2nd Sunday of the Year - Year A

Divine Mercy Devotions – Sunday at 3pm

The monthly Divine Mercy Devotions will be held in the Cathedral on Sunday the 19th January at 3pm. All are welcome to join us for a time of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with readings from the writings of Saint Faustina and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. There will also be an opportunity for Confessions and to venerate the relic of Saint Faustina.

Joint Evensong with St Mary’s Cathedral at Palmerston Place – Tuesday, 21st January

To celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we will be participating in a joint Evensong between our two Cathedrals on Tuesday the 21st January at 5.30pm. It will be held in St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral on Palmerston Place and the Evensong will be followed by a reception with coffee, teas and biscuits. Please do come along to this very special occasion to pray for the unity of the Church.

A few tickets left for the Quiz Night – Friday, 24th January at 7.30pm

Come join us for our Cathedral Quiz Night on Friday the 24th January at 7:30pm in the Cathedral Hall. Bring a group of your friends or come and join a group on the night! Tickets are available after all Masses (including Ravelston) and are £10 each. Children under 16 are free. There will be a bar, snacks and raffle prizes! Last year we sold out so don't wait to get your tickets, everyone is welcome!

The Gospel of Matthew – Talk by Fr. Patrick Monday, 27th January at 7.30pm

As we will be reading through Matthew’s Gospel this year, Fr Patrick will give a short introductory talk on Matthew in the Cathedral Café on the evening of Monday 27th January, 7.30pm, all are welcome.

Barbara Dickson and Aly & Phil Concerts in the Cathedral, 6-7 march

The Cathedral will be hosting two fantastic concerts in the spring. On Friday the 6th March, Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham will perform at 7.30pm and on Saturday the 7th March our own Barbara Dickson will be singing.

Both of these concerts will be lovely occasions to attend, please also invite family and friends to come to our beautiful Cathedral. Your support will also help raise much needed funds.

Tickets are a giveaway at £25 per person and can be bought through Eventbrite or through the Parish Office. Do not miss this very special occasion!

Download the newsletter for 19th January (pdf)

Download the newsletter for 19th January (doc)