Third Sunday Of Easter – Year B

Sunday Evening Mass Schedule Changes

Please note that the 5pm Mass on Sunday evenings has been discontinued due to low attendance, however the other two later Masses on Sunday, 4:00pm and 7:30pm remain as scheduled. Do take note of this change in our Mass schedule. Thank you!

Sign-up by Monday, 19th April for FREE Online Course: “Grace: The Church’s Hidden Treasure”

Over 100 people have already signed up for a free, six-week online course titled “Grace: The Church’s Hidden Treasure”! The course begins Monday, 19th April, 7:30pm. Hurry and register now if you want to attend since registration closes on Monday morning! Register at The course will focus on grace according to the teaching of Saint Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica. The webinar will be led by Fr Kevin Douglas (St Peter’s & St Columba’s, Edinburgh) and Sr Anna Marie McGuan, RSM (Archdiocesan Advisor on Catechetics). Sessions will be recorded. To learn more, visit

Feast of the Dedication of the Cathedral - Monday

This Monday, 19th April we celebrate the Solemnity of the Dedication of the Cathedral! This year is the 43rd anniversary of the Cathedral’s solemn dedication by Cardinal Gray on 18th April 1978, 164 years since its foundation in 1814. Bishop Cameron opened the Chapel of St Mary's in 1814, and on 5th July 1886, at the request of Archbishop William Smith, it was named the Metropolitan Cathedral. You can read more about the history of our Cathedral

2021 Archdiocesan Directories - on Sale while Supplies Last!

I know that many of you have been waiting with impatience for the publication of this year’s Archdiocesan Directory. Packed with fascinating information – it is a real page turner… And at only £3 it’s a bargain as well! We will be selling them after Mass – resistance is futile...

Cathedral Fabric Update

Our attempt to sort the problem with the Chandeliers this week ran into technical problems and so, as you can see, we have had to pause operations. Andy Hilton, our Complex Manager, however made good use of the cherry picker while it was on site and used the opportunity to install three new, modern, energy-efficient LED floodlights on the pole at the front of the Cathedral, replacing the old sodium floodlights. The long-term plan is to put additional less powerful LED floodlights at the base and around the Octogan for more even light. Thank you, Andy! More updates to come soon on the chandeliers repair effort!

St. Andrew’s Fabric Update

A permanent solution to the leaking lower roof at the rear of the parish house has been completed. The roof of the church has been inspected and maintained. Work on the badly blocked downpipes and drains at the rear of the church is ongoing.

Pastoral Letter on the Election

The Bishops of Scotland have urged Catholic voters to consider the following key areas when selecting a candidate for the Scottish Parliament Election on 6th May. Copies of the letter are available at the back of the Church:

• Beginning and end of life

• Family and work

• Poverty, human trafficking and modern slavery

• Environment

• Free speech, free expression, and freedom of thought, conscience and religion

• Catholic schools

Additional resources are available at A site for finding your candidates is: The deadline to register to vote is midnight 19th April; voter registration is available at

First Holy Communion and Confirmation Classes

The classes for First Holy Communion and Confirmation preparation at St Andrew;s, Ravelston, have proceeded very well during lockdown by going online. Many thanks to the children and parents for your faithful attendance and engagement. Special thanks to Fr Jamie and his hard work in enabling this move to online safely. First Holy Communion will be held on Saturday, 5th June and Confirmation will be held on Saturday, 15th May. As with last year's children's sacramental celebrations, the attendee numbers will need to be strictly limited to comply with government caps on public worship, 50 people maximum. Children, you and your families are inspirational to the whole parish in these challenging times!

SCIAF Boxes Need to be Returned by Next Sunday

Please return all SCIAF boxes before next Sunday so that SCIAF can claim the additional donation from the government.