Second Sunday Of Lent – Year B

A Big Thank You….

…to our incredible parish volunteers who this week have delivered packets of Lenten materials to our registered parishioners and will continue to make still more deliveries in the coming days. The packet includes the St. Joseph’s Family Prayer Book prepared by the Archdiocese, and one of the 2021 SCIAF Wee Boxes to collect your contributions to help children with disabilities in South Sudan access the education and support they need. This year £1 = £2 for Wee Box contributions because from 12 February to 11 May, all donations to the Wee Box Appeal will be doubled by the UK government. Please be generous!

More WEE BOXES and St. Joseph’s Family Prayer Books Available!

If you would like more WEE BOXES or additional copies of the St. Joseph’s Family Prayer Book, please contact the parish office at or 0131 556 7798 and we can arrange for you to pick them up.

Stations of the Cross Parish Readers and Singers Contribute Their Voices!

While we look forward to gathering again in Church sometime in the future, a wonderful way this Lent to come together as a parish is to pray the Stations of the Cross with prayers read by familiar voices of our parish readers and hymns sung by our own Cathedral singers. Do take time to watch or listen with your family in your own home and join in this beautiful Lenten tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross, meditating on Jesus’ suffering and death for the world’s salvation. This is a great way to pray for all those who are suffering at this time.

By 12noon every Friday, the recordings of the Stations are posted on the website and on Facebook, as well as on the Cathedral podcast page

INSPIRE - Lent Talks – Tuesdays, 2nd, 16th, 23rd March – 7:00pm-8:00pm

Register now for the Archdiocese’s INSPIRE talk series for Lent. Guest speakers will guide you prayerfully through the season. All talks on Zoom, 7-8pm.

Songs of the Redemption: The Benedictine Liturgy of the Hours

with Brother Joseph Carron, OSB. 7pm, Tue 02 Mar.  Register at

Prayer as a Relationship Reflected in St Teresa of Avila

with Sister Sally Rollo, OCD. 7pm, Tue 16 March.  Register at

Praying the Passion According to St Mark

with Archbishop Leo Cushley. 7pm, Tue 23 March.  Register at

Daily Mass Livestreamed from Cathedral House

Livestreamed Mass from Cathedral House is available at 10am Monday-Saturday on our Facebook page and website.

Sunday Mass available on the website on Sunday from 10am.

Lenten Preparation  Schedule a Time for the Sacrament of Confession

Make time this Lent to participate in the Sacrament of Confession and receive God’s healing forgiveness. A Cathedral priest is available every day to hear confessions. Contact the Cathedral Office: 0131 556 1798,

A guide for “How to Go to Confession” is available on the website.

Cathedral Chandeliers – Donations Needed for New Mechanical Winching System

While we are anticipating moving to a new mechanical winching system to raise and lower the Cathedral Chandeliers, we are still very much in need of donations to support this significant expense. If you would like to donate please visit:

Thank you to all parishioners who have so generously contributed to the repair effort so far! I will keep you informed of progress.

Easter Knitted Goods to Support the Cathedral

Easter themed knitted dolls made by our own wonderful parishioners Joanna Kopystynska will be for sale at All the profits from all sales are very generously donated by Joanna to the Cathedral. Please support the Cathedral by buying some of the Easter-themed gifts!

Thomistic Institute at the University of Edinburgh Online Lecture

“Christian Politics in the Public Sphere - The View from St Augustine" by Fr. Robert Dodaro, OSA

Tuesday, 2nd March, 7:30pm

Fr. Dodaro is a specialist in the writings of St. Augustine of Hippo. Until 2016, he served as the president of the Patristic Institute Augustinianum in Rome, where he was also on faculty as professor of theology until 2018. He was also a professor of Patristic theology at the Pontifical Lateran University. To register, visit

World Day of Prayer

This annual ecumenical event takes place on Friday, 5 March 2021 and the theme is “Build on a Strong Foundation” (Matthew 7: 24-27). For more information please visit: or contact Marjorie Paton at for details.

Marriage Preparation Courses

If you are getting married at a church in the Archdiocese, you must give the parish priest at least six months’ notice and attend a Marriage Preparation Course, currently taking place on Zoom: March - Friday/Saturday 26/27. April - Friday/Saturday 23/24 May - Friday/Saturday 21/22. Spaces are filling up fast, so please register now in consultation with the parish priest. Download an application at Alternatively, email (0131 623 8900).

Outdoor Stations of the Cross at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston

In this holy season of Lent, please take the opportunity to come and walk with our Lord, praying the 14 Stations of the Cross along the walking path at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road).

Justice and Peace Scotland : Poverty & Pandemic Discussion Online

Sunday 7th March (4.30pm – 6pm)

The last year has exposed the deep divides in our society, with inequalities and vulnerabilities exposed by the COIVD-19 pandemic. Schools and churches have seen the impacts of this on the most vulnerable and forgotten in our society. Justice and Peace Scotland invites you to a discussion of the impact of the pandemic to start to identify how the Church can be ready to meet the challenges which remain.

The panel includes:

Prof. Stephen McKinney (University of Glasgow)

Fr. Basil Clark VE (Archdiocese of St. Andrews & Edinburgh)

Danny Collins (National President, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Scotland)

Martin Johnstone (Poverty Truth Network / At the Edge)

Please book to join the event at Poverty & Pandemic, Sun 7 Mar 2021 at 4:30pm-6:00pm

Twice a Week Free Meals to Over 65s in North Edinburgh LifeCare’s Meals on Wheels

LifeCare’s Meals on Wheels service is delivering fresh, nutritious meals, hot and ready to eat to over 65s in North Edinburgh, twice a week. If you know of anyone who would benefit from the service please do get in touch 0131 343 0940,

Free of charge, this project is currently fully funded thanks to Barclays 100x100 UK Covid-19 Community Relief Programme.

Ask your MP to Support a NEW Amendment to Help Stop Forced Abortion in Xinjiang, China

There is extensive evidence that many women in the Uyghur Muslim community in Xinjiang, China are being subjected to forced abortions. Lord Alton is currently championing a new amendment to the Trade Bill, to help put international pressure on the Chinese Communist Party to stop the practice of forced abortions and wider human rights abuses against the Uyghur community. The amendment passed in the Lords on 23 February by 367 votes to 214, and is likely to be voted on in the Commons shortly. Email your MP asking them to support the amendment by visiting

Mary’s Meals: Emergency Appeal for Aid for Displaced People in Ethiopia

Mary’s Meals has launched an emergency appeal for aid for Ethiopia where millions of people have been displaced as a result of civil. A video message on the crisis from Magnus MacFarlane-Burrow, founder of Mary's Meals, is available at He says, “The city of Mekelle is being overwhelmed by displaced people arriving with nothing at all. Many of them are unaccompanied children who have lost their parents.” Please donate at

Fairtrade Fortnight from 22 February to 7 March 2021

For two weeks each year at the end of February and start of March, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to learn more about Fair Trade matters during a Fairtrade Fortnight. As Fairtrade stalls cannot take place now, one option to buy Fair Trade goods is from the One World Shop here in Edinburgh: delivered to your door.

Aid to the Church in Need Online Event to Help Christians in Lebanon – Sunday, 21st March, 1:00pm

You are invited to join Aid to the Church in Need benefactors and parishes all across the UK for a virtual Sunday Lunch, on 21 March 2021, 1:00pm, in aid of the St. John the Merciful Table, an initiative that serves daily meals to over 1,500 struggling Christians in Lebanon. You will have an opportunity to make a donation to support the life-changing work of the St John the Merciful Table. All you need to attend this event is an internet connection and a device on which you can access YouTube. For more info, visit

Home Delivery Available for Catholic Universe Newspaper

The Catholic Universe newspaper can be delivered direct to your home every week, POST FREE. Please visit call 0161 820 5722 and they will arrange for you. Your weekly newspaper can drop through your letterbox for just £99 a year. Or it can download weekly to your tablet or smartphone for just £55 a year. Or have both and save 25% off the digital edition and get that edition free till Easter. Visit the online Shop for a huge selection of gifts and cards, including cards for St. Patrick’s Day and Easter.

Job Opportunity: Benefits, Budgeting and Debt Adviser for Edinburgh Food Project

Edinburgh Food Project, which provide emergency food supplies and support to people in crisis, is seeking a Benefits, Budgeting and Debt Adviser whose duties will include providing advice to people who are using a foodbank and delivering ongoing support to clients. Full job details are available here.

Read the newsletter for 27 February (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 27 February (doc)