Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Solemnity of the Assumption

This Wednesday is the feast of the Assumption. It is a holyday of obligation – which means that all Catholics are obliged to attend Mass on Wednesday. To celebrate this Solemnity and also our Patronal Feast there will be a special Organ Recital “In Praise of Mary” with our new organist Simon Leach immediately after the evening Mass at 7.45pm. The Recital will last 30 minutes and will be followed by a Champagne (!) reception in the Cathedral Hall. Please come along to celebrate with your fellow parishioners and also to meet Simon.

Day for Children’s Liturgy Leaders – 15th September

In order to improve and enrich our Children’s Liturgy across the Archdiocese and in order to share good practice, the Catechetics Commission has organized a Day for Children’s Liturgy Leaders on the 15th of September 2018, at the Gillis Centre (110 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB) from 11am – 3pm. If you would like to attend, please email and reserve a place.

Farewell to Fr Binu

Finally, today we have to – very sadly – say good bye to Fr. Binu. It is difficult to believe that he has been with us for a whole year and we will very much miss him. I would like to thank him for all he has done here in the parish over the last 12 months and also for being such a good companion. We wish him well as he moves to his new appointment in India. We hope he takes happy memories of Edinburgh with him and we assure him of our prayers and of a warm welcome here in the parish whenever he should return.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sister Mary Simone and Deacon Peter.

Read the newsletter for Sunday 12th of August (.doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 12th of August (.pdf)