
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Welcome to Fr. Emmanuel Ojeifo

This week Fr. Emmanuel, a priest of the Archdiocese of Abuja in Nigeria, arrived to begin studies at New College, Edinburgh. Fr. Emmanuel will not have any pastoral duties in the parish but he will be helping us out with weekday masses and confessions. I know that you will make him very welcome.

Today is Doughnut Sunday!

Today, after all the morning Masses (9, 10.30am and 12noon), there will be teas, coffees and delicious doughnuts available in the Café. We have invested in a new coffee making machine and so the coffee will be good, and we have entered a deal with a local baker, so the doughnuts will be good too! The cost will be £2 for coffee or tea or soft drinks and a doughnut, or £1 for just tea or coffee.

The Red Mass – Next Sunday at 12 noon.

Just a reminder that next Sunday, 23rd September, at the 12noon Mass we will welcome members of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession to a special Mass celebrated by the Archbishop.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 16th of September (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 16th of September (.pdf)

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Fr. Nick's Farewell – 21st September

Fr. Nick’s Farewell “Do” will be on Friday, September 21 at 7pm in the Cathedral Hall. Tickets are on sale after all Masses. As a way of expressing our gratitude for his time here there will be a collection at the end of Mass today and next Sunday for a presentation to be made to Fr. Nick at that event.

Next Sunday is Doughnut Sunday!

Next Sunday, after all the morning Masses (9, 10.30am and 12noon), there will be teas, coffees and delicious doughnuts available in the Café. We have invested in a new coffee making machine and so the coffee will be good, and we have entered a deal with a local baker, so the doughnuts will be good too! The cost will be £2 for coffee or tea or soft drinks and a doughnut, or £1 for just tea or coffee.

October: Rosary Holy Hours

The month of October is traditionally dedicated to the prayer of the Rosary, an ancient and beautiful way of meditating on the life of Jesus in the company of Mary, his Mother. Every Sunday evening in October at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, from 5pm until 6pm there will be adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, accompanied by a short meditation and the prayer of the Rosary, concluding with Benediction. There will also be an opportunity to go to confession to a visiting priest. Let’s take advantage of this great opportunity to come closer to Jesus, with the help of his Mother! 

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 9th of September (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 9th of September (.pdf)

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Bishop Barron’s talk at Usher Hall

We’re getting very excited to welcome the world-famous author, preacher, and theologian, Bishop Robert Barron to the Archdiocese this Thursday 6 September. Bishop Barron will give a talk entitled ‘Proclaiming Christ in Our Culture’ at the Usher Hall at 7:30pm. These tickets are now completely sold out but still in high demand: if you have tickets but are now unable to attend, please hand them into the Cathedral Office so that they can be redistributed.

“Meeting Jesus in the Scriptures” – Monday 10th of September

On Monday 10th September Fr Andrew Garden will give a talk at St Andrew’s, Ravelston on the title: “Meeting Jesus in the Scriptures”. This will be the first of four talks on how to get more from the readings at Sunday Mass. Fr Andrew is an excellent speaker and an expert in Biblical Theology. Talk begins at 7pm, 77 Belford Road, EH4 3DS. Delicious soup, cakes, teas and coffee provided too: nourishment for mind, body and soul!

SVDP Mass for the Sick

On Saturday 8 September at 12:00 noon, the St Vincent de Paul Society have organized a Mass for the sick and housebound of our parish. During the Mass, there will be a special celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick, followed by lunch in the Cathedral Café. Thanks to the SVDP for all the wonderful work they do. To volunteer, please contact      

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 2nd of September (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 2nd of September (.pdf)

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Would you like to become Catholic?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) will begin at the Cathedral on 18th September. The group meets every Tuesday from 7.00pm to 8:30pm to learn about the teachings of the Church and to deepen our faith through Biblical studies and prayer. If you would like to sign up or just to receive more information about RCIA, please contact Christine Burns via the Parish Office on


2018 Annual Pilgrimage for the Beatification of Venerable Margaret Sinclair

The 2018 Annual Pilgrimage for the Beatification of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair will take place on Sunday 9 September from 2.00 to 6.00pm at St Patrick’s Church, Cowgate, Edinburgh. 2pm – Opening; 3 pm – Film: The Story of Margaret Sinclair, Servant of God; 4.30 pm – Holy Mass.


Message from Fr. Binu

My dear friends thank you very much for your support and prayers for me last one year. It was a great year for me to come to Edinburgh to study and I feel privileged to have minister here at the Cathedral and Ravelston. I thank you all, and in very special way Msgr. Patrick Burke, for your fraternal love and care. Many of you asked me to give you may contact details: Once again thank you all and please keep me in your valuable prayers. Fr. Binu Palakapally IC.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Deacon Peter and Sister Mary Simone. 

Read the newsletter for Sunday 19th of August (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 19th of August (.pdf)

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Solemnity of the Assumption

This Wednesday is the feast of the Assumption. It is a holyday of obligation – which means that all Catholics are obliged to attend Mass on Wednesday. To celebrate this Solemnity and also our Patronal Feast there will be a special Organ Recital “In Praise of Mary” with our new organist Simon Leach immediately after the evening Mass at 7.45pm. The Recital will last 30 minutes and will be followed by a Champagne (!) reception in the Cathedral Hall. Please come along to celebrate with your fellow parishioners and also to meet Simon.

Day for Children’s Liturgy Leaders – 15th September

In order to improve and enrich our Children’s Liturgy across the Archdiocese and in order to share good practice, the Catechetics Commission has organized a Day for Children’s Liturgy Leaders on the 15th of September 2018, at the Gillis Centre (110 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB) from 11am – 3pm. If you would like to attend, please email and reserve a place.

Farewell to Fr Binu

Finally, today we have to – very sadly – say good bye to Fr. Binu. It is difficult to believe that he has been with us for a whole year and we will very much miss him. I would like to thank him for all he has done here in the parish over the last 12 months and also for being such a good companion. We wish him well as he moves to his new appointment in India. We hope he takes happy memories of Edinburgh with him and we assure him of our prayers and of a warm welcome here in the parish whenever he should return.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sister Mary Simone and Deacon Peter.

Read the newsletter for Sunday 12th of August (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 12th of August (.pdf)

Eighteenth Sunday of the Year - Year B

Dates for your Diaries

Just to note that, in addition to our Patronal Feast day (the Assumption of Our Lady) on 15th August, on Friday 17th August there will be a Chapter Mass in the Cathedral at 12.45pm and on Sunday 19th August we have our Festival Mass at 12noon with the Lord Provost, City Counsellors and members of the Diplomatic Corps.

Cathedral Football Team

Following on from our most successful season finishing 3rd in the league with a record points total and a cup semi-final, we are once again looking for new players. We usually train on Wednesday evenings and our games are played on Saturday morning usually with a 10am kick off. Please contact if you'd like to join the team or if you would be interested in sponsoring the team, for which we would be very grateful.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie and Deacon Peter.

Read the newsletter for Sunday 5th of August (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 5th of August (.pdf)

Seventeenth Sunday of the Year - Year B

Altar Servers!

The Archbishop has asked to meet all the altar servers of the Archdiocese at a special day for Altar Servers at the Gillis Center on the 1st of September, 11am-3pm. As the mother church of the diocese, it would be wonderful if the Cathedral were well-represented on this day! This also seems like a good opportunity to try to recruit some new servers and offer some training. To this end, Fr Jamie will be holding training sessions for new (and also more experienced!) servers during the month of August- watch this space! 

Parish Bible Study – Mondays in September

In September, we will be launching a new Bible study based at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, focused on the readings for Sunday Mass. This will take place on Monday evenings, from 7pm – 8.30pm. The group will launch with four introductory talks from invited, expert guest speakers. Refreshments will also be provided. The first talk will take place on Monday 10th September. Save the dates & invite your friends!

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie and Deacon Peter.

Read the newsletter for Sunday 29th of July (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 29th of July (.pdf)

Sixteenth Sunday of the Year - Year B


To Sister Mary Simone who has arrived from the USA to take over from Sister Mary Cora as Parish Secretary. Sister Mary Simone is a native of Sweeden. She studied philosophy and theology in Rome and has just completed her Novitiate Year. She will start working in the Parish Office at the beginning of August. Welcome also to Lucas LaRoche, a seminarian from the North American College in Rome, who is spending part of his summer here in Edinburgh. I know that you will make them both welcome.

Many thanks…

To Fr. Jamie and the other helpers from the parish who accompanied our young people to Ampleforth Abbey last week. The week went extremely well, the weather was fantastic, and the young people had a marvelous time. Thanks also to a number of very generous parishioner who helped to sponsor the event and to the SVDP who subsidized a number of youngsters.

God bless you all, Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie and Deacon Peter.

Read the newsletter for Sunday 22nd July 2018 (doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 22nd July 2018 (pdf)

Fifteenth Sunday of the Year - Year B

The Feast of the Assumption – Wednesday 15th August

The Assumption is our Patronal Feast here at the Cathedral. We will celebrate the feast as usual with a Pontifical Mass (i.e. with the Archbishop) at 12.45pm, but this year we will also celebrate with a short organ Recital by our new Organist Simon Leach after the 7pm evening Mass. The Recital will be entitled “In Praise of Mary” and will feature music dedicated to Our Lady over the centuries. It will be followed by a Champagne Reception (sic!) in the Café and the opportunity to meet Simon personally. Put the date in your diary and do come along.

Seeking Experts

Thanks to all those who responded to this appeal last week, but we are still looking for parishioners who might have specific expertise and who might be willing to help the parish by donating their time and talents! Specifically, we are looking for people who might have expertise in Event Management, grant applications and heritage and museums. If you have experience or expertise in these fields and if you might be willing to lend a hand could you please speak to one of the priests after Mass, or alternatively to Nicola McDonagh (St Mary’s) or Rosemary Milligan (St Andrew’s).

L'Arche: Edinburgh

“We human beings are all fundamentally the same. We all belong to a common, broken humanity. We all have wounded, vulnerable hearts. Each one of us needs to feel appreciated and understood.” ― Jean Vanier.

L'Arche Edinburgh is a community for people with and without disabilities. They are currently looking for people who are interested in community life to get in touch. They have many ways to be involved, from living in the community, working full-time or part-time, casual relief work, as well as a variety of volunteering opportunities. If you think you might be interested and would like to find out more, please look at the L'Arche Edinburgh website or get in touch

God bless you all, Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie and Deacon Peter

Read the newsletter for Sunday, 15th July 2018 (doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 15th July 2018 (pdf)

Fourteenth Sunday of the Year - Year B

Cathedral Welcomers During the Festival, 1 -31 August

We need new “welcomers” after the great success of our Welcoming Initiative during the Festival last year. If you think you could possibly help please give your name at the end of Mass, speak to one of the priests, or contact the parish office. In addition, there will be a short meeting for all those involved on Saturday 28th July at 12 noon. This was a great undertaking last year – please do help again this year if you can.

Simon Leach - Our New Organist

As most of you will now know, our search for a new organist for the Cathedral concluded with the appointment of Mr Simon Leach. He is a prize-winning graduate of the Royal Northern College of Music and a Fellow of the Incorporated Society of Musicians. He is a wonderful talent and we are very excited about what he will bring to our liturgies with his music. He also offers tuition in piano, organ and harpsichord for students of all levels and abilities. If you would like to enquire about lessons, please contact him here.

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, and Deacon Peter

Read the newsletter for 8 July 2018 (doc)

Read the newsletter for 8 July 2018 (pdf)