17th Sunday of the Year - Year C

Message from the Archbishop - Catholic Voting Rights

The Catholic Church and others presently have the right in Scotland to sit on local Council Education Committees and to vote on matters affecting our Catholic schools.  On 22 August, the City of Edinburgh Council is to vote on a Green Party motion to remove those voting rights. If this motion is carried it will pose a serious threat to the Church’s capacity to influence decisions regarding Catholic education and Catholic Schools in the City of Edinburgh. I would therefore ask you to contact your local councillors, as a matter of urgency, and urge them to vote against this motion. Write to your councillor soon: to facilitate a numerous response, a template letter will be available on postcards at all Masses next weekend.  With thanks and every blessing, +Leo Cushley

Comings and Goings…

This week we say Goodbye to Fr. Emmanuel who has been with us for a whole year. Fr. Emmanuel has completed his master’s degree at Edinburgh and is returning to Nigeria on Wednesday. We thank him for all his help over the last year and assure him of our prayers for his future ministry. Also, this week we welcome Bobby Taylor, a seminarian from the Scots College in Rome, who will be with us for a summer placement for the next three weeks. And finally, we welcome Fr. Binu back this weekend for a very short visit. I know you will make them both very welcome.

Relics of St Thérèse – 7th – 9th September

The relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux are coming to Scotland this September. The relics will be in the Cathedral from Saturday 7th to Monday 9th September. The Archbishop will lead a Holy Hour of prayer at 7.30pm on the Saturday night and will celebrate the midday Mass on the Sunday. Do take this once in a lifetime opportunity to welcome the saint to the Cathedral! There will also be lots of volunteering opportunities to welcome visitors and help to make the event a success – watch this space! 

God bless you all,

Fr Patrick, Fr Jamie, Sr. Mary Simone and Deacon Peter

Download the newsletter for 28th July 2019 (doc)

Download the newsletter for 28th July 2019 (pdf)