Fourth Sunday in Lent - Year C

Welcome to Fr. Jinse and Fr. Ephraim

This week we welcome the arrival of two new priests to the parish Community. Fr. Jinse is an Indian priest who has come to Edinburgh to minister to the growing Syro-Melabar Community here in the city. He will be living at the Cathedral and helping out during the week while ministering to the Syro-Malabar Catholics at the weekend. Fr. Ephraim is a Nigerian priest who has just completed his Doctorate in Canon Law and is coming to work at our Diocesan Chancery to gain Chancery experience before returning home. He will be working during the week at the Chancery and living at Cathedral House. Both priests will be staying for a few years. I know that you will make them very welcome.

Mass for Married Couples – Wednesday 1st May in the Cathedral 

The Archbishop will say a special mass in the Cathedral to celebrate married couples on Wednesday 1st of May at 7.30pm. All married couples from around the Archdiocese are invited to attend and to renew their wedding vows. The Mass will be followed by a reception in the Cathedral Hall.

Gift Aid

Would those of you already registered for Gift Aid please pick up your new sets of weekly gift aid envelopes from the back of the Cathedral after mass. And if you are a UK taxpayer and have not already signed up for gift aid in the parish, now would be a very opportune moment to do so!  Over the next two weeks, we will have registration forms, new envelope sets and standing order sign-up sheets available after mass. If you are expecting a set of gift aid envelopes for 2019/20 but are unable to find them in the box at the back of the church, please contact our finance officer, Caroline Reid, by email on  so that she can make sure you receive them.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 31st of March (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 31st of March (.pdf)

Third Sunday in Lent - Year C

Rite of the Presentation of Our Father for P4 Children

Today at the 9am Mass we welcome the children of P4, who are preparing for their First Holy Communion this year, with their parents and families. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare for this important event in their spiritual lives.

Gift Aid

With the start of a new tax year in less than a fortnight, I am pleased to tell you that for those of you already registered for the weekly gift aid envelopes, your new sets for the 2019/20 tax year are now available for collection from the back of the Cathedral after mass. If you are a UK taxpayer and have not already signed up for gift aid in the parish, now is a very opportune moment to do so!  Gift aid is a government initiative whereby amounts you donate to the Cathedral can be uplifted by a further 25% at no additional cost to you.  So, if you give £10 today and gift aid your donation, the Cathedral will receive £12.50, ie: £10 from you, plus an additional £2.50 from the Government. Gift aid registration forms will be available after mass today for you to complete and return.  To help us keep a record of your donations, you can either request a set of weekly donation envelopes to use in the offertory collections, or, you could set up a standing order with the Cathedral.  Over the next two weeks, we will have registration forms, new envelope sets and standing order sign-up sheets available after mass. So if you haven’t already done so, why don’t you sign up today?

Catholic Speed Dating

Would you like to meet someone special? Let’s Meet is sort of like speed dating and is a very friendly, relaxed way to meet fellow single Catholics (Aged 21-40). We need good, strong Catholic couples and families for the future of our Church. So please, give the next Catholic Speed Dating event a go in Glasgow at 7pm, Saturday 6th April. To buy a £10 ticket email

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 24th of March (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 24th of March (.pdf)

Second Sunday in Lent - Year C

Feast of St. Joseph – Tuesday 19th March

His Grace the Archbishop will celebrate the 12.45pm Mass on Tuesday for the Response of the Soul of Cardinal O’Brien on the occasion of the first anniversary of his death.

Rite of the Presentation of Our Father for P4 Children – Next Sunday

Next Sunday at the 9am Mass we will welcome the children of P4 with their parents and families.

Together, We Can End Poverty

By giving, reflecting and acting with SCIAF during Lent, your parish is helping people like Lydia from Uganda to work their way out of poverty. By supporting SCIAF this Lent you can ensure this vital work continues.

Availability for Holy Week

 Would all pass keepers, money collectors, readers, and Eucharistic Ministers please give their availability for Holy Week services (week beginning Sunday 14th April) to Alina (Vigil, after 9am, and  12 noon Masses) and Elizabeth (7.30 Mass).  Thank you.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 17th of March (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 17th of March (.pdf)

First Sunday in Lent - Year C

Parish Outing

As part of our on-going and exciting social events program, the Parish Social Committee have organized a Parish Outing on May 11, 2019. This is the first time in ages that we have organized something like this and will be a wonderful occasion. This outing will be to Scone Palace in Perth. We will set off after 10am Mass (i.e. at 10.30) and travel by coach to the Scone. Once there, we will have a tour of the Palace and lunch, followed by time to explore the grounds, shops and tea room, before returning around 5pm. Tickets, which include the coach, entrance to the Palace and lunch (plus superb clerical company - Ed) are incredibly cheaply priced at £20 for adults and (only) £5 for children. Our numbers are limited, so tickets will be on sale on a first come first served basis at all Masses next weekend. Buy early to avoid disappointment!

Young Adults Group – Blessed Chiara ‘Luce’ Badano - 7.30pm

The Young Adults’ Group meets in the Cathedral Café this Tuesday at the slightly later time of 7.30pm, after Stations of the Cross. This week we are delighted to welcome as our guest speaker Angela Marr, who will talk about Blessed Chiara Luce, a young girl who died in 1990 of a painful bone cancer at the age of just 18. She was beatified in 2010 and is on her way to becoming a saint.

First Confessions – This Thursday at 7pm

Please pray for the children of the parish who will be making the First Confessions on Thursday 14th March at 7pm here in the Cathedral. All are welcome to attend.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 10th of March (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 10th of March (.pdf)

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. It is a day of fasting and abstinence which means that all Catholics are obliged to abstain from meat, and all adults between 16 and 65 are obliged to fast. Ashes will be distributed at all Masses which will be at 8am, 10am, 12.45pm, 6pm (Polish) and 7.30pm.

Stations of the Cross

Every week during Lent there will be Stations of the Cross in the Cathedral on Tuesdays at 7pm, and on Fridays after the 12.45pm Mass. Stations in Polish will be on Fridays following Mass at 6pm.

Wee Box, Big Change

This year’s SCIAF Lent appeal focuses on Uganda and the thousands of vulnerable young people who, with your support, are being helped to create a brighter future for themselves. The SCIAF packs will be handed out on today. Please give to SCIAF this Lent, make big changes happen with your WEE BOX.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 3rd of March (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 3rd of March (.pdf)

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

Parents Meeting before First Reconciliation

Parents Meeting for P3 (First Confession) children on Thursday 7th March at 6.30pm in the Café. First Confessions will be on Thursday 14th March at 7pm in the Cathedral.

Young Adults’ Group – St Oscar Romero

The Young Adults’ Group meets again this Tuesday at 7pm, to find out more about one of the newest saints of the Church, the martyred bishop of San Salvador, St Oscar Romero. Our speaker will be Fr William Pearsall, S.J. the parish priest of Sacred Heart parish here in the city, where a new shrine to St Oscar Romero has recently been opened. Do come along!

First Saturday Devotions – Next Saturday

There will be Devotions to Our Lady of Fatima in the Cathedral on Saturday 2nd March at 9:30am.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 24th of February (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 24th of February (.pdf)

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

Justice & Peace Talk

On Wednesday 27th February at 7.30 pm in the Café space we are delighted to welcome Fr Basil Clark VE for Justice and Peace in the Archdiocese, David Bradwell from the Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees and Alex Holmes who has worked with refugees in the West Bank and in the Calais refugee camps - 'The Jungle'. The format will be three short presentations followed by a question and answer session. The theme of the evening is Refugees and Migrants and what Catholics can do to support them. Everyone is most welcome. 

Weekend for Those Suffering through Divorce, Separation or Widowhood

The Beginning Experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood, from 22nd-24th March at St. Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull. For details see or contact Catherine on 0131 665 3383. Completed Applications must be returned by 9th March 2019.

Thank You from Bethany Christian Trust

“Thank you very much for your extremely kind donations of £1,358.06 from St Mary’s Metropolitan Cathedral and £758.17 from St Andrew’s, Ravelston towards the work of the Bethany Care Shelter this winter. This tremendous generosity from your Church will help Bethany to continue to run the vital and potentially lifesaving Care Shelter which provides a hot meal, overnight accommodation, friendship and advice every night for many homeless men and women in Edinburgh.”

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 17th of February (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 17th of February (.pdf)

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

Divine Mercy Devotions – Sunday at 3pm

The Divine Mercy Devotions with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place in the Cathedral this Sunday at 3pm. All are welcome!

Fabric Work in the Cathedral

Just to let you know that we are now waiting for a specialist company to come and assess the dry rot at the back of the Church and find out where the damp is coming from. They will be here at the end of the month. Also, advance notice that, following the flooding last year, the parquet flooring in the sacristy will be repaired on the in the week beginning 18th March. During which time we will not be able to use the sacristy at all.

Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).

An AED is now in the Sacristy. This device can deliver an electric shock to the heart of someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest. It does not replace cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, but it is a vital addition. Members of the SSVP and some passkeepers have been trained on its use and all passkeepers, cleaners and altars servers are now being trained. It is important that everyone is aware that the Cathedral now has this life-saving equipment.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 10th of February (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 10th of February (.pdf)  

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

“Try Praying” Booklet

You will probably have seen the “Try Praying” advertisement on the side of the buses this year. They refer to a little booklet which has been produced by the Edinburgh Churches and which is aimed at people who don’t have any religious affiliation. We are going to give everyone a copy of the booklet this week after Mass – the idea being that you think of someone you know who might be interested and give it to them. It is a good little booklet, easy to read, and aimed at people who don’t come to Church. Try to think of a suitable person and sow the seed!

Young Adults Group – Tuesday 5th February

This week the Young Adults Group welcome Dorothy Cummings McLean, who will talk about the life of St Edith Stein: philosopher, mystic and Carmelite nun who was killed at Auschwitz for her Jewish heritage and her faith in Christ. Dorothy Cummings McLean is a journalist, blogger and published author who lives in Edinburgh together with her husband. The talk will begin at 7pm in the Cathedral café. All young adults, aged 18-35, are very welcome.

Day for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Saturday 23rd February

The Archdiocese have a day for all Eucharistic Ministers on Saturday 23rd February. The day will take place at the Gillis Centre, from 11am to 3pm. To find out more or to book a place contact Anne Lamond:

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 3rd of February (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 3rd of February (.pdf)  

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

 Quiz Night – Friday February 22nd

St. Mary's Cathedral Quiz Night – will be held on Friday, 22 February at 7.30pm in the Cafe!  Why go to the pub for quiz night when you and your friends can join in at the Cathedral?  We will be handing out a superb mystery prize for the winning team at the end of the evening.  Teams can be no larger than 6 people.  Tickets will be sold after all masses and are £5 per person, with children under 16 free!  We will be serving pizza and have a cash bar available for drinks.  Grab your friends and family and start your own team.

 The Cathedral Young Adults Group – This Tuesday

The Cathedral Young Adults group will meet again this Tuesday at 7pm in Cathedral Café. We welcome Joanna Bogle, journalist, broadcaster and author of many books, who will give a talk on the life and witness of St John Paul II. All adults aged 18-35 very welcome.

 Altar Servers’ Training – 16th February

There will be an important training session for all Cathedral altar servers at 3pm on Saturday 16th of February. It is important that all our wonderful altar servers attend this training session. If you, or your children, are interested in becoming an altar server, this would be a great opportunity to begin. For more information, please speak to Fr Patrick or Fr Jamie after Mass.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 27th of January (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 27th of January (.pdf)