19th Sunday of the Year - Year C

Festival Mass – 18th August

Just a reminder that next week at 12noon we have the Festival Mass. The Lord Provost, members of the City Council and members of the Diplomatic Corps will all be present. And this year we will also welcome Sir James MacMillan who this year celebrates his 60th Birthday. Cardinal Vincent Nichols will preach at the Mass and The Sixteen (an internationally acclaimed choir) will be singing in place of our Choir. It will be a lovely occasion. Come early if you want a seat!

Sunday Parking Charges

Just to let you now that members of the Parish Council and I met with Cllr. MacInnes, the Convener of Transport, and Cllrs. Rankin (SNP) and Doran (Lab) to discuss the Council’s proposal to introduce Sunday Parking charges. It was a pleasant meeting and we had a wide-ranging discussion – however there was no sign at all that the Council would rethink this idea or would give any concessions to us at all. Please, if you have the energy, and you feel strongly about this – please write to your local Councillor and urge him or her to think twice about the effect that this will have on city’s Churches.


On Sunday 18th August a photographer will be visiting the Cathedral to take pictures for the website, if you do not wish to be photographed please avoid sitting in the central seating block on this date.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Download the newsletter for 11th August 2019 (doc)

Download the newsletter for 11th August 2019 (pdf)

18th Sunday of the Year - Year C

Welcome to Fr. Frank Condi

You may remember that two years ago Frank Condi, a French seminarian, came to do a summer pastoral placement at the Cathedral. Frank was ordained to the priesthood last month and has asked to return to the Cathedral to offer a “First Mass” here. Next Sunday, therefore, Fr. Frank will be offering the 12noon Mass at the Cathedral and will be giving his first blessing after the Mass. This will be a lovely occasion and I know that you will make Fr. Frank very welcome.

Festival Mass – 18th August

Then – the week after next we will welcome Sir James MacMillan as our special guest at the 12 noon Mass, which is our annual Festival Mass. Cardinal Vincent Nichols will preach at the Mass and The Sixteen (an internationally acclaimed choir) will be singing in place of our Choir. It will be a very special occasion. During this Mass, a photographer will be visiting the Cathedral, if you wish to avoid being photographed, please avoid sitting in the central seating block.

Catholic Voting Rights on the Education Committee

The Catholic Church and others presently have the right in Scotland to sit on local Council Education Committees and to vote on matters affecting our Catholic schools.  On 22 August, the City of Edinburgh Council is to vote on a Green Party motion to remove those voting rights. If this motion is carried it will pose a serious threat to the Church’s capacity to influence decisions regarding Catholic education and Catholic Schools in the City of Edinburgh. I would therefore ask you to contact your local councillors, as a matter of urgency, and urge them to vote against this motion. Write to your councillor soon, a template letter is available on postcards at the back of the Church. The contact details for Edinburgh councillors are here: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/councillors/ward

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Download the newsletter for 4th August 2019 (doc)

Download the newsletter for 4th August 2019 (pdf)

17th Sunday of the Year - Year C

Message from the Archbishop - Catholic Voting Rights

The Catholic Church and others presently have the right in Scotland to sit on local Council Education Committees and to vote on matters affecting our Catholic schools.  On 22 August, the City of Edinburgh Council is to vote on a Green Party motion to remove those voting rights. If this motion is carried it will pose a serious threat to the Church’s capacity to influence decisions regarding Catholic education and Catholic Schools in the City of Edinburgh. I would therefore ask you to contact your local councillors, as a matter of urgency, and urge them to vote against this motion. Write to your councillor soon: to facilitate a numerous response, a template letter will be available on postcards at all Masses next weekend.  With thanks and every blessing, +Leo Cushley

Comings and Goings…

This week we say Goodbye to Fr. Emmanuel who has been with us for a whole year. Fr. Emmanuel has completed his master’s degree at Edinburgh and is returning to Nigeria on Wednesday. We thank him for all his help over the last year and assure him of our prayers for his future ministry. Also, this week we welcome Bobby Taylor, a seminarian from the Scots College in Rome, who will be with us for a summer placement for the next three weeks. And finally, we welcome Fr. Binu back this weekend for a very short visit. I know you will make them both very welcome.

Relics of St Thérèse – 7th – 9th September

The relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux are coming to Scotland this September. The relics will be in the Cathedral from Saturday 7th to Monday 9th September. The Archbishop will lead a Holy Hour of prayer at 7.30pm on the Saturday night and will celebrate the midday Mass on the Sunday. Do take this once in a lifetime opportunity to welcome the saint to the Cathedral! There will also be lots of volunteering opportunities to welcome visitors and help to make the event a success – watch this space! 

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Download the newsletter for 28th July 2019 (doc)

Download the newsletter for 28th July 2019 (pdf)

16th Sunday of the Year - Year C

Sunday Parking Charges

Edinburgh City Council is currently discussing the proposal to introduce Sunday parking charges in the city. This move could potentially have a devastating effect on the life and viability of the city centre churches. Specifically, it could have a terrible effect on our Cathedral. If you didn’t fill in a form last week, would you please take a couple of minutes to fill one in today and hand it back before you leave Church. You can also on our website: www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/sunday-parking

Disabled Parking

On a related issue – the Council is also planning to drastically reduce the amount of Disabled Parking around the Cathedral (to two spaces!). One of their proposals has been that parking might be provided for the disabled in the new car park under the new shopping centre (on a permit basis). If you have a disabled badge and would like to be considered in the future for a Parking Permit (for attending Mass) could you please put your name on the lists at the back of the Church.

Players wanted for Cathedral football team.

For the last five years our team have been competing in the Edinburgh Churches league. The team train on Wednesday nights at 7pm and our games kick off at 10am on Saturdays. If you are over 18 and would like to play 11-a-side, please see the newsletter for who to contact.

List of Volunteers

We have decided to try to build up a database of people who are willing to help out at events at the Cathedral on an occasional basis. If you do not have the time to sit on committees etc. but would be willing to help out from time to time at Cathedral social events or big occasions, could you please put your name and contact details on the forms at the back of the Church. The idea is that, when we have a big event on at the Cathedral and have to have people to help with handing out drinks or setting up the Hall. we would send round an email asking the people on our Volunteers list if they are free and can volunteer for that event. Do please give it a thought – it would really help!

Cathedral Fabric

The floor didn’t get finished last week after all. The contractor has had some problems, but we live in hope that this will be finished soon. More work is being done on the roof of Cathedral House, hence the scaffolding. And we are currently putting a lot of energy into the renewal of our Fire Plan.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Download the newsletter for 21st July 2019 (doc)

Download the newsletter for 21st July 2019 (pdf)

15th Sunday of the Year - Year C

Sunday Parking Charges

Edinburgh City Council is currently discussing the proposal to introduce Sunday parking charges in the city. This move could potentially have a devastating effect on the life and viability of the city centre churches. Specifically, it could have a terrible effect on our Cathedral. If you didn’t fill in a form last week , would you please take a couple of minutes to fill one in today and hand it back before you leave Church. It’s also on our website: www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/sunday-parking

Disabled Parking

On a related issue – the Council is also planning to drastically reduce the amount of Disabled Parking around the Cathedral (to two spaces!!). One of their proposals has been that parking might be provided for the Disabled in the new car park under the new St. James’ Centre (on a permit basis). If you have a disabled badge and would like to be considered in the future for a Parking Permit (for attending Mass) could you please put your name on the lists at the back of the Church.

List of Volunteers

We have decided to try to build up a database of people who are willing to help out at events at the Cathedral on an occasional basis. If you do not have the time to sit on committees etc. but would be willing to help out from time to time at Cathedral social events or big occasions – could you please put your name and contact details on the forms at the back of the Church. The idea is that, when we have a big event on at the Cathedral and have to have people to help with handing out drinks or setting up the Hall. we would send round an email asking the people on our Volunteers list if they are free and can volunteer for that event. Do please give it a thought – it would really help!

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Download the newsletter for 14th July 2019 (doc)

Download the newsletter for14th July 2019 (pdf)

14th Sunday of the Year – Year C

Sunday Parking Charges

As you know, Edinburgh City Council are currently discussing the proposal to introduce Sunday parking charges in the city. This move could potentially have a devastating effect on the life and viability of the city centre churches. Specifically, it could have a terrible effect on our Cathedral.

The Cathedral Parish Council has been in touch with all four of our local Councillors to express our concerns about this proposal and we have managed to secure meetings with Cllr. Doran (Labour), Cllr. Mowat (Conservative) and Cllr. Rankin (SNP). Unfortunately, Cllr. Miller (Green) would not agree to meet with us (!)

In preparation for these meetings we would like to gather some information from you about the potential impact of the introduction of Sunday Parking Charges. Would you, therefore, please take a couple of minutes to fill in the forms that you have been given as you came in today and hand them back before you leave Church. Alternatively you can find the form on the website: https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/sunday-parking

Cathedral E-Newsletter

Keep up to date with special events in the parish by subscribing to the Cathedral’s e-newsletter. Stay connected to the Cathedral wherever you are simply by signing up at the bottom of any page on the website: www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Read the newsletter for 6th July 2019 (doc)

Read the newsletter for 6th July 2019 (pdf)

Ss. Peter and Paul - Year C

Congratulations to Fr. Patrick Harrigan

Many sincere congratulations to Fr. Patrick who was ordained to the priesthood last Friday. It was a lovely celebration and we were very happy to present Patrick with a cheque from the parish as a sign of our love and appreciation for him. Patrick will have a few weeks holiday now and then will begin his priestly life as a curate in St. Mary’s parish in Stirling. We wish him well and assure him of our prayers for him as he begins this new stage in his life.

 Ss. Peter and Paul

In the year 395, St. Augustine of Hippo said of Ss. Peter and Paul: “Both apostles share the same feast day, for these two were one; and even though they suffered on different days, they were as one. Peter went first, and Paul followed. And so, we celebrate this day made holy for us by the apostles' blood. Let us embrace what they believed, their life, their labors, their sufferings, their preaching, and their confession of faith.”

Peter’s Pence Collection

Peter’s Pence is an annual collection taken up on the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul for those most in need. The offering is a gesture of fraternity with which each member of the faithful can participate in the Pope's action in support of the most needy who turn to the Apostolic See for help. The collection will be taken up today because this year the feast was supplanted by Sunday.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Read the newsletter for 30th June (.doc)

Read the newsletter for 30th June (.pdf)

Corpus Christi - Year C

Corpus Christi – Holy Hour at 4pm Today

In order to celebrate the great feast of Corpus Christi – we will have a special Holy Hour this afternoon at 4pm ending with Benediction at 5pm. Why not come and spend some quiet time in prayer with the Lord?

Deacon Patrick Harrigan’s Ordination to the Priesthood – This Friday

Just a reminder that our own Patrick Harrigan will be ordained to the priesthood this Friday 28th June (the Feast of the Sacred Heart), in the Cathedral at 7pm. All parishioners are invited to the ordination which will be followed by a reception in the Parish Hall. Please put it in your diary. There will be a second collection at the end of Masses today for a presentation for Patrick.

Safeguarding Training – 25th and 26th June

It is important that everyone in a PVG-role complete the Part 1 Safeguarding Training before assuming their new position. To catch up on the backlog of people requiring training there will be training offered on Tuesday 25th June and Wednesday 26th June. Sessions will be held in the Parish Room in St Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road, EH4 3DS) at 7pm. To sign up, please contact Chris McCabe on cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk or 0131 556 1798. There will be a maximum of 30 places on each day.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Read the newsletter for 23rd June (.doc)

Read the newsletter for 23rd June (.pdf)

Holy Trinity - Year C

 “The Courage to Proclaim the Gospel in Difficult Times” – Prof. Janet Smith

Dr Janet Smith, who is Professor of Moral Theology in Detroit, will be speaking at the Gillis Center this Thursday. Book your place by visiting drjanetsmithtalk.eventbrite.co.uk or phoning 0131 623 8900.

Dementia Awareness Session - Wednesday, 19 June at 7pm in the Café

There will be a Dementia Awareness session at the Cathedral on 19th June. It is open to anyone who would like to learn more about the issues experienced by people living with dementia – but places are limited. For more information contact Elizabeth on 553 1510 or Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com

Safeguarding Training – 18th, 20th, 25th and 26th June

It is important that everyone in a PVG-role complete the Part 1 Safeguarding Training before assuming their new position. To catch up on the backlog of people requiring training there will be training offered on Tuesday 18th June, Thursday 20th June, Tuesday 25th June and Wednesday 26th June. Sessions will be held in the Parish Room in St Andrew’s, Ravelston (77 Belford Road, EH4 3DS) at 7pm. To sign up, please contact Chris McCabe on cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk or 0131 556 1798. There will be a maximum of 30 places on each day.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Read the newsletter for 16th June (.doc)

Read the newsletter for 16th June (.pdf)

Pentecost - Year C

40 Hours Devotion: Monday-Wednesday This Week

The 40 Hours Devotion begins on Monday this week. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration from Monday-Wednesday between 8.30am-8pm. Each night there will be a Holy Hour at 7pm for which we are very happy to welcome our guest preachers: Archbishop Cushley (Monday), Father Matthew Carlin (Tuesday) and Father Jonathan Whitworth (Wednesday). The night will conclude with Benediction at 7.45pm. Please do take the opportunity to come along to experience this beautiful devotion and to grow in love of Our Lord in the Eucharist!

“The Courage to Proclaim the Gospel in Difficult Times” – Prof. Janet Smith

Dr Janet Smith, who is Professor of Moral Theology in Detroit, will be speaking at the Gillis Center on Thursday the 20th June. She is a brilliant speaker and it will be a great event. Details on the board.

Young Adults Group Pilgrimage to Melrose Abbey

Next Sunday (16th June), the YAG is planning to make a pilgrimage to Melrose to have Mass in the ruins of the Abbey and to spend some time together before the summer break. To sign up for this trip (which is going to be great!), please email Fr Jamie at frjamie@stmaryscathedral.co.uk.

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Read the newsletter for 9th June (.doc)

Read the newsletter for 9th June (.pdf)