Solemnity Of Most Holy Body & Blood Of Christ – Year C

Young Adults Group – This Tuesday at 7pm

Fr Patrick will finish his series of talks on personal prayer on the 21st of June at 63 York Place. We begin with tea and coffee at 7pm and then the talk itself starts at 7.30pm. Afterwards, we'll pray Compline together and then retire to the pub. Hope to see you all there! All adults, aged 18-35, very welcome!

Join Friends of the Cathedral Today – Special Offer of Joint Membership!

Thank you to our parishioners who have joined Friends of the Cathedral! We have introduced a special offer for a limited time only - joint membership for £30 per month. This gives access to an excellent programme of events, starting with a music event with Sir James MacMillan in August, and you will receive the Friends magazine, Crux, that is specially created for our members.

Joint membership is also available to Friends who joined in the first few weeks of the launch, just change the amount of your monthly payment to £30 per month and email with the name and email address of the person to be added to your membership. Thank you so much for joining early and helping Friends of the Cathedral to get off to a super start!

Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group

The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. All are welcome to join. Our presidium name is Our Lady Cause of our Joy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD. We are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information: Monika - 07751213612, Atama – 07832903514.

Christian Meditation

Re-discover an ancient tradition that is a part of our Faith. Experience how silent contemplation in a group leads you to the joy of God´s healing. We meditate in person at 63 York Place on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. Afterwards you are welcome for refreshments and to socialize. On Wednesdays at 7 p.m. we meditate online on Zoom. The up-to-date schedule is here: please contact Maciej Zurawski at; 0771 777 2614.

Visit Coffee Saints café and Support Edinburgh’s Most Vulnerable

Café Open 7 Days a Week 9am-4PM

Come and enjoy a coffee, breakfast or lunch at Coffee Saints café, in which all profits go to charity! The café is a partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project, which supports Edinburgh’s most vulnerable citizens, including those dealing with homelessness, mental health problems, poverty and more. It is a totally unique café in the St. James’ Quarter where your purchase directly supports those in need! To see the full menu, visit

Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club: Tuesday Coffee, Wednesday Cinema

Join the Cathedral’s Over Sixties Club for our weekly coffee afternoon on Tuesday from 2.30-4pm. Anyone over 60 years of age is very welcome! The next cinema outing for the over 60’s will be Wednesday 22nd June. The film will be ‘Top Gun: Maverick’. Meet upstairs at the Omni at 12.15pm.

Information Technology (IT) Clinic: Thursday, 30th June

The Over Sixties Club offers an Information Technology (IT) Clinic that can help you with your mobile phones and laptops. Stop in for IT help at Coffee Saints 11.30am - 1pm, Thursday 30th June.

Cathedral Cleaning Volunteers Needed

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group. If you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

2022 Marriage Preparation Course 27th August

A Marriage Preparation course will take place on Saturday, 27th of August, with presentations by married couples from the parish. To register, email

Holy Land Pilgrimage

Just to let you know that I will be away with 50 of our parishioners to the Holy Land from this coming Friday. We have been planning this pilgrimage for years now (delayed because of Covid) so please say a prayer that BA deign to fly us there and that we all get back safe and sound on Tuesday 5th July. Please be sure that we will pray for the Parish and all our parishioners at the Holy Places.

No 6pm Mass from 25th June until 11th July

Please note that while we are away in the Holy Land there will be no evening Mass at Ravelston. I am sorry about this, but it just hasn’t been possible to find supply priests to cover this period. Normal service will be resumed in the week beginning 11th July.

A Warm Welcome Awaits You at Our Cafés in the Parish Rooms

Teas & coffees have already returned on Sundays after 10:30am Mass at Ravelston - every Sunday! Additionally, the Friday cafe (10am-Noon) has reopened with delicious home-baking. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat at either or both cafes!

Volunteers Needed at St. Andrew’s! Many Roles Available!

Help is needed with cash counting, serving Sunday coffees/teas, teaching children’s catechesis, singing in the choir, serving as Eucharistic ministers, readers, passkeepers, sacristans, doing altar linens laundry, or church maintenance. Many of the roles are on a rota basis of every 6 to 8 weeks. Can you help? If interested, contact Please do get in touch!

The Scottish Catholic Magazine’s 17th June Issue Now Available!

The Scottish Catholic magazine’s 17th June issue has arrived with news, opinions and features on Catholic life in Scotland. A new edition is printed every two weeks. The Scottish Catholic is the only publication dedicated to Scotland’s 600,000 Catholics. For just £2 pick up your copy on the table in the Octagon while supplies last! Please put monies in the box at the pillar after you enter the Cathedral. Thank you! For more information, visit

Archdiocesan St Vincent de Paul Mass on Friday, 24 June

Renato Lima de Oliveira, International President General of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, will attend the annual Archdiocesan SSVP Mass at St Patrick’s Church in The Cowgate, Edinburgh, at 7pm on Friday 24 June. A buffet will be served after Mass. All welcome.

Justice & Peace Event on Saturday, 25 June

An event titled Caritas, Justice and Peace – a Synodal Way Forward takes place on Saturday 25 June, 10:00am-3:30pm at Ss John Cantius & Nicholas, Main Street, Broxburn, EH52 5RJ. It’s a chance for everyone who sees Caritas, Justice and Peace as integral to their Catholic faith to participate in shaping the agenda of the Archdiocesan Commission for Caritas, Justice & Peace over the next two years. All welcome. Details and registration at

Family Afternoon, Saturday 25 June: ‘The Eucharist: Source of Family Love’

A Family Afternoon at the Gillis Centre will take place on Saturday 25 June, 2.00pm-5.00pmat the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. It will include separate sessions for adults and children, focusing on The Eucharist: Source of Family Love, family prayer time in St Margaret’s Chapel and family games. This event coincides with the 10th World Meeting of Families taking place in Rome. Details and registration at

PVG Volunteers Needed for Family Afternoon

Volunteers with PVG membership are needed for work with children during the Family Afternoon on Sat 25th June, at the Gillis Centre. The children's groups will run for an hour 2.15-3.15pm and will be led by the Servidora Sisters. Volunteers will help support the Sisters in the children’s groups on the day and occupy any under-fives. If you have PVG membership and would like to volunteer, please contact our parish Safeguarding Officer, Chris McCabe,

Study Theology at Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University!

St. Mary’s University’s Edinburgh campus offers a Master’s programme in Applied Catholic Theology that provides a grounding in key aspects of Catholic theology while enabling students to apply that theology to the challenges and opportunities of the contemporary world. Classes start in September! Studies include Scripture, Doctrine, Christian Spirituality, Catholic Social Teaching, and Ethics. In case you missed it, a 1-hour video is available at of the 17 May Open Evening for the programme. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends! For more information, visit Questions? Contact Susan Longhurst, Course Lead, 07773 689535.

Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 8 July – 15 July 2022

The Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage will take place 8-15 July and will be led by Archbishop Cushley. Take a booking form in the Octagon or visit:

Craig Lodge Retreat House

Originally a Hunting Lodge, Craig Lodge is now a family house of prayer that seeks to welcome those who are 'hunting' for the Lord, thirsty and hungry to know him better. The grounds, nestled in Glen Orchy and surrounded by beautiful hills and mountains, provide a number of beautiful 'rooms,' both indoor and outdoor, in which to discover God's presence. Design a custom retreat, or take part in one of the many retreat events offered. For more information visit Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Scotland, PA33 1AR, 01838 200216,

Mission House 2023: A Year of Formation, Adventure and Fellowship

Craig Lodge's new Mission House offers a nine-month programme, for anyone between the ages of 18-30, that sets out to form spirit-filled evangelizers for the renewal of the Church. Apply online and watch the trailer for Mission House at Living and working together missionaries encourage one another on the path to holiness, and are sent out from the mission house to the streets, high schools, parishes and wherever the Lord calls.

Relics of St. Bernadette to Visit Carfin Grotto

Carfin Grotto will host the relics of St Bernadette from 24th September until 2nd October 2022, the only Scottish venue to receive the relics. This will coincide with the centenary of the Grotto on 2nd October. For more information or to plan a visit to the grotto this summer, visit Carfin Grotto, situated in the Parish of St Francis Xavier's in the village of Carfin, near Motherwell in North Lanarkshire, is Scotland's National Shrine to Our Lady of Lourdes. The grotto is open 365 day a year, with Daily Masses, Confession, and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

Come and Sing

Would you like to sing Mozart’s Coronation Mass in beautiful St Cuthbert’s Parish Church, Edinburgh? The Soko Fund is organising an event to raise money for women’s education in Malawi. This event will take place on Saturday 24th September 2022. Singers of every level and experience are welcome. Book your place on To find out more about the Soko Fund visit

Safeguarding in the Parish

Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of any member/visitor to our Parish is important to us. If you have any safeguarding concerns or need support as you were a victim of abuse, you can get help by visiting To discuss in confidence any concerns, contact: Emma Boothroyd, Safeguarding Advisor, 0131 623 8949 / 07903 619 342 or write to: The Safeguarding Advisor, Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.

Cathedral and Archdiocesan Updates by E-mail

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox by signing up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of this website. To be informed about Archdiocesan news, you may sign up for a monthly e-mail update at (scroll to bottom of page) or email and put ‘subscribe me’ in the subject bar.

Read the newsletter for 19th June (pdf)