Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

“Try Praying” Booklet

You will probably have seen the “Try Praying” advertisement on the side of the buses this year. They refer to a little booklet which has been produced by the Edinburgh Churches and which is aimed at people who don’t have any religious affiliation. We are going to give everyone a copy of the booklet this week after Mass – the idea being that you think of someone you know who might be interested and give it to them. It is a good little booklet, easy to read, and aimed at people who don’t come to Church. Try to think of a suitable person and sow the seed!

Young Adults Group – Tuesday 5th February

This week the Young Adults Group welcome Dorothy Cummings McLean, who will talk about the life of St Edith Stein: philosopher, mystic and Carmelite nun who was killed at Auschwitz for her Jewish heritage and her faith in Christ. Dorothy Cummings McLean is a journalist, blogger and published author who lives in Edinburgh together with her husband. The talk will begin at 7pm in the Cathedral café. All young adults, aged 18-35, are very welcome.

Day for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Saturday 23rd February

The Archdiocese have a day for all Eucharistic Ministers on Saturday 23rd February. The day will take place at the Gillis Centre, from 11am to 3pm. To find out more or to book a place contact Anne Lamond:

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 3rd of February (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 3rd of February (.pdf)