Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

Rite of Illumination – Today at 9am

Today at the 9am Mass we welcome the children of P3 as they continue to prepare for the Sacrament of Confession for the Rite of Illumination. Next week we will welcome the children of P4 for the Rite of the Presentation of the Creed. Please keep them all in your prayers.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – 18th-25th January

We are praying the following prayer at the end of all Masses during this week for the unity of all Christians: Almighty ever-living God, who gather what is scattered and keep together what you have gathered, look kindly on the flock of your Son, that those whom one Baptism has consecrated may be joined together by integrity of faith and united in the bond of charity. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever, Amen.

Ecumenical Prayer Service for Christian Unity on Monday

A service hosted by Edinburgh Churches Together will be held at the Palmerston Place Church, on Monday January 21st at 7.30pm. The preacher is Rev. Colin Sinclair, Moderator Elect of the General Assembly. There will be a reception following the service to which everyone is warmly invited.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 20th of January (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 20th of January (.pdf)

Baptism of the Lord - Year C

Fabric Works on the Cathedral

Just to bring you up to date on Cathedral maintenance: the work on the floor at the back of the Cathedral which was due to be done this week had to stop immediately because dry rot was discovered. This is a major problem and requires immediate attention (especially since it is so close to the organ!). Work is now well underway on the renewal of the CCTV. This work will continue for a number of weeks and will cost £11,000. Meanwhile, long overdue work on the rhones (special cast iron half circular gutters) on the right of the Cathedral sanctuary will begin next week. The scaffolding for this went up this week and this work will cost £9,500. Expensive times for the Cathedral… 

Rite of Illumination – Next Sunday at 9am

Next week we will welcome the children of P3 at the 9am Mass for the Rite of Illumination – as they continue to prepare for the Sacrament of Confession.

Parish Registration Forms

If you have recently moved into the area, or started attending Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral, we would be grateful if you could fill in the following form and hand it in to the Parish Office at 61 York Place. With many thanks in advance for your generosity of spirit.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 13th of January (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 13th of January (.pdf)

Epiphany - Year C

Archdiocesan Directories – 2019

The new edition of the Archdiocesan Directory, an invaluable source of information, are now available and are on sale for only £2.50 each (cheap – ed!). Hurry while stocks last!!

The Cathedral Young Adults Group – New Year begins 22nd January

After a Christmas break, the Young Adults’ Group will resume on Tuesday 22nd of January. We are beginning a new series of discussions focusing on the saints of the modern world. The first talk will be titled, “Do Not Be Afraid to Be Saints: The Call to Holiness in the Twenty-First Century” and will take place at 7pm in Cathedral Café. All adults aged 18-35 very welcome!

Have you been Confirmed?

For many and various reasons, sometimes people never actually get confirmed. If you are an adult who has never been confirmed, the Cathedral will be running a course for you during Lent this year with a view to Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on 20th April. Meetings will take place on Monday nights at 7pm in the Cathedral House. To register, e-mail:

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 6th of January (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 16th of December (.pdf)

Fourth Sunday of Advent - Year C

Welcome to Deacon Willie McQuillan

We welcome Deacon Willie McQuillan to the Cathedral for a Christmas placement. Deacon Willie is from Stirling and is in his final year of studies for the priesthood at the Beda College in Rome. I know that you will make him very welcome. 

Last Minute Christmas Present…

The book charting the Cathedral's 200-year history has been reprinted, with a new front cover and a new index!  At £12 it's the perfect stocking filler for Christmas - buy a copy for yourself and each of your relatives from our booksellers in the porch after Sunday Mass!

Or order a copy here and pick it up at the Cathedral.

Confirmation Class for Adults

This Lent, the Cathedral is running a course for any adults who have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation. This will take place on Monday nights at 7pm in the Cathedral House. To register, please e-mail

We wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and truly blessed Christmas!

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 23rd of December (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 23rd of December (.pdf)

Third Sunday of Advent - Year C

Sale of Christmas Knitting – After Today’s Masses

As in previous years, two of our faithful parishioners have been knitting all year and will be selling their hand knitted goods with a seasonal theme (all proceeds going towards the Cathedral) after all Masses today. Please stop and have a look and support this excellent initiative.

Advent Meditation in 63 York Place

Experience the joy of God´s transforming and healing presence during traditional Christian meditation. On Friday Dec 21st at 7 p.m. the Christian Meditation group leads meditation in the parish rooms at 63 York Place. Contact: 0771 777 2614; Afterwards you are welcome for refreshments.

Mass with the Archbishop for the Feast of the Holy Innocents

The Holy Innocents Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Cushley on 28 December, 12noon, in St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre. Please join us:  free parking is available, and refreshments will also be served. For more information, please contact

St Mary’s Cathedral e-newsletter

Keep up to date with the latest events at the Cathedral by signing up to the e-newsletter on the website, where you will receive regular news of dates for your diary. You can sign up at the bottom of any page on the website:

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 16th of December (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 16th of December (.pdf)

Second Sunday of Advent - Year C

Advent Candlelit Mass – Thursday at 7pm

There was a great turnout for our first Candlelit Mass last Thursday. It was a beautiful Mass. If you didn’t make it last week – why not come along this Thursday, bring your children and grandchildren, and pass the word around to your friends.  

Young Adult’s Group - Christmas Carol Service

On Tuesday 11th December there will be a lovely carol service in the Cathedral followed by mulled wine, mince pies etc. in the Café. All young adults (under 35) are very welcome.  

Carol Singing, Saturday 15 December

The Cathedral is organising carol singing at Victoria Manor Care Home on Saturday, 15 December at 2pm. This is a lovely way to spread some Christmas joy and is much appreciated by the residents. All welcome, please call 07943 691517 if you are interested and might be able to come along.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 9th of December (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 9th of December (.pdf)

First Sunday of Advent - Year C

Advent Candlelit Mass – Thursday at 7pm

So, Advent begins today and with it our annual rushed preparation for Christmas. As previously, this year we will again have our lovely Candlelit Masses in the Cathedral on Thursdays as our way of preparing for the birth of the Lord. These Masses are quiet and beautiful and provide a real way to prepare spiritually for Christmas. Please come along this Thursday, bring your children and grandchildren, and pass the word around to your friends.

Welcome to the Mayor of Picinisco

Today at the 12noon Mass we welcome both the Parish Priest of Picinisco, Don Edmer Eronga and the Mayor of Picinisco, Sgr. Scappaticci. They are here with a delegation from the town to visit Edinburgh.

Cathedral Children’s Party 2018 – After 9am Mass 16th December

YOHOHO! They come to mass with you all year round… so it's with great pleasure that we announce that we will take them off your hands for a Christmas party! This will take place after the 9am mass on Sunday 16th December in the cathedral cafe area (oh no it won’t...oh yes it will)! There will be fun and games, a finger buffet for the children, a selection box and a visit from the big chap himself! If you would like your child to attend, then please give their names to the Lynn Mills or one of the children's liturgists at mass this weekend or to Deacon Peter. The last opportunity to register your interest will be on Sunday 9th of December to allow us to cater for the event.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 2nd of December (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 2nd of December (.pdf)

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe- Year B

St. Andrews Day – Next Friday

Next Friday, His Grace the Archbishop will celebrate Mass in the Cathedral at 12.45 to celebrate our National Patron. Also, to note that the relics of St. Andrew (which normally live in the St. Andrews altar) are on loan next week and will be displayed in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday.

 Fabric Matters in the Cathedral

Just to let you know that we have now replaced the third boiler for the Cathedral at a cost of £11,000. The CCTV is our next project and will happen in January next year. In the meantime, we have just been told that the humidifiers in the organ will need to be renewed at a cost of £4000. So, it’s all go on the fabric front! Many thanks to the small number of people who have handed in donations towards these costs over the last weeks. If you think you might be able to help with a donation towards the ongoing fabric repairs in the Cathedral please do speak either to me or to Caroline in the Finance office.

Archbishop’s Advent Catechesis – Every Sunday in Advent

The Archbishop is again inviting all young Adults in the Diocese to join him at 5pm on the Sundays of Advent at the Gillis Centre. Each week the Archbishop will lead a discussion which will be followed by a period of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and and pizza!

 God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 25th of November (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 25th of November (.pdf)

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

George Weigel on Crisis in the Catholic Church – Saturday 8th December

On Saturday 8th December at 10.30am, the author and Catholic Commentator George Weigel will speak at the Cathedral Café on the subject: Crisis if the Catholic Church – How it happened and what it means for us? This will be an opportunity to discuss what is going on in the Church these days with someone who is both well informed and deeply insightful. It will be a stimulating conversation.

Rorate Masses – Every Thursday in Advent

Our beautiful and popular candlelit masses will be on the Thursdays of Advent this year. These are lovely occasions – do put them in your diary now and come along to prepare well for Christmas.

St Mary’s Cathedral e-newsletter

Keep up to date with the latest events at the Cathedral by signing up to the e-newsletter on the website, where you will receive regular news of dates for your diary. You can sign up at the bottom of any page on the website.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 18th of November (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 18th of November (.pdf)

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Rite of the Presentation of the Gospel – Next Sunday

Next Sunday we will welcome the children of P4, together with their parents and families, for a short Rite during the 9am Mass. I know that you will make them very welcome.

Justice and Peace Group – Monday 19th November

On Monday 19th Nov at 7.30pm in the Cathedral Café, Josh Littlejohn MBE will talk on the subject of Homelessness. Josh, who is the co-founder of Social Bite, organized the world’s biggest sleep-out event in 2017, Sleep in The Park, which raised £4m to reduce homelessness.

Parish Ceilidh – Saturday 17th November

Your last chance to purchase tickets for the Parish Ceilidh, priced £10 single or £20 families, including two drinks and finger food, is after all Masses this week. This is a great parish get together so please do come along and bring your families and friends.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 11th of November (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 11th of November (.pdf)