Fifth Sunday Of Lent – Year B

The Cathedral and St. Andrews will Open Again on Friday 26th March

Daily Masses will be at 10am, 12.45, 6pm (Polish) and 6pm (Ravelston)
Sunday Masses will be at 5pm (Vigil), 6pm (Vigil)
8am, 9am, 10am (Polish), 11am, 12pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm (Polish), 7.30pm
Ravelston: 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm (Old Rite), 5pm (Old Rite)

Booking Opens on Monday, 22nd March, 9am for Vigil & Sunday Masses of March 27-28

As you know, the government’s limit of 50 people per Mass will be in effect as of Friday, 26th March, so it is important that you register for one of the weekend Masses before you arrive. Once you do have a place reserved, please make every attempt to attend your chosen Mass. On Monday, 22nd March at 9:00am, booking for seats for Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses of March 27-28 will open on the Cathedral website:

You may also call the parish office 0131 556 1798.

Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter booking opens Monday, 29th March, 9:00am.

Cathedral Stations of The Cross – Fridays of the Weeks of Lent

The beautiful Lenten tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross is available from the Cathedral online. By 12noon every Friday, the recordings of the Stations have been posted on the website. Each Friday in Lent, on the website and on Facebook as well as on the Cathedral podcast page:

Lenten Talk: “Praying the Passion According to St. Mark” by Archbishop Leo Cushley

Tuesday, 23 March, 7:00pm-8:00pm

Register here

This is the final event in the Archdiocese’s series of INSPIRE talks to guide you prayerfully through Lent. The talks are organised by the Catechetics Commission of the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh.

Watch earlier INSPIRE Lent Talks:

Br. Joseph Carron, OSB  Songs of the Redemption: The Benedictine Liturgy of the Hours

Sr. Anna Marie McGuan, RSM  Becoming Saints Today: Unlocking the Present Moment

Sister Sally Rollo, OCD  Prayer as a Relationship Reflected in St Teresa of Avila

Cathedral Holy Week And Easter Schedule

Palm Sunday, Sunday, 28th March: 5pm (Vigil), 6pm (Vigil), 8am, 9am, (Polish) 10am, 11am, 12pm, 4pm, 5pm, (Polish) 6pm, 7.30pm

Holy Thursday, 1st April: 7pm

Good Friday, 2nd April: 3pm Passion of the Lord; 7pm Stations of the Cross

Holy Saturday, 3rd April: 8pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday, 4th April: 8am, 9am, (Polish) 10am, 11am, 12pm, 4pm, 5pm, (Polish) 6pm, 7.30pm

Confessions: after 12:45pm Mass on Monday-Wednesday of Holy Week

Ravelston Holy Week And Easter Schedule

Palm Sunday, Sunday, 28th March: 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm (Old Rite), 5pm (Old Rite)

Holy Thursday, 1st April: 7pm (Old Rite)

Good Friday, 2nd April: 3pm Passion of the Lord

Holy Saturday, 3rd April: 8pm (Old Rite)

Easter Sunday, 4th April: 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm (Old Rite), 5pm (Old Rite)

Your “Spiritual Toolbox”: St. Joseph Family Prayer Book is a Treasure!

A wealth of prayers awaits you in just 35 little pages! The new, pocket-sized St. Joseph’s Family Prayer Book is a “spiritual toolbox” and a treasure filled with prayers for the whole family. To get your copy, please contact or 0131 556 7798.

SCIAF Wee Box Donations Doubled through 11th May by UK Government

This year £1 = £2! Your SCIAF Wee Box donation will make twice the difference to 11th May, with all public donations to be doubled by the UK government. Your contributions to the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) help children with disabilities in South Sudan access the education and support they need. Wee Boxes are still available at Cathedral House. To collect a Wee Box, please contact or 0131 556 7798.

New Winching System to be Installed for Cathedral Chandeliers

Sometime after Easter, a new mechanical winching system for the Cathedral chandeliers will be installed. Thank you to all parishioners who have so generously contributed to the purchase of the new winching system repair effort so far! Please donate at

Easter Knitted Goods to Support the Cathedral

Please support the Cathedral by buying some Easter-themed knitted gifts! Easter items are for sale from £10 at

All the profits from all sales are very generously donated by our own wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska to the Cathedral.

Marriage Preparation Courses in April and May

If you are getting married at a church in the Archdiocese, you must give the parish priest at least six months’ notice and attend a Marriage Preparation Course, currently taking place on Zoom: April - Friday/Saturday 23/24 May - Friday/Saturday 21/22. Spaces are filling up fast, so please register now in consultation with the parish priest. Download an application at

Alternatively, email (0131 623 8900).

Pro-Life Stations of the Cross: Monday, 22nd March, 7:45pm-8:15pm

Join us every Monday in Lent to pray for unborn children, their mothers and all Pro-Life intentions. This week, we will pray the stations of the cross together followed by a reflection from Fr Andrew Kingham, Parish Priest at Our Lady & St Andrews, Galashiels. Book your space online:

Ask your MP to Attend Tuesday, 23rd March Event on the Dangers of DIY Abortion

To ensure that politicians are aware of the negative impact of ‘DIY’ home abortions, the All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group will be hosting a parliamentary event on Tuesday, 23rd March where experts will cover the latest evidence on how ‘DIY’ home abortions are placing women at risk. As your MP to attend! Please visit:

Equally Human: Sign Petition to Stop Abortion for Babies with Disabilities

On 15 March, Northern Ireland Assembly passed the Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill by 48 votes to 12. The bill proposes removing the current provision in the abortion regulations that allows abortion for ‘severe fetal impairment’ up to birth for babies with disabilities including Down’s syndrome, cleft lip and club foot. The bill now goes to Committee Stage so please sign the petition and pray for its success! Take 30 seconds to sign the petition:

Outdoor Stations of the Cross at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

The Lord’s Passion is beautifully depicted in 14 outdoor Stations of the Cross at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road) along the walking path. Prayers to carry with you are provided near the First Station, or bring along the podcast of the Stations of the Cross by our Cathedral readers and singers:

Voter Registration for EU Nationals Resident in Scotland

All EU Nationals resident here in Scotland can vote in the Scottish Parliamentary Election on the 6th of May. Registration must take place by 15th April, via the website Also, all EU nationals of the UK must apply for Settled Status before the 30th of June 2021, for themselves and their children, even if they are married to a UK national and regardless of how long they have been here. More information is available

Read the newsletter for 21st March (pdf)

Fourth Sunday Of Lent – Year B

Public Worship to Resume 26th March

With churches reopening from Friday, 26th March, we look forward to seeing you all soon! Booking for the Saturday vigil and Sunday Masses of March 27-28 will open on the website, as usual, from the previous Monday (22nd March). Daily Masses will not require booking. Stay tuned for our Holy Week and Easter schedule and information about booking for those liturgies and for the schedule for Confessions.

Cathedral Stations of The Cross – Fridays of the Weeks of Lent

The beautiful Lenten tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross is available from the Cathedral online. By 12noon every Friday, the recordings of the Stations are posted on the website and on Facebook as well as on the Cathedral podcast page

“Spiritual Toolbox” to Help You Build the Habit of Daily Prayer

Don’t want to forget your daily prayers? Carry your “spiritual toolbox” with you! A new pocket-sized St. Joseph’s Family Prayer Book is available to help you grow in the habit of daily prayer. It is filled with all kinds of prayers: Morning Offering, Mysteries of the Rosary, Prayers for the Dead and many more. To get your copy, please contact or 0131 556 7798.

INSPIRE Lent Talks on Prayer– Tuesdays, 16th & 23rd March – 7:00pm-8:00pm

Register now for the Archdiocese’s INSPIRE talk series for Lent. Guest speakers will guide you prayerfully through the season. All talks on Zoom, 7-8pm.

Prayer as a Relationship Reflected in St Teresa of Avila

with Sister Sally Rollo, OCD. 7pm, Tue 16 March. Register at

Praying the Passion According to St Mark

with Archbishop Leo Cushley. 7pm, Tue 23 March. Register at

Watch earlier INSPIRE Lent Talks here:

Br. Joseph Carron, OSB  Songs of the Redemption: The Benedictine Liturgy of the Hours

Sr. Anna Marie McGuan, RSM  Becoming Saints Today: Unlocking the Present Moment

Cathedral Fabric Repairs

Repairs to keep dampness out of the Cathedral have been completed with coping fixed with above the sacristies and St. Andrew’s altar. The joint where Cathedral Lane touches the church also has been repaired. The Cathedral burglar alarm has been repaired and upgraded, in preparation for the future Café/Bookshop and to ensure protection of the relics of St. Andrew. Repairs to the floor of the future Café floor have begun.

Also, we are almost at the point of concluding negotiations for the installation of a new mechanical winching system for the Cathedral chandeliers. Thank you to all parishioners who have so generously contributed to the chandelier winching system repair effort so far! Donations for this significant expense are most welcome

Easter Knitted Goods to Support the Cathedral

Please support the Cathedral by buying some Easter-themed knitted gifts! Easter items are for sale from £10 at

All the profits from all sales are very generously donated by our own wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska to the Cathedral.

Marriage Preparation Courses

If you are getting married at a church in the Archdiocese, you must give the parish priest at least six months’ notice and attend a Marriage Preparation Course, currently taking place on Zoom: March - Friday/Saturday 26/27. April - Friday/Saturday 23/24 May - Friday/Saturday 21/22. Spaces are filling up fast, so please register now in consultation with the parish priest. Download an application at Alternatively, email (0131 623 8900).

10:00am Daily Mass Livestreamed from Cathedral House

Livestreamed Mass from Cathedral House is available at 10am Monday-Saturday posted on the website and on Facebook. Sunday Mass available on the website on Sunday from 10am.

Sacrament of Confession Available Daily

In this grace-filled season of Lent, prepare for the Sacrament of Confession by making a good examination of conscience using the guide for “How to Go to Confession” is available on the website or visit

A Cathedral priest is available every day to hear confessions. To schedule a time for Confession, contact the Cathedral Office: 0131 556 1798,

Pro-Life Stations of the Cross  Monday, 15th March, 7:45pm-8:15pm

Join the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office to pray the Stations of the Cross for unborn children, their mothers and all Pro-Life intentions. The Stations of the Cross will be followed by a reflection from Fr Kevin Dow, Parish Priest at Most Holy Trinity, Fife. To register visit A priest has described how his mother's "act of faith and love" saved his life as she resisted pressure to abort him following an unplanned pregnancy. Fr John McInnes, of Our Lady & St Bernadette's in Larbert, gave a poignant testimony during his reflection at the 8th March Pro-Life Stations of the Cross

Ask your MP to Attend a Parliamentary Event on the Dangers of DIY Abortion

Governments are currently deciding on whether to make permanent the temporary measure allowing ‘DIY’ home abortions in England, Wales and Scotland. To ensure that politicians are aware of the negative impact of ‘DIY’ home abortions, the All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group will be hosting a parliamentary event on Tuesday, 23rd March where experts will cover the latest evidence on how ‘DIY’ home abortions are placing women at risk. Right To Life UK has set up an easy-to-use tool that will enable members of the public to easily contact their MPs asking them to attend this event. It only takes 30 seconds! Please visit:

SCIAF Wee Box Donations Doubled through 11th May by UK Government

This year £1 = £2! Your SCIAF Wee Box donation will make twice the difference to 11th May, with all public donations to be doubled by the UK government. Your contributions to the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) help children with disabilities in South Sudan access the education and support they need. Wee Boxes are still available at Cathedral House. To collect a Wee Box, please contact or 0131 556 7798.

Outdoor Stations at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

Walk and meditate prayerfully on the Lord’s Passion as you move along the 14 outdoor Stations of the Cross at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road). Prayers to carry with you are provided near the First Station, or bring along the podcast of the Stations of the Cross by our Cathedral readers and singers

Read the newsletter for 14th March (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 14th March (doc)

Third Sunday Of Lent – Year B

Cathedral Stations of The Cross – Fridays of the Weeks of Lent

Each week of this holy season of Lent, watch and listen with your family in your own home and join in this beautiful Lenten tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross from the Cathedral, meditating on Jesus’ suffering and death for the world’s salvation. By 12noon every Friday, the recordings of the Stations are posted on the website and on Facebook as well as on the Cathedral podcast page.

St. Joseph’s Family Prayer Book – A “Spiritual Toolbox” for the Entire Family!

“Family prayer is something young people never forget…” ~ St. Joseph’s Family Prayer Book

Filled with basic prayers to help the entire family build good praying habits, the St. Joseph’s Family Prayer Book is a “spiritual toolbox” for a lifetime of prayer for your family, beginning in this special Year of St. Joseph. A copy of the prayer book was included in your hand-delivered packet of Lenten materials, and if you want more copies, please contact or 0131 556 7798.

10:00am Daily Mass Livestreamed from Cathedral House

Livestreamed Mass from Cathedral House is available at 10am Monday-Saturday on our Facebook page and website; Sunday Mass available on the website on Sunday from 10am.

INSPIRE - Lent Talks – Tuesdays, 16th & 23rd March – 7:00pm-8:00pm

Register now for the Archdiocese’s INSPIRE talk series for Lent. Guest speakers will guide you prayerfully through the season. All talks on Zoom, 7-8pm.

Prayer as a Relationship Reflected in St Teresa of Avila

with Sister Sally Rollo, OCD. 7pm, Tue 16 March. Register at

Praying the Passion According to St Mark

with Archbishop Leo Cushley. 7pm, Tue 23 March. Register at

Watch earlier INSPIRE Lent Talks here:

Br. Joseph Carron, OSB Songs of the Redemption: The Benedictine Liturgy of the Hours

Sr. Anna Marie McGuan, RSM Becoming Saints Today: Unlocking the Present Moment

Experience God’s Infinite Mercy in Sacrament of Confession!

A Cathedral priest is available every day to hear confessions. To schedule a time for Confession, contact the Cathedral Office: 0131 556 1798, A guide for “How to Go to Confession” is available on the website.

Chandeliers Update!

Thank you to all parishioners who have so generously contributed to the chandelier winching system repair effort so far! Our stuck chandelier has been removed temporarily from the Cathedral, while we near agreement for the installation of a mechanical winching system with a company that has specific experience in installing these systems into churches. We anticipate this will be a cheaper solution than a motorized system. The mechanical winches will likely sit at the back of the organ platform, out of view. We hope installation can start within the next several weeks. Donations for this significant expense are most welcome:

Archdiocesan Presentation: “Abortion and Poverty in Scotland: The Reality”

In case you missed it, a video is available of the 15th February presentation by Paul Atkin, Director of the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office, reviewing abortion statistics as they are linked to poverty in Edinburgh and Glasgow, and looking into the locations of abortion clinics in the poorest areas of both cities. To watch the presentation, visit

Pro-Life Stations of the Cross Monday, 8th March, 7:45pm-8:15pm

The Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office is hosting an online Stations of the Cross and reflection every Monday in Lent to pray for unborn children, their mothers and all Pro-Life intentions. Join the event this Monday, 8th March to pray the Stations of the Cross, followed by a reflection from Fr John McInnes, Parish Priest at Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette, Larbert. Book at

Easter Knitted Goods to Support the Cathedral

Easter themed knitted items made by our own wonderful parishioner Joanna Kopystynska, including Easter bunny egg cozies, knitted sheep, chickens and long-eared rabbits, are for sale from £10 at All the profits from all sales are very generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. Please support the Cathedral by buying some of the Easter-themed gifts!

Marriage Preparation Courses

If you are getting married at a church in the Archdiocese, you must give the parish priest at least six months’ notice and attend a Marriage Preparation Course, currently taking place on Zoom: March - Friday/Saturday 26/27. April - Friday/Saturday 23/24 May - Friday/Saturday 21/22. Spaces are filling up fast, so please register now in consultation with the parish priest. Download an application at Alternatively, email (0131 623 8900).

Walk and Pray the Stations of the Cross at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

“Christ died for us while we were still sinners.” (Romans 5:8)

Visit the 14 outdoor Stations of the Cross displayed along the path at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road), to walk and meditate prayerfully on the Lord’s Passion. Use the laminated cards with prayers provided near the First Station, or bring along the podcast of this week’s Stations of the Cross by our Cathedral readers and singers and pray with them.

New Dawn in Scotland Lenten Healing Service Friday, 12th March

New Dawn in Scotland will host a Lenten Healing Service on Friday, 12th March, 7:30pm-9:00pm on Zoom. Fr Stefan Park, OSA will lead the service at Clare Priory in Suffolk, with the theme “‘Repent and Believe the Good News”. Visit to join the service.

Mary’s Meals: Emergency Appeal for Aid for Displaced People in Ethiopia

Mary’s Meals has launched an emergency appeal for aid for Ethiopia where millions of people have been displaced as a result of brutal conflict. Please donate at

Home Delivery Available for Catholic Universe Newspaper

The Catholic Universe newspaper can be delivered direct to your home every week, POST FREE. Please visit call 0161 820 5722 and they will arrange for you. Your weekly newspaper can drop through your letterbox for just £99 a year. Or it can download weekly to your tablet or smartphone for just £55 a year.

Twice a Week Free Meals to Over 65s in North Edinburgh

LifeCare’s Meals on Wheels service is delivering fresh, nutritious meals, hot and ready to eat to over 65s in North Edinburgh, twice a week. If you know of anyone who would benefit from the service please do get in touch 0131 343 0940,

Free of charge, this project is currently fully funded thanks to Barclays 100x100 UK Covid-19 Community Relief Programme.

Read the newsletter for 7th March (pdf)

Second Sunday Of Lent – Year B

A Big Thank You….

…to our incredible parish volunteers who this week have delivered packets of Lenten materials to our registered parishioners and will continue to make still more deliveries in the coming days. The packet includes the St. Joseph’s Family Prayer Book prepared by the Archdiocese, and one of the 2021 SCIAF Wee Boxes to collect your contributions to help children with disabilities in South Sudan access the education and support they need. This year £1 = £2 for Wee Box contributions because from 12 February to 11 May, all donations to the Wee Box Appeal will be doubled by the UK government. Please be generous!

More WEE BOXES and St. Joseph’s Family Prayer Books Available!

If you would like more WEE BOXES or additional copies of the St. Joseph’s Family Prayer Book, please contact the parish office at or 0131 556 7798 and we can arrange for you to pick them up.

Stations of the Cross Parish Readers and Singers Contribute Their Voices!

While we look forward to gathering again in Church sometime in the future, a wonderful way this Lent to come together as a parish is to pray the Stations of the Cross with prayers read by familiar voices of our parish readers and hymns sung by our own Cathedral singers. Do take time to watch or listen with your family in your own home and join in this beautiful Lenten tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross, meditating on Jesus’ suffering and death for the world’s salvation. This is a great way to pray for all those who are suffering at this time.

By 12noon every Friday, the recordings of the Stations are posted on the website and on Facebook, as well as on the Cathedral podcast page

INSPIRE - Lent Talks – Tuesdays, 2nd, 16th, 23rd March – 7:00pm-8:00pm

Register now for the Archdiocese’s INSPIRE talk series for Lent. Guest speakers will guide you prayerfully through the season. All talks on Zoom, 7-8pm.

Songs of the Redemption: The Benedictine Liturgy of the Hours

with Brother Joseph Carron, OSB. 7pm, Tue 02 Mar.  Register at

Prayer as a Relationship Reflected in St Teresa of Avila

with Sister Sally Rollo, OCD. 7pm, Tue 16 March.  Register at

Praying the Passion According to St Mark

with Archbishop Leo Cushley. 7pm, Tue 23 March.  Register at

Daily Mass Livestreamed from Cathedral House

Livestreamed Mass from Cathedral House is available at 10am Monday-Saturday on our Facebook page and website.

Sunday Mass available on the website on Sunday from 10am.

Lenten Preparation  Schedule a Time for the Sacrament of Confession

Make time this Lent to participate in the Sacrament of Confession and receive God’s healing forgiveness. A Cathedral priest is available every day to hear confessions. Contact the Cathedral Office: 0131 556 1798,

A guide for “How to Go to Confession” is available on the website.

Cathedral Chandeliers – Donations Needed for New Mechanical Winching System

While we are anticipating moving to a new mechanical winching system to raise and lower the Cathedral Chandeliers, we are still very much in need of donations to support this significant expense. If you would like to donate please visit:

Thank you to all parishioners who have so generously contributed to the repair effort so far! I will keep you informed of progress.

Easter Knitted Goods to Support the Cathedral

Easter themed knitted dolls made by our own wonderful parishioners Joanna Kopystynska will be for sale at All the profits from all sales are very generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. Please support the Cathedral by buying some of the Easter-themed gifts!

Thomistic Institute at the University of Edinburgh Online Lecture

“Christian Politics in the Public Sphere - The View from St Augustine" by Fr. Robert Dodaro, OSA

Tuesday, 2nd March, 7:30pm

Fr. Dodaro is a specialist in the writings of St. Augustine of Hippo. Until 2016, he served as the president of the Patristic Institute Augustinianum in Rome, where he was also on faculty as professor of theology until 2018. He was also a professor of Patristic theology at the Pontifical Lateran University. To register, visit

World Day of Prayer

This annual ecumenical event takes place on Friday, 5 March 2021 and the theme is “Build on a Strong Foundation” (Matthew 7: 24-27). For more information please visit: or contact Marjorie Paton at for details.

Marriage Preparation Courses

If you are getting married at a church in the Archdiocese, you must give the parish priest at least six months’ notice and attend a Marriage Preparation Course, currently taking place on Zoom: March - Friday/Saturday 26/27. April - Friday/Saturday 23/24 May - Friday/Saturday 21/22. Spaces are filling up fast, so please register now in consultation with the parish priest. Download an application at Alternatively, email (0131 623 8900).

Outdoor Stations of the Cross at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

In this holy season of Lent, please take the opportunity to come and walk with our Lord, praying the 14 Stations of the Cross along the walking path at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road).

Justice and Peace Scotland : Poverty & Pandemic Discussion Online

Sunday 7th March (4.30pm – 6pm)

The last year has exposed the deep divides in our society, with inequalities and vulnerabilities exposed by the COIVD-19 pandemic. Schools and churches have seen the impacts of this on the most vulnerable and forgotten in our society. Justice and Peace Scotland invites you to a discussion of the impact of the pandemic to start to identify how the Church can be ready to meet the challenges which remain.

The panel includes:

Prof. Stephen McKinney (University of Glasgow)

Fr. Basil Clark VE (Archdiocese of St. Andrews & Edinburgh)

Danny Collins (National President, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Scotland)

Martin Johnstone (Poverty Truth Network / At the Edge)

Please book to join the event at Poverty & Pandemic, Sun 7 Mar 2021 at 4:30pm-6:00pm

Twice a Week Free Meals to Over 65s in North Edinburgh LifeCare’s Meals on Wheels

LifeCare’s Meals on Wheels service is delivering fresh, nutritious meals, hot and ready to eat to over 65s in North Edinburgh, twice a week. If you know of anyone who would benefit from the service please do get in touch 0131 343 0940,

Free of charge, this project is currently fully funded thanks to Barclays 100x100 UK Covid-19 Community Relief Programme.

Ask your MP to Support a NEW Amendment to Help Stop Forced Abortion in Xinjiang, China

There is extensive evidence that many women in the Uyghur Muslim community in Xinjiang, China are being subjected to forced abortions. Lord Alton is currently championing a new amendment to the Trade Bill, to help put international pressure on the Chinese Communist Party to stop the practice of forced abortions and wider human rights abuses against the Uyghur community. The amendment passed in the Lords on 23 February by 367 votes to 214, and is likely to be voted on in the Commons shortly. Email your MP asking them to support the amendment by visiting

Mary’s Meals: Emergency Appeal for Aid for Displaced People in Ethiopia

Mary’s Meals has launched an emergency appeal for aid for Ethiopia where millions of people have been displaced as a result of civil. A video message on the crisis from Magnus MacFarlane-Burrow, founder of Mary's Meals, is available at He says, “The city of Mekelle is being overwhelmed by displaced people arriving with nothing at all. Many of them are unaccompanied children who have lost their parents.” Please donate at

Fairtrade Fortnight from 22 February to 7 March 2021

For two weeks each year at the end of February and start of March, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to learn more about Fair Trade matters during a Fairtrade Fortnight. As Fairtrade stalls cannot take place now, one option to buy Fair Trade goods is from the One World Shop here in Edinburgh: delivered to your door.

Aid to the Church in Need Online Event to Help Christians in Lebanon – Sunday, 21st March, 1:00pm

You are invited to join Aid to the Church in Need benefactors and parishes all across the UK for a virtual Sunday Lunch, on 21 March 2021, 1:00pm, in aid of the St. John the Merciful Table, an initiative that serves daily meals to over 1,500 struggling Christians in Lebanon. You will have an opportunity to make a donation to support the life-changing work of the St John the Merciful Table. All you need to attend this event is an internet connection and a device on which you can access YouTube. For more info, visit

Home Delivery Available for Catholic Universe Newspaper

The Catholic Universe newspaper can be delivered direct to your home every week, POST FREE. Please visit call 0161 820 5722 and they will arrange for you. Your weekly newspaper can drop through your letterbox for just £99 a year. Or it can download weekly to your tablet or smartphone for just £55 a year. Or have both and save 25% off the digital edition and get that edition free till Easter. Visit the online Shop for a huge selection of gifts and cards, including cards for St. Patrick’s Day and Easter.

Job Opportunity: Benefits, Budgeting and Debt Adviser for Edinburgh Food Project

Edinburgh Food Project, which provide emergency food supplies and support to people in crisis, is seeking a Benefits, Budgeting and Debt Adviser whose duties will include providing advice to people who are using a foodbank and delivering ongoing support to clients. Full job details are available here.

Read the newsletter for 27 February (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 27 February (doc)

First Sunday Of Lent – Year B

Lenten Packs to Be Delivered This Week

A team of (incredible) parish volunteers will this week be delivering to you (or sending by post) a packet of Lenten materials including a prayer book (St. Joseph’s Family Prayer Book) prepared by the Archdiocese, and one of the 2021 SCIAF Wee Boxes to collect your contributions to help children with disabilities in South Sudan access the education and support they need. This year £1 = £2 for Wee Box contributions because from 12 February to 11 May, all donations to the Wee Box Appeal will be doubled by the UK government. Please be generous!

Lenten Preparation
Schedule a Time for the Sacrament of Confession

Make time this Lent to participate in the Sacrament of Confession and receive God’s healing forgiveness. A Cathedral priest is available every day to hear confessions. Contact the Cathedral Office: 0131 556 1798, A guide for “How to Go to Confession” is available on the website.

12noon Fridays – Online Stations of the Cross

Fr. Jamie has done an incredible job over the last week preparing an online version of the Stations of the Cross from St. Mary’s Cathedral that will be available on our website and Facebook page and in this week’s newsletter.

The video recording features voices of readers and singers from the parish, together with images from the Cathedral’s Stations of the Cross. These are posted on the website and on Facebook as well as on the Cathedral podcast page. This beautiful Lenten tradition is to follow the footsteps of the Lord on the way to Calvary, meditating on his suffering and death for our salvation. Please consider praying the Stations of the Cross with us!

Final Talk in the Series “Faith in the Time of Covid” – Sunday, 21st February, 5pm

Archbishop Cushley invites you the 4th and final talk in the “Faith in the Time of Covid” series of online 30-minute talks.

Sunday, 21st February, 5:00pm-5:30pm — Rt Hon Gordon Brown, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former Prime Minister. Register at

A recording of all the talks in the series will be published on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel the day following the talk at

INSPIRE - Lent Talks – Tuesdays, 2nd, 16th, 23rd March – 7:00pm-8:00pm

Register now for the Archdiocese’s INSPIRE talk series for Lent. Guest speakers will guide you prayerfully through the season. All talks on Zoom, 7-8pm.

Songs of the Redemption: The Benedictine Liturgy of the Hours

with Brother Joseph Carron, OSB. 7pm, Tue 02 Mar. Register at

Prayer as a Relationship Reflected in St Teresa of Avila

with Sister Sally Rollo, OCD. 7pm, Tue 16 March. Register at

Praying the Passion According to St Mark

with Archbishop Leo Cushley. 7pm, Tue 23 March. Register at

Daily Mass Livestreamed from Cathedral House

Livestreamed Mass from Cathedral House is available at 10am Monday-Saturday on our Facebook page and website

Sunday Mass available on the website on Sunday from 10am.

Cathedral Chandeliers!!

A huge thank you to those very generous parishioners who have already contributed to the effort to repair the winching system which raises and lowers the Cathedral chandeliers. We have made quite a lot of progress collecting tenders for this remarkably niche problem – and it looks very much like we will be moving to a mechanical (non-electrical) system which is both cheaper and less likely to break down. I will keep you informed of progress. If you would like to Donate:

World Day of Prayer

This annual ecumenical event takes place on Friday, 5 March 2021 and the theme is “Build on a Strong Foundation” (Matthew 7: 24-27). For more information please visit: or contact Marjorie Paton at for details.

Marriage Preparation Courses

If you are getting married at a church in the Archdiocese, you must give the parish priest at least six months’ notice and attend a Marriage Preparation Course, currently taking place on Zoom:

March - Friday/Saturday 26/27

April - Friday/Saturday 23/24

May - Friday/Saturday 21/22

Spaces are filling up fast, so please register now in consultation with the parish priest. Download an application. Alternatively, email Tel: 0131 623 8900

Thomistic Institute at the University of Edinburgh Events

Monday 22nd Feb, 7:30pm

Aquinas Reading Group – The Thomistic Institute is starting up an Aquinas Reading Group starting on and led by Fr. Samuel Burke, OP. We'll be reading three articles of the Summa Theologiae (“Summary of Theology”) by St. Thomas Aquinas each fortnight on the theme of the theological virtues (Faith, Hope and Charity). The reading group is open to people who are under 35. The first meeting will be an introductory session about the format of the group. To register, visit

Tuesday, 2nd March, 7:30pm

Lecture “Christian Politics in the Public Sphere - The View from St Augustine" by Fr. Robert Dodaro, OSA: To register, visit

Fr. Dodaro is a specialist in the writings of St. Augustine of Hippo. Until 2016, he served as the president of the Patristic Institute Augustinianum in Rome, where he was also on faculty as professor of theology until 2018. He was also a professor of Patristic theology at the Pontifical Lateran University.

New Outdoor Stations of the Cross at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

An outdoors Stations of the Cross has been newly installed along the walking path at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road). In this holy season of Lent, please take the opportunity to come and walk with our Lord along the Stations of the Cross, viewing the 14 images of Jesus on the day of His crucifixion and death. “For it was not a mere man who died for us,…but the Son of God, God made man.” (Catechism of St. Cyril of Jerusalem)

Clinic for Application Assistance for EU Settlement Scheme: Saturday, 27 February, 11am - 6pm

For EU, EEA or Swiss citizens, there are less than 5 months left to apply under the EU Settlement Scheme to legally reside in the UK after 30 June 2021. Feniks, Citizens Rights Project and the Scottish Precariat Office have joined forces to deliver application assistance in English, Romanian, Spanish and Polish: Saturday, 27 February, 11am - 6pm: Edinburgh, St Margaret's House, 151 London Road EH7 6AE. Register in advance on this link: Register for Appointment for Applying for EU Settlement Scheme. For questions, contact

Twice a Week Free Meals to Over 65s in North Edinburgh - LifeCare’s Meals on Wheels

LifeCare’s Meals on Wheels service is delivering fresh, nutritious meals, hot and ready to eat to over 65s in North Edinburgh, twice a week. If you know of anyone who would benefit from the service please do get in touch 0131 343 0940,

Free of charge, this project is currently fully funded thanks to Barclays 100x100 UK Covid-19 Community Relief Programme.

Ask your MP to Support an Amendment to Help Stop Forced Abortion in Xinjiang, China

There is extensive evidence that many women in the Uyghur Muslim community in Xinjiang, China are being subjected to forced abortions. If you would like to email your MP asking them to support the amendment, you can do this using a tool which has been set up on the Genocide Response campaign website

Pray for Persecuted Christians in China

While the Uyghur Muslim community endures persecution in China, the Chinese Communist Party is also targeting Christians in a number of ways. If you want to know why the regime in China is repressing Christianity you might be interested in the following article: Why China is terrified of Christianity.

Open Doors, a non-denominational mission supporting persecuted Christians, has noted that in 2021, for the first time in a decade, China re-entered the World Watch List Top 20 due to systemic persecution of Christians.

Mary’s Meals: Emergency Appeal for Aid for Displaced People in Ethiopia

Mary’s Meals has launched an emergency appeal for aid for Ethiopia where millions of people have been displaced as a result of civil. A video message on the crisis from Magnus MacFarlane-Burrow, founder of Mary's Meals, is available at

He says, “The city of Mekelle is being overwhelmed by displaced people arriving with nothing at all. Many of them are unaccompanied children who have lost their parents.” Please donate at

Fairtrade Fortnight from 22 February to 7 March 2021

For two weeks each year at the end of February and start of March, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to learn more about Fair Trade matters during a Fairtrade Fortnight. As Fairtrade stalls cannot take place now, one option to buy Fair Trade goods is from the One World Shop here in Edinburgh: delivered to your door

Aid to the Church in Need Online Event to Help Christians in Lebanon – Sunday, 21st March, 1:00pm

You are invited to join Aid to the Church in Need benefactors and parishes all across the UK for a virtual Sunday Lunch, on 21 March 2021, 1:00pm, in aid of the St. John the Merciful Table, an initiative that serves daily meals to over 1,500 struggling Christians in Lebanon. You will have an opportunity to make a donation to support the life-changing work of the St John the Merciful Table. All you need to attend this event is an internet connection and a device on which you can access YouTube. For more info, visit

Read the newsletter for 21st February (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 21st February (doc)

Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time – Year B

Prayer Books and Wee Boxes for Lent…Coming to you soon....

Dear Friends,

This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and marks the beginning of Lent—a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving in preparation for the celebration of our Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection. While we are not yet able to come together for Mass, I want to let you know of an outreach we are making to all of our registered parishioners. In the coming days, you will be receiving a phone call from us to check in with you and also to check that your address has not changed. Then, each of you will be receiving a packet of Lenten materials including a prayer book prepared by the Archdiocese and one of the SCIAF Wee Boxes. If you are not yet registered with our parish, I encourage you to take a moment to complete this online form and you will be included in our mailing. We hope to see you soon, but in the meantime, this is one way we can prepare for Lent together!

Fr Pat

You can also phone or email the parish office with your information:, Tel: 0131 556 1798.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence for all Catholics. What this means is that all of us are obliged to abstain from meat on Wednesday and all who are able are obliged to fast (which means eating only one meal). Even though we are unable to come together for Mass – it is important that we keep this day holy.

Friday Noon Stations of the Cross During Lent

A beautiful Lenten tradition is to follow the footsteps of the Lord on the way to Calvary, meditating on his suffering and death for our salvation. This year, the readers and singers from the parish are providing an online version of this devotion, together with images from the Cathedral, which you can watch or listen to with your family in your own home. These will be posted on the website and on Facebook at 12noon every Friday, as well as on the Cathedral podcast page: This would be a great way to pray together as a parish for all those who are suffering at this time - please consider this as a Lenten exercise!

Lenten Preparation  Schedule a Time for the Sacrament of Confession

The holy season of Lent begins this week! Have you been to Confession recently? A Cathedral priest is available every day to hear confessions. Contact the Cathedral Office: 0131 556 1798,

Archbishop Cushley Invites You to a Series of 30-Minute Sunday Talks: “Faith in the Time of Covid”

Archbishop Cushley invites you to a series of free, online 30-minute Sunday talks from distinguished speakers who will offer their thoughts and approach to the Covid pandemic.

Sunday Talks — 5:00pm-5:30pm

14th February —Professor John Haldane, Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of St Andrews, “Finding Faith, Hope & Charity in Times of Desperation” Register

21st February — Rt Hon Gordon Brown, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom  Register

Daily Mass Livestreamed from Cathedral House

Livestreamed Mass from Cathedral House is available at 10am Monday-Saturday on our Facebook page and website; Sunday Mass available on the website on Sunday from 10am.

Donations Needed for Major Fabric Expense to Repair Cathedral Chandeliers

As you heard last week, a major mechanical breakdown has happened in the motors of the winching system to lower the Cathedral chandeliers, leaving one of the heavy chandeliers stuck in place. We are still seeking quotes for the repair, particularly exploring if a mechanical solution is available. All 4 motors of the system have failed and must be replaced at an estimated cost of around £50K. Your help towards this expensive repair cost would be greatly appreciated! Donations can be made at: If anyone knows of these systems in place, feel free to contact Andy Hilton,

Abortion and Poverty in Scotland: The Reality  Monday, 15th February, 7:45 pm-8:30pm

The Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office invites you to an online seminar on Abortion and Poverty in Scotland on Monday, 15th February, 7:45 pm-8:30pm. Register online here.

National Day of Prayer for Those Who Have Suffered Abuse – Friday, February 19th

The Friday after Ash Wednesday is the National Day of Prayer for Those Who Have Suffered Abuse. The Bishops Conference of Scotland has provided a resource for prayers at home for all in the Catholic Church throughout Scotland to pray for people in our families and communities who carry within themselves the deep and traumatic wounds of abuse in any way inflicted by the Church.

Marriage Preparation Courses in the Archdiocese: 26-27th March, 23-24th April, 21-22nd May

If you are getting married at a church in the Archdiocese, you must give the parish priest at least six months’ notice and attend a marriage preparation course, currently taking place on Zoom:

March - Friday/Saturday 26/27.

April - Friday/Saturday 23/24

May - Friday/Saturday 21/22.

Spaces are filling up fast, so please register now in consultation with the parish priest. Download an application on the Archdiocese website (pdf). Alternatively, email (0131 623 8900).

World Day of Prayer

This annual ecumenical event takes place on Friday, 5 March, 2021 and the theme is “Build on a Strong Foundation” (Matthew 7: 24-27). For more information please visit: or contact Marjorie Paton for details.

INSPIRE - Lent Talks – Tuesday Evenings 7:00pm-8:00pm Beginning 16th February

Register now for the Archdiocese’s INSPIRE talk series for Lent. Guest speakers will guide you prayerfully through the season. All talks on Zoom, 7-8pm.

Becoming Saints Today: Unlocking the Present Moment

with Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM. 7pm, Tue 16 Feb. Register:

Songs of the Redemption: The Benedictine Liturgy of the Hours

with Brother Joseph Carron, OSB. 7pm, Tue 02 Mar. Register:

Prayer as a Relationship Reflected in St Teresa of Avila

with Sister Sally Rollo, OCD. 7pm, Tue 16 March. Register:

Praying the Passion According to St Mark

with Archbishop Leo Cushley. 7pm, Tue 23 March. Register:

Twice a Week Free Meals to Over 65s in North Edinburgh - LifeCare’s Meals on Wheels

LifeCare’s Meals on Wheels service is delivering fresh, nutritious meals, hot and ready to eat to over 65s in North Edinburgh, twice a week. If you know of anyone who would benefit from the service please do get in touch 0131 343 0940, Free of charge, this project is currently fully funded thanks to Barclays 100x100 UK Covid-19 Community Relief Programme.

LINKnet Mentoring: Assisting Ethnic Minorities with Job-Seeking and Education

LINKnet Mentoring is the only mentoring organisation in Edinburgh and the Lothians that helps minority ethnic individuals in their pursuit of employment, education and personal development in order to improve their quality of life. LINKnet can help you develop your CV and complete a job application, prepare you for job interview and offer advice on job seeking. If you are looking for help, please contact–Afaf Azzahari,, 07447228686/0131 261 4463,

Mary’s Meals: Emergency Appeal for Aid for Tigray, Ethiopia

Mary’s Meals has launched an emergency appeal for aid for Tigray, Ethiopia where millions of people have been displaced as a result of civil conflict and are lacking food basic necessities. Please donate at

Clinics for Application Assistance for EU Settlement Scheme

For EU, EEA or Swiss citizens, there are less than 5 months left to apply under the EU Settlement Scheme to legally reside in the UK after 30 June 2021. Feniks, Citizens Rights Project and the Scottish Precariat Office have joined forces to deliver more clinics to provide free, multilingual and regulated support people in Edinburgh, East Lothian and the Scottish Borders applying to the EU Settlement Scheme. Help is available in English, Romanian, Spanish and Polish.

Saturday, 20 February | Dunbar, Belhaven Parish Church Hall | 11am-6pm

Saturday, 27 February | Edinburgh, St Margaret's House | 11am - 6pm

Register in advance on Eventbrite on this link: Advice for Applying for EU Settlement Scheme. For questions, contact

Ask your MP to Support an Amendment to Help Stop Forced Abortion in Xinjiang, China

There is extensive evidence that many women in the Uyghur Muslim community in Xinjiang, China are being subjected to forced abortions. If you would like to email your MP asking them to support the amendment, you can do this using a tool which has been set up on the Genocide Response campaign website

Fairtrade Fortnight from 22 February to 7 March 2021

For two weeks each year at the end of February and start of March, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to learn more about Fair Trade matters during a Fairtrade Fortnight. As Fairtrade stalls cannot take place now, one option to buy Fair Trade goods is from the One World Shop here in Edinburgh: delivered to your door.

Read the newsletter for 14th February (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 14th February (doc)

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Cathedral Chandeliers Jammed!


A major mechanical breakdown has happened in the motors of the winching system to lower the Cathedral chandeliers, leaving one of the heavy chandeliers stuck in place perilously suspended just above the centre aisle! (see photo) All 4 motors of the system have failed and must be replaced – at an estimated cost of around £50K! The motor units themselves cost £6500 each. As part of routine maintenance, the chandeliers must be lowered and raised to replace the light bulbs, however, this is not possible until the motor units are replaced. If the Cathedral reopens to the public before this is resolved, the lowered chandelier will have to be stripped into its component parts and these removed before the loose cable can be tied up safely.

Your help towards this expensive repair cost would be greatly appreciated! Donations can be made online at: In the meantime, we are looking to see if a mechanical winch system would be possible and easier. If anyone knows of these systems in place, feel free to contact Andy Hilton,

Archbishop Cushley Invites You to a Series of 30-Minute Sunday Talks:

Faith in the Time of Covid

Archbishop Cushley invites you to a series of free, online 30-minute Sunday talks from distinguished speakers who will offer their thoughts and approach to the Covid pandemic.

Sunday Talks — 5:00pm-5:30pm

7th February — Dr Mary Rice Hasson

Dr Mary Rice Hasson is the Kate O'Beirne Fellow in Catholic Studies at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C. Mary also directs the Catholic Women's Forum and is an expert on topics related to women, faith, culture, family, sexual morality, and gender ideology

Register —

14th February —Professor John Haldane, Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of St Andrews, “Finding Faith, Hope & Charity in Times of Desperation”


21st February — Rt Hon Gordon Brown, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


A recording of each talk will be published on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel the day following the talk at

Lenten Preparation - Schedule a Time for the Sacrament of Confession

“Confession is an act of honesty and courage—an act of entrusting ourselves, beyond sin, to the mercy of a loving and forgiving God.” (St. John Paul II)

The holy season of Lent begins next week! Have you been to Confession recently? A Cathedral priest is available every day to hear confessions. Contact the Cathedral Office: 0131 556 1798,

Daily Mass Livestreamed from Cathedral House

Livestreamed Mass from Cathedral House is available at 10am Monday-Saturday on our Facebook page and website

Sunday Mass available on the website on Sunday from 10am.

INSPIRE - Lent Talks – Tuesday Evenings 7:00pm-8:00pm Beginning 16th February

Register now for the Archdiocese’s INSPIRE talk series for Lent. Guest speakers will guide you prayerfully through the season. All talks on Zoom, 7-8pm.

Becoming Saints Today: Unlocking the Present Moment

with Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM. 7pm, Tue 16 Feb. Register:

Songs of the Redemption: The Benedictine Liturgy of the Hours

with Brother Joseph Carron, OSB. 7pm, Tue 02 Mar. Register:

Prayer as a Relationship Reflected in St Teresa of Avila

with Sister Sally Rollo, OCD. 7pm, Tue 16 March. Register:

Praying the Passion According to St Mark

with Archbishop Leo Cushley. 7pm, Tue 23 March. Register:

Online Day of Recollection for Women (Ages 18-35) – Saturday, 13th February, 11:30am-2:30pm

Women ages 18-35 are invited for a free, online Day of Recollection with the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, Saturday, 13th February:

11:30am A heart for the glory of God – Sister Edith Mary, RSM

11:50am-12:15pm Guided reflection with questions – Sister Miriam Fidelis, RSM

12:15pm-1:00pm Quiet time/Fresh air

1:00pm Lunch with discussion (possibly breaking up into 2-4 groups)

1:45pm Clean up and stretch

2:00pm Getting the most out of Lent – Sister Anna Marie, RSM

2:30pm Rosary led by Sister Mary Pierre Jean, RSM

For more information and to join, please email

Valentine’s Retreat for Engaged and Married Couples - Saturday, 13th February, 3pm-4:30pm

Engaged and married couples are invited to a Valentine’s retreat Saturday, 13th February, 3:00pm- 4:30pm on Zoom, organised by the Archdiocesan Commission for Marriage and Family Life. It will be a time for couples to reflect together on the gift and blessing of their call from God in marriage. Canon John Udris, Spiritual Director at St Mary’s College, Oscott, has specially prepared two video reflections for the event. Register at

Abortion and Poverty in Scotland: The Reality, Monday, 15th February, 7:45 pm-8:30pm

The Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office invites you to an online seminar on Abortion and Poverty in Scotland on Monday, 15th February, 7:45 pm-8:30pm. Register online:

Marriage Preparation Courses in the Archdiocese: 26-27th March, 23-24th April, 21-22nd May

If you are getting married at a church in the Archdiocese, you must give the parish priest at least six months’ notice and attend a marriage preparation course, currently taking place on Zoom: March - Friday/Saturday 26/27. April - Friday/Saturday 23/24 May - Friday/Saturday 21/22. Spaces are filling up fast, so please register now in consultation with the parish priest. Download an application at Alternatively, email (0131 623 8900)

“I am with you always” (Mt 28:20) - Eucharistic Adoration Every Sunday

The Religious Sisters of Mercy invite you to stop by their Convent Chapel window at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road) every Sunday afternoon 1:00pm to 3:45pm to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Mary’s Meals: Emergency Appeal for Aid for Tigray, Ethiopia

Mary’s Meals has launched an emergency appeal for aid for Tigray, Ethiopia where millions of people have been displaced as a result of civil conflict and are lacking food basic necessities. Please donate at

Read the newsletter for 7th February (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 7th February (doc)

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Schedule a Time for Confession, View Livestream Masses

A priest of the Cathedral is available every day to hear confessions. Please schedule a time for confession by contacting the Cathedral Office, 0131 556 1987,

Live-streamed Mass from Cathedral House is available at 10am Monday-Saturday on our Facebook page and website Sunday Mass is available on the website on Sunday from 10am.

Video Tour of St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral by Deacons Bobby Taylor and Martin Eckersley

Deacons Bobby Taylor and Martin Eckersley take you on a video tour around St Mary's Catholic Cathedral. The video was organized by the Archdiocese's Catechetics Commission. Please keep Bobby and Martin in your prayers ahead of their ordination to the priesthood later this year!

A Big Thank You…

…to all who helped with the Christmas Gift Collection for children of prisoners in Edinburgh Prison. Colin O'Flaherty from the Scottish Prison Service expressed gratitude in a thank you letter to all who were involved: “Through your kindness and generosity, we were able to help eighty-eight families and one hundred and seventy-eight children. Arranging gift collections in the middle of a pandemic was I know not easy and I appreciate the extra work by everyone that went into making this year a success.” The letter is printed in full at the bottom of the newsletter.

Eucharistic Adoration Every Sunday - Stop by the Convent Chapel Window in Ravelston!

The Religious Sisters of Mercy invite you to stop by their Convent Chapel window every Sunday afternoon 1:00pm to 3:45pm at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road) to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The monstrance with the Most Blessed Sacrament can be seen through the window during the Sisters’ hours of Eucharistic Adoration.

Archbishop Cushley Invites You to a Series of 30-Minute Sunday Talks: “Faith in the Time of Covid”

Archbishop Cushley invites you to a series of free, online 30-minute Sunday talks from distinguished speakers who will offer their thoughts and approach to the Covid pandemic.

Sunday Talks — 5:00pm-5:30pm

31st January — Bishop Philip Egan of Portsmouth, “The Role of Faith in Response to Covid”

(SOLD OUT: Webinar registration for Sunday's talk with Bishop Philip Egan has sold out, but

you can still watch the event live on the Archdiocese’s YouTube channel:

7th February — Dr Mary Rice Hasson, Director, Catholic Women's Forum,

Ethics & Public Policy Center, Washington, D.C.  Register —

14th February —Professor John Haldane, Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of St Andrews, “Finding Faith, Hope & Charity in Times of Desperation”


21st February — Rt Hon Gordon Brown, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 


A recording of each talk will be published on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel the day following the talk at

Retreat for Engaged and Married Couples  Saturday, 13th February, 3pm-4:30pm

Engaged and married couples are invited to a Valentine’s retreat Saturday, 13th February, 3:00pm- 4:30pm on Zoom, organised by the Archdiocesan Commission for Marriage and Family Life. It will be a time for couples to reflect together on the gift and blessing of their call from God in marriage. Canon John Udris, Spiritual Director at St Mary’s College, Oscott, has specially prepared two video reflections for the event. Register at

Marriage Preparation Courses in the Archdiocese

If you are getting married at a church in the Archdiocese, you must give the parish priest at least six months’ notice and attend a marriage preparation course, currently taking place on Zoom: March - Friday/Saturday 26/27. April - Friday/Saturday 23/24 May - Friday/Saturday 21/22. Spaces are filling up fast, so please register now in consultation with the parish priest. Download an application. Alternatively, email, tel: 0131 623 8900

Vocations Mass from St. David’s, Dalkeith on Monday, 1st February, 6:30pm

Ahead of the World Day of Consecrated Life on Tuesday (2nd February) please join the monthly Vocations Mass from St. David’s Parish in Dalkeith, which will be posted on the Archdiocesan Facebook at 6:30pm on Monday, 1st February. If you are interested in the priesthood or religious life, you can have a chat with one of the Archdiocese’s vocation directors: Father Andrew Garden: 0131 663 4286 or or Sr Mirjam Hugens, FSO: 0131 623 8902 or

Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy Lecture
Monday, 8th Feb., 7:30pm-9pm: “Science, Faith & the Meaning of Life: Comparing Richard Dawkins and Albert Einstein”

Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy’s 2021 Annual Public Lecture on the topic “Science, Faith & the Meaning of Life: Comparing Richard Dawkins and Albert Einstein” will be given by Professor Alister McGrath via livestream on Monday 8th February at 7.30pm-9:00pm. Professor McGrath, an Anglican priest, is the Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion and Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion at the University of Oxford. This lecture will be based on his current unpublished research. Please register on Eventbrite at Science, Faith and the Meaning of Life (Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy) If you are unable to access Eventbrite please email: before Wednesday 3rd February.

St. Margaret of Scotland Lecture by Sister Catherine Droste, O.P.Wednesday, 10th February

Sister Catherine Droste, O.P., Professor of Theology and Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, Rome, will give this year's St Margaret of Scotland Lecture, ‘Catherine of Siena: A Message for Today’, on Wednesday, 10th February, 4:00pm-5:30pm. Register at

Pro-Life Stations of the Cross 7:45pm Every Monday of Lent Starting 22nd February

Stations of the Cross, organised by the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office, will take place each Monday evening of Lent at 7:45pm. The Stations will be followed by a short reflection by one of our priests. You can register on Eventbrite:

Day of Recollection for Women (Ages 18-35) – Online Saturday, 13th February

Women ages 18-35 are invited for a free, online Day of Recollection with the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, Saturday, 13th February:

11:30am A HEART FOR THE GLORY OF GOD – Sister Edith Mary, RSM

11:50am-12:15pm Guided reflection with questions – Sister Miriam Fidelis, RSM

12:15pm-1:00pm Quiet time/Fresh air

1:00pm Lunch with discussion (possibly breaking up into 2-4 groups)

1:45pm Clean up and stretch

2:00pm GETTING THE MOST OUT OF LENT – Sister Anna Marie, RSM

2:30pm Rosary led by Sister Mary Pierre Jean, RSM

For more information and to join, please email

Mary’s Meals - Double the Love: Donate now and your gift will go twice as far!

Through Mary’s Meals “Double The Love” campaign, donations will be doubled by the UK government, up to £2 million, until 31 January 2021. For just £15.90, two children in impoverished countries will be fed for a whole school year! To donate, please visit

Free Online Courses: Job Seeking and Budgeting Skills

Are you looking to find work? The Mustard Seed Scottish Episcopal community in Edinburgh is sponsoring the Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Job Club course with practical help seeking employment and 1 to 1 coaching tailored to each person's needs. The course is free and will be on Zoom each Monday, 1st Feb-8th March, 1.00pm-2:30pm. Do you want to learn how to take control of your spending? Mustard Seed will also offer the first half of the CAP Life Skills course, including how to manage spending and build a simple budget, on Zoom each Monday, 1st Feb-15th, 10.00am-11.30am. The Life Skill course will be a smaller group, with just five places available. To register for either course or for more information, contact Mark Harris,, 07519 268800 or David Strang, tel: 07735 513536.

Virtual Audience Seats Available for BBC's The Big Questions: Show Recording on Saturday 6th February

BBC's The Big Questions ethical and religious debate programme is inviting applications from Edinburgh and Lothians to join the virtual audience for a show recording on Saturday 6th February. At the moment, the programme expects to be debating matters of equality and poverty. Anyone interested in taking part should email for application instructions or call 0141 611 9634.

Read the newsletter for 31st January (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 31st January (doc)

Thank you letter for participation in the Christmas Gift Collection for children of prisoners in HMP Edinburgh

I will begin with thanking you all personally for your help and support.

The difference the gift collection makes is impossible to measure in words. But believe me when I say, it makes a difference to the lives of so many children. Children that without your kindness and generosity, may not have had any gifts to open on Christmas morning.

That is how important the gift collection is.

The thirty fifth Edinburgh Prison Christmas gift collection, has to have been the strangest collection I have had to organise. I have to say it has to be the most satisfying collection.

Last September-October, I was not even sure if we would be able to have a gift collection.

Through your kindness and generosity, we were able to help eighty-eight families and one hundred and seventy-eight children. My thanks go to you and your congregations for the wonderful gifts that were donated. Arranging gift collections in the middle of a pandemic was.

I know not easy and I appreciate the extra work by everyone that went into making this year a success.

The gift collection was perhaps more important this year, due to the circumstance’s we all find ourselves living in. The contact between prisoners and their families has been difficult. At times visits at the prison have had to be cancelled. Virtual visits are taking place, when families cannot travel to the prison due to covid restrictions.

My very special thanks go to the staff in the visitors centre at the prison. Without their help I would not be able to organise the gift collection. They took the gifts that you very kindly donated and distributed them to the partner’s and children of those in the care of Her Majesties Prison Edinburgh. When required the visitors centre staff delivered the gifts themselves.

I would like to thank the Governor of Edinburgh Prison David Abernethy and Deputy Governor Morag Stirling for their support.

I hope you all had as pleasant a Christmas as was possible in the circumstances. I would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a very prosperous new year.

Kindest Regards

Colin O’Flaherty, Scottish Prison Service

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Bishop Vincent Logan RIP

The Requiem Mass for Bishop Vincent Logan, retired bishop of Dunkeld, who died 14th January, will take place at St Andrew’s Cathedral in Dundee at midday on Tuesday, 26th January. It will be recorded and available later that day at The Reception of Remains with Vespers is at 5pm on Monday, 25th January and will also be recorded and made available thereafter to view.

Confessions, Last Rites and Availability of Livestream Masses during Church Closures

The Scottish Government has said that the present lockdown is likely to continue until mid-February. There will be another review on 2nd February. In the meantime, we will continue to livestream Mass from Cathedral House at 10am Monday-Saturday on our Facebook page and website Sunday Mass from the Cathedral can be viewed the website each Sunday from 10am. A priest is available every day to hear confessions. To schedule, please contact the Cathedral Office, 0131 556 1987, Also, anyone who is ill and in need of the Sacrament of the Sick should call the office. We will respond to all requests for the Last Rites.

Friendly Chat, Prayerful Support: ☎️ Telephone Apostolate ☎️ is Available to Help!

Stay connected! As lockdown continues, our parish telephone apostolate volunteers are on hand to assist you or anyone you may know who could benefit from a friendly chat and a check-in. A phone call from our volunteers can be a wonderful means of prayerful support as well as a great encouragement in the faith! Please contact the Cathedral Office, 0131 556 1987,

Sunday Eucharistic Adoration through the Convent Chapel Window of the Religious Sisters of Mercy

The Religious Sisters of Mercy invite you to stop by outside their Convent Chapel window on Sunday afternoons 1:00pm to 3:45pm at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road) to Adore the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance is beautifully visible through the window during the Sisters’ hours of Eucharistic Adoration every Sunday.

“Gathered and Sent: A Valentine's Retreat for Engaged and Married Couples”, Saturday, 13th February, 3pm-4:30pm

Engaged and married couples are invited to a Valentine’s retreat Saturday, 13th February, 3:00pm- 4:30pm on Zoom. Canon John Udris, Spiritual Director at St Mary’s College, Oscott (Birmingham), has specially prepared two video reflections for the event which offer couples the opportunity to reflect on the joy, beauty and purpose of marriage and family. There will be time for each couple to reflect together on these themes and a time of guided prayer together. This is a free event organised by the Archdiocesan Marriage Commission. Register at

Videos and Resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity began Monday, 18th January and concludes on Tuesday, 25th January, the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. To encourage prayer for an end to divisions among all Christians, the Archdiocese has provided many resources and videos for this annual octave of prayer on its website:

Take Action and Ask your MSP to Oppose Introducing Assisted Suicide

The assisted suicide lobby have launched a large campaign to put pressure on the Government to reconsider the legalisation of assisted suicide. Ask your MSP to make it clear to the Government that it should not give into demands from the assisted suicide lobby to reconsider the legalisation of assisted suicide. It only takes 30 seconds to email your MSP by visiting

Speak Out to Stop ‘DIY’ Abortion Services Being Made Permanent in Scotland

The Scottish Government is currently deciding on whether to make the temporary measure allowing ‘DIY’ home abortions in Scotland permanent. It is vital that as many people as possible contact their MSPs to ask them to write to the First Minister laying out the serious dangers with ‘DIY’ home abortions and ask that the temporary order allowing ‘DIY’ home abortion be revoked and not made permanent. Contact your MSPs in less than 30 seconds at

Stations of the Cross – Monday Evenings Online During Lent

The Archdiocesan Pro-Life commission is organising an online Stations of the Cross that will take place each Monday evening throughout Lent on Zoom. Details to follow soon.

New Address for Catholic Parliamentary Office

As of Thursday, 21st January, the Catholic Parliamentary Office has move from its previous location in St Patrick’s, Edinburgh to a new address: 64 Aitken Street, Airdrie, ML6 6LT. View latest news at or sign up for their newsletter using the form at the bottom their homepage The Catholic Parliamentary Office is an agency of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland established in 1999 to aid the Church in contributing to the work of both Government and Parliament in accordance with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

Free Online Courses: Job Seeking and Budgeting Skills

Are you looking to find work? The Mustard Seed Scottish Episcopal community in Edinburgh is sponsoring the Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Job Club course with practical help seeking employment and 1 to 1 coaching tailored to each person's needs. The course is free and will be on Zoom each Monday, 1st Feb-8th March, 1.00pm-2:30pm. Do you want to learn how to take control of your spending? Mustard Seed will also offer the first half of the CAP Life Skills course, including how to manage spending and build a simple budget, on Zoom each Monday, 1st Feb-15th, 10.00am-11.30am. The Life Skill course will be a smaller group, with just five places available. To register for either course or for more information, contact Mark Harris,, 07519 268800 or David Strang,, 07735 513536.

Online Talks in January and February

Monday, 25th Jan., 7:30pm: Rediscover the Power of Baptism and Confirmation: “Fire & Water” Talk

The final online talk of the Archdiocese’s “Fire & Water” series, covering Confirmation and Baptism, takes place on Monday, 25th Jan at 7:30pm on Zoom. This 45-minute session, given by Archdiocesan Catechetics Advisor, Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM, will be followed by a brief question and answer period. Parents whose children are being prepared for Baptism or Confirmation will find this talk helpful,. Sign up by emailing

Tuesday, 26th Jan, 7:00 pm “Are Science and Religion Compatible?”

The Thomistic Institute at the University of Edinburgh presents a lecture by Fr. Michael Dodds, O.P. of the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California. The event will be held on Zoom on Tuesday, 26th January 26 at 7:00pm. To register in advance, please visit

Four Consecutive Sundays (31st Jan., 7th Feb., 14th Feb., 21st Feb.): Faith in the Time of Covid Talks

Archbishop Cushley invites you to join a series of Sunday online talks from distinguished speakers who will offer their thoughts and approach to the pandemic. Each event is free and lasts 30 mins.

Bishop Philip Egan, 5pm, 31 Jan. Register

Dr Mary Rice Hasson, 5pm, 07 Feb. Register

Professor John Haldane, 5pm 14 Feb. Register:

Rt Hon Gordon Brown, 5pm, 21 Feb. Register

“Science, Faith & the Meaning of Life: Comparing Richard Dawkins and Albert Einstein”, Monday, 8th Feb.

Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy’s 2021 Annual Public Lecture on the topic “Science, Faith & the Meaning of Life: Comparing Richard Dawkins and Albert Einstein” will be given by Professor Alister McGrath via livestream on Monday 8th February at 7.30pm-9:00pm. Professor McGrath, an Anglican priest, is the Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion and Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion at the University of Oxford. This lecture will be based on his current unpublished research. Please register on Eventbrite at Science, Faith and the Meaning of Life (Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy) If you are unable to access Eventbrite please email: before Wednesday 3rd February.

Read the newsletter for 24th January (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 24th January (doc)

Second Sunday In Ordinary Time – Year B

Archbishop Tartaglia RIP

By now you will have heard of the death of Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow on 13th January, Feast of St Mungo, the Patron Saint of Glasgow. The Archbishop, as well as being a leader of great significance for the Church in Scotland, also took care of our own Archdiocese as Apostolic Administrator in a most difficult period, and we all owe him a deep debt of gratitude. May the good Lord welcome him into paradise, and into the company of St Mungo and all the saints. Here is the statement from the Archdiocese of Glasgow:

Church Closures

There are no recent updates regarding church closures, though it’s expected churches will have to remain closed for public worship throughout January. Below are guidelines from the Archdiocese on funerals and weddings which give information on the current rules:

Funerals: A funeral can take place in your parish with a maximum of 20 participants, including the priest. Post funeral gatherings cannot take place. Face coverings do not need to be worn by the priest leading a funeral service.

Weddings: These can take place with a maximum of five participants, including the celebrant (six if translator required). Face coverings must be worn by those attending a wedding, except for the couple and the priest.

Daily Mass in the Cathedral

Mass is live-streamed on the Cathedral’s Facebook page and on the website: at 10am Monday - Saturday. Holy Mass can be viewed in the website from 10am every Sunday and is sent to you on this mailing list. Tell everyone you know!

Summary of Feedback from the Open Parish Meeting on 2nd November 2020

A summary of feedback from our Open Parish Meeting on 2nd November 2020 is now available on our website: Our meeting was all about discernment: we wanted to know what you thought God is calling us to do, both individually and as a parish, in this time of pandemic. Please read through this summary and continue to ponder on the issues raised – so that, as soon as some sort of normality returns, we will be in a position to move forward with faith and enthusiasm!

`Fail! Life Lessons from Losers, Has-Beens, Nobodies, and Other Great Saints’

On Monday, 18th Jan, 6:30pm, Fr Augustine Wetta, OSB, a Benedictine monk in St Louis, Missouri, hosts a talk titled ‘FAIL! Life Lessons from Losers, Has-Beens, Nobodies, and Other Great Saints’ about the fascinating stories of saints who were seen as failures in the eyes of the world, but who rose to glorious sainthood! It takes place on Zoom at 6:30pm, Monday, 18th Jan. Watch a preview here. No registration required, join the talk from 6:20pm using this link:

Talk on the Sacraments by Sr. Anna Marie – Monday 18th at 7.30pm

Rediscover the power of the sacraments in a new series of talks hosted by the Archdiocese! The first talk, “Fire & Water,” will be given by Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM, Archdiocesan Catechetics Advisor, Monday, 18th Jan 7:30pm on Zoom. This 45-minute session covers the sacraments of Confirmation and Baptism and will be followed by a brief question and answer period. Parents whose children are being prepared for Baptism or Confirmation will find this talk helpful, as well as anyone interested in learning more about the sacraments. Our Catholic faith teaches us that the grace of Baptism is completed in Confirmation, and the gift of the Holy Spirit is given to strengthen us to be mature witnesses of Jesus Christ. Sign up by emailing Sister Anna Marie:

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021 -- Zoom meeting Wednesday, 20th January at 7.30pm

A meeting for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18th-25th January) will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, 20th January at 7.30pm. The theme is 'Abiding in Christ' and this year is prepared by the Monastic Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland (, a religious community of women who come different Christian churches, countries and cultures. To register, please visit:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

“Are Science and Religion Compatible?” -- Tuesday, 26th January 26 at 7:00 pm

The Thomistic Institute at the University of Edinburgh presents a lecture by Fr. Michael Dodds, O.P. of the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California. The event will be held on Zoom on Tuesday, 26th January 26 at 7:00pm. Fr. Dodds is the author of The Unchanging God of Love: Thomas Aquinas and Contemporary Theology on Divine Immutability (2008), and Unlocking Divine Action: Contemporary Science and Thomas Aquinas (2012). To register in advance, please visit

Have You Received the Sacrament of Confirmation?

If you are an adult baptized Catholic who has never received the Sacrament of Confirmation, do consider joining the Cathedral’s preparation course during Lent this year with a view to Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, 3rd April 2021. To register, please contact the Parish Office,

Telephone Apostolate – A Friendly Call to You or Someone You Know!

Our telephone apostolate volunteers have continued to reach out to many people throughout the pandemic. Do consider participating in or inviting others to welcome this opportunity for a friendly chat and a check-in on general well-being during these times! If you or someone you know might benefit from call from one of our parish volunteers, please contact the Parish Office,

Read the newsletter for 17th January (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 17th January (doc)