a natural environment for prayer. Women retreatants are accommodated in St. Scholastica's Retreat. Men are accommodated in St Benedict’s guest house. No charge is made to retreatants; but if you wish to make a donation, this will be gratefully received. For details and online booking visit Pluscarden Abbey, Elgin IV30 8UA

Relics of St. Bernadette to Visit Carfin Grotto

Carfin Grotto will host the relics of St Bernadette from 24th September until 2nd October 2022, the only Scottish venue to receive the relics. This will coincide with the centenary of the Grotto on 2nd October. For more information or to plan a visit to the grotto this summer, visit

Carfin Grotto, situated in the Parish of St Francis Xavier's in the village of Carfin, near Motherwell in North Lanarkshire, is Scotland's National Shrine to Our Lady of Lourdes. The grotto is open 365 day a year, with Daily Masses, Confession, and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

Shalom World  Free Catholic Movies, News, Shows and More

Shalom World is a Catholic, commercial-free, 24/7, HD family entertainment channel. “Change what you watch and watch the world change!”

Blairs Museum Exhibition: Stations of the Cross Engravings

Engravings of the Stations of the Cross by Czechoslovakian engraver Alois Petrak, from paintings by Joseph Ritter von Fuhrich, is now on display at the Blairs Museum, Blairs, South Deeside Road, Aberdeen, AB12 5YQ. Blairs Museum is housed in part of the former national junior seminary and offers a unique insight into Scotland’s Catholic history and heritage with spectacular collections spanning more than 500 years. More information available from Crux news at The museum is open Saturdays between April and the end of September 10am-4pm, no appointment necessary. For directions and further details, visit

Mission House 2023: A Year of Formation, Adventure and Fellowship

Craig Lodge's new Mission House offers a nine-month programme, for anyone between the ages of 18-30, that sets out to form spirit-filled evangelizers for the renewal of the Church. Apply online and watch the trailer for Mission House at

Living and working together missionaries encourage one another on the path to holiness, and are sent out from the mission house to the streets, high schools, parishes and wherever the Lord calls.

Read the newsletter for 12th June (pdf)

Solemnity of Pentecost - Year C

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration

On Sunday, His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving at the Cathedral at Noon on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. We will finish with a toast on the steps of the Cathedral after the Mass. If you can make it – do come along to toast the Queen on this historic occasion.

First Holy Communions

Congratulations to all the children who received their First Holy Communion at Masses on Saturday, 4th June at the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s, Ravelston! A big thank you to the catechists, teachers and parents who helped prepare them to receive Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament for the first time!

Young Adults Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

It's been a while since our last series of talks concluded, and a few of you have been asking about having some meetings of the Young Adults Group before the summer. By popular demand, Fr Patrick has agreed to give a series of three talks on personal prayer, giving some ideas on how we can go deeper in our spiritual lives. The talks will be on the 7th, 14th and 21st of June and will take place, as usual, at 63 York Place, with tea and coffee at 7pm and the talk itself beginning at 7.30pm. Afterwards, we'll pray Compline together and then retire to the pub. Hope to see you all there! All adults, aged 18-35, very welcome!

Join Friends of the Cathedral Today – Special Offer of Joint Membership!

Thank you to our parishioners who have joined Friends of the Cathedral! From this week we have introduced a special offer for a limited time only - joint membership for £30 per month. This gives access to an excellent programme of events, starting with a music event with Sir James MacMillan in August, and you will receive the Friends magazine, Crux, that is specially created for our members.

Joint membership is also available to Friends who have joined in the last few weeks, just change the amount of your monthly payment to £30 per month and email with the name and email address of the person to be added to your membership. Thank you so much for joining early and helping Friends of the Cathedral to get off to a super start!

Save the Dates! Schola Recital, 15th August & Festival Mass, 21st August

Monday, 15th August — Schola Recital: Mark your diary for ‘Schola Cantorum sings MacMillan,’ a recital 7:30pm on Monday, 15 August, the Cathedral's Patronal Feast of the Assumption. Sir James MacMillan is Scotland’s most distinguished composer, and Patron of Music at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral. In the course of this recital at the Cathedral, Sir James will discuss the relation between faith and music with Michael Ferguson, Director of the Schola Cantorum. For details, visit

Sunday, 21st August — Festival Mass: At Noon, His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the Festival Mass at the Cathedral followed by a reception in Coffee Saints café. Plan to join us for this special event!

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club: Tuesday Coffee, Wednesday Cinema

Join the Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club for our weekly coffee afternoon on Tuesday from 2.30-4pm. Anyone over 60 years of age is very welcome! The next cinema outing for the over 60’s will be Wednesday 8th June. For those who missed out on the first outing, we have a second opportunity to see ‘Downtown Abbey: A New Era’. Meet upstairs in Omni at 12.50.

Information Technology (IT) Clinic: Thursday, 30th June

The Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your mobile phones and laptops. Stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints 11.30am - 1pm, Thursday 30th June.

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. All are welcome to join. Our presidium name is Our Lady Cause of our Joy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD. We are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information contact phone number: Monika - 07751213612, Atama – 07832903514

Parish Volunteers – Online Safeguarding Training in June

Safeguarding Training currently only needs to be done by volunteers who are in a regulated role requiring a Protecting Vulnerable Group form. Induction Part 1 must be completed before Induction Part 2 is done. (Induction Part 2 should be completed approx. 18 months after Induction Part 1 has been done). Both Part 1 and Part 2 are approximately 90 minutes each. Part 1: Safeguarding Induction Training online

Monday 13 June at 7pm. To register, email, providing details of your name, parish and role.

Join the Cathedral Flower Arranging Team!

As we hope you have noticed, we always have a beautiful display of flowers in the cathedral… These displays are prepared by teams of volunteers who take it in turn to meet mid-morning/early afternoon on a Friday to arrange the flowers in preparation for the weekend Masses. To ease the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences, we are looking to recruit more volunteers to join our teams. There are currently four teams led by experienced volunteers, so lack of experience is not a barrier if you are interested. To join the flower arrangers, or find out more, contact Elizabeth Andrews, You will love being a part of this beautiful work!

Green Foliage Needed for Cathedral Flower Arrangements

Do you have a garden with lovely green foliage you would be willing to donate for the Cathedral flower arrangements? Fresh, hardy green foliage to last a couple of weeks is needed, such as copper beech, weeping beech, ruscus, bergania, ivy or ferns. Can you help? Please contact the Cathedral office at or 0131 556 1798. Thank you!

Cathedral Cleaning Volunteers Needed

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

2022 Marriage Preparation Course 27th August

A Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 27th of August, with presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Join us for the Queen’s Jubilee!

Join us in the Parish Rooms after 10:30am Mass in Ravelston for a wee celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee! We will have some cake and bubbly, and hope you will stop in to celebrate this special occasion!

Sacred Heart Novena after 6pm Masses this Month

During the month of June, join us after 6pm Masses Monday-Friday to pray the Novena to the Sacred Heart! June is traditionally dedicated to devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday, 17 June this year.

Friday Coffee for Alzheimer’s Society

Come along to our next Friday coffee 10am-Noon and contribute to raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Society. It is a wonderful way to support those affected by Alzheimer’s. Do come along and support this wonderful cause and enjoy some delicious cakes!

Vocations Mass on Monday, 6 June at Sacred Heart

The monthly Mass for Vocations takes place at 6:30pm on Monday 6 June at Sacred Heart Church, 56 John Street, Penicuik, EH26 8NE. Please come along and pray that more young people in our Archdiocese respond to God’s call to the priesthood or religious life.

Corpus Christi Procession in Falkirk – Sunday 19 June, 3:00pm

As part of the Eucharistic renewal in the Archdiocese this liturgical year you are invited to take part in a Corpus Christi procession, led by Archbishop Cushley, at St Francis Xavier’s, Hope Street, Falkirk FK1 5AT on Sunday 19 June at 3:00pm. Gather at the Bandstand in High Street before processing to St Francis Xavier’s Parish (around 20 min walk). All First Communicants and Altar Servers and their families are especially welcome!

Archdiocesan St Vincent de Paul Mass on Friday, 24 June

Renato Lima de Oliveira, International President General of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, will attend the annual Archdiocesan SSVP Mass at St Patrick’s Church in The Cowgate, Edinburgh, at 7:00pm on Friday 24 June. A buffet will be served after Mass. All welcome.

Study Theology at Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University!

In case you missed it, a 1-hour video is available at of the 17 May Open Evening for the Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University, featuring Q&A with course leaders and student testimonials on the MA courses in Theology. Core courses include Aspects of Biblical Interpretation; Human Beings and Human Action; Foundations of Christian Spirituality; Basic Principles and History of Catholic Social Teaching; Spiritual Direction, Psychology and Spiritual Formation; and more. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends! Classes start in September! For more information, visit Questions? Contact Susan Longhurst, Course Lead,, 07773 689535.

Family Afternoon, Saturday 25 June: ‘The Eucharist: Source of Family Love’

A Family Afternoon at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, takes place on Saturday 25 June, 2.00pm-5.00pm. It will include separate sessions for adults, children and teens, focusing on ‘The Eucharist: Source of Family Love’, family prayer time in St Margaret’s Chapel and family games! Don’t miss this event for all families, which coincides with the 10th World Meeting of Families taking place in Rome. We'll be joined by the Servidora Sisters from Fife who are well known for their great work hosting fun sessions for kids. Register your family today at

PVG Volunteers Needed for Family Afternoon

Volunteers with PVG membership are needed for work with children during the Family Afternoon on Sat 25th June, at the Gillis Centre. The children's groups will run for an hour 2.15-3.15pm and will be led by the Servidora Sisters. Volunteers will help support the Sisters in the children’s groups on the day and occupy any under-fives. If you have PVG membership and would like to volunteer, please contact our parish Safeguarding Officer, Chris McCabe,

Free Mobility Services Available from St. James Quarter Car Park

Guest Mobility Services located on Level B2 of the St. James Quarter Car Park offers mobility equipment free of charge with no deposit required. The mobility fleet includes scooters, specialist bariatric scooters, powered wheelchairs, as well as devices for families including single and double push chairs. The equipment can be used at the Cathedral or anywhere around the city centre of Edinburgh. Hours are Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm and Sunday 10am-6pm. Booking is available either online at or by calling 07898 740288. For those attending 9:00am Sunday Mass, with two weeks’ notice arrangements can be made for staffing and mobility equipment by 8:30am on a Sunday morning. They’ll even arrange to meet you at your bus stop with mobility equipment!

The Scottish Catholic Magazine’s 3rd June Issue Now Available!

The Scottish Catholic magazine’s 3rd June issue has arrived with news, opinions and features on Catholic life in Scotland. A new edition is printed every two weeks. The Scottish Catholic is the only publication dedicated to Scotland’s 600,000 Catholics. For just £2 pick up your copy on the table in the Octagon while supplies last! Please put monies in the box at the pillar after you enter the Cathedral. Thank you! For more information, visit

Next Weekend Special Collection - Day for Life

Next weekend we will have a special collection for the Day for Life which will be used to help protect and care for our families and friends as they near the end of life. The collection supports quality palliative care to provide dignity to the dying while valuing life to its natural end, as well as organisations working to protect the disabled from changes in the law. Alternatively, donate direct to

Comings and Goings…

Sadly we bid farewell to Fr. Emmanuel who has returned to his Diocese of Argyll and the Isles and thank him for all his work (and wonderful sermons!) here over the last few months. At the same time, we welcome Patrick Rogers from the United States who will be helping out in the Cathedral Office over the next 2 months while visiting Edinburgh!

Read the newsletter for 5th June (pdf)

Seventh Sunday Of Easter – Year C

First Holy Communions Next Saturday at 12 noon

No 10:00am Mass, No Adoration

Please remember in your prayers the children from the Cathedral parish who will receive their First Holy Communion at Mass next Saturday at 12:00pm. Thank you, especially, to Fr. Jamie, their teachers and parents who have helped them to prepare for their First Holy Communion. Please note there will be no 10:00am Mass and no Eucharistic Adoration next Saturday, 4th June. Confessions will be as normal. Normal service will resume the following weekend – thank you for your understanding!

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration – Next Sunday!

On Sunday 5th June, His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving at Noon on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. This will be a delightful and joyful celebration and will finish with a champagne reception after the Mass. If you can make it – do come along to toast the queen on this historic occasion.

Friends of the Cathedral – Join Today!

We’re delighted to launch Friends of the Cathedral, a new initiative for people who care about the Cathedral and who are committed to building up our community and helping to raise funds for the Cathedral’s care and maintenance. Friends will receive a brilliant new magazine that is posted straight to their door and gain access to a fantastic series of Cathedral events. With more and more people coming back to Mass in the Cathedral, it’s the perfect time to bring people together to rebuild our community, while also ensuring St Mary’s stays beautiful. So why not join today? Fill in a form at the back of the Cathedral or join online at

Thank You for Supporting the Request Organ Recital!

Tom Wilkinson, Cathedral Organist, would like to thank everyone who supported his Request Organ Recital on 15 May 2022. The event raised the amount required to enable him to attend the international Bach Network conference, this summer! Thank you!

Save the Dates! Schola Recital and Festival Mass

Monday, 15th August — Schola Recital

Mark your diary for ‘Schola Cantorum sings MacMillan,’ a recital 7:30pm on Monday, 15 August, the Cathedral's Patronal Feast of the Assumption. Sir James MacMillan is Scotland’s most distinguished composer, and Patron of Music at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral. In the course of this recital at the Cathedral, Sir James will discuss the relation between faith and music with Michael Ferguson, Director of the Schola Cantorum. For details, visit

Sunday, 21st August — Festival Mass

At Noon the Cathedral will celebrate the Festival Mass followed by a reception in Coffee Saints café. Plan to join us for this special event!

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club: Tuesday Coffee, Wednesday Cinema

The next cinema outing for the over 60’s will Wednesday 8th June; programme and time announced in next week’s newsletter. Coffee afternoon on Tuesday from 2.30-4pm for coffee, and anyone over 60 years of age is welcome! Please note Coffee Saints now closes at 4pm sharp.

Information Technology (IT) Clinic: Thursday, 30th June

The Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your mobile phones and laptops. Stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints 11.30am - 1pm, Thursday 30th June.

Join the Cathedral Flower Arranging Team!

As we hope you have noticed, we always have a beautiful display of flowers in the cathedral… These displays are prepared by teams of volunteers who take it in turn to meet mid-morning/early afternoon on a Friday to arrange the flowers in preparation for the weekend Masses. To ease the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences, we are looking to recruit more volunteers to join our teams. There are currently four teams led by experienced volunteers, so lack of experience is not a barrier if you are interested. To join the flower arrangers, or find out more, contact Elizabeth Andrews, You will love being a part of this beautiful work!

Green Foliage Needed for Cathedral Flower Arrangements

… speaking of flowers….Do you have a garden with lovely green foliage you would be willing to donate for the Cathedral flower arrangements? Fresh, hardy green foliage to last a couple of weeks is needed, such as copper beech, weeping beech, ruscus, bergania, ivy or ferns. Can you help? Please contact the Cathedral office at or 0131 556 1798. Thank you!

First Saturday Devotions

On Saturday, 4th June, 9:30am all are welcome for Our Lady of Fatima devotions before 10:00am Mass.

Cathedral Cleaning Volunteers Needed

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group with a view to easing the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

2022 Marriage Preparation Course 27th August

The next Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 27th of August. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa Appeal Today

We welcome Sr. Ann McAllister, FMSA to Ravelston as she makes an appeal to support the work of her religious community, the Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa. Please consider making a generous response to this appeal!

First Holy Communion Mass Next Saturday 12:00pm

Please remember in your prayers the children from the St. Andrew’s Church who will receive their First Holy Communion at Mass next Saturday at 12:00pm. Special As they receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for the first time, may they come to love Him and grow in their relationship with Our Lord, who is truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Most Holy Eucharist. Thank you to Fr. Jamie, their teachers and parents who have helped them to prepare for this important day!

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration Next Sunday

Join us in the Parish Rooms after 10:30am Mass next Sunday, 5th June for a wee celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee! We will have some cake and bubbly, and hope you will stop in to celebrate this special occasion!

Corpus Christi Procession in Falkirk – Sunday 19 June, 3:00pm

As part of the Eucharistic renewal in the Archdiocese this liturgical year you are invited to take part in a Corpus Christi procession, led by Archbishop Cushley, at St Francis Xavier’s, Hope Street, Falkirk FK1 5AT on Sunday 19 June at 3:00pm. Gather at the Bandstand in High Street before processing to St Francis Xavier’s Parish (around 20 min walk).

Family Afternoon, Saturday 25 June: ‘The Eucharist: Source of Family Love’

A Family Afternoon at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, takes place on Saturday 25 June, 2.00pm-5.00pm. It will include separate sessions for adults, children and teens, focusing on ‘The Eucharist: Source of Family Love’, family prayer time in St Margaret’s Chapel and family games! Don’t miss this event for all families, which coincides with the 10th World Meeting of Families taking place in Rome. Register your family today at

PVG Volunteers Needed for Family Afternoon

Volunteers with PVG membership are needed for work with children during the Family Afternoon on Sat 25th June, at the Gillis Centre. The children's groups will run for an hour 2.15-3.15pm and will be led by the Servidora Sisters. Volunteers will help support the Sisters in the children’s groups on the day and occupy any under-fives. If you have PVG membership and would like to volunteer, please contact our parish Safeguarding Officer, Chris McCabe,

Register for Justice & Peace Event in Broxburn: Saturday 25 June

Caritas, Justice and Peace – a Synodal Way Forward takes place on Saturday 25 June, 10:00am-3:30pm at Ss John Cantius & Nicholas, Main Street, Broxburn. It’s a chance to participate in shaping the agenda of the Archdiocesan Commission for Caritas, Justice & Peace over the next two years. All welcome. There will be brief presentations from our four working groups which focus on Food, Poverty and Inequality Israel-Palestine; Laudato Si and Refugees and Migrants. Details and registration at

Joiner, Plumber, Painter or Electrician?

Could you volunteer some time to help a new pregnancy support service open its doors? Stanton Healthcare is getting ready to welcome mothers and babies in need of help in our Archdiocese. It is looking for volunteers to help make the new centre in Edinburgh an attractive and welcoming place where women can receive support. Find out more from Paul Atkin at the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office: or 0131 623 8917.

Venerable Margaret Sinclair: Monthly Mass to Pray for Canonisation

The monthly Mass to pray for the canonisation of Venerable Margaret Sinclair is on the first Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm (7 June) at St Patrick’s Church in the Cowgate. The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September. More details will follow soon. Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

African & Caribbean Mass on Sunday 5 June at St. Patrick’s Church

This monthly Mass takes place at 1:00pm on Sunday 5 June at St Patrick’s Church in the Cowgate.

The Universe Catholic Weekly offers FREE 4-week trial

The Universe Catholic Weekly has launched a new online newspaper. To order your FREE digital 4 weeks trial supply call Michelle on 0743 661 7650 or email:

Receive the world’s leading Catholic newspaper directly to your inbox for 3 months for £20. For more details visit

Scottish Pilgrimage to St. Andrews

Great scenery from coastal to moorland, with opportunity for reflection or prayer. To get started try the mini-pilgrimage to Rosslyn Chapel 13 km south of Edinburgh. Or feeling more adventurous pick up the St Margaret’s Way Challenge, all the way in easy stages from here in Edinburgh to St Andrews and the great ruined cathedral, built in the honour of Scotland’s patron saint, overlooking the North Sea. All details, contact information and help from

Book a Prayerful Summer Retreat at Pluscarden Abbey

This summer, why not plan a time of prayerful retreat at beautiful, historic Pluscarden Abbey? Reservations available for individuals or groups. The normal monastic day provides an excellent framework, with the 8 services of praying the Office and the daily Mass open to all. All of the services at Pluscarden Abbey are sung in Latin using Gregorian Chant. The monastery is surrounded by forest, hills, moors and fields, and enjoys a natural environment for prayer. Women retreatants are accommodated in St. Scholastica's Retreat. Men are accommodated in St Benedict’s guest house. No charge is made to retreatants; but if you wish to make a donation, this will be gratefully received. For details and online booking visit Pluscarden Abbey, Elgin IV30 8UA

Gifts for First Holy Communion

A wide selection of gifts is available online through The Catholic Truth Society for First Holy Communion

More Catholic gifts are available online through Pauline Books and Media UK at Other sources of Catholic gifts are St. Paul Publications at and Piety Stall

Religious cards are also available at

Read the newsletter for 29th May (pdf)

Sixth Sunday Of Easter – Year C

This Thursday is a Holy Day of Obligation

This Thursday is the Solemnity of the Ascension and is a holy day of obligation. Masses will be celebrated at the Cathedral at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:45pm and 7:30pm. Polish Masses will be at 9:00am and 6:00pm.

Pentecost Novena Prayer

It is a vert ancient tradition among Catholics to pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the 9 days between the Ascension and Pentecost! Why not think about praying this Novena either by yourself or with your family this year. Goodness knows the world needs an outpouring of the Spirit at this time:

Lord Jesus Christ

Who, before ascending into heaven promised to send the Holy Spirit to finish your work in the souls of your Apostles and Disciples deign to grant the same Holy Spirit to me that He may perfect in my soul the work of your grace and your love.

Grant me the Spirit of Wisdom that I may despise the perishable things of this world

and aspire only to the things that are eternal,

the Spirit of Understanding, to enlighten my mind with the light of your divine truth,

the Spirit of Counsel that I may choose the surest way of pleasing God and gaining heaven,

the Spirit of Fortitude that I may bear my cross with you and that I may overcome with courage

all the obstacles that encounter in life,

the Spirit of Knowledge that I may know God and know myself and grow perfect,

the Spirit of Piety that I may find the service of God sweet and amiable,

the Spirit of Fear of the Lord that I may be filled with a loving reverence towards God,

and may dread in any way to displease Him.

Mark me, dear Lord, with the sign of your true disciples and animate me in all things with your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Congratulations! Seminarians Peter and Paul Receive Ministry of Acolyte

Two of the seminarians from our parish, Peter Shankland and Paul Henderson, received the Ministry of Acolyte at the Pontifical Beda College in Rome this week. Please pray for Peter and Paul as they continue their studies for the priesthood.

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration – Sunday 5th June at Noon

On Sunday 5th June, His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving at Noon on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. This will be a delightful and joyful celebration and will finish with a champagne reception after the Mass. If you can make it – do come along to toast the queen on this historic occasion.

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club: Tuesday Coffee, Wednesday Cinema

The next cinema outing for the over 60’s will be to see ‘Benediction,’ 12 pm for 12.15 showing, Wednesday 25th May. Meet upstairs at Omni Centre, Greenside Row, Edinburgh, EH1 3AA. Coffee afternoon on Tuesday from 2.30-4pm for coffee, and anyone over 60 years of age is welcome! Please note Coffee Saints now closes at 4pm sharp.

Information Technology (IT) Clinic: Thursday, 26th May

The Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your mobile phones and laptops. Stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints 11.30am - 1pm, Thursday 26th May.

Cathedral Cleaning Volunteers Needed!

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group with a view to easing the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

First Saturday Devotions

On Saturday, 4th May, 9:30am all are welcome for Our Lady of Fatima devotions before 10:00am Mass.

Parish Volunteers – Online Safeguarding Training, Friday 20th May

Safeguarding Training currently only needs to be done by volunteers who are in a regulated role requiring a Protecting Vulnerable Group form. Induction Part 1 must be completed before Induction Part 2 is done. (Induction Part 2 should be completed approx. 18 months after Induction Part 1 has been done). Both Part 1 and Part 2 are approximately 90 minutes each. Part 1: Safeguarding Induction Training, Friday 20th May at 7:00pm with Margaret Andow. To register, email, providing details of your name, parish and role.

Free Mobility Services Available from St. James Quarter Car Park

Guest Mobility Services located on Level B2 of the St. James Quarter Car Park offers mobility equipment free of charge with no deposit required. The mobility fleet includes scooters, specialist bariatric scooters, powered wheelchairs, as well as devices for families including single and double push chairs. The equipment can be used at the Cathedral or anywhere around the city centre of Edinburgh. Hours are Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm and Sunday 10am-6pm. Booking is available either online at or by calling 07898 740288. For those attending 9:00am Sunday Mass, with two weeks’ notice arrangements can be made for staffing and mobility equipment by 8:30am on a Sunday morning. They’ll even arrange to meet you at your bus stop with mobility equipment!

2022 Marriage Preparation Course 27th August

The next Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 27th of August. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

10:00am Mass on Ascension Thursday, 26 May – No evening Mass

Mass will be celebrated at 10:00am at Ravelston on Thursday, 26 May for the Solemnity of the Ascension, a holy day of obligation. Please note there will be no 6pm Mass that day.

Evening Prayer in Church Friday 27 May, 5:30pm

The Religious Sisters of Mercy will lead Vespers, or Evening Prayer, in St Andrew’s, Ravelston, at 5:30 pm Friday 27 May before the 6 pm Mass. Come a little early to join in celebrating the Liturgy of the Hours, the prayer of the Church for the worship of God and the sanctification of the day and all our activities.

Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa Appeal Next Sunday

We look forward to welcoming Sr. Ann McAllister, FMSA to Ravelston next Sunday, when she will make an appeal to support the work of her religious community, the Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa. Thank you in advance for your generous response to this appeal!

CTS Bookrack and The Scottish Catholic

Our Catholic Truth Society (CTS) bookrack is available near the church entrance with a variety of booklets for purchase, including children’s books on the Rosary and Bible! Prices displayed on the back of each booklet. The latest issue of The Scottish Catholic magazine is available from the table at the back for just £2.00 per copy. Please place all payments in the wooden box above the table. Thank you!

Monday 23 May at 1:30pm: Live Talk on the Early Church

Did you see the first live talks on the Acts of the Apostles by Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM? Sister is hosting a series of 30 minute talks exploring the trials and triumphs of the early Church! Watch on live Mondays at 1:30pm or view the recording at

The last talk will be tomorrow at 1:30pm. Don’t miss it!

Apply by Friday 27 May – Manager Opening for St. Pauls Bookshop

An experienced and resourceful Bookshop Manager is sought to setup and manage the St. Pauls Bookshop adjacent to St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh. The role holder will have experience of retail and customer service and a knowledge of Christian literature. Strong communication skills, enthusiasm and initiative will also be key to developing this new venture. The role includes 35hrs per week (10am-6pm with 1hr unpaid for lunch) with flexibility of days available but to include Sunday working. Salary is £20,384. For a full job description, please visit

To apply, please submit your CV and a covering letter outlining your relevant experience and suitability for the role to by 5pm, Friday 27th May 2022.

Next Sunday! Italian Mass & May Procession: St. Mary’s Monastery

A Mass in Italian will be celebrated at 3pm on Sunday 29 May at St Mary’ Monastery in Hatton Road, Kinnoull, Perth, followed by a May Procession in the grounds of the Monastery. If you want to attend, please contact Pierluigi Carena Learn more about the monastery at

Corpus Christi Procession in Falkirk – Sunday 19 June, 3:00pm

As part of the Eucharistic renewal in the Archdiocese this liturgical year you are invited to take part in a Corpus Christi procession, led by Archbishop Cushley, at St Francis Xavier’s, Hope Street, Falkirk FK1 5AT on Sunday 19 June at 3:00pm. Gather at the Bandstand in High Street before processing to St Francis Xavier’s Parish (around 20 min walk).

Family Afternoon, Saturday 25 June: ‘The Eucharist: Source of Family Love’

A Family Afternoon at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, takes place on Saturday 25 June, 2.00pm-5.00pm. It will include separate sessions for adults, children and teens, focusing on ‘The Eucharist: Source of Family Love’, family prayer time in St Margaret’s Chapel and family games! Don’t miss this event for all families, which coincides with the 10th World Meeting of Families taking place in Rome. Register your family today at

PVG Volunteers Needed for Family Afternoon

Volunteers with PVG membership are needed for work with children during the Family Afternoon on Sat 25th June, at the Gillis Centre. The children's groups will run for an hour 2.15-3.15pm and will be led by the Servidora Sisters. Volunteers will help support the Sisters in the children’s groups on the day and occupy any under-fives. If you have PVG membership and would like to volunteer, please contact our parish Safeguarding Officer, Chris McCabe,

Video: Open Evening for MA Theology Course

St Mary's University, Twickenham, invites you to study the MA in Applied Catholic Theology at the Gillis Centre Campus in Edinburgh this September. In a video of the online open evening 17 May, you can hear what's involved, how it's taught and the support you'll receive. Watch it on YouTube where video is divided into chapters

Gifts for First Holy Communion and Confirmation

A wide selection of gifts is available online through The Catholic Truth Society for special occasions such as First Holy Communion and Confirmation:

More Catholic gifts are available online through Pauline Books and Media UK at Other sources of Catholic gifts are St. Paul Publications at and Piety Stall

Religious cards are also available at

Read the newsletter for 22nd May (pdf)

Fifth Sunday of Easter - Year C

Come, Holy Spirit! Confirmations at 9:00am Mass

His Grace the Archbishop will Confirm 40 of our young people at 9:00am Mass today. Please keep these young people of our Church in your prayers as they are sealed with Holy Spirit in this sacrament. Special thanks to Fr. Jamie, their teachers and parents for preparing them for Confirmation!

Organ Recital – Today!

Today at 1:30pm, our wonderful Cathedral Organist Tom Wilkinson will perform an Organ Request Recital. This is a chance to hear your favourite organ pieces on the mighty Cathedral organ including Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring – Bach, Toccata – Dubois, Nimrod – Elgar and more! Admission is free, but there will be a retiral collection to help finance Tom to represent the Cathedral at an International Bach Conference to be held in Cambridge later this year. After the recital, why not enjoy a delicious coffee and cake or a late lunch at Coffee Saints?

Mass for Married Couples – this Wednesday at 7:00pm

Archbishop Leo will celebrate a Mass for Married & Engaged Couples across our Archdiocese this Wednesday 18 May at 7:00pm at St Mary’s Cathedral. It will be a lovely occasion and an opportunity for married couples to renew their vows. Why not come along….

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration – Sunday 5th June at Noon

And the Archbishop will be back again on Sunday 5th June to celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving at Noon on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. This will be a delightful and joyful celebration and will finish with a champagne reception after the Mass. If you can make it – do come along to toast the queen on this historic occasion.

Next Sunday - Royal Visit to the Cathedral!

Next Sunday, 22 May at 3:00pm, Lord Hodge, the Queens Lord High Commissioner to the Church of Scotland, will visit St. Mary’s Catholic Cathedral at the beginning of the General Assembly this year. The purpose of the visit is to hear about our plans for the renovation of the National Shrine to St. Andrew and to show support for “Coffee Saints” our new venture in collaboration with the Grassmarket Community Project. This is a singular sign of favour from the Queen who has asked for this visit to take place and who will receive a report from Lord Hodge following his visit. The Lord High Commissioner will have a cup of coffee in Coffee Saints after his visit. We are delighted to welcome Lord Hodge!

New Menu at Coffee Saints, Open Daily 9:00am-4:00pm

… and speaking of Coffee Saints….they have launched a new menu with lots of exciting dishes, a range of fruit smoothies and flavoured iced teas and by very, very popular demand, ALL DAY BRUNCH!!!! Browse the full menu at For fun, you can even have your coffee personalised (!) with a photo of your choice printed top of your coffee foam, milkshake and even on top of pancakes! The Coffee Saints café is social enterprise partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project. Every time you make a purchase you support some of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable people. All profits go to charity! The café is open 7 days a week 9:00am-4:00pm.

2022 Marriage Preparation Courses: 21st May and 27th August

The next Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 21st of May from 10am-5pm and the last one of the year will be held Saturday, 27th of August. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club

The next cinema outing for the over 60’s will be Wednesday 18th May, to see ‘Father Stu’ starring Mark Wahlberg (time TBC). Coffee afternoon on Tuesday from 2.30-4pm for coffee, and anyone over 60 years of age is welcome! Please note Coffee Saints now closes at 4pm sharp.

Information Technology (IT) Clinic: Thursday, 26th May

The Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your mobile phones and laptops. Stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints 11.30am - 1pm, Thursday 26th May.

Cathedral Cleaning Volunteers Needed!

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group with a view to easing the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

Parish Volunteers – Online Safeguarding Training in May

Safeguarding Training currently only needs to be done by volunteers who are in a regulated role requiring a Protecting Vulnerable Group form. Induction Part 1 must be completed before Induction Part 2 is done. (Induction Part 2 should be completed approx. 18 months after Induction Part 1 has been done). Both Part 1 and Part 2 are approximately 90 minutes each. Part 1: Safeguarding Induction Training, Saturday 14th May at 10am with Julie Brechin. To register, email, providing details of your name, parish and role: Friday 20th May at 7pm with Margaret Andow. To register, email, providing details of your name, parish and role.

Free Mobility Services Available from St. James Quarter Car Park

Guest Mobility Services located on Level B2 of the St. James Quarter Car Park offers mobility equipment free of charge with no deposit required. The mobility fleet includes scooters, specialist bariatric scooters, powered wheelchairs, as well as devices for families including single and double push chairs. The equipment can be used at the Cathedral or anywhere around the city centre of Edinburgh. Hours are Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm and Sunday 10am-6pm. Booking is available either online at or by calling 07898 740288. For those attending 9:00am Sunday Mass, with two weeks’ notice arrangements can be made for staffing and mobility equipment by 8:30am on a Sunday morning. They’ll even arrange to meet you at your bus stop with mobility equipment!

Praying the Rosary: Monday-Friday after 6pm Mass

In this month of May when we honour the Blessed Virgin Mary, we will pray the Rosary every weekday evening after the 6pm Mass at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Do join us!

Sunday and Friday Parish Cafés – All welcome!

Join us for teas & coffees on Sundays after 10:30am Mass in the Parish Rooms! Additionally, we have a the Friday Café (10am-Noon) with delicious home-baking. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat at either or both cafes!

Open Evening on Tuesday 17 May: St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh

Join an exciting and informative online Open Evening to hear all about the MA in Applied Catholic Theology at the St Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus! Register now for this webinar event Tuesday 17 May, 6-7pm at Core courses in the MA program include Aspects of Biblical Interpretation; Human Beings and Human Action; Foundations of Christian Spirituality; Basic Principles and History of Catholic Social Teaching; Spiritual Direction, Psychology and Spiritual Formation; and more. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends! Classes start in September! For more information, visit Questions? Contact Susan Longhurst, Course Lead,, 07773 689535.

Gender Reform Bill Consultation Deadline Monday, 16th May

The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a two-page briefing on the Scottish Parliament Equalities and Human Rights Committee’s call for views on reform of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill. Please engage with this important consultation and write to your MSP. Closing date for submissions is Monday 16 May. Share your concerns at or contact Scottish Parliament’s Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee at 0131 348 5000,

Bookshop Manager Opening for St. Pauls Bookshop – Apply by 27 May

An experienced and resourceful Bookshop Manager is sought to setup and manage the St. Pauls Bookshop adjacent to St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh. The role holder will have experience of retail and customer service and a knowledge of Christian literature. Strong communication skills, enthusiasm and initiative will also be key to developing this new venture. The role includes 35hrs per week (10am-6pm with 1hr unpaid for lunch) with flexibility of days available but to include Sunday working. Salary is £20,384. For a full job description, please visit

To apply, please submit your CV and a covering letter outlining your relevant experience and suitability for the role to by 5pm, Friday 27th May 2022.

Ukraine Appeal –Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund

Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund’s Ukraine appeal helps people in need of emergency food, water, safe accommodation, hygiene kits, transport and child support services during this humanitarian catastrophe. Please donate what you can today online at or by phone at 0141 354 5555.

Mondays at 1:30pm: 30-Minute Live Talks on Early Church

Did you see the first live talk on the Acts of the Apostles by Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM last week? Each Monday until 23 May, Sister is hosting a series of 30 minute talks exploring the trials and triumphs of the early Church! Watch on live Mondays at 1:30pm or view the recording at

Are You a Registered Nurse? Join the Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage

If you’re a registered nurse, please consider taking part in the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 8-15 July. The pilgrimage committee is looking for a night nurse (full funding available!) and other nurses to join to join the medical team. Contact Claire Banks, chief nurse, on 07930 928489 for more info. More info at

Save the Date: Corpus Christi Procession in Falkirk – Sunday 19 June

You are invited to take part in a Corpus Christi procession at St Francis Xavier’s in Falkirk on Sunday 19 June (time tbc). This is a major event for the Archdiocese and a beautiful and prayerful experience as well as a chance to be a witness to the Eucharistic Christ in public. Save the date!

Looking for a job? LINKnet can help

One-to-one mentoring, CV development, interview preparation and job-seeking advice are provided free of charge for minority ethnic people living in Edinburgh and the Lothians. Contact 0744 722 8686 or 0131 261 4463,

More information at

Monthly Mass: Pray for Canonisation of Venerable Margaret Sinclair

The monthly Mass to pray for the canonisation of Venerable Margaret Sinclair is on the first Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm (7 June) at St Patrick’s Church in the Cowgate. The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September. More details will follow soon. Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

New Dawn in Scotland Event Saturday 21 May in Stirling

New Dawn in Scotland host a day-long spiritual event at St Mary’s Church, Upper Bridge Street, Stirling on Saturday 21 May. It includes Holy Mass, Confessions, Testimonies, Workshops, a healing service and more. No registration required, just turn up on the day. More details at

National Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday 1 June – Tickets Available!

Join Archbishop Cushley and Christians from across Scotland for the National Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday 1 June at Prestonfield House, Edinburgh. Tickets

Gifts for First Holy Communion and Confirmation

A wide selection of gifts is available online through The Catholic Truth Society for special occasions such as First Holy Communion and Confirmation. To shop online, visit More Catholic gifts are available online through Pauline Books and Media UK at Other sources of Catholic gifts are St. Paul Publications at and Piety Stall

Read the newsletter for 15th May (pdf)

Fourth Sunday of Easter - Year C

Organ Recital – Next Sunday!

Next week, after the 12noon Mass, Tom Wilkinson (our wonderful Cathedral Organist) will perform an Organ Request Recital. This is a chance to hear Tom perform your favourite organ piece on the mighty Cathedral organ. All requests - from classics such as Widor’s Toccata, to more obscure items - are welcome! Requests should be emailed to Tom Wilkinson ideally by today. Admission is free, but there will be a retiral collection to help finance Tom to represent the Cathedral at an International Bach Conference to be held in Cambridge later this year. Why not stay on for the recital next week and then have a late lunch in Coffee Saints?

10:00am Masses Cancelled While Lighting Upgrade Progresses

We had a pre-view of the new lighting this week and it is looking really good. The contractors are working hard, but I’m afraid that due to the work we will still have no 10:00am Masses this week. Thank you for your continued patience.

Archbishop Celebrates Confirmation Next Sunday 9:00am

His Grace the Archbishop will be here next week at the 9am Mass where he will confirm 40 of our young people. Please keep them in your prayers as they are sealed with Holy Spirit in this sacrament.

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration – Sunday 5th June at Noon

And the Archbishop will be back again on Sunday 5th June to celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving at Noon on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. This will be a lovely and joyful celebration and will finish with a champagne reception after the Mass. If you can make it – do come along to toast the queen on this historic occasion.

Royal Visit to the Cathedral – 22nd May

Lord Hodge, the Queens Lord High Commissioner to the Church of Scotland, has asked to visit St. Mary’s Catholic Cathedral at the beginning of the General Assembly this year. The purpose of the visit is to hear about our plans for the renovation of the National Shrine to St. Andrew and to show support for “Coffee Saints” our new venture in collaboration with the Grassmarket Community Project. The Lord High Commissioner will be visiting at 3:00pm on Sunday 22nd May and will have a cup of coffee (!) in Coffee Saints after his visit. This is a singular sign of favour from the Queen who has asked for this visit to take place and who will receive a report from Lord Hodge following his visit. We are delighted to welcome Lord Hodge and I will give you all an update after he has been!

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club

The next cinema outing for the over 60’s will be Wednesday 11th May, to see 'Downton Abbey: A New Era' starring Hugh Bonneville and Maggie Smith (2hrs 5mins). Meet up at 12.45pm in Omni Vue Cinema for 1pm start, followed by drinks and chat afterwards. Usually on Tuesdays we meet for coffee, but please note there will be no Tuesday coffee afternoon on 10th May. We’ll be back on Tuesday 17th May from 2.30-4pm for coffee, and anyone over 60 years of age is welcome!

Information Technology (IT) Clinic: Thursday, 26th May

The Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your mobile phones and laptops. Stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints 11.30am - 1pm, Thursday 26th May.

Eucharistic Adoration: Come and Pray in the Presence of the Risen Lord

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm in the Cathedral. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more to adore the Lord. Saturday Confessions 10:30am-12:00pm.

Wedding Anniversaries Mass at Cathedral – Wednesday 18 May 7:00pm

Archbishop Leo will celebrate a Mass for Married & Engaged Couples on Wednesday 18 May at 7:00pm at St Mary’s Cathedral. If you are celebrating a significant anniversary this year, or know couples who are, the Archbishop would like to send a personal invitation. Please submit the names, address and number of years being celebrated to Fr Jeremy Milne: 0131 334 1693.

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Today (Sunday 8 May) is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Please say a prayer for all those who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood or religious life in our Archdiocese. If you think you may have a vocation, please speak to the Archdiocesan vocations directors Fr Andrew Garden 0131 663 4286 or Sister Mirjam Hugens 0131 623 8902 For more information, please visit

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. All are welcome to join. Our presidium name is Our Lady Cause of our Joy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD. We are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information contact phone number: Monika - 07751213612, Atama – 07832903514

Disabled Parking

You will remember that the Parish Council fought long and hard to obtain free parking for disabled parishioners attending Sunday Mass in the St. James’ Car Park. It is, therefore, a little disappointing that some disabled parishioners are eschewing this hard-won privilege, in order to park directly in front of Coffee Saints. Of course, I can understand that it is even more convenient to park on Little King Street – but this parking is meant to be restricted and it does block the entrance to both the Cathedral and the Café. Please – unless absolutely necessary – please do not park in Little King Street but rather use the privilege of free parking in the Car Park. If we do not use these spaces we will undoubtedly loose them.

Free Mobility Services Available from St. James Quarter Car Park

Guest Mobility Services located on Level B2 of the St. James Quarter Car Park offers mobility equipment free of charge with no deposit required. The mobility fleet includes scooters, specialist bariatric scooters, powered wheelchairs, as well as devices for families including single and double push chairs. The equipment can be used at the Cathedral or anywhere around the city centre of Edinburgh. Hours are Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm and Sunday 10am-6pm. Booking is available either online at or by calling 07898 740288. For those attending 9:00am Sunday Mass, with two weeks’ notice arrangements can be made for staffing and mobility equipment by 8:30am on a Sunday morning. They’ll even arrange to meet you at your bus stop with mobility equipment!

2022 Marriage Preparation Courses: 21st May and 27th August

The next Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 21st of May from 10am-5pm and the last one of the year will be held Saturday, 27th of August. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Safeguarding in the Parish

Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of any member/visitor to our Parish is important to us. If you have any safeguarding concerns or need support as you were a victim of abuse, you can get help by visiting

To discuss in confidence any concerns, contact: Emma Boothroyd, Safeguarding Advisor, 0131 623 8949 / 07903 619 342 or write to: The Safeguarding Advisor, Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.

Key Dates on the Horizon for Children’s Sacraments

A reminder to all parents of children preparing for Confirmation: Parents’ Meeting on Monday 9th May; Sacramental celebration on Sunday 15th May at the Cathedral First Holy Communion: Parents Meeting on Monday 16th May; Sacramental celebration on Saturday 4th June. Parents expect an email from Fr Jamie with meeting details. Please keep these children in your prayers.

Praying the Rosary: Monday-Friday after 6pm Mass

In this month of May when we honour the Blessed Virgin Mary, we will pray the Rosary every weekday evening after the 6pm Mass. Do join us!

Your Help is Needed! Many Roles Available!

Help is needed at St. Andrew’s with cash counting, serving Sunday coffees/teas, teaching children’s catechesis, singing in the choir, serving as Eucharistic ministers, readers, passkeepers, sacristans, doing altar linens laundry, or church maintenance. Many of the roles are on a rota basis of every 6 to 8 weeks. Can you help? If interested, contact

Gender Reform Bill Consultation Deadline Monday, 16th May

The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a two-page briefing on the Scottish Parliament Equalities and Human Rights Committee’s call for views on reform of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill. Please engage with this important consultation and write to your MSP. Closing date for submissions is Monday 16 May. Share your concerns at or contact Scottish Parliament’s Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee at 0131 348 5000,

More at

Bookshop Manager Opening for St. Pauls Bookshop – Apply by 27 May

An experienced and resourceful Bookshop Manager is sought to setup and manage the St. Pauls Bookshop adjacent to St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh. The role holder will have experience of retail and customer service and a knowledge of Christian literature. Strong communication skills, enthusiasm and initiative will also be key to developing this new venture. The role includes 35hrs per week (10am-6pm with 1hr unpaid for lunch) with flexibility of days available but to include Sunday working. Salary is £20,384. For a full job description, please visit

To apply, please submit your CV and a covering letter outlining your relevant experience and suitability for the role to by 5pm, Friday 27th May 2022.

Mondays at 1:30pm: 30-Minute Live Talks on Early Church

Did you see the first live talk on the Acts of the Apostles by Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM last week? Each Monday until 23 May, Sister is hosting a series of 30 minute talks exploring the trials and triumphs of the early Church! Watch on live Mondays at 1:30pm or view the recording at

Sunday 8th May, 8:00pm Concert for Ukraine at St Mary’s on Palmerston

Tonight at 8:00pm at St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Palmerston Pl, Edinburgh EH12 5AW, a choir of 90 voices from all over Scotland who have kindly volunteered their services and the Orchestra of the Canongait will perform a Concert for Ukraine. Pieces will include Copland: Fanfare for the Common Man, Bruch: Kol Nidrei and Beethoven: Symphony No.9. Cost is £15.00 (under 18s free). Tickets via Eventbrite or available on the door. All proceeds will go to Disasters Emergency Committee for Ukraine. The concert lasts around 90 minutes.

Open Evening on Tuesday 17 May: St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh

Join an exciting and informative online Open Evening to hear all about the MA in Applied Catholic Theology at the St Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus! Register now for this webinar event Tuesday 17 May, 6-7pm at Core courses in the MA program include Aspects of Biblical Interpretation; Human Beings and Human Action; Foundations of Christian Spirituality; Basic Principles and History of Catholic Social Teaching; Systematic Theology and Contemporary Themes; Spiritual Direction, Psychology and Spiritual Formation; and Applied Catholic Theology Dissertation. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends! Classes start in September!

Italian Mass & May Procession at St Mary's Monastery Kinnoull 29th May

A Mass in Italian and May Procession will be held on Sunday 29 May at 3:00pm at St Mary’s Kinnoull, Hatton Road, Kinnoull, Perth, PH2 7BP. Please be sure RSVP to Pierluigi Carena at if you plan to attend! The monastery refectory will be open for teas and coffees, so you can bring a wee picnic if you are staying for a chat. Don’t forget to bring a flower(s) for the statue of Our Lady! Please be aware that the paths in grounds are not paved and can get a bit muddy if it has been raining. To learn about the monastery, visit

Are You a Registered Nurse? Join the Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage

If you’re a registered nurse, please consider taking part in the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 8-15 July. The pilgrimage committee is looking for a night nurse (full funding available!) and other nurses to join to join the medical team. Contact Claire Banks, chief nurse, on 07930 928489 for more info. There is also still space for assisted pilgrims who will have 24hr care on the pilgrimage. Helpers and hotel pilgrims are also welcome. More info at

Save the Date: Corpus Christi Procession in Falkirk – Sunday 19 June

As part of the Eucharistic renewal in the Archdiocese this liturgical year, led by Archbishop Cushley, you are invited to take part in a Corpus Christi procession at St Francis Xavier’s in Falkirk on Sunday 19 June (time tbc). This is a major event for the Archdiocese and a beautiful and prayerful experience as well as a chance to be a witness to the Eucharistic Christ in public. Save the date!

…and….The Scottish Catholic magazine’s 6th May issue is now available for just £2 in the Octagon!

Read the newsletter for 8th May (pdf)

Third Sunday of Easter – Year C

Lighting Upgrade Continues, 10:00am Masses Cancelled

Thank you for your continued patience as we upgrade the lighting in the Cathedral. The contractors will take up the work again this week, so please note that the 10:00am Mass is cancelled for the coming week.

Mark Your Diary for the Queen’s Jubilee Celebration

As you know, this year is the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee marking her 70-year reign. We will be celebrating the Jubilee with a special Mass at Noon on Sunday 5th June followed by a champagne (!) reception to toast to Her Majesty on the steps of the Cathedral. Please plan to join us for this special celebration!

Thanks for Supporting Cathedral with Kathedral Knits Gifts

Special thanks to Joanna Kopystynska, our wonderful parishioner who knits such beautiful gifts for her Kathedral Knits online shop, and to all who purchased knitted gifts for Easter! A total of over £700 were raised for the Cathedral through the sales! Thank you to all! Shop anytime for beautiful knitted goods from £10 at

Request Organ Recital – Sunday, 15 May

Requests are coming in thick and fast for the Organ Recital, 1.30pm, Sunday 15 May, here at the Cathedral. Thank you very much to everyone who has so far requested a piece. This is a chance to hear Tom Wilkinson (Cathedral Organist) perform your favourite organ piece on the mighty Cathedral organ. All requests - from classics such as Widor’s Toccata, to more obscure items - are welcome! Requests should be emailed to Tom Wilkinson ideally by Sunday 8 May. Admission free; retiring collection.

Mass Intentions

If you would like to request a Mass intention, please complete an envelope in the back of church and leave it in the box by the pillar as you enter the church, or you may request one through our website

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club: Wednesday Visit to King’s Theatre

Thank you for the wonderful response to the theatre outing planned for 4th May at the King’s Theatre, 2 Leven St, EH3 9LQ for the Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club to see “A Murder is Announced.” For those who have signed up for this ticketed event we will meet outside the King’s Theatre on Wednesday 4th May, no later than 2.15, curtain up at 2.30pm. Please note there will be no Tuesday coffee afternoon on 10th May.

Information Technology (IT) Clinic: Thursday, 26th May

Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your electronic devices, mobile phones, tablets, iPads and laptops. So far we’ve given help on how to operate an iPad and find apps and information, and provided security advice for laptops. Anyone is welcome to stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints on the last Thursday of the month 11.30am - 1pm, this month that’s 26th May. For more information or if you want to schedule IT help on any other Thursday, please contact Graham 07568 202 547 or

2022 Marriage Preparation Courses: 21st May and 27th August

The next Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 21st of May from 10am-5pm and the last one of the year will be held Saturday, 27th of August. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Thank You for Support of SCIAF Ukraine Appeal

Thank you to all who supported the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) Ukraine Appeal with the purchase of Easter decorations sold in the Octagon during the Sundays before Easter. The proceeds of £1,040 were received by SCIAF. Please continue to support SCIAF’s emergency appeal for Ukraine. Donations can be made at

To find out how the Catholic Church is helping those in Ukraine see

Green Foliage Needed for Cathedral Flower Arrangements

Do you have a garden with lovely green foliage you would be willing to donate for the Cathedral flower arrangements? Fresh, hardy green foliage to last a couple of weeks is needed, such as copper beech, weeping beech, ruscus, bergania, ivy or ferns. Can you help? Please contact the Cathedral office at or 0131 556 1798. Thank you!

Volunteers Needed at St. Andrew’s! Many Roles Available!

Help is needed with cash counting, serving Sunday coffees/teas, teaching children’s catechesis, singing in the choir, serving as Eucharistic ministers, readers, passkeepers, sacristans, doing altar linens laundry, or church maintenance. Many of the roles are on a rota basis of every 6 to 8 weeks. Can you help? If interested, contact Please do get in touch!

Sunday and Friday Parish Cafés – All welcome!

Join us for teas & coffees on Sundays after 10:30am Mass in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston! Additionally, we have a the Friday Café (10am-Noon) with delicious home-baking. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat at either or both cafes!

30-Minute Live Talks on Early Church from Monday 2 May

Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM will host a new series of 30 min talks on YouTube on the Acts of the Apostles exploring the trials and triumphs of the early Church. Watch on Mondays at 1:30pm from 2 May to 23 May at “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit….” (Acts 2:4)

Retreat for Married Couples with Brian & Maureen Devine – 8th May

The Archdiocese is hosting an afternoon retreat for married couples at 3pm-5:30pm Sunday 8 May at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. It will be led by Brian & Maureen Devine, a Catholic couple from England renowned for inspiring retreats. Read Brian & Maureen's inspiring story at Register for this FREE event at or phone 07833 208 211.

“This retreat can be likened to a watering hole for the marriage journey. It’s a place of refreshment, but it can also be more serious as watering holes can also save lives!” – Brian Devine

Benefit Concert for Ukraine at St Mary’s on Palmerston - 8th May

A choir of 90 voices from all over Scotland who have kindly volunteered their services and the Orchestra of the Canongait will perform a Concert for Ukraine including Copland: Fanfare for the Common Man, Bruch: Kol Nidrei (Cello - Lindsay Martindale), Williams: Theme from “Schindler’s List” and Beethoven: Symphony No.9 which culminates in the instantly recognisable 'Ode to Joy.' Cost is £15.00 (under 18s free). Tickets via Eventbrite or available on the door. All proceeds will go to Disasters Emergency Committee for Ukraine. The concert lasts around 90 minutes.

Catholics in Health and Social Care: Zoom Event on 14 May

If you work in health and social care and are interested in exploring the unique contribution that faith makes to the health and social care sectors, joins others for a Zoom event 11:30am-4:45pm on Saturday 14 May. Register:

Wedding Anniversaries Mass – Wednesday 18 May 7:00pm

Archbishop Leo will celebrate a Mass for Married & Engaged Couples on Wednesday 18 May at 7:00pm at St Mary’s Cathedral. All married and engaged couples are welcome on the night but if you are celebrating a significant anniversary this year, or know couples who are, the Archbishop would like to send a personal invitation. Please submit the names, address and number of years being celebrated to Fr Jeremy Milne: 0131 334 1693.

Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 8 July – 15 July 2022

The Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage is back! Demand is expected to be high for this popular and life-enhancing trip, so booking now is recommended. It takes place from 8-15 July and will be led by Archbishop Cushley. All the details you need are at or take a registration form from the table in the Octagon as you enter the Cathedral.

Online Open Evening for MA in Applied Catholic Theology

The MA in Applied Catholic Theology is being offered by St Mary’s University in partnership with the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh, beginning in September. The course provides a thorough grounding in key aspects of Catholic theology and develops the key skills to apply that theology to the challenges and opportunities of the contemporary world. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Find out more at the online Open Evening on Tuesday 17 May, 6-7pm. Register at

40 Hours’ Devotion at St Mary & St David, Hawick

Each parish in the Archdiocese is having 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament to help renew our Faith and love of Jesus Christ. It continues at St Mary & St David Hawick, from Friday 29 April to Sunday 1 May. It is at St Margaret’s in Dunfermline the following weekend. Full programme for the Archdiocese is at Find out more about Eucharistic Adoration:

Mass for Vocations at St. David’s, Dalkeith – Monday, May 2

The monthly Mass for Vocations takes place at 6:30pm on Monday 2 May at St David’s Church, 41 Eskbank Road, Dalkeith. Please pray that more young people respond to God’s call to the priesthood and religious life in our Archdiocese.

African & Caribbean Mass Next Sunday at St. Patrick’s

This month’s African & Caribbean Mass takes place at 1pm on Sunday 1 May in St Patrick’s, Cowgate, Edinburgh. All welcome!

Job Openings: Director of Safeguarding and Head of Safeguarding Training

The Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency is looking to appoint a Director of Safeguarding and a Head of Safeguarding Training. Details at

Stronghold Festival for Ages 16-35: Pentecost Weekend 2–5 June

Craig Lodge announces its annual Stronghold Festival from 2nd-5th June, open to all young people aged 16-35. The event over Pentecost Weekend is a four-day celebration of God's love centred on praise, worship, adoration, inspiring talks, and time for building friendships and fellowship in the beautiful landscape of the Scottish Highlands. Your ticket includes event access, a spot on the camping field, and food and drink for four days. (Under 18s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian). Advance tickets available for £120. Learn more about the festival and other aspects of Stronghold's ministry at Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, PA33 1AR, 01838 200216,

Pray for Renewal of Faith in Scotland: Brecbannoch Pilgrimage, 11-13 June

The inaugural Brecbannoch Pilgrimage will take place 11-13 June 2022 to pray for the renewal of the faith in Scotland. The event is a 50-mile pilgrimage undertaken on foot from Oban to Iona. Along the way, the relics of St Columba, St Andrew and St Margaret will be carried, invoking their protection over the Church in these isles. View details and sign up at Read more in The Scottish Catholic

Gifts for First Holy Communion and Confirmation

A wide selection of gifts are available online through The Catholic Truth Society for special occasions such as First Holy Communion and Confirmation. To shop online, visit

More Catholic gifts are available online through Pauline Books and Media UK at including Bibles, CDs, DVDs, rosaries and more. Other sources of Catholic gifts are St. Paul Publications at and Piety Stall

Children’s Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Ages 3-7)

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a program rooted in Scripture and the liturgy of the Church, is offered, free of charge, to children ages 3-7 at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. Children from any parish are welcome to take part. Sessions for children ages 3-4 are held Tuesday mornings from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and sessions for children ages 5-7 are held on Friday afternoons. Please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at to register. For details on Level 1 (age 3-6) and Level 2 (age 6-9) please visit

Retreats Available at Pluscarden Abbey in Elgin

Why not plan a time of prayerful retreat at beautiful, historic Pluscarden Abbey? You can participate in the monastic life of prayer, reading and work. Reservations available for individuals or groups. For details and online booking visit

Bible in a Year Podcast

In The Bible in a Year podcast, Fr. Mike Schmitz walks you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes, providing thoughtful commentary, reflection, and prayer along the way. To sign up to listen to each 20-25 minute episode, visit Why not try it?

Aquinas 101: Short Videos on the Truths of the Catholic Faith

Aquinas 101 is a project of the Thomistic Institute that seeks to promote Catholic truth through short, engaging video lessons. To receive video lessons, short readings, and podcasts in your inbox, all for FREE, sign up at

Read the newsletter for 1 May (pdf)

Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) – Year C

10:00am Masses Cancelled This Week Monday-Friday

Please note that 10:00am Mass is cancelled this week, Monday 25 April – Friday 29 April. Contractors will be working in the Cathedral to upgrade the lighting between 8:30am to 12:30pm and from 2:00pm until 5:30pm each day. Thank you for your patience as we improve our Cathedral lighting.

Feast of Divine Mercy Holy Hour sunday at 3:00pm

Join us for the Feast of Divine Mercy here in the Cathedral at 3:00pm today, Divine Mercy Sunday, including a Holy Hour with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and opportunity for Confession.

Eucharistic Adoration: Come and Pray in the Presence of the Risen Lord

“Christ has been raised from the dead, as the first-fruits of all who have fallen asleep.” (1 Cor 15:20)

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm in the Cathedral. In this holy Easter season, why not take some time for quiet, peaceful prayer before the Risen Jesus Christ in the Eucharist? Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more. You may want to read the Resurrection accounts in the Scriptures to draw near to God in prayer. Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.

Request Organ Recital – Sunday, 15 May

Put in your requests for our Request Organ Recital on 1.30pm, Sunday 15 May here at the Cathedral!

This is a chance to hear Tom Wilkinson (Cathedral Organist) perform your favourite organ piece on the mighty Cathedral organ. All requests - from classics such as Widor’s Toccata, to more obscure items - are welcome! Requests should be emailed to Tom Wilkinson (, ideally by Sunday 8 May. Admission free; retiring collection.

Visit Coffee Saints café and Support Edinburgh’s Most Vulnerable

Café Open 7 Days a Week 8:30am-5:00pm

Come and enjoy a coffee, breakfast or lunch at Coffee Saints café, in which all profits go to charity! The café is a partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project, which supports Edinburgh’s most vulnerable citizens, including those dealing with homelessness, mental health problems, poverty and more. It is a totally unique café in the St. James’ Quarter where your purchase directly supports those in need! To see the full menu, visit

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club: Tuesday Coffee, Wednesday Cinema

The Wednesday cinema offering for the Over Sixties Club on 27th April is ‘Operation Mincemeat,’ and we will meet at Omni at 1:00pm. A theatre outing is planned for 4th May at the King’s Theatre, 2 Leven St, EH3 9LQ to see “A Murder is Announced.” As this is a ticketed event, anyone going will need to pre notify and names will be taken on Tuesday 26th April in Coffee Saints at the afternoon coffee from 2.30-4pm. You may also leave a message with Graham by Thursday 28th April on 07568 202547 or email

Information Technology (IT) Clinic: Last Thursday of the Month

Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your electronic devices, mobile phones, tablets, iPads and laptops. So far we’ve given help on how to operate an iPad and find apps and information, and provided security advice for laptops. Anyone is welcome to stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints on the last Thursday of the month. For more information or if you want to schedule IT help on any other Thursday, please contact Graham 07568 202 547 or

2022/23 Gift Aid Envelopes – Ready for Collection

The new 2022/23 Gift Aid envelope sets are now available for collection. Please collect your named set from the back of the church. With the start of the new tax year, this is also an ideal time to consider registering for Gift Aid. For more information on this or for any other Gift Aid enquiries, please contact our finance officer, Caroline Reid, at Thank you!

2022 Marriage Preparation Courses: 21st May and 27th August

The next Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 21st of May from 10am-5pm and the last one of the year will be held Saturday, 27th of August. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Our Lady of Fatima First Saturday Devotions – 7th May 9.30am

On Saturday, 7th May at 9:30am there will be devotions to Our Lady of Fatima here in the Cathedral, followed by 10:00am Mass. All are welcome!

First Holy Communion and Confirmation Classes Resume Sunday, 1st May

Catechism classes resume on Sunday 1st May for children preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirmation at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Please continue to pray for all the children of our parish in P4 and above preparing to receive their First Holy Communion on Saturday, 4th June here at St. Andrew’s, as well as our young people in P7 and above who will receive Confirmation on Sunday 15th May at the Cathedral.

Parish Café Reopens this Friday

Join us on Friday 29th April for our Friday Parish Café in the Parish Rooms from 10:00am to Noon. Best cakes and coffee in Edinburgh!

Volunteers Needed at St. Andrew’s! Many Roles Available!

Help is needed with cash counting, serving Sunday coffees/teas, teaching children’s catechesis, singing in the choir, serving as Eucharistic ministers, readers, passkeepers, sacristans, doing altar linens laundry, or church maintenance. Many of the roles are on a rota basis of every 6 to 8 weeks. Can you help? If interested, contact Please do get in touch!

30-Minute Talks on the Trials and Triumphs of the Early Church

Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM will host a new series of 30 min talks on YouTube on the Acts of the Apostles exploring the trials and triumphs of the early Church. Watch on Mondays at 1:30pm from 2 May to 23 May at “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit….” (Acts 2:4)

Event for Married Couples – Sunday 8 May 3:00pm

The Archdiocese is hosting an afternoon retreat for married couples at 3pm Sunday 8 May at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. It will be led by Brian & Maureen Devine, a Catholic couple from England renowned for inspiring retreats. Register for this free event at or phone 07833 208 211.

Catholics in Health and Social Care: Zoom Event on 14 May

If you work in health and social care and are interested in exploring the unique contribution that faith makes to the health and social care sectors, joins others for a Zoom event 11:30am-4:45pm on Saturday 14 May. Register:

Wedding Anniversaries Mass – Wednesday 18 May 7:00pm

Archbishop Leo will celebrate a Mass for Married & Engaged Couples on Wednesday 18 May at 7:00pm at St Mary’s Cathedral. All married and engaged couples are welcome on the night but if you are celebrating a significant anniversary this year, or know couples who are, the Archbishop would like to send a personal invitation. Please submit the names, address and number of years being celebrated to Fr Jeremy Milne:, 0131 334 1693.

Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 8 July – 15 July 2022

The Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage is back! Demand is expected to be high for this popular and life-enhancing trip, so booking now is recommended. It takes place from 8-15 July and will be led by Archbishop Cushley. All the details you need are at or take a registration form from the table in the Octagon as you enter the Cathedral.

The Scottish Catholic Magazine’s 22nd April Issue Now Available!

The Scottish Catholic magazine’s 22nd April issue has arrived with news, opinions and features on Catholic life in Scotland. A new edition is printed every two weeks. The Scottish Catholic is the only publication dedicated to Scotland’s 600,000 Catholics. For just £2 pick up your copy on the table in the Octagon while supplies last! Please put monies in the box at the pillar after you enter the Cathedral. Thank you! For more information, visit

The Universe Catholic Weekly offers FREE 4-week trial

The Universe Catholic Weekly has launched a new online newspaper. To order your FREE digital 4 weeks trial supply call Michelle on 0743 661 7650 or email: Receive the world’s leading Catholic newspaper directly to your inbox for 3 months for £20. To view a copy of the Friday 15th April edition visit and for more details visit

St. Gianna Beretta Molla Statue Unveiling at Carfin Grotto – 28 April

A special event will be held Thursday 28 April at 7pm for the unveiling of a new statue of St. Gianna Beretta Molla at Scotland’s National Shrine, Carfin Grotto, 100 Newarthill Road, Motherwell, to ask Saint Gianna’s intercession for the pro-life movement in the UK. A Mass will be celebrated at 7:30pm in in St Francis Xavier, Carfin, followed by refreshments in Little Flower Hall. The event will also be livestreamed on the Carfin Grotto Facebook page:

Children’s Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Ages 3-7)

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a program rooted in Scripture and the liturgy of the Church, is offered, free of charge, to children ages 3-7 at St. Columba’s Parish, 9 Upper Gray St, Edinburgh EH9 1SN. Children from any parish are welcome to take part. Sessions for children ages 3-4 are held Tuesday mornings from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and sessions for children ages 5-7 are held on Friday afternoons. Please contact Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM at to register. For details on Level 1 (age 3-6) and Level 2 (age 6-9) please visit

Apply Now: Craig Lodge Mission House for Ages 18-30

Are you aged 18-30? Do you want to deep dive into a relationship with Christ? Do you have a heart for Church renewal and for mission? Apply now to join the Craig Lodge Mission House this September. Our nine-month programme of prayer, community, mission, study, formation and worship set in the beautiful Highlands of Scotland seeks to form Spirit-filled evangelisers for the renewal of the Church; an academic year away towards a lifetime with the Lord. Apply online Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, PA33 1AR, 01838 200216,

Bethany Christian Trust — Volunteering Opportunities

Bridge to Freedom: Christian Community-based Addiction Recovery

We are looking for volunteers to support the running of Bridge to Freedom, which is a Christian community-based recovery group for people who are suffering from substance addiction and are looking to establish abstinence. We run weekly 2-hour groups across Edinburgh (Moredun, Gorebridge, Leith). Volunteers are required to help at the group by providing a listening ear and encouragement, as well as helping practically at the venue with setting up rooms and providing refreshments.

Passing the Baton: Help Former Homeless Reconnect to Community

We are looking for volunteers to join our befriending service ‘Passing the Baton’ for those who have been homeless previously, or are at risk of homelessness now. Volunteers develop a companionship level relationship with their befriendee (we match male-male and female-female) and help them reconnect back into the community by taking them out and introducing them to social groups and activities in their area. Volunteers are usually in touch with their befriendee around 1.5-2 hours every week or fortnight, over a period of 6-12 months.

To volunteer, please email, call 07884 537231 or visit Bethany Christian Trust is a national charity whose mission is to relieve the suffering and meet the long-term needs of homeless and vulnerable people in Scotland.

Pray for Renewal of Faith in Scotland: Brecbannoch Pilgrimage, 11-13 June

The inaugural Brecbannoch Pilgrimage will take place 11-13 June 2022 to pray for the renewal of the faith in Scotland. The event is a 50-mile pilgrimage undertaken on foot from Oban to Iona. Along the way, the relics of St Columba, St Andrew and St Margaret will be carried, invoking their protection over the Church in these isles. View details and sign up at

Read more in The Scottish Catholic

The Way of St. Andrews Pilgrimage

Support the revival of the ancient Scottish Pilgrimage to the town of St Andrews! Choose one of eight great pilgrim ways wending their way through Scotland’s scenic landscape to St Andrews. For maps and details, visit

Gifts for First Holy Communion and Confirmation

A wide selection of gifts are available online through The Catholic Truth Society for special occasions such as First Holy Communion and Confirmation. To shop online, visit More Catholic gifts are available online through Pauline Books and Media UK at including Bibles, CDs, DVDs, rosaries and more. Other sources of Catholic gifts are St. Paul Publications at and Piety Stall

Blairs Museum Exhibition: Stations of the Cross Engravings

A set of engravings of the Stations of the Cross by Czechoslovakian engraver Alois Petrak, from paintings by Joseph Ritter von Fuhrich, is now on display at the Blairs Museum, Blairs, South Deeside Road

Aberdeen, AB12 5YQ. Blairs Museum is housed in part of the former national junior seminary and offers a unique insight into Scotland’s Catholic history and heritage with spectacular collections spanning more than 500 years. More information available from Crux news at The museum is open Saturdays between April and the end of September 10am-4pm, no appointment necessary. For directions and further details, visit

Read the newsletter for 24 April (pdf)