The Second Sunday of Lent

Precautions due to the Coronavirus

In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the Cathedral & St Andrew’s, Ravelston are introducing the following precautions:

1) For the time being, Holy Communion will be given under only one kind.
2) The sign of peace and the use of Holy Water will be temporarily suspended.
3) We ask everyone to please receive Communion in the hand, rather than on the tongue.

Lenten Night of Recollection – 17th of March

On Tuesday the 17th of March, Fr. Jamie will lead a Lenten Evening of Recollection in Ravelston. There will be a talk on the theme “The Desert” in the Parish Rooms at 7.30pm, followed by a time of prayer.

Clergy Changes in the Parish

Fr Martins, who has been with us since September, has been assigned by the Archbishop to St Cuthbert’s Parish. We are very grateful to Fr Martins for all he has contributed to our Parish during this time. We are also happy to welcome Father John Peter Sippai Siluvappan, who is coming to us from Falkirk. Father Peter John will be full-time chaplain at the Western General, in addition to helping us in the Parish.

Stations of the Cross

Every week during Lent there will be Stations of the Cross in the Cathedral on Mondays at 7pm, and on Fridays after the 12.45pm Mass and at St Andrew’s, Ravelston at 7pm. Stations in Polish will be on Fridays following Mass at 6pm.

With Angels and Archangels – Schola Cantorum recording CD

This week our Schola Cantorum will embark on recording sessions with Delphian Records for our first CD album, With Angels and Archangels. The disk will present some of the best of our Cathedral music, including choral works by Palestrina, Rheinberger, MacMillan, and our own Michael Ferguson. The recording will be available for purchase at the end of the year, and you will have the opportunity pre-order copies soon! Due to the CD recordings, the Cathedral will close at 4pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. The Masses in Polish are moved to 9am.

Gender Recognition Bill consultation

The Scottish Government is consulting now on proposed changes to gender recognition legislation. These include removal of the current medical requirements and reducing the age limit for legally changing gender from 18 to 16. The Catholic Church believes that sex or gender cannot be reduced to a mere construct of society that is fluid and changeable. The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a briefing paper to help you understand the key issues. It is available at the back of the church and in the porch of the Cathedral and online at the Catholic Parliamentary Office website. Please make your voice heard in this consultation which can be completed by following this link. The deadline for responses is 17th March.

Read the newsletter for 8 March (doc)

Read the newsletter for 8 March (pdf)

The First Sunday of Lent - Year A

Concerts in the Cathedral – Tickets for Sale after all Masses

This is the last time we will sell tickets for the Aly and Phil and Barbara Dickson concerts in the Cathedral after Mass because they take place next weekend! Snap up the remaining tickets after all Masses - we take cash, cheques and credit/debit cards, buy them at Eventbrite and through the Parish Office. See you there!

Rite of Election

Today at 12 noon Mass the Archbishop will celebrate the Rite of Election for all those in the Diocese preparing to be received into the Church this Easter.

Stations of the Cross

Every week during Len Stations of the Cross will be held in the Cathedral on Mondays at 7pm and on Fridays after the 12.45pm Mass.

Stations of the Cross in Polish will be on Fridays following Mass at 6pm.

Guidance to Catholics on Coronavirus

Despite the low risk to the public from Coronavirus, the Archbishop is encouraging us to think about taking the following temporary precautions: Receive Communion in the hand; do not receive from the chalice; avoid shaking hands at the sign of peace.

Gender Recognition Bill consultation

The Scottish Government is consulting now on proposed changes to gender recognition legislation. These include removal of the current medical requirements and reducing the age limit for legally changing gender from 18 to 16. The Catholic Church believes that sex or gender cannot be reduced to a mere construct of society that is fluid and changeable. The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a briefing paper to help you understand the key issues. It is available at the back of the church and in the porch of the Cathedral and online at the Catholic Parliamentary Office website. Please make your voice heard in this consultation which can be completed by following this link. The deadline for responses is 17th March.

Read the newsletter for 1 March (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 1 March (doc)

Seventh Sunday of the Year - Year A

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. It is a day of fasting and abstinence which means that all Catholics are obliged to abstain from meat and all adults between 16 and 65 are obliged to fast. Ashes will be distributed at all Masses, which will be at 8am, 10am (School Mass), 12.45pm, 6pm (Polish) and 7.30pm in the Cathedral and at 9.30am and 6pm (Extraordinary Form) in Ravelston. The booklet Walk with Me with daily reflections for Lent is available after all Masses this weekend for only £1 each.

Concerts in the Cathedral – Tickets for Sale After All Masses

There are still a few tickets available for the fundraising concerts in the Cathedral. During the week we received the great news that an anonymous donor will double all that we make on the night. So the more tickets we sell the better! Tickets (£25/each) can be purchased after all Masses this weekend (we can take cash, cheques and credit/debit cards), at Eventbrite and through the Parish Office. Thank you for supporting this initiative to raise very much needed funds to care for our Cathedral!

Day of Prayer for Those who have Suffered Abuse

This Friday has been designated as a day of special prayer for those who have suffered abuse in the Church. All of us are encouraged to pray and fast for this intention on Friday. The Stations of the Cross after the 12.45pm Mass will also be offered for this intention.

Gender Recognition Bill consultation

The Scottish Government is consulting now on proposed changes to gender recognition legislation. These include removal of the current medical requirements and reducing the age limit for legally changing gender from 18 to 16. The Catholic Church believes that sex or gender cannot be reduced to a mere construct of society that is fluid and changeable.

The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a briefing paper to help you understand the key issues. It is available at the back of the church and in the porch of the Cathedral and online at the Catholic Parliamentary Office website. Please make your voice heard in this consultation which can be completed by following this link. The deadline for responses is 17th March.

Read the newsletter for 23rd February (pdf)

Read the newsletter for 23rd February (doc)

Sixth Sunday of the Year - Year A

Guidance to Catholics on Coronavirus

Despite the low risk to the public from Coronavirus, the Catholic bishops are taking people’s concerns seriously and have issued some guidelines. As during every ‘flu season, we ask anyone with cold or flu symptoms to not shake hands during the sign of peace, to refrain from taking communion from the Chalice and receive the host on the hand only. As things stand, the bishops have decided that there is no need for the Chalice to be withdrawn or the sign of peace suspended, such as was advised during the 2009 ‘flu pandemic. This advice would only come if we had a very serious epidemic in the UK and at the time of writing this is unlikely.

Concerts in the Cathedral – Tickets for Sale After All Masses

There are still a few tickets available for the fundraising concerts in the Cathedral. On Friday the 6th of March “Aly and Phil” will be performing and on Saturday the 7th of March our own Barbara Dickson will be singing. Both concerts begin at 7.30pm and doors open at 7pm. Tickets (£25/each) can be purchased after all Masses this weekend. We can take cash and credit/debit cards and contactless payment. You can also buy tickets on Eventbrite and through the Parish Office. Thank you for supporting this initiative to raise very much needed funds to care for our Cathedral!

Statue of Our Lady of Aberdeen in the Cathedral

As a part of the Scottish Bishops’ Conference’s program to pray for the re-evangelisation of Scotland, a statue of Our Lady of Aberdeen will be visiting our eight Cathedrals. It is now our turn to host the statue, which will stay in the Cathedral until the 17th February. Please do take this opportunity to pray in a special way that our friends, family members and neighbours may come to know Jesus in a personal way.

Contactless Giving

We have introduced a contactless giving device at the back of the Cathedral. It is very easy to use, with a mere tap of the screen, select an amount and then tap your card or your phone to donate to the Cathedral parish.

This may be of particular interest to visitors to Edinburgh who wish to contribute to the parish when visiting the Cathedral. Please do feel free to test it out and let us have any feedback on your experience by contacting the parish finance office.

Download the newsletter for 16th February (pdf)

Download the newsletter for 16th February (doc)

Fifth Sunday of the Year - Year A


As you know, we will have two fantastic concerts in the Cathedral this spring. On Friday 6th March the wildly popular Scottish Duo “Phil and Ally” will be singing in the Cathedral and on Saturday 7th our own beloved Barbara Dickson will be performing. Both concerts begin at 7.30pm & the doors open at 7pm. The performers are giving their time free to help the Cathedral and all profits from these events will go to the improvement, maintenance and preservation of our beloved Cathedral. Please do invite your family members and friends to come along for this very special occasion. Tickets (£25/each) can be purchased after all Masses this and next weekend (we can take cash and credit/debit cards), at Eventbrite and through the Parish Office. Thank you for your generosity and kind support!

‘Edinburgh’s Three Cathedrals’ Parish Talk on the 23rd of March

In early 1878 there were no cathedrals in Edinburgh. Within just five years there were three: St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral, St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral and St Giles' Cathedral. What prompted this? Was it an upsurge of religiosity in the city or was it something else? David Todd, Lay Reader at Old Saint Paul’s Scottish Episcopal Church and Theatre Chaplain to Edinburgh’s four major theatres explains in an illustrated talk in the Cathedral Café on Monday the 23rd of March at 7.30pm. All are welcome!

Safeguarding training

Thank you to everyone who volunteers in the Cathedral and/or St Andrews. Your help is essential for the parish to run effectively. If you are willing to help out in the parish then please get in contact ( If you are volunteering for a regulated role that involves helping with children and/or vulnerable adults then you must undertake training. Part 1 training for new volunteers will take place in the parish rooms at Ravelston on Tuesday 11th February at 6.30 pm. If you have already had part 1 training, then you must undertake part 2 training 18 months later i.e. if you had part 1 training in 2018 or earlier. Part 2 training will take place in the parish rooms at Ravelston on 18th February and 10th March at 18.30. The is a limit of 30 people/session so please book up early by emailing

Download the newsletter for 9th February (pdf)

Download the newsletter for 9th February (doc)

The Presentation of The Lord - Year A

“The Perfect Valentine’s Gift for your Beloved…”

Instead of the boring old flowers and a box of chocolates why not buy your special someone a Valentines gift to remember?

On Friday 6th March the wildly popular Scottish Duo “Phil and Aly” will be playing in the Cathedral and on Saturday 7th our very own Barbara Dickson will be performing. Why not surprise your beloved with a night to remember? The performers are giving their time free to help the Cathedral and all profits from these events will go to the improvement, maintenance and preservation of our beautiful Cathedral.

Tickets can be bought through the Parish Office or at Eventbrite.

There will also be tickets for sale after all Masses next weekend. Please come along and please spread the word about these unique concerts.

Sick Visitations on Monday the 3rd February

The priests will be visiting all the sick and housebound in both parishes this week (all those who are on our Sick List). If you know any of the housebound – please let them know that we will be visiting. If you know of anyone who is sick and is not receiving regular visits from the clergy and from Eucharistic Ministers, do let us know by contacting the Parish Office.

Have you been Confirmed?

For many and various reasons, sometimes people never actually get confirmed. If you are an adult who has never been confirmed, the Cathedral will be running a course for you during Lent this year with a view to Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on the 11th of April. Meetings will take place on Monday nights at 7pm in the Cathedral Café. To register, please contact the Parish Office.

Pray for our Seminarians

Right now, our Parish is blessed to have three of our parishioners studying for the priesthood. Please keep Alessio Marchetti (second year), Peter Shankland (first year) and Paul Henderson (first year) in your prayers as they prepare to serve Christ and his Church.

This Sunday is the World Day for Consecrated Life, so please pray for the young men and women of our parish that God may grant them the grace to respond courageously to his call to the priesthood or religious life.

If you are thinking about your vocation, please talk to Father Patrick or Father Jamie, or contact Father Andrew Garden:, or Sister Mirjam Hugens:

Download the newsletter for Sunday, 2 February (pdf)

Download the newsletter for Sunday 2 February (doc)

Third Sunday of the Year - Year A

Maintaining, improving and preserving the Cathedral

We received the go-ahead from the Archdiocese last week to proceed with the updating of the Fire Alarm System in Cathedral House and for the installation of a Fire Alarm System in the Cathedral. This is a huge task which will cost £23,000. It is, however, a legal obligation for the House and highly desirable for the Cathedral. Work on this project will begin in the next months.

In the meantime, in the high winds over Christmas a sky light was blown out of the roof of 63 York Place. Unfortunately, this skylight cannot be repaired from the inside, so next week we will put up scaffolding so that the roofer can get access to the skylight. While we have the scaffolding up, we will also take the opportunity to repair and paint the windows in 61 and 63 York Place. This operation will cost in the region of £12,000.

Concerts in the Cathedral

In addition to fabric repairs, it costs £1000 per day to keep the Cathedral open and – in a good week – we take in about £4000.

For the first time in many years a group of innovative parishioners have organised a large-scale fund-raising event. The “Concerts in the Cathedral” would, if we sold out, raise a very considerable amount of money. The artists are very kindly giving their time and talent for free.

If you haven’t already done so, come to the concerts and think about inviting a few friends to come along too. Both concerts are at 7.30pm on 6th and 7th March. Tickets can be bought through Eventbrite.

Let’s all pull together to make this a great parish social event as well as a way of raising much needed funds.

Rite of the Presentation of the Creed (P4) – Sunday at 9am & 10.30am

On Sunday we welcome the children preparing for their First Holy Communion and their families for the Rite of the Presentation of the Creed, which will take place at 9am in the Cathedral and at 10.30am in Ravelston. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare to receive Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist.

The Gospel of Matthew – Talk by Fr. Patrick Monday, 27th January at 7.30pm

As we will be reading through Matthew’s Gospel this year, Fr Patrick will give a short introductory talk on Matthew in the Cathedral café on the evening of Monday 27th January, 7.30pm, all are welcome.

Download the newsletter for 26th January (pdf)

Download the newsletter for 26th January (doc)

2nd Sunday of the Year - Year A

Divine Mercy Devotions – Sunday at 3pm

The monthly Divine Mercy Devotions will be held in the Cathedral on Sunday the 19th January at 3pm. All are welcome to join us for a time of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with readings from the writings of Saint Faustina and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. There will also be an opportunity for Confessions and to venerate the relic of Saint Faustina.

Joint Evensong with St Mary’s Cathedral at Palmerston Place – Tuesday, 21st January

To celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we will be participating in a joint Evensong between our two Cathedrals on Tuesday the 21st January at 5.30pm. It will be held in St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral on Palmerston Place and the Evensong will be followed by a reception with coffee, teas and biscuits. Please do come along to this very special occasion to pray for the unity of the Church.

A few tickets left for the Quiz Night – Friday, 24th January at 7.30pm

Come join us for our Cathedral Quiz Night on Friday the 24th January at 7:30pm in the Cathedral Hall. Bring a group of your friends or come and join a group on the night! Tickets are available after all Masses (including Ravelston) and are £10 each. Children under 16 are free. There will be a bar, snacks and raffle prizes! Last year we sold out so don't wait to get your tickets, everyone is welcome!

The Gospel of Matthew – Talk by Fr. Patrick Monday, 27th January at 7.30pm

As we will be reading through Matthew’s Gospel this year, Fr Patrick will give a short introductory talk on Matthew in the Cathedral Café on the evening of Monday 27th January, 7.30pm, all are welcome.

Barbara Dickson and Aly & Phil Concerts in the Cathedral, 6-7 march

The Cathedral will be hosting two fantastic concerts in the spring. On Friday the 6th March, Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham will perform at 7.30pm and on Saturday the 7th March our own Barbara Dickson will be singing.

Both of these concerts will be lovely occasions to attend, please also invite family and friends to come to our beautiful Cathedral. Your support will also help raise much needed funds.

Tickets are a giveaway at £25 per person and can be bought through Eventbrite or through the Parish Office. Do not miss this very special occasion!

Download the newsletter for 19th January (pdf)

Download the newsletter for 19th January (doc)

The Baptism of the Lord - Year A

Joint Evensong with St Mary’s Cathedral at Palmerston Place – Tuesday, 21st January

To celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we will be participating in a joint Evensong between our two Cathedrals on Tuesday the 21st January at 5.30pm. It will be held in St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral on Palmerston Place and the Evensong will be followed by a reception with coffee, teas and biscuits. Please do come along to this very special occasion to pray for the unity of the Church.

Cathedral Quiz Night – Friday, 24th January at 7.30pm

Come join us for our Cathedral Quiz Night on Friday the 24th January at 7:30pm in the Cathedral Hall. Bring a group of your friends or come and join a group on the night! Tickets are available after all Masses (including Ravelston) and are £10 each. Children under 16 are free. There will be a bar, snacks and raffle prizes! Last year we sold out so don't wait to get your tickets, everyone is welcome!

The Gospel of Matthew – Talk by Fr. Patrick Monday, 27th January

As we will be reading through Matthew’s Gospel this year, Fr Patrick will give a short introductory talk on Matthew in the Cathedral Café on the evening of Monday 27th January, 7.30pm, all are welcome.

Junior Youth Group – Sunday, 12th January at 6pm

After the Christmas break, the Youth Group will begin again this Sunday (12th January) at 6pm in St Andrew's, Ravelston. The youth group is aimed at children in P4 and above. Each week there is a short talk, prayers, group games, tuck shop and individual activities. The cost each evening is £1 per child, which also subsidises occasional outings. New members very welcome.

Rite of Illumination (P4) – Sunday, 19th January at 9am & 10.30am

On Sunday the 19th of January we welcome the children preparing for their First Holy Communion for the Rite of Illumination, which will take place at 9am in the Cathedral and at 10.30am in Ravelston.

Concerts in the Cathedral – March 2020

We will host two fantastic concerts in the Cathedral on Friday 6 March with Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham and Saturday 7 March with our own Barbara Dickson. These will be lovely occasions and will also help to raise funds for the Cathedral. Tickets are a giveaway at £25 per person, get them on Eventbrite.

Download the newsletter for 12th January (pdf)

Download the newsletter for 12th January (doc)

The Epiphany of the Lord - Year A

Cathedral Quiz Night – Friday 24th January at 7.30pm

Come join us for our Cathedral Quiz Night on Friday the 24th January at 7:30pm in the Cathedral Hall. Bring a group of your friends or come and join a group on the night! Tickets are available after all Masses (including Ravelston) and are £10 each. Children under 16 are free. There will be a bar, snacks and raffle prizes! Last year we sold out so don't wait to get your tickets, everyone is welcome!

Have you been Confirmed?

For many and various reasons, sometimes people never actually get confirmed. If you are an adult who has never been confirmed, the Cathedral will be running a course for you during Lent this year with a view to Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on the 11th April. Meetings will take place on Monday nights at 7pm in the Cathedral Café. To register, please contact the Parish Office.

Junior Youth Group – Sunday 12th January at 6pm

After the Christmas break, the Youth Group will begin again on Sunday 12th January at 6pm in St Andrew's, Ravelston. The youth group is aimed at children in P4 and above. Each week there is a short talk, prayers, group games, tuck shop and individual activities. The cost each evening is £1 per child, which also subsidises occasional outings. New members very welcome.

Concerts in the Cathedral – March 2020

We will host two fantastic concerts in the Cathedral on Friday 6 March with Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham and Saturday 7 March with our own Barbara Dickson. These will be lovely occasions and will also help to raise funds for the Cathedral. Tickets are a giveaway at £25 per person, get them on Eventbrite.

Download the newsletter for 5th January (pdf)

Download the newsletter for 5th January (doc)