Fourth Sunday in Lent - Year C

Welcome to Fr. Jinse and Fr. Ephraim

This week we welcome the arrival of two new priests to the parish Community. Fr. Jinse is an Indian priest who has come to Edinburgh to minister to the growing Syro-Melabar Community here in the city. He will be living at the Cathedral and helping out during the week while ministering to the Syro-Malabar Catholics at the weekend. Fr. Ephraim is a Nigerian priest who has just completed his Doctorate in Canon Law and is coming to work at our Diocesan Chancery to gain Chancery experience before returning home. He will be working during the week at the Chancery and living at Cathedral House. Both priests will be staying for a few years. I know that you will make them very welcome.

Mass for Married Couples – Wednesday 1st May in the Cathedral 

The Archbishop will say a special mass in the Cathedral to celebrate married couples on Wednesday 1st of May at 7.30pm. All married couples from around the Archdiocese are invited to attend and to renew their wedding vows. The Mass will be followed by a reception in the Cathedral Hall.

Gift Aid

Would those of you already registered for Gift Aid please pick up your new sets of weekly gift aid envelopes from the back of the Cathedral after mass. And if you are a UK taxpayer and have not already signed up for gift aid in the parish, now would be a very opportune moment to do so!  Over the next two weeks, we will have registration forms, new envelope sets and standing order sign-up sheets available after mass. If you are expecting a set of gift aid envelopes for 2019/20 but are unable to find them in the box at the back of the church, please contact our finance officer, Caroline Reid, by email on  so that she can make sure you receive them.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 31st of March (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 31st of March (.pdf)