Fourth Sunday Of Easter– Year B

Two Exciting New Projects at the Cathedral

My Dear Friends,

As we (hopefully!) near the end of the current Covid restrictions, I would like to share with you news of two exciting developments that the Parish Council has been working on.

The first is a joint venture with the Grassmarket Community Project (GCP) to open a wonderful new bistro café that will provide breakfasts, light and full lunches, teas, coffees and delicious cakes here in the Cathedral Hall. This will be a stunning environment, leafy, light and spacious yet bustly, with conversation and brimming with the aroma of coffee and home cooking. The prices will be city-centre but lower end, the menu will appeal to almost everyone and loyalty discounts and offers will be made for St Mary’s worshipers and visitors. The Café will be called “Coffee Saints” and is an ecumenical project between ourselves and the Greyfriar’s Kirk – which is the spiritual home of the GCP. It will be the only social enterprise café of its kind in this otherwise commercial area and will give people a real choice but without any compromise to quality and having a lovely space to eat and drink in with friends and family. We are currently finalising contracts and arrangements, and we are hoping that Coffee Saints will open later this summer.

The second project is a joint venture with the Society of St. Paul (a Catholic Religious Order who specialise in promoting the Gospel though multimedia publications) to open a Bookshop here at the Cathedral. Since the closure of Harkins, there has been no outlet for religious books and publications on this side of Scotland – so the Brothers of St. Paul have made us an attractive offer to provide such a shop. Running such a shop is a complicated business – which is why we are delighted that the Brothers have agreed to take on this project. We are hoping that this too will open later on this summer.

Both projects are the fruit of much thought and negotiation – and in both projects the Cathedral will be protected from any possible financial loss.

In due course I will invite both the leaders of the GCP and the Brothers of St. Paul to come and speak to the Parish to explain their plans but, in the meantime, we hope that you share our excitement at this new development which sends a message to the city of hope and community.

Fr. Patrick

For more information about either Organisations see: Grassmarket Community Project or Society of St. Paul

Sunday Morning Mass Schedule Changes

Please note that the 8am Mass on Sunday mornings has been discontinued due to low attendance, however the other Sunday morning Masses at 9am, 10am (Polish) 11am remain as scheduled, as do the 12noon, 4:00pm and 7:30pm Masses.

From Sunday, 2nd May Cathedral Mass Booking Available for up to 150 People

Please book a seat in advance for all Sunday Masses or phone the parish office (0131 556 1798). Seats for up to 150 will be open for Sundays Masses from 2nd May.

Special Collection Today: Ecclesiastical Students

Please note that there will be a Special Diocesan Collection today for those studying for the priesthood.

Today is World Day for Prayer for Vocations

Today the Church celebrates Good Shepherd Sunday, when we are encouraged to pray for vocations to the priesthood and the religious life. For information the priesthood, contact Fr. Andrew Garden at, or for religious life, Sister Mirjam Hugens at

Exterminating poverty, or the poor? A Scottish doctor's story: Mon, 26 April, 7:45pm

The book Exterminating Poverty (2020) tells the ‘David & Goliath’ story of how Dr. Halliday Sutherland, a Scottish doctor, took on Marie Stopes 100 years ago against a plan for eugenic breeding in Britain. Mark Sutherland, grandson of Dr. Sutherland, will share the story in a talk Mon, 26 Apr 2021 7:45pm. Register at

2021 Election: Ask MSP Candidates to Sign the Both Lives Pledge!

Right To Life UK has set up an tool to contact your local candidates to ask them to sign the Both Lives Pledge to support policies to protect the lives of both mother and child. It takes 30 seconds!

SCIAF Boxes Need to be Returned Today

Please drop off your Wee Boxes today at the passkeepers’ table if you want the Cathedral to send in your donation, or use the Freepost envelope (no stamp needed!) provided with your Wee Box and write “Wee Box appeal” under “Freepost SCIAF” so SCIAF can claim the £1 for £1 matching from the Government. To Gift Aid your donation, please fill in form on the base of the Wee Box.

Cathedral Chandeliers Effort Update

Currently, we are awaiting proposals for the work of securing the Cathedral chandeliers to the roof prior to the installation of a new mechanical winching system. We will keep you informed.

First Confessions

Please pray for children at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, who will make their First Confession on Tuesday, 27th April. They are looking forward to receiving the graces from this sacrament, having waited patiently for the churches to reopen.

Bookings for Sunday Masses

St Andrew’s passkeepers are doing a great job in keeping our small & beautiful church open during these challenging times. To assist the process and keep the operation running smoothly, we respectfully request that anyone attending Mass on a Sunday books a seat in advance via the online booking system or by phoning the parish office (0131 556 1798). Thank you.

St Mary's University Edinburgh Campus Opening in September!

This September, St Mary’s University in Twickenham, a leading Catholic university in the UK, will open a campus at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh in conjunction with the Archdiocese! Archbishop Cushley has written a pastoral letter about this exciting initiative and copies are available at the back of church or you may read it online at This is an excellent opportunity with post-graduate MA courses in Theology and Education offered, giving you the flexibility to study in the evening and at weekends. Read more about the courses and register at A short video on this marvellous educational opportunity is available at

Read the newsletter for 25th April (pdf)