Eleventh Sunday Of The Year – Year B

Grassmarket Project - New Café

Next week at all Masses, representatives from the Grassmarket Community Project (GCP) will speak about the new Coffee Saints opening in the Cathedral Hall in late summer. This is an ecumenical project between the Cathedral and Greyfriar’s Kirk – and will be the only social enterprise café of its kind in this otherwise commercial area. The representatives will be available after all Masses next weekend to answer questions about this exciting development in our parish!

Church Cleaning Volunteers

The Cathedral cleaning team meet every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm – 5pm to clean the church. We are seeking to recruit more volunteers to join the group with a view to easing the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences. Even if you cannot attend every week, helping once or twice per month would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to join the group, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

GIFT AID Envelopes 2021/22

There are still some Gift Aid envelopes for 2021/22 waiting for collection from the back of the Church. These will be available for collection until the end of June. We also have additional sets of envelopes available for any parishioners who are UK taxpayers and would like any donations they make to be Gift Aided. Please email finance@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to find out more.

Have You or Someone You Know Thought About Becoming Catholic?

Now is a great time to sign up for the Cathedral’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)! The RCIA group meets between September and April each year and is for non-Catholic adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. For more information, call parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk

Offer for Free Disabled Parking in St. James Centre Car Park

If you have a disabled badge and drive to Mass and would like to use the St. James’ Car Park in the future, please fill out one of the forms and return it to the Office, with the following information: name, phone number, email address, parking permit number, expiry date and car registration number.

Silent Prayer Before the Jesus in the Holy Eucharist

"Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace which the world cannot give…” (John 14:27)

Saturdays 10:30am-12:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm in the Cathedral. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more….for some time of silent prayer before Jesus in Blessed Sacrament, which is nothing less than a close, private conversation with a living person who is the risen Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Jesus chose the desert as a place to pray in solitude. He fought temptation, the temptations of the devil himself and taught us how to pray. Come and pray! Priests are also available to hear Confessions from 10:30am-12:00pm.

40 Hours Devotion Coming in Advent 2021, Beginning Sunday 28th November!

Mark your diary! Beginning on the First Sunday of Advent 2021, 28th November, Archbishop Cushley is to relaunch the "simple and beautiful tradition" of 40 hours' Devotion, which recalls the period of 40 hours from the time of our Lord’s death on the cross until His Resurrection. This time of solemn adoration will see each parish in the Archdiocese have 40 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament so people can come together to pray in silence before the Lord. A new video on 40 Hours is at bit.ly/ArchYouTube

Booking for Sunday Masses, Weekend of 19th-20th June

Booking will open on Monday, 14th June for Masses for next weekend of 19th-20th June. Reserve seats at https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/reserve or by calling the parish office, 0131 556 1798. If you need to cancel a booking for a Mass, you can do so from your email receipt. Scroll to the bottom and click on “View and manage your order online.” For Extraordinary Form (Old Rite) liturgies, contact Fr. John Emerson, 0131 332 3750, jfe1@mac.com. For Polish Mass booking, please visit https://www.tickettailor.com/events/polishcatholicchurchedinburgh

St. Mary’s University, Edinburgh Campus: Study Flexibly While You Work, Outstanding Faculty Support!

From September 2021, St Mary’s University in Twickenham, a leading Catholic university in the UK is opening a new Edinburgh campus at the Gillis Centre, offering MA degree programs in Education and Theology. Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses on the evening and at weekends, allowing you to fit your studies around your existing work and personal commitments. Student testimonials acclaim university faculty support as “outstanding” and “above and beyond”! A one-hour informational video is at bit.ly/OpenEveningReplay

Questions? Contact Marianne Rozario, marianne.rozario@stmarys.ac.uk, or visit https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/edinburgh

MA Applied Catholic Theology

MA Catholic School Leadership

MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change

MA Education: Pedagogy

MA Education: Religious Education

The Stafford Centre Seeks Walking Group and Creative Group Volunteers

The Stafford Centre on Broughton Street, a community resource for people experiencing mental health difficulties. seeks a Walking Group Volunteer and Creative Group Volunteer. To find out more or arrange an informal chat, please contact Alexis Robertson Cumming, acumming@supportinmindscotland.org.uk

The newsletter for 13th June (pdf)