Pentecost - Year C

40 Hours Devotion: Monday-Wednesday This Week

The 40 Hours Devotion begins on Monday this week. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration from Monday-Wednesday between 8.30am-8pm. Each night there will be a Holy Hour at 7pm for which we are very happy to welcome our guest preachers: Archbishop Cushley (Monday), Father Matthew Carlin (Tuesday) and Father Jonathan Whitworth (Wednesday). The night will conclude with Benediction at 7.45pm. Please do take the opportunity to come along to experience this beautiful devotion and to grow in love of Our Lord in the Eucharist!

“The Courage to Proclaim the Gospel in Difficult Times” – Prof. Janet Smith

Dr Janet Smith, who is Professor of Moral Theology in Detroit, will be speaking at the Gillis Center on Thursday the 20th June. She is a brilliant speaker and it will be a great event. Details on the board.

Young Adults Group Pilgrimage to Melrose Abbey

Next Sunday (16th June), the YAG is planning to make a pilgrimage to Melrose to have Mass in the ruins of the Abbey and to spend some time together before the summer break. To sign up for this trip (which is going to be great!), please email Fr Jamie at

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Read the newsletter for 9th June (.doc)

Read the newsletter for 9th June (.pdf)