Second Sunday in Lent - Year C

Feast of St. Joseph – Tuesday 19th March

His Grace the Archbishop will celebrate the 12.45pm Mass on Tuesday for the Response of the Soul of Cardinal O’Brien on the occasion of the first anniversary of his death.

Rite of the Presentation of Our Father for P4 Children – Next Sunday

Next Sunday at the 9am Mass we will welcome the children of P4 with their parents and families.

Together, We Can End Poverty

By giving, reflecting and acting with SCIAF during Lent, your parish is helping people like Lydia from Uganda to work their way out of poverty. By supporting SCIAF this Lent you can ensure this vital work continues.

Availability for Holy Week

 Would all pass keepers, money collectors, readers, and Eucharistic Ministers please give their availability for Holy Week services (week beginning Sunday 14th April) to Alina (Vigil, after 9am, and  12 noon Masses) and Elizabeth (7.30 Mass).  Thank you.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 17th of March (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 17th of March (.pdf)