Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Cathedral Chandeliers Jammed!


A major mechanical breakdown has happened in the motors of the winching system to lower the Cathedral chandeliers, leaving one of the heavy chandeliers stuck in place perilously suspended just above the centre aisle! (see photo) All 4 motors of the system have failed and must be replaced – at an estimated cost of around £50K! The motor units themselves cost £6500 each. As part of routine maintenance, the chandeliers must be lowered and raised to replace the light bulbs, however, this is not possible until the motor units are replaced. If the Cathedral reopens to the public before this is resolved, the lowered chandelier will have to be stripped into its component parts and these removed before the loose cable can be tied up safely.

Your help towards this expensive repair cost would be greatly appreciated! Donations can be made online at: In the meantime, we are looking to see if a mechanical winch system would be possible and easier. If anyone knows of these systems in place, feel free to contact Andy Hilton,

Archbishop Cushley Invites You to a Series of 30-Minute Sunday Talks:

Faith in the Time of Covid

Archbishop Cushley invites you to a series of free, online 30-minute Sunday talks from distinguished speakers who will offer their thoughts and approach to the Covid pandemic.

Sunday Talks — 5:00pm-5:30pm

7th February — Dr Mary Rice Hasson

Dr Mary Rice Hasson is the Kate O'Beirne Fellow in Catholic Studies at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C. Mary also directs the Catholic Women's Forum and is an expert on topics related to women, faith, culture, family, sexual morality, and gender ideology

Register —

14th February —Professor John Haldane, Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of St Andrews, “Finding Faith, Hope & Charity in Times of Desperation”


21st February — Rt Hon Gordon Brown, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


A recording of each talk will be published on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel the day following the talk at

Lenten Preparation - Schedule a Time for the Sacrament of Confession

“Confession is an act of honesty and courage—an act of entrusting ourselves, beyond sin, to the mercy of a loving and forgiving God.” (St. John Paul II)

The holy season of Lent begins next week! Have you been to Confession recently? A Cathedral priest is available every day to hear confessions. Contact the Cathedral Office: 0131 556 1798,

Daily Mass Livestreamed from Cathedral House

Livestreamed Mass from Cathedral House is available at 10am Monday-Saturday on our Facebook page and website

Sunday Mass available on the website on Sunday from 10am.

INSPIRE - Lent Talks – Tuesday Evenings 7:00pm-8:00pm Beginning 16th February

Register now for the Archdiocese’s INSPIRE talk series for Lent. Guest speakers will guide you prayerfully through the season. All talks on Zoom, 7-8pm.

Becoming Saints Today: Unlocking the Present Moment

with Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM. 7pm, Tue 16 Feb. Register:

Songs of the Redemption: The Benedictine Liturgy of the Hours

with Brother Joseph Carron, OSB. 7pm, Tue 02 Mar. Register:

Prayer as a Relationship Reflected in St Teresa of Avila

with Sister Sally Rollo, OCD. 7pm, Tue 16 March. Register:

Praying the Passion According to St Mark

with Archbishop Leo Cushley. 7pm, Tue 23 March. Register:

Online Day of Recollection for Women (Ages 18-35) – Saturday, 13th February, 11:30am-2:30pm

Women ages 18-35 are invited for a free, online Day of Recollection with the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, Saturday, 13th February:

11:30am A heart for the glory of God – Sister Edith Mary, RSM

11:50am-12:15pm Guided reflection with questions – Sister Miriam Fidelis, RSM

12:15pm-1:00pm Quiet time/Fresh air

1:00pm Lunch with discussion (possibly breaking up into 2-4 groups)

1:45pm Clean up and stretch

2:00pm Getting the most out of Lent – Sister Anna Marie, RSM

2:30pm Rosary led by Sister Mary Pierre Jean, RSM

For more information and to join, please email

Valentine’s Retreat for Engaged and Married Couples - Saturday, 13th February, 3pm-4:30pm

Engaged and married couples are invited to a Valentine’s retreat Saturday, 13th February, 3:00pm- 4:30pm on Zoom, organised by the Archdiocesan Commission for Marriage and Family Life. It will be a time for couples to reflect together on the gift and blessing of their call from God in marriage. Canon John Udris, Spiritual Director at St Mary’s College, Oscott, has specially prepared two video reflections for the event. Register at

Abortion and Poverty in Scotland: The Reality, Monday, 15th February, 7:45 pm-8:30pm

The Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office invites you to an online seminar on Abortion and Poverty in Scotland on Monday, 15th February, 7:45 pm-8:30pm. Register online:

Marriage Preparation Courses in the Archdiocese: 26-27th March, 23-24th April, 21-22nd May

If you are getting married at a church in the Archdiocese, you must give the parish priest at least six months’ notice and attend a marriage preparation course, currently taking place on Zoom: March - Friday/Saturday 26/27. April - Friday/Saturday 23/24 May - Friday/Saturday 21/22. Spaces are filling up fast, so please register now in consultation with the parish priest. Download an application at Alternatively, email (0131 623 8900)

“I am with you always” (Mt 28:20) - Eucharistic Adoration Every Sunday

The Religious Sisters of Mercy invite you to stop by their Convent Chapel window at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road) every Sunday afternoon 1:00pm to 3:45pm to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Mary’s Meals: Emergency Appeal for Aid for Tigray, Ethiopia

Mary’s Meals has launched an emergency appeal for aid for Tigray, Ethiopia where millions of people have been displaced as a result of civil conflict and are lacking food basic necessities. Please donate at

Read the newsletter for 7th February (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 7th February (doc)