Third Sunday of the Year - Year A

Maintaining, improving and preserving the Cathedral

We received the go-ahead from the Archdiocese last week to proceed with the updating of the Fire Alarm System in Cathedral House and for the installation of a Fire Alarm System in the Cathedral. This is a huge task which will cost £23,000. It is, however, a legal obligation for the House and highly desirable for the Cathedral. Work on this project will begin in the next months.

In the meantime, in the high winds over Christmas a sky light was blown out of the roof of 63 York Place. Unfortunately, this skylight cannot be repaired from the inside, so next week we will put up scaffolding so that the roofer can get access to the skylight. While we have the scaffolding up, we will also take the opportunity to repair and paint the windows in 61 and 63 York Place. This operation will cost in the region of £12,000.

Concerts in the Cathedral

In addition to fabric repairs, it costs £1000 per day to keep the Cathedral open and – in a good week – we take in about £4000.

For the first time in many years a group of innovative parishioners have organised a large-scale fund-raising event. The “Concerts in the Cathedral” would, if we sold out, raise a very considerable amount of money. The artists are very kindly giving their time and talent for free.

If you haven’t already done so, come to the concerts and think about inviting a few friends to come along too. Both concerts are at 7.30pm on 6th and 7th March. Tickets can be bought through Eventbrite.

Let’s all pull together to make this a great parish social event as well as a way of raising much needed funds.

Rite of the Presentation of the Creed (P4) – Sunday at 9am & 10.30am

On Sunday we welcome the children preparing for their First Holy Communion and their families for the Rite of the Presentation of the Creed, which will take place at 9am in the Cathedral and at 10.30am in Ravelston. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare to receive Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist.

The Gospel of Matthew – Talk by Fr. Patrick Monday, 27th January at 7.30pm

As we will be reading through Matthew’s Gospel this year, Fr Patrick will give a short introductory talk on Matthew in the Cathedral café on the evening of Monday 27th January, 7.30pm, all are welcome.

Download the newsletter for 26th January (pdf)

Download the newsletter for 26th January (doc)