Solemnity of Pentecost - Year C

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration

On Sunday, His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving at the Cathedral at Noon on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. We will finish with a toast on the steps of the Cathedral after the Mass. If you can make it – do come along to toast the Queen on this historic occasion.

First Holy Communions

Congratulations to all the children who received their First Holy Communion at Masses on Saturday, 4th June at the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s, Ravelston! A big thank you to the catechists, teachers and parents who helped prepare them to receive Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament for the first time!

Young Adults Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

It's been a while since our last series of talks concluded, and a few of you have been asking about having some meetings of the Young Adults Group before the summer. By popular demand, Fr Patrick has agreed to give a series of three talks on personal prayer, giving some ideas on how we can go deeper in our spiritual lives. The talks will be on the 7th, 14th and 21st of June and will take place, as usual, at 63 York Place, with tea and coffee at 7pm and the talk itself beginning at 7.30pm. Afterwards, we'll pray Compline together and then retire to the pub. Hope to see you all there! All adults, aged 18-35, very welcome!

Join Friends of the Cathedral Today – Special Offer of Joint Membership!

Thank you to our parishioners who have joined Friends of the Cathedral! From this week we have introduced a special offer for a limited time only - joint membership for £30 per month. This gives access to an excellent programme of events, starting with a music event with Sir James MacMillan in August, and you will receive the Friends magazine, Crux, that is specially created for our members.

Joint membership is also available to Friends who have joined in the last few weeks, just change the amount of your monthly payment to £30 per month and email with the name and email address of the person to be added to your membership. Thank you so much for joining early and helping Friends of the Cathedral to get off to a super start!

Save the Dates! Schola Recital, 15th August & Festival Mass, 21st August

Monday, 15th August — Schola Recital: Mark your diary for ‘Schola Cantorum sings MacMillan,’ a recital 7:30pm on Monday, 15 August, the Cathedral's Patronal Feast of the Assumption. Sir James MacMillan is Scotland’s most distinguished composer, and Patron of Music at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral. In the course of this recital at the Cathedral, Sir James will discuss the relation between faith and music with Michael Ferguson, Director of the Schola Cantorum. For details, visit

Sunday, 21st August — Festival Mass: At Noon, His Grace, the Archbishop, will celebrate the Festival Mass at the Cathedral followed by a reception in Coffee Saints café. Plan to join us for this special event!

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club: Tuesday Coffee, Wednesday Cinema

Join the Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club for our weekly coffee afternoon on Tuesday from 2.30-4pm. Anyone over 60 years of age is very welcome! The next cinema outing for the over 60’s will be Wednesday 8th June. For those who missed out on the first outing, we have a second opportunity to see ‘Downtown Abbey: A New Era’. Meet upstairs in Omni at 12.50.

Information Technology (IT) Clinic: Thursday, 30th June

The Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your mobile phones and laptops. Stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints 11.30am - 1pm, Thursday 30th June.

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. All are welcome to join. Our presidium name is Our Lady Cause of our Joy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD. We are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information contact phone number: Monika - 07751213612, Atama – 07832903514

Parish Volunteers – Online Safeguarding Training in June

Safeguarding Training currently only needs to be done by volunteers who are in a regulated role requiring a Protecting Vulnerable Group form. Induction Part 1 must be completed before Induction Part 2 is done. (Induction Part 2 should be completed approx. 18 months after Induction Part 1 has been done). Both Part 1 and Part 2 are approximately 90 minutes each. Part 1: Safeguarding Induction Training online

Monday 13 June at 7pm. To register, email, providing details of your name, parish and role.

Join the Cathedral Flower Arranging Team!

As we hope you have noticed, we always have a beautiful display of flowers in the cathedral… These displays are prepared by teams of volunteers who take it in turn to meet mid-morning/early afternoon on a Friday to arrange the flowers in preparation for the weekend Masses. To ease the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences, we are looking to recruit more volunteers to join our teams. There are currently four teams led by experienced volunteers, so lack of experience is not a barrier if you are interested. To join the flower arrangers, or find out more, contact Elizabeth Andrews, You will love being a part of this beautiful work!

Green Foliage Needed for Cathedral Flower Arrangements

Do you have a garden with lovely green foliage you would be willing to donate for the Cathedral flower arrangements? Fresh, hardy green foliage to last a couple of weeks is needed, such as copper beech, weeping beech, ruscus, bergania, ivy or ferns. Can you help? Please contact the Cathedral office at or 0131 556 1798. Thank you!

Cathedral Cleaning Volunteers Needed

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

2022 Marriage Preparation Course 27th August

A Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 27th of August, with presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Join us for the Queen’s Jubilee!

Join us in the Parish Rooms after 10:30am Mass in Ravelston for a wee celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee! We will have some cake and bubbly, and hope you will stop in to celebrate this special occasion!

Sacred Heart Novena after 6pm Masses this Month

During the month of June, join us after 6pm Masses Monday-Friday to pray the Novena to the Sacred Heart! June is traditionally dedicated to devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday, 17 June this year.

Friday Coffee for Alzheimer’s Society

Come along to our next Friday coffee 10am-Noon and contribute to raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Society. It is a wonderful way to support those affected by Alzheimer’s. Do come along and support this wonderful cause and enjoy some delicious cakes!

Vocations Mass on Monday, 6 June at Sacred Heart

The monthly Mass for Vocations takes place at 6:30pm on Monday 6 June at Sacred Heart Church, 56 John Street, Penicuik, EH26 8NE. Please come along and pray that more young people in our Archdiocese respond to God’s call to the priesthood or religious life.

Corpus Christi Procession in Falkirk – Sunday 19 June, 3:00pm

As part of the Eucharistic renewal in the Archdiocese this liturgical year you are invited to take part in a Corpus Christi procession, led by Archbishop Cushley, at St Francis Xavier’s, Hope Street, Falkirk FK1 5AT on Sunday 19 June at 3:00pm. Gather at the Bandstand in High Street before processing to St Francis Xavier’s Parish (around 20 min walk). All First Communicants and Altar Servers and their families are especially welcome!

Archdiocesan St Vincent de Paul Mass on Friday, 24 June

Renato Lima de Oliveira, International President General of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, will attend the annual Archdiocesan SSVP Mass at St Patrick’s Church in The Cowgate, Edinburgh, at 7:00pm on Friday 24 June. A buffet will be served after Mass. All welcome.

Study Theology at Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University!

In case you missed it, a 1-hour video is available at of the 17 May Open Evening for the Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University, featuring Q&A with course leaders and student testimonials on the MA courses in Theology. Core courses include Aspects of Biblical Interpretation; Human Beings and Human Action; Foundations of Christian Spirituality; Basic Principles and History of Catholic Social Teaching; Spiritual Direction, Psychology and Spiritual Formation; and more. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends! Classes start in September! For more information, visit Questions? Contact Susan Longhurst, Course Lead,, 07773 689535.

Family Afternoon, Saturday 25 June: ‘The Eucharist: Source of Family Love’

A Family Afternoon at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, takes place on Saturday 25 June, 2.00pm-5.00pm. It will include separate sessions for adults, children and teens, focusing on ‘The Eucharist: Source of Family Love’, family prayer time in St Margaret’s Chapel and family games! Don’t miss this event for all families, which coincides with the 10th World Meeting of Families taking place in Rome. We'll be joined by the Servidora Sisters from Fife who are well known for their great work hosting fun sessions for kids. Register your family today at

PVG Volunteers Needed for Family Afternoon

Volunteers with PVG membership are needed for work with children during the Family Afternoon on Sat 25th June, at the Gillis Centre. The children's groups will run for an hour 2.15-3.15pm and will be led by the Servidora Sisters. Volunteers will help support the Sisters in the children’s groups on the day and occupy any under-fives. If you have PVG membership and would like to volunteer, please contact our parish Safeguarding Officer, Chris McCabe,

Free Mobility Services Available from St. James Quarter Car Park

Guest Mobility Services located on Level B2 of the St. James Quarter Car Park offers mobility equipment free of charge with no deposit required. The mobility fleet includes scooters, specialist bariatric scooters, powered wheelchairs, as well as devices for families including single and double push chairs. The equipment can be used at the Cathedral or anywhere around the city centre of Edinburgh. Hours are Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm and Sunday 10am-6pm. Booking is available either online at or by calling 07898 740288. For those attending 9:00am Sunday Mass, with two weeks’ notice arrangements can be made for staffing and mobility equipment by 8:30am on a Sunday morning. They’ll even arrange to meet you at your bus stop with mobility equipment!

The Scottish Catholic Magazine’s 3rd June Issue Now Available!

The Scottish Catholic magazine’s 3rd June issue has arrived with news, opinions and features on Catholic life in Scotland. A new edition is printed every two weeks. The Scottish Catholic is the only publication dedicated to Scotland’s 600,000 Catholics. For just £2 pick up your copy on the table in the Octagon while supplies last! Please put monies in the box at the pillar after you enter the Cathedral. Thank you! For more information, visit

Next Weekend Special Collection - Day for Life

Next weekend we will have a special collection for the Day for Life which will be used to help protect and care for our families and friends as they near the end of life. The collection supports quality palliative care to provide dignity to the dying while valuing life to its natural end, as well as organisations working to protect the disabled from changes in the law. Alternatively, donate direct to

Comings and Goings…

Sadly we bid farewell to Fr. Emmanuel who has returned to his Diocese of Argyll and the Isles and thank him for all his work (and wonderful sermons!) here over the last few months. At the same time, we welcome Patrick Rogers from the United States who will be helping out in the Cathedral Office over the next 2 months while visiting Edinburgh!

Read the newsletter for 5th June (pdf)