Sixteenth Sunday of the Year - Year B

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

On 25th July the universal Church celebrates the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly at which we are all invited to celebrate and give thanks for the role and contribution of grandparents and older people to their families and our parishes. All are encouraged to make a visit to the elderly living alone in the community following whatever covid guidelines are in place in your area at that time.

Covid Update

The First Minister announced last week that all of Scotland will move to Level 0 on Monday 19 July. So from that date we can move to one metre of physical distancing instead of two metres. This means that from next Sunday Mass we will be able to sing again (albeit with masks on!). It also means that we will reduce Sunday Masses at Ravelston from 3 Masses to 2 (9.30 and 10.30). Maximum attendance at weddings and funerals will rise also rise to 200. Unfortunately, the other remain:

·      Face coverings must still be worn inside church, unless exempt.

·      Names and telephone numbers of those attending church must still be taken.

·      Sanitiser should still be made available for parishioners.

 Congratulations to Fr. Martin Eckersley!

You will be pleased to know that Fr Martin Eckersley was ordained to the priesthood on Saturday at the Cathedral.  From 4 September, he will be assistant priest at St Francis Xavier’s in Falkirk. Fr Robert Taylor, who as you know was also recently ordained, will return in the autumn to Rome to complete his regular course of studies. 

 Safeguarding Webinar

The Bishops of Scotland invite clergy, religious, church employees and volunteers across Scotland to a national safeguarding webinar at 11am on Saturday 2 October. It will be a chance to find out more about the safeguarding document In Gods Image v2 and reflect upon on its implications for your safeguarding role in the Church. The link to register is:

Assistance Requested

The Parish Office has been informed that there is a parishioner, living in the Hillside area of Edinburgh, who needs help walking or being driven to the Sunday 12 noon Mass, together with a guide dog. This parishioner does have a blue disabled badge, and so free car parking in a disabled space in St James Quarter car park is available for the duration of the Mass. If anyone is able to assist in this on a fortnightly or monthly basis, please could they contact Cathedral House with their details . Many thanks!

Sr Miriam Fidelis Reed

Please keep in your prayers Sr Miriam, our Parish Secretary, who takes her Final Vows for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, USA, on 16th August. You can participate via live stream at https//

Applications Open! St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Post-Graduate Part-Time Degrees - Study Flexibly While You Work

Apply to study at St Mary’s University’s new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre from this September on postgraduate part-time MA degrees in education or theology. 

MA Applied Catholic Theology

MA Catholic School Leadership

MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change

MA Education: Pedagogy

MA Education: Religious Education

To apply, visit Hear more about the courses at the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario,

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you!  The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Music for the 12noon Mass at the Cathedral

Byrd Mass for Three Voices

Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine

Organ voluntary: Vierne Carillon du Longpont

 Weekly Cathedral and Monthly Archdiocesan Updates By E-Mail

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of To receive a monthly e-mail update from the Archdiocese, subscribe at (scroll to bottom of page). 

Grassmarket Project - New Café

Today at all Ravelston Sunday Masses, representatives from the Grassmarket Community Project (GCP) will speak about the new Coffee Saints opening in the Cathedral Hall in late summer. This is an ecumenical project between the Cathedral and Greyfriar’s Kirk – and will be the only social enterprise café of its kind in this otherwise commercial area. The representatives will be available after all Masses next weekend to answer questions about this exciting development in our parish! 

Read the newsletter for 18th July (pdf)