Nineteenth Sunday Of The Year – Year B

Andy Hilton, RIP.


With deep sadness I have to communicate to you that our Cathedral Complex Manager, Andy Hilton, died suddenly on Wednesday having been involved in a freak mountain biking accident. We do not know many details except that he was involved in a head on collision, suffered massive injuries to his head and died instantly. Andy had been working here at the Cathedral for almost three years and had become “one of the family”. He was not a Catholic – but he seemed to enjoy working here with us and he achieved an enormous amount for the Cathedral in his time here. He leaves a daughter and both his parents are still alive. I know that you will keep them very much in your prayers. I found Andy a deeply good and decent man. He was scrupulously honest and genuinely kind. I respected him and enjoyed working with him. We will all miss him. May he rest in peace.

Welcome to Fr. Jose

After the departure of Fr. Jinse to Coventry, we welcome Fr. Jose, who will continue the ministry to the Syro-Malabar community from the Cathedral House. Fr Jose joins us from his most recent appointment in Liverpool. I’m sure you will all look forward to meeting him soon, and will make him very welcome.

Welcome to Fr. Bobby Taylor

Next weekend will be the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is the patronal feast of this Cathedral. Fr Bobby Taylor, one of our newly ordained priests here in the Archdiocese, will be at the Cathedral to celebrate the Masses.

Sr Miriam Fidelis Reed

Please keep in your prayers Sr Miriam, our Parish Secretary, who takes her Final Vows for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, USA, on 16th August. You can participate via live stream at https//

Grassmarket Project

This week, Jonny from the Grassmarket Project, which will soon be launching the Saints Coffee Bar at the Cathedral, will be at the Polish Mass at 6pm and the English Mass at 7.30pm to let parishioners know about this exciting new venture.

'With Angels and Archangels' choir CD available in music streaming stores soon

From this Wednesday 11th August, our Schola Cantorum CD 'With Angels and Archangels' will be available on online music stores and streaming services. Thank you to the many hundreds of you who have purchased a copy of the disc since last autumn. Soon you can also listen to beautiful choral music from St Mary's Cathedral through iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music and Spotify!

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Applications Open! St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Post-Graduate Part-Time Degrees - Study Flexibly While You Work

Applications open: Apply to study at St Mary’s University’s new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre from this September on postgraduate part-time MA degrees in education or theology.

MA Applied Catholic Theology; MA Catholic School Leadership
MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change
MA Education: Pedagogy
MA Education: Religious Education

To apply, visit

Hear more about the courses at Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario,

Second Collection Next Sunday

There will also be a second collection at the end of all Masses next Sunday for the African Mission and Holy Places. This is an ancient and important fund – which goes to help Missionary Orders and also to pay for the upkeep of the Christian Shrines and Pilrimmage Places in the Holy Land.

Read the newsletter for 8th August (pdf)

Eighteenth Sunday of the Year - Year B

Comings and Goings…

This week we say farewell to Fr. Jinse – who has been here for the last two and half years. Fr. Jinse has been a wonderful help to us over the years and we wish him well as he moves to a new appointment in Coventry. He will be replaced, also this week, by Fr. Jose who is joining us from Liverpool. Fr. Jose will be ministering to the Syro-Malabar community and living in the Cathedral. I know you will make him very welcome.

Sr Miriam Fidelis Reed

Please keep in your prayers Sr Miriam, our Parish Secretary, who takes her Final Vows for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, USA, on 16th August. You can participate via live stream at https//

Incident in the Cathedral

As most of you will have seen in the media, there was an incident in the Cathedral last Monday. It was a nasty incident and Fr. Jamie only escaped injury because he moved very quickly! The perpetrator has since been arrested and it appears that it was a random and unpremeditated incident. It does, however, raise questions about security in the Cathedral and I have already had very helpful meetings with Police Crime Prevention Officers. The Police have reassured us that we do not need to make any immediate changes to our arrangements – but in due course we will be looking into extra security measures like the installation of a Panic Alarm, a redesign of the Volunteer station and a radio link with the Parish Office. Fr. Jamie was shaken but was unharmed and he has now gone away for 2 weeks (well deserved) holiday. We are very grateful for all the many (many!) messages of support that we received during the week.

Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima

Those keeping the devotion to Our Lady of Fatima meet on the first Saturday of each month. On Saturday 7th August, they will meet at 9:30am, and stay for the 10:00am Mass. All are very warmly invited to join!

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Applications Open! St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Post-Graduate Part-Time Degrees Study Flexibly While You Work

APPLICATIONS OPEN: Apply to study at St Mary’s University’s new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre from this September on postgraduate part-time MA degrees in education or theology.

MA Applied Catholic Theology; MA Catholic School Leadership
MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change
MA Education: Pedagogy
MA Education: Religious Education

To apply, visit

Hear more about the courses at

Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario,

Saturday Eucharistic Adoration: Silent Prayer Before Jesus Christ

“I am the living bread which has come down from heaven.” (John 6:51)

Saturdays 10:30am-12:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions

Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more….for some time of silent prayer before the Risen Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm. Come and pray! Priests are also available to hear Confessions from 10:30am-12:00pm. “To celebrate the Eucharist, we need first to recognize our thirst for God, to sense our need for him, to long for his presence and love, to realize that we cannot go it alone, but need the Food and Drink of eternal life to sustain us on our journey... Adoration: that is the attitude we need in the presence of the Eucharist.” Pope Francis, 2021 Corpus Christi homily

Read the newsletter for 1st August (pdf)

Seventeenth Sunday Of The Year – Year B

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Today is the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, in which we are all invited to celebrate and give thanks for the role and contribution of grandparents and older people to their families and our parishes. All are encouraged to make a visit or call an elderly person living alone on Sunday or the week ahead (observing relevant Covid guidelines).

Discount for Parishioners at Coffee Saints

For parishioners of the Cathedral and St Andrew’s, Ravelston, a discount card is available for the new coffee shop opening in the Cathedral Hall in August. For more information, ask one of the Cathedral clergy, who are the givers of all good things.

Covid Restrictions: Level 0

On Monday 19 July, all of Scotland moved into Level 0. This means that we now move to one metre physical distancing inside the church. This means that physical distancing has been reduced to one metre. Singing is also permitted once again, but only from behind facemasks. Maximum attendance at weddings and funerals will rises to 200 people. The other restrictions remain in place: Face coverings must still be worn inside church, unless exempt; Names and telephone numbers of those attending church must still be taken; Sanitiser should still be made available for parishioners.

Safeguarding Webinar

The Bishops of Scotland invite clergy, religious, church employees and volunteers across Scotland to a national safeguarding webinar at 11am on Saturday 2 October. It will be a chance to find out more about the safeguarding document In Gods Image v2 and reflect upon on its implications for your safeguarding role in the Church. The link to register is:

Assistance Requested

The Parish Office has been informed that there is a parishioner, living in the Hillside area of Edinburgh, who needs help walking or being driven to the Sunday 12 noon Mass, together with a guide dog. This parishioner does have a blue disabled badge, and so free car parking in a disabled space in St James Quarter car park is available for the duration of the Mass. If anyone is able to assist in this on a fortnightly or monthly basis, please could they contact Cathedral House with their details . Many thanks!

Sr Miriam Fidelis Reed

Please keep in your prayers Sr Miriam, our Parish Secretary, who takes her Final Vows for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, USA, on 16th August. You can participate via live stream at https//

Applications Open! St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Post-Graduate Part-Time Degrees  Study Flexibly While You Work

APPLICATIONS OPEN: Apply to study at St Mary’s University’s new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre from this September on postgraduate part-time MA degrees in education or theology.

MA Applied Catholic Theology
MA Catholic School Leadership
MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change
MA Education: Pedagogy
MA Education: Religious Education

To apply, visit Hear more about the courses at

Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario,

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Weekly Cathedral and Monthly Archdiocesan Updates By E-Mail

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of of this website. To receive a monthly e-mail update from the Archdiocese, subscribe at

Important: New Mass Times from Today at St Andrew's, Ravelston

As announced last week, we move today to a new Mass schedule, with Masses at 9:30 and 10:30, and again at 12 noon in the Extraordinary Form. Please remember to book your seats in advance to avoid queueing or disappointment at these Masses.

Read the newsletter for 25th July (doc)

Sixteenth Sunday of the Year - Year B

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

On 25th July the universal Church celebrates the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly at which we are all invited to celebrate and give thanks for the role and contribution of grandparents and older people to their families and our parishes. All are encouraged to make a visit to the elderly living alone in the community following whatever covid guidelines are in place in your area at that time.

Covid Update

The First Minister announced last week that all of Scotland will move to Level 0 on Monday 19 July. So from that date we can move to one metre of physical distancing instead of two metres. This means that from next Sunday Mass we will be able to sing again (albeit with masks on!). It also means that we will reduce Sunday Masses at Ravelston from 3 Masses to 2 (9.30 and 10.30). Maximum attendance at weddings and funerals will rise also rise to 200. Unfortunately, the other remain:

·      Face coverings must still be worn inside church, unless exempt.

·      Names and telephone numbers of those attending church must still be taken.

·      Sanitiser should still be made available for parishioners.

 Congratulations to Fr. Martin Eckersley!

You will be pleased to know that Fr Martin Eckersley was ordained to the priesthood on Saturday at the Cathedral.  From 4 September, he will be assistant priest at St Francis Xavier’s in Falkirk. Fr Robert Taylor, who as you know was also recently ordained, will return in the autumn to Rome to complete his regular course of studies. 

 Safeguarding Webinar

The Bishops of Scotland invite clergy, religious, church employees and volunteers across Scotland to a national safeguarding webinar at 11am on Saturday 2 October. It will be a chance to find out more about the safeguarding document In Gods Image v2 and reflect upon on its implications for your safeguarding role in the Church. The link to register is:

Assistance Requested

The Parish Office has been informed that there is a parishioner, living in the Hillside area of Edinburgh, who needs help walking or being driven to the Sunday 12 noon Mass, together with a guide dog. This parishioner does have a blue disabled badge, and so free car parking in a disabled space in St James Quarter car park is available for the duration of the Mass. If anyone is able to assist in this on a fortnightly or monthly basis, please could they contact Cathedral House with their details . Many thanks!

Sr Miriam Fidelis Reed

Please keep in your prayers Sr Miriam, our Parish Secretary, who takes her Final Vows for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, USA, on 16th August. You can participate via live stream at https//

Applications Open! St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Post-Graduate Part-Time Degrees - Study Flexibly While You Work

Apply to study at St Mary’s University’s new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre from this September on postgraduate part-time MA degrees in education or theology. 

MA Applied Catholic Theology

MA Catholic School Leadership

MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change

MA Education: Pedagogy

MA Education: Religious Education

To apply, visit Hear more about the courses at the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario,

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you!  The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Music for the 12noon Mass at the Cathedral

Byrd Mass for Three Voices

Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine

Organ voluntary: Vierne Carillon du Longpont

 Weekly Cathedral and Monthly Archdiocesan Updates By E-Mail

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of To receive a monthly e-mail update from the Archdiocese, subscribe at (scroll to bottom of page). 

Grassmarket Project - New Café

Today at all Ravelston Sunday Masses, representatives from the Grassmarket Community Project (GCP) will speak about the new Coffee Saints opening in the Cathedral Hall in late summer. This is an ecumenical project between the Cathedral and Greyfriar’s Kirk – and will be the only social enterprise café of its kind in this otherwise commercial area. The representatives will be available after all Masses next weekend to answer questions about this exciting development in our parish! 

Read the newsletter for 18th July (pdf)

Fifteenth Sunday Of The Year – Year B

Sea Sunday

Today is Sea Sunday, when the Church remembers all those who earn their living from the sea and their families. There will be a second collection after Mass for Stella Maris, the Church’s Maritime welfare agency, which supports seafarers both spiritually and practically through its network of chaplains and volunteers. Anne Marie Stephen, a volunteer for Stella Maris will give a short report at Masses on the work of this organisation.

Congratulations to Father Martin Eckersley

All the best to Father Martin Eckersley from Jedburgh, who was ordained a priest for this Archdiocese here in the Cathedral on Saturday. Today, Father Martin will celebrate his first Mass in his home parish in Jedburgh. Thanks to those who remembered Father Martin in their prayers and helped to make this Ordination a beautiful event, even amidst the current restrictions! A particular thank you to our team of volunteers! If you think that God may be calling you to the priesthood or religious life, you can contact Fr. Andrew Garden, the Archdiocesan Vocations Director on 0131 6634286 or, or Sr. Mirjam Hugens, on 0131 6238902,

Assistance Requested

The Parish Office has been informed that there is a parishioner, living in the Hillside area of Edinburgh, who needs help walking or being driven to the Sunday 12 noon Mass, together with a guide dog. This parishioner does have a blue disabled badge, and so free car parking in a disabled space in St James Quarter car park is available for the duration of the Mass. If anyone is able to assist in this on a fortnightly or monthly basis, please could they contact Cathedral House with their details . Many thanks!

Applications Open! St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Post-Graduate Part-Time Degrees  Study Flexibly While You Work

APPLICATIONS OPEN: Apply to study at St Mary’s University’s new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre from this September on postgraduate part-time MA degrees in education or theology.

MA Applied Catholic Theology
MA Catholic School Leadership
MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change
MA Education: Pedagogy
MA Education: Religious Education

To apply, visit

Hear more about the courses at Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario,

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Married Couples: Grow in Catholic Faith with Teams of Our Lady

Want to enrich your married spirituality with Jesus Christ and meet others to build friendships? Join the Teams of Our Lady, an international lay movement to enrich married spirituality and make good marriages better. Couple meet up to ten times a year, share a meal, prayer time and discussions on living out their sacramental marriage. For more information on how to join, contact Fr Jeremy Milne, 0131 623 8900 or visit

Eucharistic Adoration: Silent Prayer Before Jesus Christ

“I am the living bread which has come down from heaven.” (John 6:51)

Saturdays 10:30am-12:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions

Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more….for some time of silent prayer before the Risen Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm. Come and pray! Priests are also available to hear Confessions from 10:30am-12:00pm. “To celebrate the Eucharist, we need first to recognize our thirst for God, to sense our need for him, to long for his presence and love, to realize that we cannot go it alone, but need the Food and Drink of eternal life to sustain us on our journey.” Pope Francis, 2021 Corpus Christi homily

Forty Hours: Save the Date!

As the Archbishop announced in his recent pastoral letter, each parish will host an extended period of Eucharistic Adoration during the coming year to help us to appreciate the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives. The Cathedral Forty Hours will begin on the first Sunday of Advent (28th November). Watch this space for details of this celebration and resources on how to prepare.

Music for the 12noon Mass at the Cathedral

Langlais Missa in simplicitate

Ferguson Ave Maria

Schubert Psalm 23

Organ voluntary: Langlais Hymne d'action de grâce 'Te Deum’

Booking for Sunday Masses, Weekend of 17th-18th July

Booking will open on Monday, 12th July for Masses for next weekend of 17th-18th July. Reserve seats at or by calling the parish office, 0131 556 1798. If you need to cancel a booking for a Mass, you can do so from your email receipt. Scroll to the bottom and click on “View and manage your order online.” For Extraordinary Form (Old Rite) liturgies, contact Fr. John Emerson, 0131 332 3750,

For Polish Mass booking, please visit

Weekly Cathedral and Monthly Archdiocesan Updates By E-Mail

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of this website. To receive a monthly e-mail update from the Archdiocese, subscribe at

Read the newsletter for 11th July (pdf)

Fourteenth Sunday Of The Year – Year B

thursday 8th July: Funeral of Teresa Dzikowska

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mrs Teresa Dzikowska, who died recently. Her Requiem Mass will be celebrated on Thursday 8th July at 11am in the Cathedral. May she rest in peace!

Saturday, 10th July: Deacon Martin Eckersley’s Ordination to the Priesthood

Please remember in your prayers Deacon Martin Eckersley who will be ordained as a priest for our Archdiocese this coming Saturday, 10th July, 3:00pm here at the Cathedral. If you think that God may be calling you to the priesthood or religious life, you can contact Fr. Andrew Garden, the Archdiocesan Vocations Director on 0131 6634286 or or Sr. Mirjam Hugens, on 0131 6238902,

Congratulations to Newly Ordained Father Robert Taylor!

Congratulations to Fr. Robert Taylor who was ordained a priest of our Archdiocese by Archbishop Cushley Tuesday 29 June at his home parish of Our Lady and St Andrew in Galashiels. He’ll be going back to Rome to complete his studies in September. You can view a gallery of photos from the Mass here:

Newman Conversations, Tuesday, 6:00pm: ‘Catholic Education: Good for Scotland’

Archbishop Cushley will discuss ‘Catholic Education: Good for Scotland’ with Professor John Charmley from St Mary’s University, Twickenham at 6pm on Tuesday 6 July (Zoom). To register, please visit

Applications Open! St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Post-Graduate Part-Time Degrees  Study Flexibly While You Work

Applications Open: Apply to study at St Mary’s University’s new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre from this September on postgraduate part-time MA degrees in education or theology.

MA Applied Catholic Theology
MA Catholic School Leadership
MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change
MA Education: Pedagogy
MA Education: Religious Education

To apply, visit Hear more about the courses at Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario,

Sea Sunday on 11 July

Next Sunday is Sea Sunday, when the Church remembers all those who earn their living from the sea. Anne Marie Stephen, a volunteer for Stella Maris, the Church’s Maritime agency, will give a short report at Masses on the work of Stella Maris.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? Sign up for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2022. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

New Dawn Scotland: 12th Annual Conference Friday 9th July-Sunday 11th July

The praising and prayerful annual New Dawn Conference takes place online from 9-11 July. Find a full schedule with events for children P1 to P7 and for youth S1 to S6 at New Dawn in Scotland is part of a "worldwide association of people who desire to display the Catholic church in all Her splendour. It is Eucharistic-centred, Sacramental, Marian and Spirit-filled."

Saturday Eucharistic Adoration: Silent Prayer Before Jesus Christ

“I am the living bread which has come down from heaven.” (John 6:51)

Saturdays 10:30am-12:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions

Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more….for some time of silent prayer before the Risen Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm. Come and pray! Priests are also available to hear Confessions from 10:30am-12:00pm.

“To celebrate the Eucharist, we need first to recognize our thirst for God, to sense our need for him, to long for his presence and love, to realize that we cannot go it alone, but need the Food and Drink of eternal life to sustain us on our journey... Adoration: that is the attitude we need in the presence of the Eucharist.” Pope Francis, 2021 Corpus Christi homily

Archdiocesan Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage from 9-16 July

The Archdiocesan virtual Lourdes pilgrimage takes place from 9-16 July and has a packed programme, including a healing Mass, talks, virtual tours, Stations of the Cross and more. View schedule at Archbishop Cushley has appointed Fr James Tracey (St Joseph’s, Burntisland) as the new Lourdes pilgrimage director, following the recent passing of Mgr Tony Duffy.

Music for the 12noon Mass at the Cathedral

Palestrina Missa Aeterna Christi munera

Elgar Ave Verum

Bach O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht

Organ voluntary: Bach Prelude in D major 532i

Booking for Sunday Masses, Weekend of 10th-11th July

Booking will open on Monday, 5th July for Masses for next weekend of 10th-11th July. Reserve seats at or by calling the parish office, 0131 556 1798. If you need to cancel a booking for a Mass, you can do so from your email receipt. Scroll to the bottom and click on “View and manage your order online.” For Extraordinary Form (Old Rite) liturgies, contact Fr. John Emerson, 0131 332 3750, For Polish Mass booking, please visit

Weekly Cathedral and Monthly Archdiocesan Updates By E-Mail

Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of this website. To receive a monthly e-mail update from the Archdiocese, subscribe at

Read the newsletter for 4th July (pdf)

Thirteenth Sunday Of The Year – Year B

Holiday of Obligation: Tuesday, 29th June

This coming Tuesday, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul. This is a holiday of obligation in Scotland, meaning that Catholics are obliged to attend Mass on this day. Masses will be at 10:00am and 12:45pm in the Cathedral, and at 6:00pm in Ravelston.

“Conversation on Prayer” - This Wednesday at 7pm

Before we all settle into the long and lazy days of summer (!) I thought it might be a good idea for us to think a little about our spiritual lives. So, I will be holding a “conversation on prayer” by Zoom at 7pm this Wednesday. Those who participated in the Seminar on Prayer earlier this year will be there – but even if you didn’t manage along but are nevertheless interested in learning more about spirituality – this would be a good place to start. If you would like to come along contact Darlene on

Collection for Fr. Jinse

As announced last week, there will be a collection at the end of Mass today for a presentation to Fr. Jinse. He has, as you know, been working here for three years and will eb leaving us at the end of July. I know you will want to thank him for all he has done while here in the parish.

Deacon Robert Taylor ‘s Priesthood Ordination on Tuesday, 29th in Galashiels

Please remember in your prayers Deacon Robert Taylor (who ministered here last summer) who will be ordained as a priest for our Archdiocese this coming Tuesday on the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. The Ordination will be celebrated at 7:00pm in Galashiels at the Parish of Our Lady & St Andrew. If you think that God may be calling you to the priesthood or religious life, you can contact Fr. Andrew Garden, the Archdiocesan Vocations Director on 0131 6634286 or or Sr. Mirjam Hugens, on 0131 6238902,

Non-Violence: Responding to the Cry of the Earth

Pax Christi will host a Zoom event ‘Non-Violence: Responding to the Cry of the Earth’ on Monday 5th July, 7:00pm and features a variety of speakers. To register:

Want to Become Catholic? Sign Up Now for RCIA to Start in September

Now is a great time to sign up for the Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)! The RCIA group meets between September and April each year and is for non-Catholic adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Booking for Sunday Masses, Weekend of 3rd-4th July

Booking will open on Monday, 28th June for Masses for next weekend of 3rd-4th July. Reserve seats at or by calling the parish office, 0131 556 1798. If you need to cancel a booking for a Mass, you can do so from your email receipt. Scroll to the bottom and click on “View and manage your order online.” For Extraordinary Form (Old Rite) liturgies, contact Fr. John Emerson, 0131 332 3750, For Polish Mass booking, please visit

Music for the 12noon Mass at the Cathedral

Byrd Mass for Four Voices
Bruckner Locus iste
Ellers Go ye now in peace
Organ voluntary: Gabriel Pierné Prélude, Op. 29/1

Job Advertisement: Director of Scotland’s Churches Trust

An Edinburgh based job opportunity, Scotland’s Churches Trust, a non-denominational Charitable Trust that supports places of worship in Scotland is seeking a Director. Currently, the Trust assists approximately 1300 churches in Scotland. Subject to experience, the salary for this role is in the region of £26,000. The position requires 20 hours work per week. Applicants should demonstrate an interest in places of worship in Scotland and have significant knowledge of IT, including social-media and Microsoft Word, Excel and Access. Apply with CV, covering letter outlining relevant skills and names of 2 referees to Dr Brian Fraser 07710 480875. Closing Date: 1 September 2021.

There will be a second collection next week for “Peter’s Pence”

Read the newsletter for 27th June (pdf)

Twelfth Sunday Of The Year – Year B

Farewell to Fr. Jinse!

After nearly three very happy years here, we were sad to learn that Fr. Jinse will be leaving us at the end of July. He has been re-assigned to a parish in England and will be replaced by another priest who will be ministering to the Syro-Malabar community here in Edinburgh. Fr. Jinse has been a great house-mate for us, (another wonderful cook!), and has been an incredible help here in the parish saying Masses and hearing Confessions. He is away on a (well-earned) break this week and so (while he is away) we will have a collection for him at the end of all our Masses next weekend. This has been a difficult time for our Indian priests – who have not been able to return home for nearly two years and who are naturally very concerned about their families. I know that we will want to show our appreciation for all that Fr. Jinse has done for us over the last three years.

Cathedral Home Visits

The Cathedral priests will be visiting the sick and housebound during the coming week. If you know of anyone who would appreciate a visit to receive the Sacraments or just to have a chat, please ask them to get in touch with the parish office (0131 5561798) or email

Chrism Mass Tuesday, 22nd June, 7:00pm – No 6:00pm Ravelston Mass

The annual Chrism Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Cushley on Tuesday, 22nd June, 7:00pm at the Cathedral. Archbishop Cushley will consecrate the Sacred Chrism and bless the Oil of Catechumens and the Oil of the Sick, and the priests of the Archdiocese will renew the promises they made at their ordination to serve God and His people. To attend the Mass, please book a seat at and select “General Admission” to reserve tickets or by call the Parish Office at 0131 556 1798. Please note there will be no 6pm Mass at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston that evening.

“Children's Anxiety and the Pandemic: How to help your child journey from fear to peace” Free Webinar Monday, 21st June 7:30pm

Parents of primary school children can receive practical and prayerful advice on helping their child deal with anxiety brought on by the pandemic during a free, one-hour webinar on Monday, 21st June, 7:30pm led by Catholic educator Angela Dodds. To register, please visit

The event will cover:

  • Common reasons/symptoms of child anxiety

  • Practical strategies for parents

  • Catholic prayer and spirituality for children

Angela, a parishioner at St Cuthbert's in Melrose, has 20 years’ experience working with primary children as a teacher and headteacher. She has been helping children and families through the pandemic with 1:1 coaching and support for emotional and academic issues. More info:

Deacon Bobby Taylor ‘s Priesthood Ordination on Tuesday, 29th in Galashiels

Please remember in your prayers Deacon Bobby Taylor (who ministered here last summer) who will be ordained as a priest for our Archdiocese on the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, Tuesday, 29th June, 7:00pm in Galashiels at the Parish of Our Lady & St Andrew. If you think that God may be calling you to the priesthood or religious life, you can contact Fr. Andrew Garden, the Archdiocesan Vocations Director on 0131 6634286 or, or Sr. Mirjam Hugens, on 0131 6238902,

Want to Become Catholic? Sign Up Now for RCIA to Start in September

Now is a great time to sign up for the Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)! The RCIA group meets between September and April each year and is for non-Catholic adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Offer for Free Disabled Parking from Sunday, 27th June in St. James Centre Car Park

If you have a disabled badge, drive to Mass and would like to use the St. James’ Car Park in the future, please fill out a form at the back of Church and return it to the Office, with the following: name, phone number, email address, parking permit number, expiry date and car registration number. For those who have sent in their details, the Car Park will have free disabled parking from Sunday, 27th June, 8:30am-1:30pm. Outside of those hours, normal parking fees will apply. Details will be provided to those who have requested disabled parking.

Booking for Sunday Masses, Weekend of 26th-27th June

Booking will open on Monday, 14th June for Masses for next weekend of 26th-27th June. Reserve seats at or by calling the parish office, 0131 556 1798. If you need to cancel a booking for a Mass, you can do so from your email receipt. Scroll to the bottom and click on “View and manage your order online.” For Extraordinary Form (Old Rite) liturgies, contact Fr. John Emerson, 0131 332 3750, For Polish Mass booking, please visit

Monica Davidson RIP

Please pray for the Repose of the Soul of Monica Davidson – one of our oldest and most committed parishioners who died peacefully last week. Monica’s body will be received into the Cathedral at 7pm on Tuesday 29th June and her Requiem will be on Wednesday, 30th June, at 12:45pm.

No 6pm Mass at Ravelston on Tuesday, 22nd June

Please note that due to the annual Chrism Mass at the Cathedral on Tuesday, 22nd June with Archbishop Cushley, there will be no 6pm Mass at Ravelston that evening.

Read the newsletter for 20th June (pdf)

Eleventh Sunday Of The Year – Year B

Grassmarket Project - New Café

Next week at all Masses, representatives from the Grassmarket Community Project (GCP) will speak about the new Coffee Saints opening in the Cathedral Hall in late summer. This is an ecumenical project between the Cathedral and Greyfriar’s Kirk – and will be the only social enterprise café of its kind in this otherwise commercial area. The representatives will be available after all Masses next weekend to answer questions about this exciting development in our parish!

Church Cleaning Volunteers

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 5pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group with a view to easing the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences. Even if you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at

GIFT AID Envelopes 2021/22

There are still some Gift Aid envelopes for 2021/22 waiting for collection from the back of the Church. These will be available for collection until the end of June. We also have additional sets of envelopes available for any parishioners who are UK taxpayers and would like any donations they make to be Gift Aided. Please email to find out more.

Have You or Someone You Know Thought About Becoming Catholic?

Now is a great time to sign up for the Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)! The RCIA group meets between September and April each year and is for non-Catholic adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email

Offer for Free Disabled Parking in St. James Centre Car Park

If you have a disabled badge and drive to Mass and would like to use the St. James’ Car Park in the future, please fill out one of the forms and return it to the Office, with the following information: name, phone number, email address, parking permit number, expiry date and car registration number.

Silent Prayer Before the Jesus in the Holy Eucharist

"Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace which the world cannot give…” (John 14:27)

Saturdays 10:30am-12:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm in the Cathedral. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more….for some time of silent prayer before Jesus in Blessed Sacrament, which is nothing less than a close, private conversation with a living person who is the risen Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Jesus chose the desert as a place to pray in solitude. He fought temptation, the temptations of the devil himself and taught us how to pray. Come and pray! Priests are also available to hear Confessions from 10:30am-12:00pm.

40 Hours Devotion Coming in Advent 2021, Beginning Sunday 28th November!

Mark your diary! Beginning on the First Sunday of Advent 2021, 28th November, Archbishop Cushley is to relaunch the "simple and beautiful tradition" of 40 hours' Devotion, which recalls the period of 40 hours from the time of our Lord’s death on the cross until His Resurrection. This time of solemn adoration will see each parish in the Archdiocese have 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament so people can come together to pray in silence before the Lord. A new video on 40 Hours is at

Booking for Sunday Masses, Weekend of 19th-20th June

Booking will open on Monday, 14th June for Masses for next weekend of 19th-20th June. Reserve seats at or by calling the parish office, 0131 556 1798. If you need to cancel a booking for a Mass, you can do so from your email receipt. Scroll to the bottom and click on “View and manage your order online.” For Extraordinary Form (Old Rite) liturgies, contact Fr. John Emerson, 0131 332 3750, For Polish Mass booking, please visit

St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Study Flexibly While You Work, Outstanding Faculty Support!

From September 2021, St Mary’s University in Twickenham, a leading Catholic university in the UK is opening a new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre, offering MA degree programs in Education and Theology. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! A one-hour informational video is at

Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario,, or visit

MA Applied Catholic Theology

MA Catholic School Leadership

MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change

MA Education: Pedagogy

MA Education: Religious Education

The Stafford Centre Seeks Walking Group and Creative Group Volunteers

The Stafford Centre on Broughton Street, a community resource for people experiencing mental health difficulties. seeks a Walking Group Volunteer and Creative Group Volunteer. To find out more or arrange an informal chat, please contact Alexis Robertson Cumming,

The newsletter for 13th June (pdf)

Solemnity Of The Most Holy Body And Blood Of Christ – Year B

First Holy Communions

Congratulations to all the children who received their First Holy Communion at Masses on Saturday, 5th June at the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s, Ravelston! A big thank you to the catechists, teachers and parents who helped prepare them to receive Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament for the first time!

Monday, 7 June, 7:30pm Webinar: ‘Mental Health and the Pandemic’

An online seminar hosted by the Archdiocese will be held, titled ‘Mental Health and the Pandemic: How can we respond?’ on Monday 7 June, 7:30-8:30pm. The Zoom webinar features Fr Tony Lappin, Priest at St. Joseph’s, Peebles/Innerleithen and Psychotherapist, and Professor John Crichton, Chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland. Register now at

Countdown to Ordination Video: Deacon Bobby Taylor and Deacon Martin Eckersley

Watch Deacon Bobby and Deacon Martin share their thoughts on vocational discernment, seminary life and the countdown to Ordination to the Priesthood in a 5-minute video from the Archdiocesan Communications Office:

Please keep both men in your prayers: Deacon Bobby will be ordained on 29th June and Deacon Martin on 10th July!

Married Couples: Grow in Catholic Faith with Teams of Our Lady

Want to enrich your married spirituality with Jesus Christ and meet others to build friendships? Join the Teams of Our Lady, an international lay movement to enrich married spirituality and make good marriages better. A group of five couples and a priest began meeting in Edinburgh in 2019. New couples are welcome to join this group or a future new group. Couple meet up to ten times a year, share a meal, prayer time and discussions on living out their sacramental marriage. For more information on how to join, contact Fr Jeremy Milne,, 0131 623 8900 or visit

19th-20th June Grassmarket Representatives to Speak at Masses about New Café

Representatives of Grassmarket Community Project will be at Cathedral Masses during the weekend of 19th-20th June to speak about the new Coffee Saints café opening in the Cathedral Hall in late summer. They will be available to provide information and answer questions. Come and hear about the new café – a really exciting new development in the Cathedral parish!

New Evening and Weekend Courses at Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University!

In case you missed it, a 1-hour video is available at of the 2nd June Open Evening for the Edinburgh Campus of St. Mary’s University, featuring Q&A with course leaders and student testimonials on the MA courses in Theology and Education beginning from September 2021! The part-time MA courses will enable you to study flexibly in the evening and at weekends, to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Questions? E-mail Marianne Rozario at or visit

Offer for Free Disabled Parking in St. James Centre Car Park

If you have a disabled badge and drive to Mass, please fill out one of the forms at the back of the Church and return it to the Cathedral Office, or contact the parish office with the following information: name, phone number, email address, parking permit number, expiry date and car registration number. This will help us to gather information needed for the limited number of free disabled parking places on Sunday mornings that will be made available for the Cathedral at the Edinburgh St. James Car Park. Parish office can be reached at 0131 556 1798,

Want to Enter the Catholic Church? Sign up for RCIA!

Have you or someone you know thought about becoming Catholic? Now is a great time to sign up for the Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)! The RCIA group meets between September and April each year and is for non-Catholic adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or

Booking for Sunday Masses, Weekend of 12th-13th June

Booking will open on Monday, 7th June for Masses for next weekend of 12th-13th June. Reserve seats at or by calling the parish office, 0131 556 1798. If you need to cancel a booking for a Mass, you can do so from your email receipt. Scroll to the bottom and click on “View and manage your order online.” For Extraordinary Form (Old Rite) liturgies, contact Fr. John Emerson, 0131 332 3750, For Polish Mass booking, please visit

Weekly Cathedral and Monthly Archdiocesan Updates By E-Mail

Cathedral News: Receive the Cathedral newsletter straight into your inbox! Stay in touch with the Cathedral through the weekly e-newsletter. Sign up at the ‘Stay in Touch’ section on the bottom of any page of, or bookmark the Newsletter in your browser at

Archdiocesan News: For a monthly e-mail update from the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, subscribe at (bottom of page). The June update is available at

From 11th June: Mustard Seed’s Weekly Café with Life Skills and Job Club Discussions

A Weekly Friday Café will begin Friday, 11th June at Mustard Seed Edinburgh, 170 Easter Road, EH7 5QE to offer a light breakfast, discussions about life skills and job searching, followed by lunch and a chat over topics discussed. Course discussions will be tailored to those who come along each week. Breakfast, 10am-11am, Course Discussions, 11am - 12pm: Lunch, 12.00-1.00pm. For more information, contact David Strang, 0735 513536, or visit

Meal Makers Appeal for New Diners 55+

As lockdown restrictions ease, Meal Makers is seeking new Diners, aged 55+ across all areas of Edinburgh, particularly in the postcodes: EH3, EH6, EH9, EH10, EH11. To refer someone, visit

Meal Makers is all about “helping older people to eat well, age well and live well independently at home for as long as they wish.” The organization connects people who love cooking with an older neighbour who would appreciate a freshly prepared meal and a friendly chat. For more information, contact, 0800 783 7770

The newsletter for 6 June 2021 9 (pdf)