Fourteenth Sunday of the Year - Year B

Cathedral Welcomers During the Festival, 1 -31 August

We need new “welcomers” after the great success of our Welcoming Initiative during the Festival last year. If you think you could possibly help please give your name at the end of Mass, speak to one of the priests, or contact the parish office. In addition, there will be a short meeting for all those involved on Saturday 28th July at 12 noon. This was a great undertaking last year – please do help again this year if you can.

Simon Leach - Our New Organist

As most of you will now know, our search for a new organist for the Cathedral concluded with the appointment of Mr Simon Leach. He is a prize-winning graduate of the Royal Northern College of Music and a Fellow of the Incorporated Society of Musicians. He is a wonderful talent and we are very excited about what he will bring to our liturgies with his music. He also offers tuition in piano, organ and harpsichord for students of all levels and abilities. If you would like to enquire about lessons, please contact him here.

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, and Deacon Peter

Read the newsletter for 8 July 2018 (doc)

Read the newsletter for 8 July 2018 (pdf)