Fifth Sunday of Easter - Year C

Come, Holy Spirit! Confirmations at 9:00am Mass

His Grace the Archbishop will Confirm 40 of our young people at 9:00am Mass today. Please keep these young people of our Church in your prayers as they are sealed with Holy Spirit in this sacrament. Special thanks to Fr. Jamie, their teachers and parents for preparing them for Confirmation!

Organ Recital – Today!

Today at 1:30pm, our wonderful Cathedral Organist Tom Wilkinson will perform an Organ Request Recital. This is a chance to hear your favourite organ pieces on the mighty Cathedral organ including Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring – Bach, Toccata – Dubois, Nimrod – Elgar and more! Admission is free, but there will be a retiral collection to help finance Tom to represent the Cathedral at an International Bach Conference to be held in Cambridge later this year. After the recital, why not enjoy a delicious coffee and cake or a late lunch at Coffee Saints?

Mass for Married Couples – this Wednesday at 7:00pm

Archbishop Leo will celebrate a Mass for Married & Engaged Couples across our Archdiocese this Wednesday 18 May at 7:00pm at St Mary’s Cathedral. It will be a lovely occasion and an opportunity for married couples to renew their vows. Why not come along….

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration – Sunday 5th June at Noon

And the Archbishop will be back again on Sunday 5th June to celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving at Noon on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. This will be a delightful and joyful celebration and will finish with a champagne reception after the Mass. If you can make it – do come along to toast the queen on this historic occasion.

Next Sunday - Royal Visit to the Cathedral!

Next Sunday, 22 May at 3:00pm, Lord Hodge, the Queens Lord High Commissioner to the Church of Scotland, will visit St. Mary’s Catholic Cathedral at the beginning of the General Assembly this year. The purpose of the visit is to hear about our plans for the renovation of the National Shrine to St. Andrew and to show support for “Coffee Saints” our new venture in collaboration with the Grassmarket Community Project. This is a singular sign of favour from the Queen who has asked for this visit to take place and who will receive a report from Lord Hodge following his visit. The Lord High Commissioner will have a cup of coffee in Coffee Saints after his visit. We are delighted to welcome Lord Hodge!

New Menu at Coffee Saints, Open Daily 9:00am-4:00pm

… and speaking of Coffee Saints….they have launched a new menu with lots of exciting dishes, a range of fruit smoothies and flavoured iced teas and by very, very popular demand, ALL DAY BRUNCH!!!! Browse the full menu at For fun, you can even have your coffee personalised (!) with a photo of your choice printed top of your coffee foam, milkshake and even on top of pancakes! The Coffee Saints café is social enterprise partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project. Every time you make a purchase you support some of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable people. All profits go to charity! The café is open 7 days a week 9:00am-4:00pm.

2022 Marriage Preparation Courses: 21st May and 27th August

The next Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 21st of May from 10am-5pm and the last one of the year will be held Saturday, 27th of August. The course includes presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club

The next cinema outing for the over 60’s will be Wednesday 18th May, to see ‘Father Stu’ starring Mark Wahlberg (time TBC). Coffee afternoon on Tuesday from 2.30-4pm for coffee, and anyone over 60 years of age is welcome! Please note Coffee Saints now closes at 4pm sharp.

Information Technology (IT) Clinic: Thursday, 26th May

The Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your mobile phones and laptops. Stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints 11.30am - 1pm, Thursday 26th May.

Cathedral Cleaning Volunteers Needed!

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group with a view to easing the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

Parish Volunteers – Online Safeguarding Training in May

Safeguarding Training currently only needs to be done by volunteers who are in a regulated role requiring a Protecting Vulnerable Group form. Induction Part 1 must be completed before Induction Part 2 is done. (Induction Part 2 should be completed approx. 18 months after Induction Part 1 has been done). Both Part 1 and Part 2 are approximately 90 minutes each. Part 1: Safeguarding Induction Training, Saturday 14th May at 10am with Julie Brechin. To register, email, providing details of your name, parish and role: Friday 20th May at 7pm with Margaret Andow. To register, email, providing details of your name, parish and role.

Free Mobility Services Available from St. James Quarter Car Park

Guest Mobility Services located on Level B2 of the St. James Quarter Car Park offers mobility equipment free of charge with no deposit required. The mobility fleet includes scooters, specialist bariatric scooters, powered wheelchairs, as well as devices for families including single and double push chairs. The equipment can be used at the Cathedral or anywhere around the city centre of Edinburgh. Hours are Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm and Sunday 10am-6pm. Booking is available either online at or by calling 07898 740288. For those attending 9:00am Sunday Mass, with two weeks’ notice arrangements can be made for staffing and mobility equipment by 8:30am on a Sunday morning. They’ll even arrange to meet you at your bus stop with mobility equipment!

Praying the Rosary: Monday-Friday after 6pm Mass

In this month of May when we honour the Blessed Virgin Mary, we will pray the Rosary every weekday evening after the 6pm Mass at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. Do join us!

Sunday and Friday Parish Cafés – All welcome!

Join us for teas & coffees on Sundays after 10:30am Mass in the Parish Rooms! Additionally, we have a the Friday Café (10am-Noon) with delicious home-baking. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat at either or both cafes!

Open Evening on Tuesday 17 May: St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh

Join an exciting and informative online Open Evening to hear all about the MA in Applied Catholic Theology at the St Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus! Register now for this webinar event Tuesday 17 May, 6-7pm at Core courses in the MA program include Aspects of Biblical Interpretation; Human Beings and Human Action; Foundations of Christian Spirituality; Basic Principles and History of Catholic Social Teaching; Spiritual Direction, Psychology and Spiritual Formation; and more. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends! Classes start in September! For more information, visit Questions? Contact Susan Longhurst, Course Lead,, 07773 689535.

Gender Reform Bill Consultation Deadline Monday, 16th May

The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a two-page briefing on the Scottish Parliament Equalities and Human Rights Committee’s call for views on reform of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill. Please engage with this important consultation and write to your MSP. Closing date for submissions is Monday 16 May. Share your concerns at or contact Scottish Parliament’s Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee at 0131 348 5000,

Bookshop Manager Opening for St. Pauls Bookshop – Apply by 27 May

An experienced and resourceful Bookshop Manager is sought to setup and manage the St. Pauls Bookshop adjacent to St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh. The role holder will have experience of retail and customer service and a knowledge of Christian literature. Strong communication skills, enthusiasm and initiative will also be key to developing this new venture. The role includes 35hrs per week (10am-6pm with 1hr unpaid for lunch) with flexibility of days available but to include Sunday working. Salary is £20,384. For a full job description, please visit

To apply, please submit your CV and a covering letter outlining your relevant experience and suitability for the role to by 5pm, Friday 27th May 2022.

Ukraine Appeal –Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund

Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund’s Ukraine appeal helps people in need of emergency food, water, safe accommodation, hygiene kits, transport and child support services during this humanitarian catastrophe. Please donate what you can today online at or by phone at 0141 354 5555.

Mondays at 1:30pm: 30-Minute Live Talks on Early Church

Did you see the first live talk on the Acts of the Apostles by Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM last week? Each Monday until 23 May, Sister is hosting a series of 30 minute talks exploring the trials and triumphs of the early Church! Watch on live Mondays at 1:30pm or view the recording at

Are You a Registered Nurse? Join the Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage

If you’re a registered nurse, please consider taking part in the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 8-15 July. The pilgrimage committee is looking for a night nurse (full funding available!) and other nurses to join to join the medical team. Contact Claire Banks, chief nurse, on 07930 928489 for more info. More info at

Save the Date: Corpus Christi Procession in Falkirk – Sunday 19 June

You are invited to take part in a Corpus Christi procession at St Francis Xavier’s in Falkirk on Sunday 19 June (time tbc). This is a major event for the Archdiocese and a beautiful and prayerful experience as well as a chance to be a witness to the Eucharistic Christ in public. Save the date!

Looking for a job? LINKnet can help

One-to-one mentoring, CV development, interview preparation and job-seeking advice are provided free of charge for minority ethnic people living in Edinburgh and the Lothians. Contact 0744 722 8686 or 0131 261 4463,

More information at

Monthly Mass: Pray for Canonisation of Venerable Margaret Sinclair

The monthly Mass to pray for the canonisation of Venerable Margaret Sinclair is on the first Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm (7 June) at St Patrick’s Church in the Cowgate. The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September. More details will follow soon. Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

New Dawn in Scotland Event Saturday 21 May in Stirling

New Dawn in Scotland host a day-long spiritual event at St Mary’s Church, Upper Bridge Street, Stirling on Saturday 21 May. It includes Holy Mass, Confessions, Testimonies, Workshops, a healing service and more. No registration required, just turn up on the day. More details at

National Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday 1 June – Tickets Available!

Join Archbishop Cushley and Christians from across Scotland for the National Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday 1 June at Prestonfield House, Edinburgh. Tickets

Gifts for First Holy Communion and Confirmation

A wide selection of gifts is available online through The Catholic Truth Society for special occasions such as First Holy Communion and Confirmation. To shop online, visit More Catholic gifts are available online through Pauline Books and Media UK at Other sources of Catholic gifts are St. Paul Publications at and Piety Stall

Read the newsletter for 15th May (pdf)