Sixteenth Sunday of the Year - Year B


To Sister Mary Simone who has arrived from the USA to take over from Sister Mary Cora as Parish Secretary. Sister Mary Simone is a native of Sweeden. She studied philosophy and theology in Rome and has just completed her Novitiate Year. She will start working in the Parish Office at the beginning of August. Welcome also to Lucas LaRoche, a seminarian from the North American College in Rome, who is spending part of his summer here in Edinburgh. I know that you will make them both welcome.

Many thanks…

To Fr. Jamie and the other helpers from the parish who accompanied our young people to Ampleforth Abbey last week. The week went extremely well, the weather was fantastic, and the young people had a marvelous time. Thanks also to a number of very generous parishioner who helped to sponsor the event and to the SVDP who subsidized a number of youngsters.

God bless you all, Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie and Deacon Peter.

Read the newsletter for Sunday 22nd July 2018 (doc)

Read the newsletter for Sunday 22nd July 2018 (pdf)