Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary – Year B

Happy Feast!

Sunday s the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is the patronal feast of our Cathedral. As a special treat from the Cathedral clergy in honour of the feast, we are giving you the week off from us! Instead, Fr Bobby Taylor, one of our newly ordained priests here in the Archdiocese, will be at the Cathedral to celebrate the Masses. After each Mass, he will be offering his first blessings. The first blessings of newly ordained priests are especially significant, and even have an indulgence attached (with the usual stipulations!).

New Covid Restrictions

As you know, the First Minister substantially relaxed Covid Restrictions last week. This means that there is no longer any social distancing and there is no longer any need to book for Mass. There is also no longer the same need to sanitise the Church after each Mass, and we can again have offertory processions and the traditional collection. There are a few remaining restrictions: still no holy water, no sign of peace and no distribution of the Precious Blood. Also facemasks continue to be encouraged and santiser ought to be used. However, Communion can return to its previous format and those who wish to receive Communion on the tongue should come at the end of the queue.

Sir James MacMillan to become Patron of Music at St Mary’s Cathedral

As you know, our musical life here at the Cathedral has gone from strength to strength in recent years as part of the long tradition of liturgical music-making at St Mary’s Cathedral. And so we are delighted that renowned Scottish composer, Sir James MacMillan, has agreed to become the Cathedral’s patron of music.

Sir James is recognised all over the world as one of the great modern composers, and his music is regularly performed by top international choirs and orchestras. We are really honoured that he has agreed to lend his support at this time, as we emerge from the pandemic and look towards the continued flourishing and strengthening of our musical life in the years to come.

On his recent visit to the Cathedral, Sir James recalled how hearing liturgical music at St Mary’s Cathedral made an important early impression on him:

“There was something about attending Mass here, even as a little boy, that sticks very much in my mind. And the commitment of the Church to music at the core of the liturgy continues: it continues here in Scotland, it continues here in Edinburgh, and it continues here in this wonderful cathedral, where there has been a reinvigorated commitment to all the music makers and music that happens in various liturgies. I am therefore delighted to become the new Patron of Music here at St Mary’s Cathedral.”

Watch this video to hear more from Sir James about becoming patron of our music.

Music for the 12noon Mass at the Cathedral

Mass setting: Victoria Missa O quam gloriosum

Motet: James MacMillan Ave maris stella

Organ voluntary: James MacMillan 'One' from St Andrews Suite

‘With Angels and Archangels’

After the success of the launch of our choir CD, ‘With Angels and Archangels’, last autumn, the album is now available on online music stores and streaming services. Search for the name of the album on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music or Spotify.

Please Pray for Sr. Miriam Fidelis

Sr Miriam Fidelis, our Parish Secretary, makes her Final Vows for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers as she makes this beautiful gift to God. You can participate in the mass via live stream at the following web address: https//

Funeral Arrangements of Andy Hilton

Andy’s family have been in touch regarding his funeral arrangements which will take place on Friday 20th August at 1pm at Mortonhall Crematorium. Anyone wishing to attend is very welcome.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Vacancy - Pastoral Co-ordinator

St Joseph’s in Rosewell, a house of support for those with learning difficulties, has a vacancy for the Pastoral Co-ordinator post. They are looking for an individual who can build positive relationships, has good communication skills, and is committed to the Vincentian Values of St Joseph’s to lead the pastoral team. For more info, see the poster in the Octagon.

Comings and Goings

Fr. Jamie comes back from holiday today refreshed and renewed… And I am going away today for a couple of weeks to (exotic) Carlisle! I know you’ll find it difficult – but try to survive without me….

Final Collection Today

There is a second collection today for the African Missions and Holy Places. This is one collection that is definitely worth supporting!

Read the newsletter for 15th August (pdf)