Nineteenth Sunday Of The Year – Year B

Andy Hilton, RIP.


With deep sadness I have to communicate to you that our Cathedral Complex Manager, Andy Hilton, died suddenly on Wednesday having been involved in a freak mountain biking accident. We do not know many details except that he was involved in a head on collision, suffered massive injuries to his head and died instantly. Andy had been working here at the Cathedral for almost three years and had become “one of the family”. He was not a Catholic – but he seemed to enjoy working here with us and he achieved an enormous amount for the Cathedral in his time here. He leaves a daughter and both his parents are still alive. I know that you will keep them very much in your prayers. I found Andy a deeply good and decent man. He was scrupulously honest and genuinely kind. I respected him and enjoyed working with him. We will all miss him. May he rest in peace.

Welcome to Fr. Jose

After the departure of Fr. Jinse to Coventry, we welcome Fr. Jose, who will continue the ministry to the Syro-Malabar community from the Cathedral House. Fr Jose joins us from his most recent appointment in Liverpool. I’m sure you will all look forward to meeting him soon, and will make him very welcome.

Welcome to Fr. Bobby Taylor

Next weekend will be the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is the patronal feast of this Cathedral. Fr Bobby Taylor, one of our newly ordained priests here in the Archdiocese, will be at the Cathedral to celebrate the Masses.

Sr Miriam Fidelis Reed

Please keep in your prayers Sr Miriam, our Parish Secretary, who takes her Final Vows for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, USA, on 16th August. You can participate via live stream at https//

Grassmarket Project

This week, Jonny from the Grassmarket Project, which will soon be launching the Saints Coffee Bar at the Cathedral, will be at the Polish Mass at 6pm and the English Mass at 7.30pm to let parishioners know about this exciting new venture.

'With Angels and Archangels' choir CD available in music streaming stores soon

From this Wednesday 11th August, our Schola Cantorum CD 'With Angels and Archangels' will be available on online music stores and streaming services. Thank you to the many hundreds of you who have purchased a copy of the disc since last autumn. Soon you can also listen to beautiful choral music from St Mary's Cathedral through iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music and Spotify!

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Applications Open! St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Post-Graduate Part-Time Degrees - Study Flexibly While You Work

Applications open: Apply to study at St Mary’s University’s new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre from this September on postgraduate part-time MA degrees in education or theology.

MA Applied Catholic Theology; MA Catholic School Leadership
MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change
MA Education: Pedagogy
MA Education: Religious Education

To apply, visit

Hear more about the courses at Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario,

Second Collection Next Sunday

There will also be a second collection at the end of all Masses next Sunday for the African Mission and Holy Places. This is an ancient and important fund – which goes to help Missionary Orders and also to pay for the upkeep of the Christian Shrines and Pilrimmage Places in the Holy Land.

Read the newsletter for 8th August (pdf)